
Chapter 16

Back to Max, he enters the house, and where he enters his bedroom, he remembers that they broke the bed with their pounding. Max remembers his time with Carol and says to himself, "I am already missing her."

He then fries all the cameras and bugs in the room and flies off back to the city. He first orders a bed, a custom-made one made out of metal but with a layer of wood outside over it so it looks good.

He then visits a gift shop that has been deserted and is in a remote location. He enters the place, and there is an old woman at the counter, and she looks at Max.

Max walks around and finds a blue vase. He takes it to the counter, and the old woman rings it up. He pays and leaves with the vase. While leaving, he has a smile on his face, and he says to himself, "Now, all I need to do is visit Stark Industries, and I am done."

He then goes to all his martial arts classes and hits the gym, and there he noticed that even with only a little strength left in him after draining all the electricity to exercise, he was significantly stronger now. The session with Carol, who encouraged him to push past his boundaries, helped increase his physical strength.

He then finished gym, and it was already dark. He goes to McDonald's and gets a cheeseburger and fries. As he is walking through the streets munching on his cheeseburger and fries, the Oscorp building comes to his sight, and it reminds him of the Trask industries he decided on looking into a week ago.

Max then dials the number to their office, and the phone rings. A woman picks up the call and says, "Hello, this is the Trask Industries front desk," with the most lifeless voice you could hear.

Max says, "I would like to speak to Bolivar Trask."

The woman on the other side says, "Are you one of those people who want those crapy robots he made years ago? Let me tell you, he has had no relationship with Trask Industries since Hammer Industries acquired this company. They were even thinking of changing the name of the company."

Max asks, "Do you know how I can contact him?"

The woman replies, "What's in it for me?"

Max says, "I will send you $100."

The woman says, "Send it to my PayPal."

Max sent her the money, and after checking her account, she said, "I will give you his address. He now lives in a small shed by the lake to avoid people like you."

She then sends him the coordinates, which, when he entered them in the maps, showed that it was 30 miles from his house.

Before hanging up, Max says, "You know, he is staying far away to avoid meeting people, but what he doesn't know is that all it takes is 100 dollars to get his address."

Max hangs up while the woman on the other side is yelling at him, "You ungrateful ba..."

Max then looks at the address, and he says to himself, 'I am jobless right now, and so is he, but it is better to talk about important stuff when completely awake.'

With nothing else, he goes back to his house and has to sleep on the couch until his custom bed arrives. He went to the couch, and before sleeping, he wondered about the spy that he had noticed that morning.

He looks around and finds her hiding far from the house with binoculars to keep an eye on him.


Max then looks around and finds his hoodie nearby. He puts it in a small metal box and walks outside the house.


Meanwhile, Natasha Romanoff, who was monitoring him through her binoculars, sees Max walking out of his house and is on high alert. She then notices him looking straight in her direction.


She then saw Max take the pose of a javelin thrower, take a long run, and chuck something in her direction. 


She didn't have time to even react. Something boomed through the air and landed right beside her.


She immediately moved away from it, and it had opened up after crashing near her. She then notices a note on the inside of the lid, and since it was dark, she had to get closer to read it.


She slowly moves towards it, completely alert to jump away if something happens. She then looks at the note that reads, "Nice try, but it is impossible to spy on me without my knowledge. Here's my hoodie for the night. It gets pretty cold out here."


She then looks in the box and finds his hoodie. She picks it up and looks at Max, who is waving in her direction.


Since now her location is exposed, she has no purpose of staying there anymore, so she leaves the place to think of another way to monitor him.


Max was quite amused by playing with an agent's job and went back inside with a satisfied smile on his face.


The next day, he wakes up and gets ready to visit Bolivar Trask. He flies to his house and lands in front of it. He walks up to the door and rings the bell. Trask opens the door within minutes and says, "I promise I have changed and have not made any machines since then. Please leave me alone."


Max was first confused and then realized that he was talking to him like he would with mutants. 'He must have seen me fly and land near his house.' Max thinks.


Max then says, "No, although I have powers, I am not a mutant. I came here to do business with you."


Trask says, "No wonder my alarm set for mutants didn't go off. Also, I am not interested in any business deals. Those days are behind me. Please leave."


Max says, "I am here to make your dream come true, and that too without it becoming a weapon."


Trask looks at Max for a while and says, "Alright, you have two minutes to explain your idea."


Max then says, "Great. Let us talk inside where people can't hear us."


Trask then invites Max inside, and they both sit down in the living room. Trask then turns to Max, waiting for the explanation.


Max says, "I know what happened before your time in jail, and I just want to say that, even though the purpose of the Sentinels Project was wrong, it is a great project."


Trask says, "I've heard this a thousand times. Get to your idea quickly."


Max says, "Ok. I am starting a company, and I want you to work for me. In return, I will allow you to continue on the Sentinels Project. This time, however, the Sentinels aren't programmed to hunt down mutants; instead, we will program them to work as police."


Trask, who liked the idea, continued, "This will make it easier for the public to accept them since they can save lives where humans can't get to. Also, since my Sentinels are powerful enough, it will give humans a sense of security. Then mutants don't have to live in hiding."


Max asks, "Exactly. So, are you in?"


Trask says, "You have to try harder than that. I heard many people say stuff like this to my face, but in the end, everyone wants my Sentinels to weaponize them for power or money."


Max then says, "Then, how about this? You can program them to only listen to you and do what they are programmed to do. You don't even have to let me control them."


Max tried to use this because he could still control them with his powers since the Sentinels still run on electricity.


Trask looks at Max and says, "I will agree to your plan for now, but if I find you trying to tamper with my Sentinels, I am immediately going to destroy all my work and run off. I don't want my Sentinels to kill people."


Max says, "Wow, I really didn't expect this change from you when earlier you had ideas of wiping out all mutants."


Trask says, "Well, Mystique showed me that mutants might be different from humans, but there is a chance to coexist. Sure, in a few years, the count of normal humans will drastically decrease, but even mutants are humans, just with powers. That day, I decided not to look at mutants as a separate species but as just another race of humans."


Max, impressed by his realization, says, "Wow, you have changed a lot. I look forward to working with you."


Trask asks, "Before that, I need to know how much money you have. I will need a lot since I am still researching it to improve it."


Max says, "Around 17 million."


Trask says, "Not enough. You are going to need a lot more than that, even for any other projects you want to start."


Max says, "Cash shouldn't be a problem since I am trying something and it should work in a day or so."


Trask says, "I am going to believe you on this for once and don't do any shady stuff. I don't want to go to jail again."


Max says, "Trust me. Nothing will happen to you. Now, the next step is to start a company."


Trask says, "Do you really want to go through all the paperwork of starting a company? It took me a year to complete the paperwork to get the company on paper. It is better to acquire an already existing company."


Max asks, "I first thought of acquiring your Trask industries, but Hammer Industries beat me to it. Do you have any company in mind?"


Trask says, "I still stay updated on the things happening in the world, and this person might be very helpful to us now."


He then walks to his laptop and opens the company page of a South Korean company. Max looks at the owner of the company and immediately recognizes her. 


Helen Cho was the most unnoticed character who was smart enough to make a device that could make body cells and modify the device to make vision.


Max remembered her because, when he was watching the movie, he felt that she wasn't used properly in the movies.


Trask says, "She is an excellent scientist in cellular biology, and her work is remarkable. She started her company a year ago, but she still couldn't get enough investors because people thought her work wasn't possible. If you acquire her company, she can continue working on her project like me, and you will have another great scientist."


Max says, "Great. I will visit her today and get this over with."


Trask then asks, "You can fly right. Great power to have. Do you know how much I spent on plane tickets traveling everywhere to talk to investors? I am curious as to how you can fly if you aren't a mutant."


Max says, "Not now. I will tell you when I trust you enough."

Max then leaves the house and flies off. Trask looks at Max flying off and then goes back into his house with a smile on his face and mumbles something.

Meanwhile, in a club in Los Angeles, a man with blue skin appears out of blue smoke. He had claws and a tail with a pointed end.

In front of him is a woman with blonde hair, a white dress, and a white fur coat. She looks at the man before her and asks, "So Kurt, who visited that bastard this time?"

The man with blue skin, Kurt Wagner, also known as Nightcrawler, replies, "I think it was a mutant. He could fly."

The woman with blonde hair, Emma Frost, was surprised when she heard that. She asked, "Did you find out what he wanted?"

Nightcrawler said, "I couldn't get close to the house with that man's mutant detector. He flew away after they were done talking, but this meeting was different from the previous ones. Earlier, that man used to send away everyone at the door, but he invited this man inside, and when the man left, Trask had a smile on his face."

Emma thinks for a while and says, "Ok. Find out more about the man who visited him. I want to know what his intentions are and also find out what powers he has. He could be useful to us if he isn't the dog of the government or brainwashed like the kids in that baldy's school."

Kurt nods and disappears into a cloud of black smoke. 

[I am really sorry for not posting for two days. I had a lot of work from the office, and it is slowly starting to build up. There might be more times like this in the future.]

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