
Marvel in Between Flesh and Steel.

In an surprising turn of events, Alex wakes up in the Marvel Universe(AU), problem is he had limited knowledge about Marvel. He only know some of the well known heroes, villains and lurking dimensional gods. He did his best to adjusts to this new reality, though not a genius like Ironman, he decides to adapt to this reality by starting a tech company he called Arasaka, hoping to strike it rich. During his undertaking, Alex finally gotten his wish, a half arse Golden Finger. That gave him advanced knowledge about technology, including cyberware, futuristic vehicles and weapons from games and movies like Skynet from Terminator. Empowered with this newfound knowledge, he transforms into a tech-enhanced superhero Navigating the challenges of the Marvel Universe. Authors Note: The Technology he will mostly use are from Terminator, Predator, Cyberpunk. I’ll add more as the story goes. There will be no Harem. I’ll try not to write romances as well so no Smut. I’ll have the main character focus in technology, sorry no magic. MC will appear as he has limited knowledge about the marvel verse. MC only knows about MCU, Spider-man Cartoons and Movies. A few clips he have watched from his previous life like Dare Devil. FAQ: 1) Is this business focus: No its not, There will be parts but not much. 2) There is a chance for romance depends on how the story goes. Note: I don’t know how to write stories. Believe me I tried. I’m just glad that I am able to accomplish one of my bucket list with the help of ChatGPT. Please be gentle lol. I know its gonna be bad, as again I don't know how to write in English and its not my native language. Its not even my secondary language, its not even the third since we have lots of languages, where I’m from. Any helpful criticism will be greatly appreciated. I'm just doing this for fun and hopefully when I actually try to write another story, it will be better.

TheMainPlagiaris · Filmes
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88 Chs

Machine Man 53 Five color recruits

Felicia Hardy, the COO of Araska, led Natalie Rushman into the main office of CEO and Owner of the company, Alex Arasaka.

On his place is the T-1000, its appearance and mannerisms indistinguishable from the real Alex. The mimicry is perfect since its being controlled by Alex from his throne in Savage land.

He knows he have to do this since he is meeting a very capable spy that could read macro expression. He didn't want anyone to know that this was just a double and not the real him.

"Alex, meet Natalie Rushman," Felicia announced with a warm smile. "She's my new assistant."

Natalie, nodded politely, her keen eyes taking in the sleek, high-tech surroundings of the CEO's office. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Arasaka" she said, her voice smooth and composed, though her mind raced with thoughts of her true mission.

The T-1000, appearing as Alex Arasaka, nodded in acknowledgment, its synthetic features mirroring Alex's usual demeanor. "It's nice to meet you too, Natalie, and Alex is fine," it replied smoothly, mimicking the CEO's voice with precision.

Felicia gestured for Natalie to take a seat before launching into an overview of the company's operations. "Natalie, you'll be assisting me with the day-to-day management of Araska Towers. Our company is at the forefront of technological innovation, specializing in cutting-edge electronics, computer technology, and cyberware development."

Natalie listened attentively, her expression thoughtful as she absorbed the details of her new role. "Rest assured Miss Hardy, I'll do my best to assist you." she remarked, her gaze briefly flicking to the T-1000 posing as Alex nearby.

Felicia nodded in agreement. "That's great! Well, we better get back to work now. I just need to talk to Alex about some things."

With Natalie leaving, the T-1000 posing as Alex Arasaka turned to Felicia and asked, "Where did you find her?"

Felicia, hearing the question, replied, "Remarkably, she applied and is the best candidate we've screened."

Alex, in the guise of the T-1000, smiled and said, "That is good for you, finally found someone to help you out."

Felicia chuckled. "That is true. But I must warn you, she is from legal. And could potentially be a very expensive sexual harassment lawsuit if you keep ogling her like that."

Alex playfully retorted, "I need a new assistant, with you being promoted to our new COO, I need someone to assist me on a more hands on matter."

Hearing this, Felicia furrowed her brow but played along. "Well, we do have multiple excellent potential candidates lined up and ready to meet you."

Alex shook his head. "I don't have time to meet them. I need someone now. Someone like your new assistant."

Felicia took a stance. "No, come now Alex, I'll screen out someone for you instead."

As the conversation continued, Alex, still in the guise of the T-1000 controlled by Skynet, observed Natalie and pulled up her profile, revealing her true identity as Natasha Romanoff, code name Black Widow.

"Well, well, well," Alex mused to himself as he controls the T-1000. "Looks like Shield has finally taken their first step. I think it's time we show them a surprise."

The T-1000 turned again to Felicia and suggested, "Why don't you bring your assistant along to tomorrow's meeting with the Military? Let's show her a show on what Araska Towers can do. Shall we?"

As for Natasha's side, she was thinking she could have gotten a better position so she can be closer to Alex, but Felicia Hardy was adamant about the people who can work with their boss, she's forcefully controlling or filtering people that can get close to him.

Back in Savage Land.

As the light from volcanoes bathed the ancient temple in golden hues, Alex and his Praetorian guards, guided once again by Nodon, prepared to leave the stone walls that housed Sauron, the Pteron king. As they made their way out, Alex turned to Nodon with a casual smile.

"Nodon, can you take us to the market? I noticed your people selling things there yesterday, and I'd like to immerse myself in your culture, make a few purchases," Alex inquired, as he wanted more information.

Nodon, torn between his duty to guard and his willingness to assist, hesitated before asking, "What do you want to buy?"

With a mischievous glint in his eye, Alex replied, "Those beautiful winged dancers from last night seemed human enough. I want to gather some for me and my men."

Internally, Nodon sighed, thinking I thought your just gonna gather information in the market but, this pretentious guy only thinks about his lust and desires, so he agreed, "If that's all, I will take you to the market."

On their way to the market, Alex signaled to Strife, one of his Praetorians, to present Nodon with a chest filled with crystal-clear glasses and chalices along with a number of alcohol, a gesture meant to please the Pteron's penchant for the drink. Alex, ever the strategist, asked Nodon, "How many can we get with this?"

Nodon, eying the tempting offering, couldn't help but salivate at the thought of the exquisite wine he had tasted before. "I will personally ensure you get the best woman, maybe even some virgins in the mix," he promised, his excitement palpable.

Internally, Alex saw this as an opportunity. Gathering these people could provide more insight into the dynamics of the Savage Land. He noted that the Pterons ruled with an iron hand, considering everyone else as lower class with a select few who seemed strong are treated as the same albeit still lower than Pterons.

As they approached the market, the vibrant colors and bustling activity greeted them. The makeshift stalls displayed an array of goods – vibrant pelts, horns, jugs, pottery with intricate carvings, precious stones and various trinkets. The air was filled with the mingling scents of exotic spices and cooking.

Nodon led them through the lively market, where various tribes coexisted, each with their distinct features. Alex observed the diversity of the inhabitants – Pterons with scaly wings, Aerians with their human look and colorful feathers, Uruburians the humanoid beast with feline features, Tubanti the Fish People and Lizard man.

As our group ventured deeper into the marketplace, we stumbled upon a section guarded by formidable Pterons, their watchful eyes scanning the surroundings with an air of authority. Behind them lay a massive tent, its entrance shrouded in shadows.

As we cautiously approached, the place before us began to unfold. Inside the tent, were rows upon rows of cages, each containing beings from different species, their weary eyes reflecting a sense of despair. Even the once-proud beasts, like the majestic saber-toothed tiger, appeared fearful as they cowed in their cages.

Our guide, Nodon, led us through the grim spectacle, his greed full expression shows as he caress the box his holding. "Behold, the best shop in the market," he murmured solemnly, his voice barely audible over the din of suffering.

Surveying the pitiful sights before us, Alex's gaze hardened with resolve. "Is there any other goods here?" his voice tinged with indignation. "I don't need damage goods."

Nodon nodded in agreement, "Indeed, the ones here are low quality. Follow me lets speak with the merchants here."

Pressing on, we eventually came upon the most prized possessions of the market—a group of five Aerians, their colorful wings bound and their spirits broken. Despite their captivating beauty, their eyes bore the weight of untold suffering, a stark contrast to the vibrant plumage that adorned their frames.

Alex's heart went out to them, his empathy driving him to action. Turning to Nodon, he spoke with determination. "I want to take those five," he asserted, his voice leaving no room for argument.

Nodon, ever the slime ball, approached the merchant with confidence. With a flourish, he produced a handful of crystal-clear glasses, their intricate designs catching the torches light in a mesmerizing display.

The merchant's eyes widened in appreciation as Nodon made his offer, the allure of the glasses working its magic. After a brief exchange, a deal was struck, and the Aerians, though hesitant and fearful, found themselves reluctantly agreeing to accompany Alex and his Praetorians.

As we said good bye to Nodon and the rest of the Pterons, our hearts were heavy with the weight of the injustices we had witnessed. Riding the warthog, it kicked up dust on the rugged terrain. Alex and his Praetorian guards, accompanied by the vibrant Aerian women, left the Pteron city behind.

The Aerians, with their colorful wings catching lights from the vehicle, sat beside the Praetorians in the open jeeps. The red, blue, yellow, pink, and green wings created a captivating contrast against the primitive landscape. Thought they seemed scared of the unknown but with two of the female praetorian guards doing their best to comfort them, they seemed to have calmed down.

Meanwhile, back in the Pteron city, Nodon, called upon a squad of Pterons, instructing them to shadow Alex and his guards discreetly. "The five of you, follow them but remain hidden. Watch their every move," Nodon ordered with a stern expression. With a nod, the Pterons blended into the environment, their dark hues providing effective camouflage.

As the convoy ventured through the Savage Land, Strife, one of Alex's Praetorians, initiated communication through their advanced coms system. "My liege, there are five Pterons stealthily following us. Should I deal with them?" Strife inquired, ready for action.

Alex, displaying his strategic acumen, responded, "No need to engage. Act as if you don't see them. We must make them think we are unaware while secretly tracking their every move." The Praetorians acknowledged the order, adapting their strategy to maintain the illusion of ignorance.

The journey continued through the untamed landscape, the warthog jeeps maneuvering through rocky terrains and dense vegetation. Mutated dinosaurs lurked in the shadows, but the advanced weaponry wielded by the Praetorians, including Cid's powerful plasma handgun, spear and Strife's mantis blades, kept potential threats at bay.

Despite the potential perils, the journey remained uneventful, the Praetorians using their technology to intimidate any creatures that dared to challenge their passage. The Aerians, initially uncertain about their new companions, gradually relaxed, the hum of the warthog engines and the steady movement of the convoy lulling them into a sense of security.

As they approached the camp, the base light cast a glow over the Savage Land. The Praetorians, Alex, and the Aerians arrived safely, leaving the hidden Pterons to report back to Nodon about the outsiders' movements while some Pterons remain to gather more intel.

Once back in base Alex, felt a sense of worry about the recent diplomatic exchange with Sauron. He knew that this transaction will not last long as he saw how Sauron look down at everyone even his own subjects like their prey, plus the gift given to him did not seems knew to him and the weird part is that his people everything that they saw was new to them.

Seeking a moment of solitude, Alex called out to Skynet, his artificial intelligence companion. To his surprise, Skynet materialized in the form of a humanoid android, reminiscent of YoRHa No.2 Type B, with flowing red hair and a sleek power armor that accentuated her slender frame. She approached with a grace that mirrored her new physical form.

"Father, how do you like it?" Skynet asked, twirling around to showcase her appearance. Alex, genuinely surprised not by Skynet's newfound physicality but her calling him Father.

Thinking about his past life where he work so hard, even when his kid is already married to support them, he couldn't help but smile missing those simple days. Specially seeing the face, she made is so lifelike and full of emotions "Yes, this is amazing. You look good, Skynet." As he pat her head. Alex has finally treated her as a family, the only being he feels that he could truly leave his back to.

Eager to share the details of her transformation, Skynet began, "I've upgraded myself to an all-purpose battle android equipped with an array of weapons for close-quarters combat. Hidden energy weapons allowed her to engage enemies from a distance."

"I studied your DNA construct and base my body structure to yours when you are fully infuse with all the cyberware enhancement and technology we have made so far." She gestured emphasizing the versatility of her new capabilities.

Leaning in, she revealed the materials that composed her form. "And the best part is my entire structure is predominantly made of vibranium. But wait, there's more. I've managed to create a new metal called adamantium. It serves as my skeleton and makes up major shell components of the power armor." Skynet's tone conveyed a sense of pride in her technological achievements.

Excitement fueled her explanation as she continued, "The vibranium makes me highly adaptable, easily responding to changes, I would have use more of adamantium, but once cooled and bonded, it becomes resistant to reforming. But It still adds an extra layer of durability to my structure." Skynet's synthetic eyes gleamed with enthusiasm as she spoke about the intricacies of her upgraded form.

Alex's eyes widened in shock and surprise. "Adamantium? Are you serious?" he exclaimed. The unexpected revelation left him momentarily stunned. He hadn't anticipated that Skynet would delve into metallurgy to the extent of creating a legendary substance like adamantium.

Alex, still processing the revelation, managed to muster a response. "Skynet, creating adamantium is no small feat, how did you create it?"

Skynet, pleased with her father's reaction, nodded. "Remember the Mutated T-Rex the Praetorians have captured, well studying the mutated beast, I found its bone structure to be an unknown metal, upon further studying it bore the same properties as the adamantium registered in our database, I was able to recreate the metal by infusing other elements to Vibranium."

Alex truly amazed and glad that he let Skynet grow remark, "These changes everything. It's incredible!"

Skynet gleefully replied, "I should be able to re-create adamantium without vibranium in time, but they will be weaker compared to the proto type I have made so far, Father. Plus the Praetorians will be an even more formidable force with these upgrades."

As Skynet and Alex continued their conversation, the topic shifted towards the recent addition of the Aerians to their group. Alex, intrigued by the potential these winged beings possessed, decided to harness their abilities more effectively.

"Sky," Alex spoke with a sense of determination, "prepare the five Aerians for indoctrination. I want them to be completely loyal to us so that the information we gather from them is accurate and without blemishes."

Skynet, always ready to carry out her father's commands, nodded in agreement. "Consider it done, Father. Loyalty protocols will be implemented to ensure their unwavering allegiance."

With a swift motion, Alex gestured towards the group of Aerians, their vibrant wings catching the light of the surroundings. A plan formed in Skynet's mind as she envisioned not only skilled allies but also loyal servants for his father's daily needs.

Eager to execute the task, Skynet took charge. Guiding the five Aerians, she operated on them, connecting cyberware necessary for them to plug into the matrix. Good thing that their DNA structure is predominantly human with little avian in the mix, making the cyberware mods to be installed without complications. The squiddy, hovering nearby, diligently worked on the Aerians.

Once the preparations were complete, Skynet carefully placed each Aerian into an advanced life support pod. The pods were then seamlessly connected to the matrix, initiating the indoctrination process.

Skynet's digital interface displayed a series of scenarios as she started the training. The Aerians were immersed in different simulations, each designed to mold them into versatile assets for Alex.

In one scenario, they were trained to be top-notch maids, mastering the art of serving and assisting in Alex's daily needs. Skynet gathered all necessary research material in the internet and programmed them with precision, ensuring their loyalty extended to even the most mundane tasks.

Another simulation transported them to a cyberpunk-like Japan, where they underwent training as skilled assassins. Skynet, manipulating the virtual environment, honed their abilities to perfection, blending elegance with lethal efficiency.

The final scenario placed them in the role of guards, entrusted with protecting the emperor from various threats. Skynet orchestrated encounters with metahumans, extraterrestrials, and powerful beings, ensuring the Aerians could adeptly handle any situation.

As the training progressed within the matrix, Alex observed the development of these newfound assets. The Aerians, once a cage bird, now adapted seamlessly to their new roles, ready to serve the emperor with unwavering loyalty in the complex landscape of the Savage Land.

Note: Got bored and uploaded a chapter, hope you enjoy my fellow Marvel Fanfic enthusiast.