
Marvel : Encounter with Infinity

In the Marvel Universe where heroes and villains exist and so does magic and science, a world with Infinite potential, a world where even the sky is not the limit, arrives a Person determined to explore and unravel its mysteries. What path would he choose in a different world facing a new but familiar reality? ----------------- Mark got transmigrated into one of the universes resembling the MCU during the events of ' Thor: The Dark World ' near The Reality Stone before Jane Foster.

Eternal_Paradox · Filmes
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3 Chs

1. The Disappointing Reality

In one of the infinite universes on a distant planet, two large rocks were suspended in the air using Asgardian magic and between them was sealed Aether.

For years, the Reality stone had been safely stored there but that was going to change. But with the nearing of Convergence, the seal on Aether was weakening and the Aether's influence was already affecting reality.


Late at night, Mark was sitting near the window of his room gazing at the stars.

There was no light to illuminate his room as he stared at the starry sky, thinking ' It has been so long since I've seen the sky, and the sky is unusually bright today '. 

While star gazing used to be his favorite hobby when he was young, these hobbies vanished as he aged, and the pressure of studies increased.

He did not hate studying but disliked the rigid and boring syllabus, he disliked how understanding and exploration took the back seat while memorization was prioritized. 

Mark began thinking while basking under the starlight, ' Would I get a good paying job after all this studying and even if I do get a good job, would I be able to enjoy my life that way? 

When I used to watch those science channels on TV where some scientists explained the workings of the cosmos, blackhole, and time travel, it used to make me so excited and hopeful that someday I too would be working to unravel the mysteries of the universe.

But, when the time to choose a career came I was confused and with no one to guide me, I ended up choosing the most mainstream line of Engineering.

I regret it! if only I had known earlier I could have studied more I would have focused on subjects of my interest, and I would have been doing what I liked instead of searching for a desk job'.

" How disappointing!! ", Mark lamented.


While Mark sat near his window thinking all this, Aether was releasing its energy, expanding its influence when convergence weakened the fabric of space in the nine realms. 

With the beginning of convergence, the space in the nine realms turned chaotic, weakening the seal put on the Aether by the King of Asgard Bor.

Wormholes of convergence were yet to form but the initial effects were already appearing and with it came the chaos created by the Reality Gem as it twisted the reality in nine realms as the space between them thinned. 

And then it happened, the magic restraining the Reality gem got overpowered and exploded and the massive stone above it came crashing down but it suddenly stopped as all its momentum vanished and it kept on floating as if possessing no weight.

All you can see between these floating rocks is glowing dark red liquid moving as if it is alive.

The Reality Stone was activated after so long, a vast amount of energy blasted out of it.

The fabric of reality was already too stretched near it, as it could not bear the pressure of convergence. But with the breaking of King Bor's magical seal and blast of energy from reality stone, it was finally torn.

The surrounding spacial energy rushed towards the spacial fissure to mend it. The hole in space was mended quickly but in the time it took to restore it, something was sucked in from it from outside, something or better to say someone that was not from this reality....


" How disappointing!! ", Mark said. 

Suddenly the lights in front of it disappeared as if a black hole had appeared in space. It looked like a cloth of absolute darkness was floating just one meter outside his window. Mark was scared, this unnatural phenomenon was happening within his hand's reach.

The first thought that came to his mind was to take a picture of it but he remembered that his phone had been discharged which led to him gazing at the star to pass the time while his phone was recharging. 

Mark didn't take his eyes off this strange bend in reality, fearing that it would disappear if he looked away.

The dark curtain suddenly started to shrink and Mark had little time to think as it was shrinking at a steady speed.

As Mark stared at the shrinking hole in reality, he knew once it disappears he would never be able to witness it again and without thinking much he extended his hand towards it.

In some part of his mind, he realized that what he was doing could be dangerous but he was unable to contain his curiosity as he reached for it. 

He didn't feel the touch of anything, but then he saw his fingers stretch into what he could only imagine as a wormhole.

He tried pulling his hand out but to no avail, he could only watch as he got swallowed by the wormhole.

As Mark fell into the wormhole, the crack in space slowly closed and then vanished as if it was never there.

Hey! guys I am new to all this so I hope you like it.

If you have any suggestions please leave them in the comments.

Would appreciate some power stones.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Eternal_Paradoxcreators' thoughts