
Marvel a Story : Isekai

The usual story, An average guy with an unremarkable life, until one fateful morning when he wakes up in the Marvel Universe! Not your typical superhero origin story, he finds himself thrust into a reality where spandex-clad heroes and nefarious villains roam the streets. SIOC/No Harem probably. 1st Story ever

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8 Chs

Chapter 1 – My Second life is not as amusing as i expected


Saga's eyes slowly flutter open, and he finds himself in an unfamiliar bedroom. He sits up, feeling disoriented as he takes in his surroundings.

"Where am I? This doesn't look like my room," Saga whispers to himself, trying to make sense of the situation.

Memories of his alternate self's life flood his mind, and realization dawns on him.

"Wait a minute... I'm in an alternate reality! How did this even happen?" he muses aloud, sitting up in bed. He ran his hand through his jet-black hair, trying to process the fact that he was now in the Marvel Universe. It was mind-boggling, to say the least.

Taking a deep breath, he decided to calm himself down and gather information about his current situation. His alternate self was a 17-year-old living in 2008. "Great, now I have to go through high school all over again," he said, trying to add some humor to the absurdity of the situation.

Deciding to gather more information, he starts exploring the room and stumbles upon a computer. He attempts to use it to learn about this world, but the slow internet connection frustrates him.

"Ugh, this computer is so slow... and the internet connection? Forget about it," he mutters in annoyance.

Nonetheless, he finds references to familiar names like Captain America, Stark Industries, and Oscorp.

"Oh, you've gotta be kidding me," I muttered, disbelief washing over me as I found myself faced with familiar names on the internet – Captain America, Stark Industries, Baxter Foundation, Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters, Oscorp. It was like the Marvel Universe had opened up and swallowed me whole! And to think, I wake up one day, and bam, I'm smack dab in the middle of this Marvel madness!

Who's the genius behind this grand entrance, huh? Stan Lee on steroids? Some cosmic entity with a wicked sense of humor? Well, congrats to you, oh mighty fourth-wall breaker, you've successfully catapulted me into the land of spandex and superpowers!

"Oh, hell, this is NOT happening!" I exclaimed, feeling utterly bewildered. "I mean, I've seen the MCU, but I never signed up for this Marvel madness! I'm not even a die-hard fan."

Sure, I can appreciate the awesomeness of superheroes and villains, but I'm just a regular dude! Where are my powers? My spandex? My tragic backstory? Oh, wait, I don't have one! I'm just a guy who likes napping and binging on junk food, not battling evil overlords!

And can we talk about the sheer absurdity of this situation? I mean, seriously, who gets to wake up in a comic book world? Is there an instruction manual for surviving Marvel? Please tell me it comes with a "How to Dodge Random Superhero Fights" chapter! How did I end up here? Did I step into the wrong movie theater, and now I'm stuck in some bizarre interdimensional movie marathon? Maybe Thanos used the wrong gauntlet and brought me along for the ride!

So, let me get this straight. We got Captain America, Stark Industries, and Oscorp – sounds legit. Few years before Iron Man kicks off? When is it again? A pre-MCU universe with Charles Xavier, but no X-Men yet? Reed Richards, but no Fantastic Four? What kind of teaser is this? I'm in some sort of Marvel prequel universe? This is like the calm before the superhero storm, and I'm caught right in the eye of it.

Seriously, who do I blame for this mess? Stan Lee? The multiverse? Come on, give me a break! I only watched the MCU, and now I'm supposed to navigate the entire Marvel universe? This is like trying to watch all the Shonen Jump anime in one sitting – a herculean task!

With every passing second, the confusion escalates. Maybe this is a dream? Or some elaborate prank? Wait, did I stumble into a cosplayers' convention gone wrong?

I shook my head, dismissing the thought. Nah, this feels way too real. And there's no director calling 'cut' or hidden cameras. Darn it, why can't I be like Deadpool and just break the fourth... oh, never mind.

But the more I learned, the clearer it became – danger lurked around every corner, and I was way out of my league. Okay, time to panic. Wait, no, stay calm. Or should I panic? Ugh, decisions are hard. Thoughts were racing in my head like a squirrel on energy drinks.

There's no denying it – I'm in Marvel, and I have no idea what I'm doing here. No superheroes to save the day yet, only Shield and Hydra running the show. It's like I'm stuck in the limbo of the Marvel timeline. This is not going to end well. Can someone get the director and ask for a rewrite, please?

Just then, Aunt Cass calls out to him from downstairs, interrupting his thoughts.

"Saga, Are you ready for school? Breakfast is ready!" Aunt Cass's voice rings out urgently.

I groaned, rubbing my temples as Aunt Cass's voice echoed from downstairs. Breakfast was the last thing on my mind right now. How could I possibly think about school or food when I'm stuck in this Marvel madness? But I guess that's just the reality of life – even in the midst of chaos, breakfast waits for no one.

Another surprise in this reality is my alternate self so-called "aunt" Cass Hamada. She's not really my aunt, but my late mother's friend. However, my alternate self, think of her as a second mom, and why wouldn't I? She gave me a home, took me under her roof, fed me, clothed me, and definitely loved me as her own. We may not be blood, but we are family.

But here's the kicker – she's from the animated movie "Big Hero 6," not the Marvel Universe. So how on earth did she end up here with me? I mean, Disney produced both "Big Hero 6" and the MCU, but that doesn't mean they're supposed to mix and mingle! This isn't some wild crossover event, right? I really hope not.

'No... no... no... no... I shouldn't jinx it, especially in this world where jinxes could come true.' I shudder in fright

Back to Aunt Cass. Based on my alternate self memory, I'm pretty sure she doesn't have nephews Tadashi and Hiro Hamada, or maybe they exist but had a different life, and I was the one that lived with her. Like her counterpart, she owns the Lucky Cat Café, a charming place nestled in New York's East Village. No San Fransokyo here, just good old Manhattan. The café has this inviting vibe with warm colors, wooden accents, and all the coziness you could ever want. Pastries and friendliness are their specialties, attracting all sorts of folks, including students like me.

Yup, that's right. We both live on the second floor of the café. Talk about convenient! And let me tell you, home is a pretty comfy place. But here's the funny thing – my counterpart in this reality, he's a bit of a shut-in. I don't think he ever helped in the café .Acceptable grades, sure, but close friends? Nah, he found his buddies online while playing World of Warcraft. Me? I was more of a console gamer in my previous life. I wonder what happened to him – did he vanish into thin air, making way for me? Or did we merge together like some cosmic fusion?

I wonder what happened to my counterpart. Did he die, and I occupied his body, or did we merge together? As far as memories go, he led a rather quiet life in high school - no bullies or anything.

It's rather depressing to think about, honestly. Back when I was his age, I was quite active in sports - a shooting guard in the basketball team and a playmaker in football... oops, soccer, now that I'm in the USA. Should I join a team here? Nah, regardless of my body's current age, I am still an adult. Wait... did I just make a quote that I'm too old for this stuff? I chuckle dryly

I groaned loudly as Aunt Cass's voice echoed from downstairs, nagging at me like I was a little kid who couldn't tie his own shoelaces. "Saga, are you ready for school? Breakfast is ready! And don't forget to brush your teeth properly!"

"Yeah, yeah, I heard you the first time," I mumbled, rolling my eyes. It's not like I'm a five-year-old who needs constant reminders. I'm a grown man – well, sort of, thanks to this whole reality mess.

As I descended the stairs, I could practically feel her watchful eyes scrutinizing me. "Do you have all your homework? And did you pack your lunch? You know how cranky you get when you're hungry."

"I'm not a kid, Aunt Cass," I grumbled, trying to retain some semblance of dignity. But she was having none of it.

"No talking back, young man," she scolded, hands on her hips. "I've been taking care of you since your parents passed away, and I won't stop now, no matter how old you think you are."

I sighed in frustration, feeling like a teenager again, being nagged at for every little thing.

"Okay, okay, I'll double-check everything, alright? Happy now?"

She gave me that smug look of victory, and I knew I was defeated. "That's better. Now, sit down and eat your breakfast. You need a good meal to start the day."

As I reluctantly sat down at the table, she placed a plate of pancakes in front of me, drenched in syrup. "You know I prefer them without syrup, Aunt Cass," I muttered, but she just shrugged it off.

"Nonsense. You need all the energy you can get to face the big bad world out there," she said, giving me a playful pat on the head.

Big bad world? Try navigating the Marvel Universe without any superpowers or knowledge of what's going on. That's the real big bad world, and it's not like syrup will save me from it.

She continued to fuss over me as I ate, making sure I had enough to eat and that I didn't spill anything on my shirt.

"Aunt Cass, I can take care of myself, you know," I grumbled, feeling annoyed and embarrassed at the same time.

"I know, dear, but I can't help myself. You're like a son to me," she said with a warm smile.

And just like that, my annoyance melted away. Despite the nagging, the treating me like a child, and the overprotectiveness, I knew Aunt Cass cared about me deeply. She took me in when I had nowhere else to go, and she loved me like her own family.

Embarassed, I tried to change the subject. "Sooo… why haven't you opened the café today?" I asked, awkwardly.

"Ahh, Robin quit yesterday. She's going to move to San Francisco with her fiancé, so I need to pick up the groceries for the café before I open," Cass said to me.

"I see… do you need any help with the café?" I said, offering to help.

Aunt Cass quickly approached me, inspecting me from head to toe, patting all over my body, and even gripping my face to look at it closer to make sure I'm alright.

"Are you okay?" she fussed over me. "Did you get a fever? No, wait... did you eat bad food? No way, my food is delicious!" She corrected herself in a hurry.

"Please, stop it," I groaned, feeling utterly embarrassed.

She finally let go and looked at me suspiciously. "But you've never offered to help before."

I sighed internally. My alternate self was indeed an asshole. "I'm offering now, alright? Can I please help?"

Cass gave me a contemplative look, as if she couldn't quite figure me out. "You know, you've changed. What brought this on?"

Think fast, think fast! Panic set in as I tried to come up with an excuse. "Um... puberty?" I blurted out lamely.

Aunt Cass deadpanned at my response. "That's not how puberty works."

Great, now she was suspicious of me. "Look, I just want to offer help to manage the café, at least until you hire another employee, It's the least I can do." I said quickly, trying to give a reason that would satisfy her.

Aunt Cass stared at me for a moment longer, still not entirely convinced. But finally, she smiled and nodded. "Alright, if you're sure you can handle it. Just don't burn down the kitchen."

"Deal," I said with a grin. "I promise not to burn anything... too badly." I said, relieved that she didn't press further.

She rolled her eyes playfully. "I should have known better than to trust you with a spatula."

As I finished breakfast and prepared to head to school, she gave me a tight hug. "Be safe out there, Saga. And remember, you can always talk to me if something's bothering you."

I nodded, feeling a mix of exasperation and gratitude. "Thanks, Aunt Cass," I said sincerely, "for everything."

She waved it off with a smile, "Oh, you don't have to thank me, sweetheart. You're family, and family looks out for each other."

Family – a fitting word in this mind-boggling situation. I wondered how my alternate self found such an amazing person like her in his life.

With breakfast done, I headed towards the door, ready to face the day. But Aunt Cass wasn't done with her motherly advice.

"Now, remember, stay out of trouble, stay focused in class, and don't forget to call me if anything comes up," she said, her caring eyes locking with mine.

"Don't worry, Aunt Cass. I'll be fine," I reassured her, though I wasn't quite as sure myself.

With a kiss on the forehead, she sent me off, "Take care, Saga. I'll see you after school."

-New York street-

Using my counterpart's memories, I began making my way toward his school. I decided to walk, taking in the scenery while trying to memorize the unfamiliar streets. In my original world, I didn't live here—I wasn't even American. However, in this new reality, my parents looked just like the ones I remembered, except they underwent a race swap, and so did I. My appearance remained relatively unchanged. Standing at a fairly tall height of about 178 cm, I had a light tanned complexion and a lean, skinny build—a testament to my counterpart's dedication to gaming and being a shut-in.

Oh, look at me! I'm the ultimate fusion of cultures, a walking diversity poster boy. Gotta love how this alternate reality decided to give me a whole new racial makeover. I guess I should be grateful I didn't turn into a sentient stack of pancakes or something. I thought sarcasticly

I have unkempt, thick, jet-black hair styled in a front bang, along with dulled black eyes. My face still looks the same but now bearing the unique blend of my biracial American and Asian heritage. I couldn't consider myself handsome, but I wasn't ugly either—just an average or plain appearance, I suppose.

So here I am, the mundane manifestation of mediocrity. It's like the universe decided to create the most ordinary dude it could conjure up and then plopped him into the wild world of superheroes. I mean, come on, couldn't I get some cosmic bling or something? A cool scar? A mysterious tattoo that gives me secret powers? Anything!

As I strolled down the streets, my mind constantly replayed the fragments of memories, trying to bridge the gap between the world I knew and this new reality. The sights and sounds of the city swirled around me, and I couldn't help but feel a sense of both nostalgia and alienation.

Hey, New York! The Big Apple! The city that never sleeps! You know, I always dreamed of visiting this place, but I never imagined it would be like this. Sure, it's got its charm, but who knew it would come with a side order of Marvel madness? And by the way, what's up with people thinking they have to walk at the speed of light here? Slow down dude.


Finally, I arrived at the school— Midtown High School, the same school as Spider-Man's. Well, isn't that just dandy? My counterpart had to go to the same school as one of the most famous superheroes ever. Talk about pressure. I hope I don't accidentally get bitten by a radioactive spider or something. I'd probably just end up with an itchy rash or a weird fetish for flies.

I observed the bustling schoolyard, filled with students engaged in conversations. High school, ah, the good old days of acne, awkwardness, and teenage angst. As if I didn't have enough on my plate with the whole Marvel craziness. I could already see the cliques forming – the jocks, the cheerleaders, the geeks. Where do I fit in? Oh, right, nowhere. I'm just a cosmic mixtape of confusion.

Midtown High School, where every kid dreams of becoming a superhero. Well, not this kid. I'm just here to survive, not save the world. I'll leave the spandex and heroic monologues to the pros.

Man, I wish I had some kind of superhero guidebook. "Marvel for Dummies," or "How to Survive Superhero Shenanigans 101." But nope, I'm just winging it in this wacky world.

And to think, my biggest worry used to be whether I had enough snacks for my gaming marathon. Now I have to worry about avoiding radioactive spiders, evading cosmic catastrophes, and maybe even running into Tony Stark during his "genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist" phase. Great, just great.

I sighed, already feeling the weight of this new reality on my shoulders. How did I get tangled up in this madness? One minute I'm living my ordinary life, and the next, I'm smack dab in the middle of a Marvel mashup. Can't a guy catch a break?

So, here I am, navigating the halls of Midtown High School, trying not to trip over my own feet like a newborn giraffe. Seriously, who thought it was a good idea to give me this lanky body? It's like I'm auditioning for a live-action version of "The Incredibles," but I didn't get the memo that I was supposed to be Dash.

As I rummaged through my locker for the required book, I couldn't help but feel like a lost puppy in a superhero pet shop. Seriously, what kind of school has lockers that are like bottomless pits? I half expected to find Narnia in there.

As I walked into the school, the similarities to the Marvel Universe I know weighed heavily on my mind, like carrying a backpack full of bricks. I mean, come on, it's one thing to watch superheroes on a screen, but being in the same space as them is like living in a never-ending comic book convention. I half expected to see Tony Stark and Steve Rogers hanging out by the lockers, discussing the latest alien invasion over a cup of coffee.

And Oh boy, Oh boy, this is getting weirder by the second. what do I find? A trio of iconic superhero love interests, all hanging out like they're in some kind of Marvel gal pal club. I mean, come on! Mary Jane, Gwen, and Felicia – the ultimate dream team. nice try with the Easter eggs, but do you really have to throw in every iconic character just to mess with my sanity? It's like they're all on a class reunion in my head, and I didn't even get an invitation. As I walk through the school halls, I can't help but stare at them like they're celebrities. I mean, who wouldn't?

First up, we got Felicia Hardy, aka Black Cat. With her long black hair and those mesmerizing grey eyes, she's like a walking temptation. And did I mention she's half Asian? Talk about diversity in the Marvel-verse! She's got brains, beauty, and a flirty charm that could make even Loki blush. I bet she could charm Thanos into handing over the Infinity Stones just by batting her eyelashes. And let me tell you, she's got this sultry, mysterious vibe that makes everyone's head turn. If looks could kill, we'd all be buried six feet under by now. And she's on the basketball team? Talk about making hearts swoon while slam-dunking like a boss. I wonder if she ever uses her cat-like reflexes to steal the ball from opponents. That would be the ultimate power move.

Then there's Gwen Stacy – the smart and responsible one. Short, blond hair, and those piercing blue eyes that could see right through your soul. She's got the brains to match Tony Stark and the wit to out-snark Deadpool. You know she's destined for greatness when she ranks first in class. I bet she could outsmart Ultron in a game of chess. She's like the poster child for "brains and beauty." The classic girl-next-door with a genius brain, acing all her classes like it's a walk in Central Park. it's no wonder she's the queen bee of the school. And don't get me started on her popularity. If this were a teen movie, she'd be the quirky, adorable girl-next-door that every guy falls head over webshooters for.

But don't let that fool you; she's got a quick wit that could roast you faster than a speeding bullet. I bet she's the queen of one-liners, and she probably has a sarcastic remark for every situation. I wouldn't want to be caught in a spelling bee battle with her. She'd crush me with her vocabulary, no doubt. Note to self: avoid engaging in a verbal battle with Gwen. It's like fighting a superhero with a PhD in sass. Ugh, I can already feel my IQ dropping in her presence.

Last but not least, the infamous Mary Jane Watson, or MJ., the ultimate redhead bombshell. Picture this – a tall, beautiful redhead with green eyes that could rival the color of the Hulk. She's got curves that would make Jessica Rabbit jealous 'Seriously, how does she not tip over with all that... uh, personality?', She's like a walking embodiment of every teenage boy's fantasy. She's the life of the party, the girl who can light up a room just by walking in. I bet she's the reason the cafeteria food tastes so good – they sprinkle a little MJ magic in there. the girl who can make friends with a brick wall. She was well-liked and admired by all, actively participating in the cheerleading squad and theater club. If MJ were a superhero, her power would be spreading joy and laughter wherever she goes. Seriously, she should consider a career in stand-up comedy. Move over, Deadpool, there's a new funny girl in town.

And guess what? These three are best friends! They're like a superhero girl squad, ready to take on the world and maybe steal a few hearts along the way. It's like they've formed some kind of Avengers-level alliance to conquer high school drama. Move over, Thanos, these girls are the real threat!

I wonder if they're secretly recruiting for a superhero team. The Mary Janes, maybe? Or Gwen's Gliders? Nah, too cheesy. Maybe they just call themselves the Femme Fatale Trio, kicking bad guy butts while looking fabulous.

But what's even more mind-boggling is that my alternate self never even talked to them. Seriously, what a waste! If I were in his shoes, I'd be swinging from the rooftops trying to impress these ladies. "Hey, Felicia, need a partner for that basketball game? I got some killer moves." Or "Gwen, let's study together and unravel the mysteries of the universe. With great brainpower comes great responsibility, right?"

And MJ... oh, MJ. I'd be charming her socks off with my witty banter and pop culture references. "Hey, MJ, you must be a time traveler because you just stepped out of a 1950s pin-up calendar and into my heart." Okay, maybe that's a bit much, but you get the idea.

He never had the guts to talk to any of them. He just admired them from afar like some kind of Simp fanboy. So, we've got this trio of Marvel-esque beauties roaming the same halls, and he's just the wallflower admiring them from afar. stuck in the friend zone with three superheroines, It's like watching a rom-com with a side of teen angst.

I can't help but wonder how this alternate reality decided to mash up these characters. Did someone up there in the cosmic control room go, "Hey, let's put all the Spider-Man love interests in one class and see what happens"? here I am, just a regular guy in this alternate Marvel Universe, like an extra in the background of their teenage drama surrounded by three iconic ladies who have no idea I even exist. I feel like Deadpool on laundry day – colorful and slightly out of place.

And speaking of Deadpool, can we talk about the elephant in the room? Where's Peter Parker? The friendly neighborhood Spider-Man should be swinging around somewhere, right? Or did he get bitten by a radioactive sloth instead of a spider and become the world's laziest superhero?

Wait, what if I'm in some kind of parallel dimension where Peter Parker is a geeky mathlete who loves Sudoku instead of saving the world? Nah, that's just too crazy even for the Marvel Universe.

So, as I walk to my class, I can't help but wonder what other surprises are in store. Will I accidentally stumble into a superhero battle on my way to chemistry class? Will I get caught up in a love triangle that rivals Tony Stark's complicated love life? Seriously, what's next? Aunt May as the school principal? Flash Thompson as the bully with a heart of gold? I wouldn't be surprised if the school mascot turned out to be a radioactive spider. And if I see a guy with a spider bite, I'm running in the opposite direction. I don't need any spider powers. I have enough trouble just trying to figure out where the cafeteria is.

One thing's for sure – I'm in way over my head. But hey, in a world where superheroes are real and love interests come in threes, anything is possible.


So here I am, sitting in this classroom, surrounded by the Marvel Universe's version of the Powerpuff Girls: MJ, Gwen, and Felicia – a trio that could kick butt and charm villains all at once. Seriously, it's like the Marvel gods decided to create the ultimate girl squad, and they just threw them all in the same class for good measure. I can't even imagine the amount of chaos they could cause together.

But hey, it's not like I have any business with these three iconic ladies. I'm just your average guy, not a superhero or a love interest in sight. It's like being an NPC in a video game – you're there to add background flavor, but you're not the main character. At least I don't have to worry about getting caught in a love triangle with them. Phew, dodged that bullet.

So, while my counterparts in this reality were busy pining after these superhero romance novel cover models, I'm just trying to figure out what the heck I'm supposed to do here. Acquire superpowers? Yeah, sure, let me just pick some up at the nearest superpower store. Oh wait, they don't exist, do they?

I mean, think about it – this is the Marvel Universe, where everyone's got some unique ability, and I'm just here twiddling my thumbs like a spectator. It's like showing up at a superhero convention without a cosplay, and you're just standing there awkwardly while everyone else looks like they jumped straight out of a comic book.

I glance around the classroom, hoping for some divine intervention or a portal to open up and transport me to some superhero boot camp. But nope, just the same old boring classroom with a teacher droning on about quadratic equations. Yippee.

I tap my pen against the desk, trying to come up with a plan. But the truth is, I've got nothing. Nada. Zip. Zilch. It's like trying to outwit Loki in a game of riddles – not gonna happen.

So, here I am, stuck in the Marvel Universe, with no superpowers, no plan, and no idea what I'm doing. Just an average guy trying to survive in a world of superheroes. Talk about being a fish out of water. Or in this case, a dude out of comics.

But hey, maybe that's the beauty of it. Maybe I don't need superpowers or a grand plan. Maybe I can just be me – an average guy in an extraordinary world.

Yeah, that sounds like a plan. A not-so-super plan, but a plan nonetheless. And who knows, maybe being the average guy will give me a unique perspective on this crazy world. I could be like the Stan Lee of the Marvel Universe – the guy who's not a superhero but still manages to make a difference.

Suddenly, the teacher Mr Roddick notices Saga's lack of attention and calls him out in front of the class, causing some laughter among his peers.

"Mr. Springfield, perhaps you'd like to share your thoughts with the rest of the class?" Mr Roddick sternly asks.

"Oh, uh, I'm sorry! I got lost in my thoughts. It won't happen again," Saga stammers, slightly embarrassed. Mr Roddick reprimanded him a bit then instructing him to see him after class.

During the break, Saga finds himself alone in the cafeteria, lost in his thoughts and contemplating his next move.


In the chaotic cafeteria of Midtown High, I found myself lost in a sea of highschool drama and teenage gossip. As I pondered my superpowerless existence, fate decided to throw me into the deep end of the Marvel pool. There they were – Felicia, Gwen, and MJ, the Marvel Universe's version of the Powerpuff Girls.

They chatted animatedly, like characters in an episode of "The Real Housewives of Midtown High." Seriously, someone shot me please, this is so cringe As I sat at the chaotic cafeteria of Midtown High, I found myself surrounded by the Marvelous Trio – Felicia, Gwen, and MJ. They were like the Powerpuff Girls, but without superpowers, and with way more drama and charm.

MJ, with her captivating green eyes and a personality that could rival a hurricane, couldn't resist teasing Felicia. "So, are you really ditching the basketball team, Felicia?"

Felicia, the basketball queen with lustrous black hair and a mischievous grin, leaned back coolly. "Yeah, I've been thinking about it. Gotta focus on my studies and explore some other interests. Thinking of joining the art club instead. Always had a thing for painting and drawing."

Gwen, the responsible one, chimed in with her bubbly speech, "That's a fantastic idea, Felicia! Art is such a beautiful way to express yourself."

MJ, the casual one, raised an eyebrow mischievously. "Alright, ladies, how about we talk about the most eligible bachelors in Midtown High? My vote goes to the new transfer student in Chemistry class – Ethan, I think his name is. Tall, dark, and mysterious."

Felicia smirked, and I couldn't help but think how cool she was. "Ethan, huh? I noticed him too, but I'm more into my art club now. Boys can wait."

MJ leaned in with a playful grin. "Well, if you change your mind, Felicia, I'm sure he wouldn't mind some company at the next school event."

Felicia chuckled, "Nah, not my type anyway."

Gwen laughed, and her girl-next-door charm was infectious. "Ethan is intriguing, though. I wonder what his story is."

As I sat there, surrounded by the Marvelous Trio's playful banter and teasing, I couldn't help but feel like an awkward intruder in a secret girl's club. The way they effortlessly navigated the world of crushes and romance was both fascinating and cringy to witness. I mean, who knew that talking about boys could be such a complex art form?

Felicia, being the playful one, couldn't resist poking at MJ's love life. "Spill the beans, MJ. Any secret admirers you're hiding from us?"

Gwen, joining the teasing, chimed in with a mischievous grin, "Yeah, don't keep us in suspense, MJ. We're your best friends, after all."

MJ rolled her eyes casually. "Oh, you know me, always mysterious. But seriously, guys, nothing serious right now. School and stuff, you know?"

Felicia raised an eyebrow, not buying MJ's act. "Oh, come on. There must be someone you find intriguing. Spill the tea, MJ."

Gwen, adding to the fun, couldn't help but join in. "Yeah, MJ, spill!"

MJ sighed, realizing she was outnumbered. "Alright, alright. Maybe there's someone I find... intriguing. But that's all you're getting out of me."

Felicia and Gwen exchanged knowing glances, clearly enjoying MJ's discomfort. "Intriguing, huh? whole lot of boys are gonna cry when they hear MJ has a crush." Felicia teased.

Gwen giggled, her bubbly speech adding to the playful atmosphere. "Oh, for sure! MJ, the heartbreaker of Midtown High!"

MJ rolled her eyes, trying to play it cool, but her casual demeanor couldn't hide the hint of a blush on her cheeks. "Guys, come on. It's really not a big deal. Just a tiny crush."

"Don't be modest, MJ. We all know you've got that charm that makes the boys weak in the knees," Felicia said with her trademark cool confidence.

"Yeah, and with those mesmerizing green eyes of yours, who can blame them?" Gwen playfully added,

MJ laughed, her casual speech adding to the friendly banter. "Oh, come on, guys. I haven't exactly been keeping count."

"Oh, you don't have to keep count, MJ. We all know you're a pro at handling fanboy." Gwen joined in on the teasing, her bubbly personality shining through.

Felicia playfully nudged MJ, her cool demeanor contrasting with MJ's casualness. "Yeah, you've got that perfect balance of charm and sass. No wonder the boys can't resist."

MJ shrugged playfully, trying to play it cool. "Well, a girl's gotta have standards, right? Can't just say yes to every admirer."

Gwen grinned, "That's the spirit! Make 'em work for it!"

Felicia added with a wink, "Exactly. Keep 'em on their toes, MJ," "That being said, is your crush is one of your admirer?" Felicia relentlessly teased MJ.

MJ rolled her eyes playfully, but I could see a hint of blush on her cheeks. "Oh, please. Like I'm gonna spill all the juicy details to you two."

Gwen giggled, enjoying the playful interrogation. "Come on, MJ. We promise we won't tell anyone."

Felicia chimed in, "Yeah, we're like a vault. Your secrets are safe with us."

MJ crossed her arms, trying to maintain her composure. "Well, let's just say there might be someone I find interesting. But that's all you're getting out of me."

Gwen raised an eyebrow, "Interesting, huh? I can see that sparkle in your eyes, MJ."

Felicia nudged her, "Oh, she's definitely got it bad."

MJ swatted Felicia's arm playfully, "Oh, cut it out, you two. It's just a harmless crush."

Gwen leaned in, her bubbly personality shining through, "Come on, spill the tea. Who is this mysterious guy that's got you all intrigued?"

MJ skillfully dodged the question. "You two are relentless. But seriously, it's just a passing crush or something." Hoping they dropped it.

Felicia and Gwen exchanged amused glances, clearly not ready to let MJ off the hook just yet. Felicia leaned back in her chair, crossing her arms with a smirk. "Oh, come on, MJ. You can't just leave us hanging like that. We need all the details. What's he like? Is he cute?"

Gwen playfully added, "Yeah, spill the tea, MJ. We promise we won't judge."

MJ sighed, knowing she was outnumbered and that her attempts to deflect the conversation were futile. "Alright, fine. He's cute, I guess. And he's got this mysterious vibe about him, you know? Like there's more to him than meets the eye."

Felicia's eyes lit up with excitement, "Ooh, mysterious and cute? Sounds like the perfect combination. You should totally go for it."

Gwen nodded in agreement, "Yeah, life is short, MJ. If you're interested in him, why not give it a shot?"

MJ blushed, feeling the pressure from her friends' encouragement. "I don't know. It's just a crush, guys. I'm not even sure if he's into me or if he's already got someone else in mind."

Felicia leaned in, her mischievous grin widening, "Well, there's only one way to find out, right? You'll never know unless you talk to him."

Gwen chimed in, "And if he's not interested, then at least you'll have closure and can move on."

As MJ tried to brush off their questions, I couldn't help but empathize with her internal struggle. Crushes were complicated, and the fear of rejection was something everyone could relate to. I just hoped she wouldn't let her uncertainty hold her back from exploring her feelings.

Gwen smirked, "Well, we'll be here to support you no matter what. Even if it's just a passing crush on some mysterious guy."

I had to admit, despite my inner eye rolls, there was wisdom in their words. Life was too short to hold back on exploring our feelings and taking risks. Even if it all felt a bit cringy and over-the-top at times, there was something beautiful about the openness and vulnerability that came with it.

The three girls laughed, and I couldn't help but feel like I was witnessing a scene from a teen rom-com. "Of course," he thought sarcastically, "Even in an alternate reality, high school drama is still high school drama."

And can we talk about those cheesy lines they throw around? "Spill the beans," "spill the tea" – what's next, "spill the entire buffet"? Come on, girls, let's upgrade our slang game a bit.

MJ couldn't resist turning the tables on Gwen. "Alright, Gwen, your turn. Anyone special catching your eye these days?"

Gwen blushed slightly, trying to hide her embarrassment. "Oh, um, no, not really. I'm more focused on my studies and, you know, saving the world as a superhero in my free time."

Felicia couldn't let Gwen off the hook that easily. She grinned and teased, "Come on, Gwen. We've seen the way that basketball jock tries to flirt with you during games. He practically trips over his own feet just to get a glimpse of you."

Gwen's blush deepened, and she stammered, "Oh, uh, that's just... I mean, it's nothing. I'm not interested in him or anyone else, really. I've got bigger things on my mind."

MJ raised an eyebrow, her curiosity piqued. "Oh, really? Bigger things, like what?"

Gwen hesitated for a moment before deciding to share her secret. "Well, I've been trying to get an internship at Oscorp. They have some amazing research opportunities, and I think it would be a great way to further my studies in science."

Felicia and MJ exchanged surprised glances. "Wow, Gwen, that's impressive," MJ said, genuinely impressed. "But why didn't you tell us earlier?"

Gwen shrugged, "I guess I didn't want to jinx it or get my hopes up. It's a competitive program, and I don't want to be disappointed if it doesn't work out."

Felicia nudged Gwen playfully, "Well, we have faith in you, Gwen. You're the brains of the operation, after all. You'll nail that internship."

Gwen smiled gratefully, "Thanks, guys. I really appreciate your support."

Oh, great. Gwen's talking about Oscorp, and now I'm starting to feel like I'm in some sci-fi horror movie. You know, the one where the innocent protagonist gets involved with a sketchy corporation, and next thing you know, they're spewing radioactive webbing or turning into a giant lizard. Just my luck.

I can already picture it – Gwen gets that internship, and before you know it, she's bitten by a radioactive spider and becomes Spider-Gwen. Or maybe she'll accidentally stumble into a top-secret lab and turn into some kind of super-genius with an evil alter ego. The possibilities are endless, and they all end in disaster.

As the conversation shifted to another topic, my attention was drawn to a particular revelation.

MJ couldn't help but turn the conversation to Gwen's family. "Hey, Gwen, how's your fam doing?"

Gwen's eyes lit up with a smile as she spoke, "Oh, Peter's such a smart kid, you won't believe it! He's only nine, but his grades are like, off the charts. And he's seriously the sweetest, always helping out wherever he can."

Felicia, being her usual playful self, raised an eyebrow teasingly. A child prodigy, huh? Sounds like you've got your hands full with your little science whiz."

Gwen giggled, "Yeah, He's got this whole science and math thing down pat. I swear, when he talks about his school projects, it's like he's a mini Einstein or something."

Felicia, totally intrigued, "And how did he become your step-brother, Gwen?"

Gwen explained, "Well, you know how my dad got remarried to Aunt May after my mom passed away. And with Aunt May came her adorable little son, Peter. It's been quite an adjustment, but I'm really lucky to have him as a step-brother," Gwen continued, "Dad is also much happier now."

Wait, what did she just say? Aunt May? Are they talking about Peter Parker's Aunt May? Please tell me they're not related to Spider-Man.

MJ smiled, "That's really sweet, Gwen. I'm glad you have such a close bond with him."

Gwen blushed a little, "Thanks, MJ."

Oh, snap! Peter is her step-brother in this reality? How in the world did that happen? This Marvel Universe is crazier than "Avengers: Endgame" on acid.

I couldn't help but mutter to myself, "No way... How can Peter and Gwen be step-siblings? This is like fan-fiction gone wild!"

What happened to Uncle Ben? I mean, that's how it's supposed to go, right? Uncle Ben and Aunt May, the classic couple that raised Peter after his parents died. But now, they go and switch it up, and Uncle Ben is out of the picture, and Aunt May is marrying George Stacy? Talk about flipping the script! And to top it all off, I have no idea if this kid is going to become Spider-Man in the future. I mean, in the comics, we all know the story – Peter gets bitten by a radioactive spider, Uncle Ben dies, and he becomes your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man. But who knows what's going to happen in this topsy-turvy universe? Maybe he'll become a mathematician or a chef instead.

Inside, I was freaking out. How am I supposed to handle this twisted web of relationships? One minute I'm an ordinary guy, and the next, I'm in a soap opera starring the Marvel Universe.

As they continued their lively chat, I felt like an extra on the set of "The Bold and the Beautiful," silently observing the drama unfold without a script to follow.

For now, I'll keep my super-confused thoughts to myself. Maybe I'll stumble upon an ancient Marvel guidebook in the library – "101 Ways to Navigate Your Alternate Reality." But seriously, this universe is giving me a headache. I need some aspirin or maybe a teleportation device to get me out of here. Can someone please call the writers and tell them to dial down the drama? It's like they're trying to see how many plot twists they can fit into one story.


After lunch, I sought refuge in the school courtyard, hoping to find some answers in the quiet ambiance. I sat on a grass with my back facing a tree as my tired mind still reeling from the revelation about the interconnected lives of these characters in this reality.

I found myself seeking solace in the school courtyard, hoping to make sense of it all. Sitting on the grass, I tried to jot down my thoughts, but my mind was a whirlwind of confusion. Step-siblings? A 9-year-old Peter Parker? And what's up with Aunt May marrying George Stacy? It's like the writers threw the classic script out the window and went wild with their plot twists.

As I scribbled notes, I couldn't help but feel like I'm inside a fan-fiction that's taken a life of its own. If this is an alternate reality, anything is possible, right? But who am I kidding? This feels more like an isekai story without a cheat. Where's my cheat code when I need it?

With a sigh, realizing that there was no way to know who or what was responsible for his predicament. "Guess I'll just have to roll with the punches and hope for the best. After all, what's the worst that could happen? Oh, right, this is a Marvel Universe, and anything can happen. Great, just great."

As I mulled over my options, my mind shifted back to the Sanctum Sanctorum. "If there's one place I might find answers, it's there. Doctor Strange is the Sorcerer Supreme, master of the mystic arts. Maybe he can help me figure this out." But after some thought he decide not to go there as he is really overwhelmed today and don't wat to meet another marvel character.

"Alright, time to be smart about this. If I can't avoid the crazy, I'll stay low-key and inconspicuous. No flashy moves or grand entrances. Live normally, avoid any named character. And move to another country."

With a newfound determination, Saga closed his notebook and stood up from the grass. He straightened his jacket and walked out of the school.

As I navigated the crowded halls of Midtown High School, I kept my head down and tried to blend in with the other students. I muttered to himself, hoping that his behavior wouldn't draw any unnecessary attention.

Outside, the lively streets of New York City surrounded him. The familiar sights mixed with the unfamiliar presence of mutants, Fantastic Four, and various other superheroes, creating a peculiar amalgamation of the MCU and a universe he could only now begin to comprehend, though they are not active yet.

I walked aimlessly through the bustling streets, my mind still racing with questions about this new reality. The existence of Oscorp and the presence of three Spider-Man love interests in my school piqued my curiosity. "No… no… no… bad thoughts, bad thoughts, remember, don't stick with the crazy."

I took a deep breath and reminded myself to remember to stay low-key.

Lost in my thoughts, I hoped to stumble upon a familiar landmark that would anchor me in some semblance of reality. However, the streets looked different from what he remembered, leaving me feeling disoriented.

As I continued wandering, I finally came across a street sign that caught his eye: "1777a Bleecker Street." The address stirred a sense of familiarity within me, and I couldn't help but feel drawn to it.

With a mix of trepidation and excitement, I followed the street, hoping to find some answers. The journey led me to a unique building that stood out amidst the surrounding structures. There, emblazoned on the façade, was a symbol I knew all too well – the symbol of the Sanctum Sanctorum, the home of none other than Doctor Strange.

my heart skipped a beat as I realized the significance of where he stood. "No way," I whispered in disbelief. It was becoming increasingly evident that this Marvel Universe held extraordinary secrets and unexpected connections, and the presence of Doctor Strange's abode only deepened the mystery.

To be continued...

Creation is really hard, anyway like it don't like it.

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