
Marvel Dark Overlord !

After being reborn into the Marvel world, Jason Walter acquired the Big Villain System which rewarded him for committing evil acts daily and allowed him to increase his prestige by recruiting fellow party members. With the help of his system, Jason engaged in a variety of wicked deeds such as cuckolding the Kingpin, kidnapping Tony Stark, assassinating SHIELD agents, and even robbing the Infinity Stones I don’t own anything this is not my novel. I AM editing it making it more fun

NobleNexus · Filmes
Classificações insuficientes
69 Chs

Part 3

Jason donned his body armor, attaching two grenades to his chest, stuffing magazines into his armed belt,

"Ugh, these grenades are so last season," he groaned, eyeing the mismatched colors.

He then proceeded to stuff his pockets and belt with magazines, but not the reading kind. No, these were the bullet-holding kind. As he loaded his guns with safety, he couldn't help but think about how ironic it was to have safety on weapons designed for danger.

Next up, the travel bag. Jason unzipped it to reveal a wad of cash totaling $530,000. He glanced around furtively, then whispered to himself, "Don't tell anyone, but this is my retirement fund."

There were two reasons for this. First, all of his money was unreported income and therefore couldn't withstand an IRS audit. Second, if he was ever targeted by the police and his accounts were seized, his hard-earned savings would end up in the police's possession.

However, carrying such a large amount of cash was obviously impractical for an escape. After some hesitation, Jason decided to exchange all the cash for system points via the system interface.

[Ding! The points have been successfully redeemed. You now have 53 points remaining!]

As Jason stood on his balcony, he couldn't help but admire the stunning view of the city skyline. He took a deep breath and thought, "I should really take up painting." But before he could ponder further, he heard a loud noise from outside his apartment door. "Oh no, the mafia is here!" he thought.

Jason quickly grabbed his trusty rope and threw it over the balcony railing. He had calculated the exact length needed for a safe landing, so he didn't have to worry about any pesky broken bones.

Jason rushed to the door of the room and crouched down, cautiously opening the bedroom door just a crack. Suddenly, there was a loud noise, causing the lime on the wall of the apartment door to shake off, and the air was immediately filled with smoke.

As the third sound rang out, the security door of the apartment was violently kicked open, shattering it into fragments. Seven or eight masked members of the mafia charged into the room, brandishing automatic rifles.

Thinking quickly, Jason pulled the pin of a grenade, tossed it into the midst of the attackers, and shouted, "Fire in the hole!"

The grenade rolled with precision to the feet of the mafia members.

"Oh, shit!" they exclaimed.


The explosion sent several of the attackers flying, their limbs and arms now nothing more than bloody stumps, instantly staining the once-pristine living room with red.

The smoke alarms were triggered, and water began pouring from the ceiling, leaving the apartment in shambles.


"Well, at least it's a good thing I'm not renting," he joked to himself.

[Ding! Kill three mafia, get 300 villain points, current progress: 320/1000]

[Ding! Injury two mafia, get 100 villain points, current progress: 420/1000]

Jason surveyed the room, admiring his handiwork with the grenade. "Not bad," he thought to himself, "three dead and two wounded. That's a decent kill-to-grenade ratio."

He scoffed at the idea that taking a life was only worth 100 villain points. When did human life become so cheap?

Suddenly, he heard a familiar voice shouting from outside the door. It was Vladimir, the older brother of the Russian killers. "Jason, surrender now! You can't run away forever!"

Jason chuckled to himself. "I'll bet you my left testicle I'll escape today," he taunted through the door.

Anatoly, the younger brother, also chimed in. "You're as good as dead, Jason! You can't hide from us forever!"

But Jason was ready. He pulled out another grenade and rigged a booby trap at the door. He closed it, waiting for the unsuspecting brothers to take the bait.

"Fuck you both!" he shouted. "I'll see you in hell!"

A year ago, the brothers had come to New York's Hell's Kitchen with a group of Russian killers. They had no connections, no resources, and no land, so they sought refuge with Kingpin and made a living by doing his dirty work. But now, Jason was determined to get the upper hand

These Russians may not be the brightest bulbs, but they sure have short fuses and love stirring up trouble.

After downing just one bottle of vodka, they start calling Kingpin by his real name, as if they're old buddies.

And after two bottles, they get brave enough to put a gun to Jason's head, as if they have a death wish.

Out of all of Kingpin's shady partners, these Russian mobsters are by far the most unruly and disobedient. Kingpin has been itching to get rid of them for ages.

Now he's sent two brothers after Jason, hoping to kill two birds with one stone. Not only will he eliminate a thorn in his side, but he'll also weaken the power of the Mafia.

That fat cat is one sly fox, I tell ya.

Outside the door, Anatoly was itching to blow Jason up with an RPG, but Vladimir had other plans: "No, Jinbian wants him alive. We need to capture him to get our land."

Outside the apartment, Vladimir shouted towards the door: "Jason, surrender now! I promise not to kill you!"

But there was no response from inside.

"Jason, can you hear me?"


Little did they know, Jason had already set up his escape plan. He donned his tactical gear, put on a black mask, and started rappelling down the side of the building.

The explosion caused by Jason's booby traps had attracted a lot of attention from passersby, who thought it was just a gas leak.

But when they saw a hooded man with guns rappelling down from the balcony, they knew it was no ordinary explosion.

"Holy shit!"

"What the hell is going on?!"

"Call 911, quick!"

The onlookers couldn't believe what they were witnessing. Some of them started to back away slowly, while others pulled out their phones to call the police. One person even tried to take a selfie with the explosion in the background, but their phone flew out of their hand from the shockwave.

As the smoke cleared, a lone figure could be seen rappelling down from the balcony. One person in the crowd shouted, "Look, it's Bird-Man!" to which someone else responded, "No, dumbass, it's Batman!"

Suddenly, there was another explosion, and everyone screamed and ran in different directions. One person tripped and fell, but quickly got back up and continued running, saying, "I'm too young to die!"

As the chaos ensued, one thing was for sure - this was not your average Tuesday night in the city.

[Ding! Kill a mafia, get 100 villain points, current progress: 520/1000]

Jason wasn't satisfied with the booby trap's killing effect, as only one person had died. However, he was more concerned with delaying time to ensure a safe landing. With less than forty meters left, Jason pulled out his Beretta M9 pistol and aimed at the balcony of the apartment he was descending from. After a short while, a dark figure appeared on the balcony, looking down. Jason stopped rappelling, held the rope with his left hand, aimed with his right hand, and pulled the trigger. "Bang, bang, bang!" Three shots rang out, and the figure screamed before disappearing

[Ding! Wound a mafia, gain 20 villain points, current progress: 540/1000]

As Jason continued his descent, he couldn't help but wonder why he only received 20 villain points for injuring a member of the mafia. Perhaps the person was only lightly hurt, he thought. Regardless, Jason didn't dwell on it for long.

Holding the rope with one hand, he shook and swayed as he descended. The unstable position, coupled with the weight of the gun in his other hand, made it difficult for him to maintain a steady aim.

Despite this, he managed to hit his target on the balcony with three shots. A ding sounded in his head, indicating that he had wounded a mafia member

Satisfied with the effect, Jason used the distraction to quickly rappel down. He was now only twenty meters from the ground