
Need Help On Decisions

So, at the minute I'm thinking of having around 2-3 chapters on how the girl's arrival in the Garden of Eden affects Adam and his family, then fast-forwarding a few thousand years to the arrival of Odin, when he was a conqueror, and how he interacts with Adam, then around a thousand-year timeskip to were Odin is now peace-loving and how Adam and Eve interact with Odin and the Asgardians.

This will be the main premise for 10-20 chapters, with breaks in between, where Adam teaches some people and intervenes in wars and shit. I'm also thinking of having him fight some gods when they visit like the Olympians and shit, 'cause I don't think Adam would like what they were doing to his children/humanity, 'cause as the first human he kinda sees himself as humanity's father.

I'm also thinking of having Adam help Buddha reach enlightenment, to where he ascends and kinda becomes like Adam's best friend, after the Asgardians or at some point between there, it depends on how much of human history I want Adam to intervene in. I'd be basing this Buddha off of Record Of Ragnarok as well as he's too badass to not include and I think he would get along really well with Adam.

And eventually, after all of that, we would get to the main plot of Marvel starting with Captian America: The First Avenger as I'm pretty sure Adam wouldn't like Hydra and another World War, 'cause I imagine he wouldn't interfere too much with WW1 as he would see it as a period for humanity to grow. Doesn't mean he'd like it just means he'd see it as necessary for them to learn from their mistakes, 'cause although he was reincarnated he only has basic knowledge of stuff like tech levels and what period they fit in. His main knowledge advantage would be knowing the MCU movies and even then after such a long time that would have dwindled to the point where he only remembers key figures, maybe not even that.

But I'm not 100 percent sure what to do in between all of this. so if you could give me some ideas that'd be nice and if you think some of the stuff I've said is not that good of an idea let me know and give a reason as to why you think that and I'll consider changing that. But if it's about Buddha, you gonna have to try real hard to convince me 'cause I think that idea is cool as shit.

So please put your ideas in the comments and I'll see what I can do.

Your #27 Based author, The_Slumbering_One