
Marvel in Between Flesh and Steel.

In an surprising turn of events, Alex wakes up in the Marvel Universe(AU), problem is he had limited knowledge about Marvel. He only know some of the well known heroes, villains and lurking dimensional gods. He did his best to adjusts to this new reality, though not a genius like Ironman, he decides to adapt to this reality by starting a tech company he called Arasaka, hoping to strike it rich. During his undertaking, Alex finally gotten his wish, a half arse Golden Finger. That gave him advanced knowledge about technology, including cyberware, futuristic vehicles and weapons from games and movies like Skynet from Terminator. Empowered with this newfound knowledge, he transforms into a tech-enhanced superhero Navigating the challenges of the Marvel Universe. Authors Note: The Technology he will mostly use are from Terminator, Predator, Cyberpunk. I’ll add more as the story goes. There will be no Harem. I’ll try not to write romances as well so no Smut. I’ll have the main character focus in technology, sorry no magic. MC will appear as he has limited knowledge about the marvel verse. MC only knows about MCU, Spider-man Cartoons and Movies. A few clips he have watched from his previous life like Dare Devil. FAQ: 1) Is this business focus: No its not, There will be parts but not much. 2) There is a chance for romance depends on how the story goes. Note: I don’t know how to write stories. Believe me I tried. I’m just glad that I am able to accomplish one of my bucket list with the help of ChatGPT. Please be gentle lol. I know its gonna be bad, as again I don't know how to write in English and its not my native language. Its not even my secondary language, its not even the third since we have lots of languages, where I’m from. Any helpful criticism will be greatly appreciated. I'm just doing this for fun and hopefully when I actually try to write another story, it will be better.

Ashinydecapod · Movies
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99 Chs

Machine Man 52 Meeting of Kings

The Warthog jeeps thundered toward the stone gate of Pteron City, kicking up huge clouds of dust in their wake.

One guard exclaimed, "Are they riding iron beasts?" Another guard pondered, "What in Gaia is that?" "Look at the speed they're going, it's so fast!" remarked another guard. Realizing the significance of the approaching visitors, one guard urgently instructed, "What the hell are you guys doing? Quickly inform Lord Nodon about the outlanders!"

As the vehicles came to a stop in front of the towering gates of the village nestled beneath the colossal Savage Land mountains, Alex and the Praetorians stepped out, ready to face whatever awaited them.

Cid stepped forward and declared, "Citizens of Pteron City, the Machine Emperor Arasaka has arrived!"

Nodon, the Pteron guide, greeted them with a gracious bow, his yellow-scaled wings neatly folded behind him.

"Welcome, esteemed guests, to our humble city," Nodon greeted, his voice carrying a hint of both reverence and excitement. The gate, a formidable structure of stones and wood, slowly creaked open, revealing the vibrant life within the protective walls.

As Alex and his praetorian guards entered the village, they were greeted by an entourage of Pterons and formidable Beastkin, whose feline features mirrored the majestic beasts of the savanna.

The Beastkin, Lizardmen and Pterons, armed with an array of vibranium cold weapons, stood ready. Nodon, with a flourish of his winged hand, introduced them, "These are our protectors and guardians, skilled warriors and hunters." Hoping that with this formidable number and weapons would deter the visitors from trying anything funny.

Alex and the Praetorians seeing this, didn't even glance that much only taking an interest on the Vibranium weapons they use.

Seeing that the visitors doesn't seem impressed or intimidated at all, was shock but kept to himself.

With that they all continued and enter the village. The jeeps navigated the narrow pathways of the village, passing ancient stone houses adorned with intricate Pterodactylus carvings.

The air was filled with a mix of earthly scents, foul smell of piss and shit, truly a disgusting place. It truly shows the Savage Land's primal essence.

Nodon took it upon himself to be the guide, providing a detailed narration of their surroundings. "This," he gestured to the stone houses, "is where our citizens reside. Each dwelling tells a story, a testament to our powers within the land." He continued, pointing to various structures, "And there, the marketplace where our traders exchange goods, and the communal areas where we gather to celebrate our victories and mourn our losses."

Looking at the goods Alex and the Praetorians guards are shock at what they are seeing. Slaves being sold like dried goods, naked Beatkins and Beastman they called Uruburians they are even seeing humans with colorful wings called the Aerians. Lizard man who are being hit for making simple mistakes, malnourish kids and other sapient beings treated as slaves.

Strife seeing this clench his fist and silently communicated with their Emperor, "my liege, they are selling slaves! We must punish these heathens!"

Silently communicating with his guards, "Not now we must scout and gather intel first, once we have the information, we need we will prepare."

As they continue, the city was a melting pot of diverse beings. Feline Beastkin dashed through the alleys, their agile forms blending seamlessly with the surroundings.

Lizard folk tended to vibrant gardens, and Pterons soared above, contributing to the bustling life below.

As the near the mountain the place is getting better and better, you could easily see how the other species are treated as lower beings compared to the stronger ones like Uburians and the Pterons.

As they approached the heart of the village, Nodon's descriptions became more animated. "And here, my esteemed guests, is the grand temple where our mighty King Sauron resides. A symbol of our strength and unity." His words dripped with admiration, and it was evident that he held his king in high regard.

The praetorian guards exchanged glances, observing the intricacies of the city. Nodon's explanations bordered on excessive flattery, but they remained silent, allowing the Pteron guide to express his loyalty.

As the team traversed through the inner city of Pteron, the citizens couldn't help but whisper amongst themselves, their voices tinged with curiosity.

"Is that the Sorcerer King the one on the flying throne?" one citizen murmured, casting a glance toward Alex and his Praetorian guards.

Another speculated, "How powerful do you think he is? I mean, coming with so few guards. Does he believe he can easily deal with the whole city?"

"Hush! Don't say that out loud," cautioned another. "Our King Sauron expressed great interest in these outlanders. Do you want to get us killed by speaking such nonsense?"

A passerby pointed out, "Look at what they're wearing and their weapons. They truly are otherworldly monsters!"

"Indeed," agreed another citizen. "Those metallic beasts they're riding look powerful. Do you think we can get our hands on those things?"

The whispers and murmurs followed Alex and his entourage as they made their way through the city, leaving the citizens of Pteron abuzz with speculation and intrigue.

With every step, the city unfolded before them like a living tapestry, revealing the coexistence of different beings within the Savage Land.

The group ascended the ancient stone stairs, leaving their warthog vehicles below. Two praetorians stayed behind to guard the vehicles, while the others, including Cid and Strife, flanked Alex, who sat on his floating throne. Nodon, the Pteron guide, led the way, guiding them through the towering temple structure.

The climb seemed to stretch into eternity, providing a panoramic view of the Savage Land. To the west, vast waters extended, while the north housed the praetorian camp. The east was a lush expanse filled with mutated dinosaurs, and the south roared with the fury of active volcanoes, painting the landscape with the glow of molten magma.

As they entered the colossal hall at the summit, the ancient temple's walls were adorned with intricate carvings depicting Pterodactyls and Mayan-like symbols. The atmosphere was eerie, heightened by the skulls of predatory creatures that adorned the hall.

On each side, vigilant Pterons brandished Vibranium spears, standing as guardians of the temple. At the center, against the wall, sat Sauron, an imposing figure exuding an air of authority.

Nodon, with a respectful bow, announced, "My King, Machine Emperor Alex and his entourage have arrive and come bearing gifts."

Sauron, the ruler of the Savage Land, sat upon his stone throne adorned with skulls and pelt of animals. His gaze shifted toward the approaching visitors, a flicker of concern shadowing his eyes. These unwelcome intruders were unexpected, he dreaded the day when the outside world might discover this land he had claimed.

As the floating mechanical throne descended, revealing its occupant, a man in striking black and gold mechanical armor with glowing energy lines, Sauron couldn't help but raise an eyebrow.

In Sauron's point of view the man who claims to be an Emperor and his guards are decked in neo militarism inspired gear, their helmets equipped with six green lenses looks very advance and they carry oversized rifles with chainsaws attached – a sight that left him momentarily stunned.

Inwardly, Sauron can't help but marvel at the technological advancement displayed by these outsiders. "Well, well... Look at the toys they bring," he mutters to himself. His mind races with thoughts of the vast changes occurring beyond the Savage Land.

"Only a few short years since I set foot in this land and asserted my dominance. Inconceivable, isn't it? Has the outside world advanced this much within just a couple of years?" He continues to ponder, internally contemplating the rapidly evolving outside world, he must know if anyone else know about this place and if not make these visitors become a permanent resident of his land, either as slaves or as food for him. But for now he must gauge how powerful his enemy is and tread carefully.

In the midst of his surprise, Sauron reminded himself of his own formidable abilities – the power to drain life and an immunity to fire and lava, he has the strength to easily defeat and wrestle any creatures with in this land. He maintained a composed exterior, hiding his wariness from both the visitors and his own subjects.

A Pteron guard, perhaps eager to assert dominance, shouted, "Kneel before the king!" However, the Praetorians stood firm, an unspoken challenge to the Pterons. On the floating throne, Alex, with his cyborg arm cradling his chin, responded with a serene smile, seemingly unbothered by the confrontation.

In a calm tone, Alex addressed the silent standoff, "Please do not mind my soldiers. They bow to no one except me." The Pteron guards tightened their grips on their spears, ready for potential conflict.

Sauron, stirred from his contemplation, raised his palm, signaling his Pteron guards to stand down. "I understand," he declared, acknowledging the delicate balance of power. Sauron Stepping down from his skull adorned throne, he approached Alex, his movements deliberate and confident. Doing his best to show that he deemed this outsiders are nothing more than an unexpected visitors and not a threat.

As Alex descended from his floating throne, the two leaders met in the middle, a sign of peaceful interaction but shadowed by hidden intentions from both parties.

Sauron's eyes scrutinized the Praetorians, marveling at their equipment and the spectacle of the floating throne. The incredible technology of their armor, the pulsating glow of energy lines, and the sheer weight of their weaponry left an indelible impression as these mere humans seem to be more powerful than he initially thought.

At night time within the temple of Pteron City which is currently illuminated by glowing plants and rocks and brazier fires, Sauron, the ruler of this mysterious realm, issued a command to his attendants. "Prepare a feast for our unexpected guests," he proclaimed, his voice resonating within the stone walls of his throne room.

Internally, Sauron grappled with conflicting thoughts. He understood the importance of assessing the strength and intentions of these outsiders before taking too much action, he wasn't a fool who will just blindly attack an unknown, he isn't like his subjects who is only accustomed to the brute tactics riddled in savage land.

Across the room, Alex, with his own thought told his Praetorian to stay vigilant, with a specific command he ask Cid to present the gifts they had brought.

As the Praetorians moved, presenting crystal-like chalices, goblets, and an assortment of sweets, the Pterons and other sapient beings marveled at the unfamiliar treasures.

The air was soon filled with the enticing aroma of the foreign delicacies, heightening the anticipation of the impending feast. One thing that Stand out to Alex, it seems Sauron has already seen similar things as he did not seem as surprise as his subject or it could be just a show to mask himself.

As the Pteron and Praetorian prepare for the feast. A long, intricately adorned table was set, a convergence of cultures, as the creatures of the Savage Land and the outsiders prepared to dine together.

In the midst of this cultural exchange, Sauron and Alex engaged in conversation. The festivities were accompanied by the graceful dance of Aerians – a feathered winged human. Their colorful wings matched their eyes and hair, creating a mesmerizing display as they danced gracefully to the rhythmic beats echoing in the hall.

As the humans and Savage Land beings conversed, Sauron took a sip of ale, savoring the unique flavor brought by his unwanted visitors. Alex, with a keen interest in the Savage Land, directed his questions toward the diverse inhabitants.

Sauron, with a certain pride, began to unveil the tapestry of sapient beings residing in his domain:

"As you know we are called Pterons, only the strong has the right to rule this land," Sauron explained, his eyes glinting with regal authority albeit appearing abit drunk.

"The Aerians are humanoids with wings, their delicate skin and beautiful faces, make the best servants." he continued, gesturing towards the captivating dance of the winged humans.

"Uruburians, Beastmen with feline features, hunters they are the second strongest, next to us Pterons." Sauron added, detailing the warrior-like nature of these creatures.

"The Tubanti, humanoid fish people, swift underwater and resilient on land," he continued, emphasizing the unique aquatic features of this enigmatic race.

"And the Lizard Men, humanoid reptiles, their strength are not up to par with beastman, their a bunch of waste only good for tending crops." Sauron concluded, offering a glimpse into the various civilizations coexisting in the Savage Land.

As the feast unfolded, Sauron and Alex engaged in a conversation that was both cordial and strategic. Seated across from each other, the imposing figures measured each other up, exchanging pleasantries while subtly probing for information.

Sauron, adorned in his stone throne, leaned forward with a casual air of curiosity. "Tell me, Human Emperor, how did you stumble upon our Land? What knowledge of the outside world brought you here?"

Alex, sipping from a crystal chalice, leaned back in his floating throne, a smile playing on his lips. "Ah, the wonders of coincidence," he began. "We were on a scientific expedition in Antarctica, exploring the mysteries of our world. Little did we know, we'd uncover a prehistoric land teeming with life and rich in Vibranium. It was quite the unexpected discovery."

Sauron's eyes glinted with intrigue. "Vibranium, you say? A resource of great value, indeed. To mine in my lands, you have to exchange some things. What can you give?"

Alex's gaze met Sauron's, and he spoke with a tone of assurance. "In exchange for mining rights, I offer goods and resources to benefit your people. Consider it a mutually beneficial arrangement. I have no intention of exposing this land to the outside world, and we can maintain a prosperous partnership."

While internally he is gaging how powerful this Sauron which stands Infront of him as he don't think his just an average Pteron like the rest with his distinctive green skin and strength. He must be one of the crucial characters in marvel. He just doesn't know if his a hero protected by plot armor or a villain he can kill now, so he just needs to absorb more to learn about this land and this so called king of theirs, before he proceed.

Sauron, ever the shrewd ruler, contemplated the offer. "A tempting proposition. We shall discuss the terms further. But first, tell me of the world beyond my borders. What has happened in the years?"

Alex, surprise it seems that this Sauron knows about the outside world. Since this is information don't cost him anything he becomes a storyteller and began to recount major events from the outside world. "The world has seen its share of challenges. There were economic crises, conflicts in various regions a protest over ruling parties, there is no major advancements in technology, conflicts arise with the eastern countries. It's a dynamic and ever-changing landscape. "

As the tales of the outside world unfolded in the ancient hall, a somber note found its way into the conversation. Alex, sitting on his floating throne, paused as if a distant memory had surfaced. "Ah, I almost forgot, a famous musician has recently died. Such a shame. He brought incredible music to the world."

Intrigued by this revelation, Sauron, who had ruled the Savage Land by force and kept secrets within the stone walls of his domain, couldn't help but express his curiosity. "A musician?"

With a nod, Alex replied, "Yes, someone called Michael Jackson. A talented man. It's a shame; he was a great performer."

Sauron felt a jolt of surprise and disbelief. Michael Jackson, the legendary musician, was his favorite. The connection to the outside world, particularly through music, was a secret joy he had guarded fiercely. However, in the presence of these outsiders, he couldn't afford to reveal such personal sentiments. Quickly masking his shock, Sauron redirected the conversation to safer grounds.

As the conversation shifted, Sauron's curiosity turned toward the advanced armor and weapons worn by Alex and his Praetorian guards. "Your attire and weaponry are unlike anything I've seen. Tell me about these marvels," Sauron inquired while thinking if Stark industries has already created such advance technologies.

Alex, with a touch of pride, explained, "These are creations of our organization, forged with cutting-edge technology. My Praetorians and I wear reinforced armor, enhancing our strength and durability. Our weapons are the result of careful design and engineering, ensuring efficiency and power."

As Alex engaged in conversation with Sauron, his mind buzzed with thoughts and assessments of the imposing ruler before him. From his vantage point on his floating throne, he observed Sauron's regal demeanor and the subtle hints of power that emanated from him like an aura.

As he had seen through his drones before the Pterons are actually capable of 2-5 tons of strength base on the individual, with Sauron being the strongest it should be higher than that and it seems his different from the rest… A mutation perhaps with unknown ability. It got him thinking that he must leave some bugs to monitor this particular mutated Pteron.

Plus one more troubling thing that Sauron had said previously, Only the strongest has the right to rule this land. His words echoing with a sense of entitlement that bordered on arrogance. As Alex glanced around at the various races under Sauron's dominion—the Aerians, the Uruburians, the Tubanti, and the Lizard Men—he couldn't help but feel a twinge of excitement maybe he can forcefully rule this land with his strength.

Although the way Sauron categorized each race, assigning them roles based on their perceived strength and usefulness, left a sour taste in Alex's mouth. Specially when some are even treated than slaves.

The notion that only the strong deserved to rule, while the others were relegated to servitude, clashed with his ideals, though he understands that the strong should be put on the pedestal but those with brilliant mind's should not be left out, this might be one of the main reason as to why this place is so barbaric and lacking in any sort of technology even with a great amount of Vibranium Deposits. As opposed to Wakanda who possesses the same miraculous metal but has already advanced far ahead.

But despite Sauron's outward diplomatic facade, Alex sensed an undercurrent of ambition and cunning lurking beneath the surface.

He knew that dealing with a ruler like Sauron will turn sour at one point, but he needed time, time to observe his enemies and prepare better weapons and defense to his base.

With his measly number of soldiers and basic defenses he can't handle the amount of numbers that his enemies can throw at him. He could possibly win the war but at what cost.

"Sauron may appear like a brute, but there's more to him than meets the eye," Alex thought to himself, his instincts on high alert. "I'll need to tread carefully and keep my guard up. In negotiating with someone like him, there's no room for complacency or naivety."

With that resolve firmly set in his mind, Alex continued to engage in conversation with Sauron, his outward demeanor calm and composed, but his internal thoughts swirling with caution and apprehension.


Savage land might take around 10 chapters, I know its long. But ii want to cover everything. its different to my earlier chapters which was covered in just 2-3 chaps and is fast phase. Hope you guys don't get bored but its really crucial to the stuff the MC need to progress, thanks for supporting this half arse fanfic.