
Marvel: Electro

Jack, a police officer, dies at the hands of his own fellow police officers after offending a wealthy businessman. As he lay dying, he wasn't angry with them, but strangely, he felt jealous of the rich businessman. He envied his power and the ability to manipulate people to his will. Jack yearned for that kind of influence, the power to stand in a position where he could accomplish anything and control anyone. However, he was killed before he could achieve his goal. Yet, fate granted him a second chance when he was reincarnated into the Marvel Universe as Electro. **** This is going to be an AU where things don't follow the original timeline of MCU, but majority of the plot will be based on the MCU.

DivineLordOfSloth · Filmes
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25 Chs

Chapter 21

Fury hears Max's voice in the speakers and says, "Shit. Maria, quickly think of something. Something that can either calm him down or redirect his anger."


Maria looks at Rick and says, "We can just hand him over and let Max redirect all his anger at him. We can also ask him what he wants."


Maria heard the whole story from Fury after the Skrull incident, and she also knew about Max's powers and capabilities.


Rick looks at Maria and says, "This bitc....." but doesn't get to finish again due to Max's voice being broadcasted in the speaker's "Time's up. You will now learn what happens when you mess with people you shouldn't."


Then immediately, everyone in the helicarrier slowly started feeling weightless. Things around them start floating, and before long, they are stuck to the ceiling and experiencing the drag from the helicarrier dropping from the sky.


Max, who was on the helicarrier, turned off the turbines that were keeping it in the air. The helicarrier lost altitude and immediately started going down.


Inside the helicarrier, Fury and Rick were screaming on top of their lungs. Maria was also terrified, but didn't show it on her face. 


Maria says to Fury: "Sir, you have to reason with him. If he crashes the helicarrier, not only the agents, but millions of people will die."


Fury, although still terrified, calms himself down a little, reaches out to his satellite phone, and calls Max. The call rings, but Max doesn't answer. 


Fury curses "shit" and tries again but doesn't connect. He keeps trying again and again before Max gets fed up by the ringing of his phone since Fury's calls will ring even if he has his phone on silent. 


Max picks up, and Fury says, "Thank God you picked up. Max, please make this stop, and we can discuss this like adults. If you crash the helicarrier now, it will not only kill the agents; many innocent people will die."


Max replies, "Don't worry about that. I made sure that the trajectory of the helicarrier was away from the city, and I also made sure that there was no living thing in the vicinity of the crash."


Fury says, "Please, Max, this wasn't S.H.I.E.L.D.'s decision. One retard thought this was a good idea and did this behind our backs."


Max says, "Fury, this whole incident triggered some memories—memories that are strongly burned in my memory. A man in those memories said that showing an example to your enemies will get rid of the unwanted thrash that can't do anything to you but still try shit and only end up annoying you. I've already made up my mind. If you ask nicely, I can spare you since I know you. As for the rest, they are going to set an example to not mess with me."


Fury heard Max, and he completely ran out of things he could negotiate with. He can't tell Max that all the governments will be against him, because even if they launched a nuke on him, he would come out without a scratch. 


Fury racks his brain, trying to think of any way to calm him down, and an idea comes to mind. He takes a deep breath and says, "Max, please think again. What would Carol think if she came back to Earth and learned that her lover turned into a killer?"


The helicarrier came to an immediate stop, and it was floating in the sky, with the turbines now working. Everyone fell from the roof to the floor, and the ones who worked in huge rooms fell hard to the ground.


Immediately, many medics on the helicarrier start running around tending to all the injured. Fury also falls to the ground, with his phone falling off his hand and on the floor beside him.


He then hears Max say, "Fury, you better pray that I am satisfied with what you are going to tell, because now I am even more pissed."


Max hated that Fury was using his girl to try and control him. Max could still kill them all, but it would definitely change how Carol looked at him. 'This is the last time this is happening. If he tries to pull this card again, I will make sure that there is no one alive to tell Carol that I killed people,' Max says in his head.


Fury moves the phone to his mouth and says, "I will get the council of members on a call immediately, and they will definitely not disappoint you."


Fury then immediately gets up, and Maria, who was nearby and was hearing the call, also immediately gets up. Since she heard the call, she understood what she needed to do and said, "Sir, you can go to Max and try to calm him down while I set up the call with the council members and get them to speed with the things that happened."


Fury nods and then walks to Rick, who is slowly getting up. Fury catches him by his arm and pulls him up. He then says, "Time to correct what you did, MF."


He then takes Rick with him to where Max was, which is the runway on the helicarrier where the jets take off. Fury and Rick get to the runway and see Max with a completely pissed face. Fury had seen this face once when Carol was captured by Yon-Rogg. 


Fury and Rick walk to Max, and Fury says, "Sorry, Max. We didn't know that this fool would do something like that. He lost his mind when he was demoted and did something stupid. I will make sure he and the field agents are punished for..."


Before Fury could finish, Max shot out multiple lightning bolts aimed at Rick. Fury could hear Rick scream in agony, but he couldn't do anything. Fury could see the rage in Max's eyes and hoped that he would calm down after venting it out on Rick.


After two minutes, Max was done, and Rick's body dropped to the ground, completely burned and showing no signs of life. Fury says, "We will make sure that the field officers are punished."


Max says, "Do you think they are still alive? Only the agent monitoring me and who uploaded my information is still alive, but she is also unconscious. She is only alive because Lisa and Ana requested he leave Natasha alive since they all grew up in the same place."


Fury couldn't see Max straight in the eye since he knew that after he used Carol to stop Max, their relationship, which was between an acquaintance and friend, just fell to an enemy.


Fury was just standing there, with an awkward silence between them. Fury then hears Maria say, "We are ready, sir," and this is what Fury was waiting for.


Fury says, "Follow me, Max. The call with the world leaders is set up, and the demands you have will be fulfilled."


Max walks with Fury to the same room he went to the first time he was on the helicarrier. The huge projection on the screen showed world leaders in random locations since it was a call that was arranged in a short amount of time.


Alexander Pierce was also standing there, near the projection of the council members, and was facing Max. 


A council member says, "Max, we are sorry for what Rick has done and are glad that you decided to talk this out instead of taking a rash decision. We are ready to compensate you for..."

She doesn't get to finish as Pierce stops her and says, "This is ridiculous. First, he keeps killers in his house; then he kills the agents who went to arrest him; he then threatens to crash the helicarrier and endanger thousands of people; and now we are acting like it is our fault. I told you that day itself that we should've kept him in his place."


Max glares at Pierce and says, "That's it. I've tolerated you enough."


Max then shoots a lightning bolt at Pierce, who didn't get to even react before his body starts trembling and then falls to the ground.


The other council members just look at Pierce with pity and don't react at all. They all knew that Max was strong, and he was someone they couldn't control or even fight against. Even powerful mutants like Magneto, who was also a great threat, have a few weaknesses. This was because they knew the full extent of his powers, while they knew nothing about Max except that his power was related to electricity. With the power Max could wield, wearing rubber gloves and boots to go against him is foolish.


The council members repeatedly told Pierce to control himself in front of Max, but he didn't listen. So, when they saw him get attacked, they only felt pity for him.


Max then turns to the council members and says, "Look, I didn't come to you for this. You came to me to let you guys live. I guess you still have no idea who you are messing with."


A woman among the council members says, "Max, we really tried to get that man to stay quiet, but he just doesn't listen. We will definitely take care of him, and we are very sorry on his behalf."


Max says, "Look, I am in a bad mood, so I will tell you what you need to do. First, get rid of the surveillance. You had your privileges, and you misused them. Next, clean all records on Ana and Lisa; they left that life, and you should leave them. Next, I am going to start a company and need a building; get that arranged."


The woman from the projection says, "We agree to all your demands, and we are also willing to invest in your company to show our good will. I hope this incident hasn't affected our relationship between us a lot."


Max replies, "Fine, just stay away from me, and I will help you when you have a threat you can't handle."


"I am pleased to hear that, Max. Sorry again for everything that happened," the woman said, and Ax just walked out.


Fury and Maria were waiting outside, and Max just walked by without talking to them, and he then flew off from the helicarrier.


Fury looks at Max flying off and says, "Is S.H.I.E.L.D. cursed to not have any strong allies? The mutants have a bad past with the government, and we had an incident with Bruce Banner a year ago, after which he was also angry with us. Captain America wants to stay away from all this, tired from fighting a war and only helping us when needed. Now, him too."


Max then returns back to his house and finds Ana and Lisa sitting near the door, with guns in their hands. Max lands in front of them, and they immediately go to Max.


Ana, who was still healing, wasn't able to stand for long. Lisa was helping her walk until now, and Max could see the pain on her face. He then numbs the nerves in her leg and holds Ana to help Lisa.


Lisa says, "Thanks, Max. This bitch is really heavy."


Ana shouts, "Hey! I can't exercise with my leg in this condition, and I only skipped it today."


Lisa says, "Take the hint, Ana; you were heavy from the start. Do you know how I struggled to get you here?"


Ana was about to say something, but Max stops her and says, "Ladies, calm down. Ana, you are not heavy. You have the body of an athlete. Now, shall we go inside?"


Ana looks at Max and says, "Thank you, Max. Now, I forgot to ask: What happened with you and S.H.I.E.L.D.? The anger you had when you flew off looked like you would make some bad decisions."


Max says, "Nothing happened. I demonstrated what would happen if they messed with me and then demanded a few things. One of them is for you."


Lisa says, "Oohh! What is that?" with her voice full of curiosity.


Max says, "I asked them to clear your record. So, you are not wanted criminals now. Also, you both don't have to kill people anymore. You will be working for me. You don't have to live as killers anymore."


"M...Max..." they both stuttered, their eyes tearing up, and looked at me with gratitude and relief.


Ana was already leaning against Max. He pulls Lisa to him and asks, "What...what happened?"


They both don't say anything and just hug him, their faces resting on his chest, with tears flowing, and it wasn't just gentle tears; they were crying like they had been holding these emotions all their lives and a dam had been lifted.


Max could tell that his clothes were completely ruined with tears and mucus, but he didn't disturb their moment. All three of them just stood there for an hour, and Max patted their backs to calm them down, but it only made them cry more.

After an hour, they slowly move their faces away from his chest and wipe the tears and snot on their faces. Lisa then looks at Max's shirt and says, "Sorry about your shirt."


Max says, "It's alright, I better get changed." 


Max then walks in with Ana and Lisa, following them. He makes Ana sit on the couch, with Lisa sitting beside her, and goes to his room to change. He changes to his clean pair and returns to the hall, where Lisa and Ana washed their faces and were sitting, leaning against each other.


Max sits before them and asks, "So, do you want to talk about what happened earlier, or..."


They both don't answer, and there is complete silence in the room. Max says, "If you are not comfortable saying that, then..."


Ana doesn't let him finish and says, "It was just what you said, Max. We were taken to a hellhole of a place when we were kids and trained to be killers. That's where I met Lisa and Natasha, the agents who ratted us out. Lisa and I managed to escape from that place, but we didn't know what to do. We were 15, and the only thing we knew was to kill and a few other things to help us get to places. So, we started killing for food, and everyone who knew us said that we were born to be killers. We don't want to kill people, but that's the only thing we know how to do properly. So, when you said we don't have to live as killers, we heard something we wanted to hear all our lives. We just wanted someone to say that we aren't just born to kill."


Max was speechless when he heard that. Sometimes, small things said to a person can mean a lot to them. Max sat beside them and rubbed their arms to comfort them.


Lisa says, "You didn't look at us with fear or disgust, even after knowing that we were killers. That's the reason we played all those pranks on you, to get closer to you, and you were the first person to come to mind in danger."


Max says to them, "I never looked at both of you as killers, just two people messing around with me. I can't do anything to change the past, but I can promise you that you don't have to live as killers anymore. You are just Ana and Lisa from today."


Ana and Lisa both hug him again and say, "Thank you." Max also pulls them into a hug, and they just stay like that for a while.

[I was gone for a while due to work and It might be the same the coming week. I will still try to write when I get time and post chapters.]

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