
Marvel Dark Overlord !

After being reborn into the Marvel world, Jason Walter acquired the Big Villain System which rewarded him for committing evil acts daily and allowed him to increase his prestige by recruiting fellow party members. With the help of his system, Jason engaged in a variety of wicked deeds such as cuckolding the Kingpin, kidnapping Tony Stark, assassinating SHIELD agents, and even robbing the Infinity Stones I don’t own anything this is not my novel. I AM editing it making it more fun

NobleNexus · Movies
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69 Chs

Part 4

Jason's apartment balcony

Anatoly shivered in fear as he watched his subordinates scream while covering their ears on the apartment balcony.

"If it weren't for you pulling me back just now, my ears would have been blown out by this son of a bitch's accurate marksmanship," he said to Vladimir, his heart still pounding.

Vladimir's face darkened as he scanned the scene, his eyes landing on the rope fastened to the balcony railing. A vicious and vengeful expression appeared on his face as he formulated a plan.

"Let's cut the rope. If Jason falls from a height of thirty or forty meters, he'll never be able to walk again. We can catch him alive, trade him to Jin, and make a deal," he suggested.

Anatoly grinned as he pulled out his Colt M1911, taking careful aim at the rope. With a sharp crack, two bullets pierced through the rope, leaving two large holes. However, the rope remained intact.

"What? This rope is too strong," Anatoly exclaimed in frustration.

Vladimir shook his head, "This is a military-grade drop rope, made of the strongest composite materials, and it's often used for helicopter missions."

"Damn, this guy really came prepared for his escape," Anatoly muttered, as he stepped closer to the edge of the balcony, ready to take another shot.

Gunshots echoed from the top of the apartment building, sending a jolt of fear down Jason's spine. He knew that his worst fears had come true.

"Hurry up! Hurry up!" Jason urged himself, pulling down the rope as quickly as possible.

The gunshots continued to ring out, and Jason felt the rope vibrate violently beneath his grip.

"Bang! Bang!"

Two more shots rang out, and suddenly the rope snapped.

Jason's heart dropped as he lost his grip and began hurtling towards the ground. With only fifteen meters left to fall, he knew that he was in grave danger.

Acting on pure instinct, Jason twisted his body and used the strength of his waist and abdomen to regain his balance. With his feet facing the ground, he braced for impact.

With a loud thud, Jason hit the ground hard and kicked up a cloud of dust. He quickly scrambled to his feet, limping and clutching his ankle in pain.

The onlookers watched in shock as Jason stumbled and rolled several times, eventually coming to a stop in a heap on the ground. Falling from a height of fifteen meters was no easy feat, but somehow Jason had managed to survive.

Falling from a height of fifteen meters is not exactly a graceful endeavor. Jason landed with a loud thud, causing nearby pigeons to scatter in a panic.

As he tried to stand up, he resembled a newborn deer, wobbling and stumbling around until he finally found his balance.

"Ow ow ow!" he groaned, clutching his ankles like a toddler who had scraped his knees.

Jason looked around frantically, hoping to find a hiding spot or a kind soul who could help him. He spotted a nearby shopping mall and thought to himself, "Well, I guess it's time for some retail therapy."

With his painful hobble, Jason made his way towards the mall, tripping over a few cracks in the pavement and almost colliding with a street vendor's cart.

"If only I could be pursued by some hot supermodel instead of these goons," he muttered to himself, hoping for some Hollywood-style redemption.

As Jason stumbled forward, trying to escape, he heard the sound of gunshots behind him.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

He felt a sharp pain in his back, but thanks to his trusty bulletproof vest, he wasn't hurt too badly.

Still, the impact of the bullets was so strong that it knocked him off his feet and onto the ground again.

"Ugh!" Jason groaned, struggling to get back up.

As Jason ran frantically through the crowded streets, he knew he had to stay on the move to avoid the mafia's bullets. He weaved in and out of the throngs of people, using them as human shields.

While this wasn't the most ethical approach, it proved to be effective in keeping him alive. The mafia sprayed the area with gunfire, but Jason managed to dodge most of the bullets.

A few unlucky bystanders were caught in the crossfire and fell to the ground, but Jason's quick movements prevented him from getting hit directly.

One stray bullet grazed his left arm, causing him to flinch in pain, but he kept running. He knew he couldn't stop until he found somewhere safe to hide.

He endured the severe pain, pressed the wound hard, and ran desperately towards the mall.

[Ding! Kill an innocent passerby indirectly, get 100 villain points, current progress: 640/1000]

[Ding! Indirectly wounded six innocent passers-by and gained 300 villain points, current progress: 940/1000]

At the cost of sacrificing seven innocent passers-by and an arm, Jason finally broke into the mall.

He stumbled into the ice cream shop at the entrance of the mall and collapsed onto the counter, gasping for air. He immediately examined his left arm, which had been hit by a bullet.

He could see the dark yellow bullet lodged in his muscle, a sign that it had ricocheted. "Thank goodness it wasn't a direct hit," Jason thought to himself.

Using his fingers, he carefully probed the wound until he felt the bullet. With a deep breath, he pinched the bullet and yanked it out with a sharp tug. The pain was excruciating, and Jason gritted his teeth to prevent himself from screaming.

Blood soaked his clothes and trousers, and sweat beaded on his forehead. He quickly tore off a piece of cloth from his sleeve and wrapped it tightly around the wound to stem the bleeding.

As he finished bandaging himself, he heard footsteps approaching the door

The onlookers had already fled, leaving only the approaching footsteps of the mafia. Jason realized that he had no other option but to rely on the system to survive.

He weakly lifted his arm and opened the system's mall interface, scrolling through the available skills

[ System mall: proficient in cold weapons, proficient in fighting, proficient in firearms, proficient in driving, proficient in flying driving, proficient in special operations, proficient in special driving..]

Jason quickly browsed the mall interface, thinking quickly in his mind, what skills to learn to get him out of the predicament.

After a few seconds, Jason clicked on Gun Mastery.

In the current situation, apart from guns, he really couldn't find a second option.

[Firearms Proficiency Level 1 (already obtained)]

[Firearms Proficiency Level 2 (already obtained)]

[Firearms Proficiency Level 3 (already obtained)]

[Firearm Proficiency Level 4 (already obtained)]

[Firearms Proficiency Level 5 (not obtained)]

Click Firearms Proficiency Level 5.

[(Required: 50 points; Strength: 30, Agility: 35, Stamina: 30, Intelligence: 35,)]

Bah! What a FUCK system, there are still condition." Jason scolded in dissatisfaction, and quickly opened the main interface of the system to check his attributes.

[Power 33]

[Agility 32]

[Endurance 30]

[Intelligence 28]

His four-dimensional attributes are still 10 attribute points away

from the requirement of [Firearms Proficiency Level 5].

He was currently only 60 points away from reaching level 2