
Chapter 2 - Unexpected encounter

New York Street-Greenwich Village

I stood there, my gaze locked onto the impressive building before me. The Sanctum Sanctorum, they called it – Doctor Strange's mystical abode. It was as if reality itself had decided to play tricks on me.

"No way... This can't be real," I muttered to myself, skepticism and amazement warring in my voice. here it was, standing tall and enigmatic.

I felt a flutter of excitement mixed with apprehension. Magic was no longer just the stuff of fantasy books or movie screens. It was real, right in front of me. The temptation to step over that threshold and dive headfirst into a world of spells and enchantments was strong. But then again, so was the awareness of the immense responsibility it carried. Fighting monsters, battling demons – that's not exactly my skillset.

Didn't that guy in the Doctor Strange movie retire and choose to play basketball or something? Okay, so maybe he used magic in a more passive way, but still. Did I really want to throw myself into danger?

I pondered my adult life for a moment. The monotony of it all – the daily grind of a 9-to-5 job, the routine of meals, the occasional attempt at dating. It all seemed so... ordinary. And now, suddenly, I had a chance to be part of something extraordinary. It's like a dream come true.

But damn, I'm exhausted. All I wanted was a break. A moment to catch my breath before I plunged headlong into a life of magical turmoil. I mean, sure, it sounds awesome, but is it really worth it? Can't a guy just take a breather for once?

With a sigh, I took a step back, tearing my gaze away from the Sanctum. The excitement was still there, thrumming under my skin, but for now, I chose to resist it. It was a big decision, and I needed time to think. Maybe this is the right move. Or maybe it's just me chickening out. Who knows?

So, with a deep breath and a curious mix of anticipation and reluctance, I turned and walked away. The Sanctum Sanctorum remained behind me, a testament to the fantastical unknown that I had, for now, decided to keep at arm's length.

And as I walked, my mind buzzed with questions and doubts, a wild mix of possibilities and uncertainties. My heart was still pounding, but not from the sight of magic – it was from the weight of a choice that I knew could change everything.

As I strolled down the street, lost in my own thoughts, a barrage of obnoxious voices shattered the tranquility. I glanced in their direction – a trio of 12-year-old troublemakers, hassling a helpless 9-year-old. Seriously, what's with kids these days? And where in the world are their parents when all this nonsense is going down?

I huffed, not particularly in the mood to play the hero, but my disdain for bullies is as consistent as bad Wi-Fi. Life's tough enough without these punks making it worse.

I found myself between the mini-mob and their prey. "What's going on here, kiddos?" I asked, my voice laced with a heavy dose of irritation.

The ring leader, trying to play it cool, shot back, "None of your business, man."

Oh, it's definitely my business when you're making a 9-year-old's day miserable. "Trust me, it's my business now. So, you guys get a kick out of ganging up on someone smaller?."

Their attempts at verbal retaliation were laughably weak, like using a plastic fork to fight a bear. I shot back with a barrage of words sharper than a porcupine's quills.

"Wow, suddenly mute? ," I remarked, my tone dripping with sarcasm. "Words too big for your tiny brains to process?"

The one who had the most attitude seemed to find his voice again. "Whatever, loser. We'll do what we want."

I raised an eyebrow, not impressed in the slightest. "Loser? That's all you've got? , "Did you learn that from the School of Dumbasses?"

Their faces turned red, clearly not expecting me to fight back with such fervor. I continued, a smirk tugging at my lips.

"You know, you three could audition for the role of Dumb, Dumber, and Dumbest," I quipped. "Seriously, do your parents even know they lost their little troublemakers?"

The victim couldn't help but giggle at my absurd remarks, and I flashed him a quick wink to let him know I've got his back. I turned my attention back to the bullies, ready for more verbal sparring.

"Tell me, did you brats have to practice being this stupid, or did it just come naturally?"

Their confidence wavered, their retorts reduced to stammers and incomplete sentences.

"You brats must have an IQ lower than room temperature to think bullying is cool. Seriously, what's the matter with you? Can't find any better hobbies than being a bunch of jerks?" I said with a mocking grin.

The bullies looked taken aback by my words.

"You brats are like a bad cliché, picking on the little guy. Are you trying to compensate for something? Maybe your lack of brain cells?," I continued my barrage of insults and taunts, not giving them a moment to recover.

"Oooh…. oohh, I know, why don't you sell it? I'm sure you will get a reasonable price if you sell that brain of yours, definitely unused and new." Okay, maybe I'm going a bit too far, but they had it coming.

I was just having fun, watching them squirm under my verbal assault.

"NOW Scram, go back to suck your mommy tits"

The bullies exchanged glances, unsure of how to handle this unexpected turn of events. and they slinked away like the prepubescent cowards they were. I think I saw a little tears from one of them

As I turned to the kid, who was now looking up at me with wide eyes,

"Hey, you okay kid?" I asked, crouching down to his level. He nodded timidly, and I gave him a reassuring smile. "You're good now. Remember, bullies are just insecure kids trying to make themselves feel better. Don't let them get to you."

He smiled back, and I ruffled his hair playfully.

"Thanks for helping me. Those guys are always picking on me," the younger boy said with a mix of relief and admiration.

I smiled and offered him a hand to help him up. "No problem. I'm Saga. What's your name kid?"

"I'm Peter. Peter Parker," he replied, and my heart skipped a beat at the significance of the name.

"Wait, Really...?" I started to ask, what are the odds that I met another marvel character

"Yeeess… why do you ask?" Peter asked, tilting his head with confusion.

I was taken aback by the revelation. So, it is true that in this reality, Peter Parker was just a kid, not yet the legendary Spider-Man I knew.

Before I could fully process this revelation, a girl with flowing blonde hair and bright blue eyes stormed towards us.

"Peter, are you okay?" she asked with genuine concern, her voice filled with worry.

Before I could even get a word out to assure her, she shoved me forcefully, her eyes narrowing with anger.

"You better not have touched my little brother! You creep!! If you've hurt him in any way, you're gonna regret it!" Whoa, talk about a fiery reaction!

"Whoa, whoa, calm down! I promise, I didn't hurt him. I actually helped him out of a tough spot." I quickly raised my hands in surrender, trying to explain myself.

But as I spoke, I noticed Peter try to calm down the girl.

"It's true, Gwen. He scared those bullies away. He's really cool!" Gwen's anger seemed to soften as she looked down at her little brother, realizing he was safe and unharmed.

"Peter, are you sure?" Gwen making sure.

"Yeah, he's like a superhero, Gwen! He even said a bad word to them and made them run." He nodded enthusiastically.

Uh-oh, that comment made me sweat drop. As I saw Gwen's face darken, I mentally facepalmed. 'Seriously, Peter, don't tell her I said a bad word,' I groaned internally.

Gwen's eyes grew icy as she turned her gaze back to me.

"Did you cuss in front of my brother?" Her voice was cold and sharp, sending a shiver down my neck.

"Uh, well, you see, um.., it was just in the heat of the moment, and I wanted to scare those brats away. I didn't mean any harm, really." I gulped, feeling a bit nervous under her piercing stare.

Gwen's expression softened slightly, but her tone still held a hint of sternness.

"Look, I appreciate you helping Peter, but he's just a kid, and I don't want him picking up bad habits from strangers."

I put my hand behind my neck just laughed awkwardly not knowing what to say, feeling a bit embarrassed by my impulsive outburst earlier.

"Gwen, he's still cool, though. He stood up to the bullies for me." Peter tugged at Gwen's shirt, looking up at her with innocence in his eyes.

Gwen ruffled his hair affectionately,

"Yes Peter. And I'm grateful he was there for you. But remember don't use bad language, okay?" Peter nodded, "Okay, Gwen. I promise."

"That's my boy" Gwen smiled,

Gwen's gaze shifted back to me. "I'm sorry for assuming the worst. It's just that Peter has had some trouble with bullies before."

"It's okay. I'm Saga, and I was just helping Peter out," I said, trying to ease any tension.

She extended her hand, a hint of a smile on her face. "I'm Gwen Stacy. Thanks for looking out for my brother."

I shook her hand with a smile. "Brother? Why different last name?" 'I overheard it earlier during lunch but I just want to make sure' I thought to myself.

"Well, it's a bit complicated," Gwen scratched her neck while trying to explain.

"Oh, my aunt Married Gwen's dad, and we're family now," Peter explained excitedly.

"Guess it's not that complicated," Gwen sheepishly added.

Gwen then turned into a doting sister, asking Peter if he was okay. It was quite funny, and I couldn't help but chuckle lightly seeing that. Peter got embarrassed and told Gwen to stop.

"There's nothing wrong with a sister worrying about her brother," Gwen responded proudly while putting both her fists on her hips.

"So, you're new around here, I went to Midtown High, where did you go?" Gwen tried to have small talk.

Sweat dropped from my forehead, as it seemed my other self was quite reclusive. Gwen didn't even recognize me despite spending two years at the same school and having a few classes together, I even seat during lunch at the same table.

"I went to Midtown High too, actually," I replied to her question, hoping maybe she would remember seeing me.

"Oh, are you a new student?" Gwen asked.

'Oi, just how hopeless are you, my other self? Really, are you that invisible to everyone? Am I going to have invisible powers later?' I raged internally.

"I, uh, no, I've actually been going to Midtown High for two years now," I replied, trying to hide my embarrassment.

Gwen blinked in surprise. "Oh, really? I'm sorry, I guess I didn't notice you before."

I chuckled nervously, trying to play it off coolly. "Yeah, I guess I'm not that memorable," I sighed internally, wondering how my other self managed to fly under everyone's radar for two whole years.

Gwen giggled; her laughter infectious.

"Anyway, I'm really sorry for earlier," Gwen apologized, a hint of embarrassment on her face.

"Eh, it's not a big deal. Family comes first," I reassured her, not bothered at all. I then turned to Peter and gave him a friendly pat on the head. "And he is a great kid."

Peter beamed at the praise, his shyness fading away for a moment. "Thanks! I try my best."

Gwen chuckled. "Yeah, he's a little fighter, even if he sometimes gets himself into trouble," she said, affectionately pinching Peter's cheeks, to his embarrassment.

"Anyway, we have to get going. It's getting late, and Aunt May will be worried," Gwen said, holding Peter's hand as they prepared to head home.

"See you at school, Saga!" Gwen said in her bubbly, cheerful self.

"Bye! Thank you for saving me!" Peter chimed in, waving his hand with a big smile on his face.

As Gwen and Peter walked away, heading to their apartment somewhere in Manhattan, I couldn't help but feel a sense of warmth and happiness from the encounter. It was nice to make a new friend in this unfamiliar world, especially one as lively and caring as Gwen.

With a wave goodbye, I continued to make my way home. As I walked along the bustling streets of New York City, I couldn't help but reflect on the events of the day. Meeting Peter and Gwen, encountering the Sanctum Sanctorum, and realizing that my plan to stay low-key and inconspicuous failed spectacularly. I mean it's not even my fault here, who would've thought Gwen Stacy herself came to me. Great now I sound like a simp.


As I continued to stroll around, taking in the city scenery that felt both strangely familiar and unfamiliar at the same time, I found myself lost in my own thoughts. Lost in this daze, I rounded a corner without giving much attention to my surroundings. rounded a corner, and before I knew it, I collided with someone.

"Sorry… sorry… my bad. I didn't see you," a girl's voice sounded, with apologetic tones.

When I finally got a good look at who I had bumped into, I was taken aback. Her green eyes were captivating, and her vibrant red hair flowed with an air of elegance. She was an extremely beautiful girl, with striking features and a height of approximately 169 cm, exuding confidence and grace with her voluptuous figure.

'Really,' I thought to myself with a deadpan expression, 'first Gwen and now her.' You probably already guessed it – it was none other than Mary Jane Watson, or MJ, as Peter's number one main love interest. I had seen her in class earlier, but being up close to her was an entirely different experience. She was undeniably stunning. It's funny, though – I've read a lot of fanfic that portrayed her in not-so-nice images, but based on my counterpart's memories, she's actually quite nice and down to earth.

'Wait… Wait… Wait… Wait… How the heck did I think of her like that? I'm an adult trapped in a teenage body for God's sake. Did I go through puberty twice? Did I mentally regress too?' The horrifying thought sent shivers down my spine.

In a state of disbelief and confusion, I contemplated the surreal situation. Being an adult in this teenage form was unsettling enough, but now, my mind seemed to be playing tricks on me, leading to thoughts that were inappropriate for my age.

I shook my head, trying to clear the intrusive notions from my mind. It was absurd to feel this way about someone who, in reality, was closer to being my friend's age. But then again, I couldn't ignore the fact that I was once an adult with adult emotions, and now I was grappling with a teenage mind.

The concept of experiencing puberty twice, both physically and mentally, was utterly perplexing and daunting. I never signed up for this, and I didn't know how to make sense of it all.

Taking a deep breath, I tried to focus on the reality of the situation. I was in a fictional universe, with my consciousness merged into a different version of myself. It was bound to be a rollercoaster of emotions and challenges. My priority was to navigate this strange world while finding a way back to my own reality.

"See something you like?" Mary Jane said, her tone amused as she smirked. "Face it, Tiger... you just hit the jackpot!"

I felt a twinge of annoyance. 'This girl…' I thought, a vein seemingly ready to pop in frustration.

n a world that wasn't my own, navigating the complexities of teenage emotions and interactions was challenging enough. Now, to add to the mix, I had to contend with the knowledge of my adult self coexisting within this younger body. The situation was getting more confusing by the minute, and Mary Jane's teasing only heightened my frustration.

I took a deep breath, trying to regain my composure. I needed to be careful with my reactions, especially in this new reality. As much as my counterpart might have been taken aback by MJ's flirtatious comment, I couldn't let it affect me the same way. My adult mindset had to prevail, even in this teenage form.

In response to her remark, I smirked and shamelessly looked her up and down, lingering at her chest longer than necessary before meeting her eyes. "Nice one, definitely a jackpot," I said, my tone completely serious despite the innocent smile, and I playfully struck a thumbs-up pose at her.

'Ha! Take that, you little girl, don't mess with an adult' I thought with a sense of satisfaction. I wasn't about to let her teasing get to me – after all, I was an adult trapped in a younger body, and I wasn't going to back down from her playful banter.

Mary Jane's reaction was priceless. Her eyes widened in surprise, and her playful demeanor faltered for a moment as she processed my unexpected response. However, she quickly recovered and burst into laughter, seemingly amused by my playful comeback.

"Oh, you're good!" she said, giving me a playful nudge. "I didn't expect that from you, you've got some quick wit there, Springfield."

Her mention of my name caught me off guard, and I couldn't help but feel a bit confused. "Wait, you know my name?" I asked, asking her with incredulous expression on my face

Mary Jane's smile remained, but there was a glint of mischief in her eyes as she replied, "Oh, come on, Saga. We may not be best friends or anything, but we've been classmates for quite some time now. I think we were in the same few classes together." She struck a thinking pose, trying to recall our shared experiences.

She looked at my expression, tilting her head cutely as she stared at me with innocent eyes. I couldn't help but feel a mix of surprise and frustration. 'GIRL... What's wrong with you?' I raged inwardly. 'Even I wouldn't remember him if I was in the same class as my counterpart, and I am him.' I continued to fume silently. 'And why do you keep tilting your head like that? You think you're cute, huh?... Okay, you are cute, but that's beside the point,' I grumbled in my mind, unable to resist the playful banter with myself.

As my thoughts continued to swirl, Mary Jane noticed my slack-jawed expression and burst into laughter again. "Oh my god, your face is so funny!" she giggled, clearly finding my bewilderment highly entertaining.

"You know what, never mind," I said, suddenly feeling tired and overwhelmed by the whole situation. I turned to leave, but before I could take another step, Mary Jane gently grabbed my arm. "Oh, come on, I was just joking," she said, trying to placate me while still giggling.

I looked at her with a deadpan expression, but she could see through my facade and tried to stifle her laughter. "I'm stopping now, see?" she said, pointing at her lips.

"It's not that funny," I retorted, slightly annoyed by her persistent teasing.

"It's hilarious! Your face was changing to several expressions at once!" she said with a carefree smile.

"You have a weird sense of humor," I remarked, maintaining my deadpan demeanor.

"I have a great sense of humor," Mary Jane replied smugly, clearly enjoying our banter.

Despite myself, a small smile tugged at the corner of my lips. As much as Mary Jane's teasing was exasperating, there was an infectious charm to her playful nature that I couldn't deny. I had to admit, her ability to lighten the mood and find humor in unexpected moments was something I could appreciate.

"Alright, fine, you win," I conceded with a chuckle.

Mary Jane grinned triumphantly, pleased with my admission. "See? I told you!" she said, giving me a playful nudge.

I rolled my eyes playfully. "Yeah, yeah, you're hilarious," I said, playing along.

As we stood there, I realized that despite the awkwardness of our initial encounter, there was something intriguing about Mary Jane. She wasn't just a character in the comic; she was a lively and vibrant individual with a personality all her own.

"You know, you've changed," said Mary Jane with a warm smile on her face. "At school, you're always alone, aloof, never giving a damn about anything."

I was taken aback by her observation and didn't quite know how to respond. "Uh, you know, puberty," I answered lamely, hoping to brush off the subject.

But Mary Jane wasn't easily deterred. She seemed genuinely curious about the changes she was seeing in me. "Puberty, huh?" she said, raising an eyebrow playfully. "Well, whatever it is, I like the new you. It's nice to see you opening up and showing some personality."

I chuckled nervously, feeling both flattered and self-conscious. "Thanks, I guess?," I replied, unsure of how else to react.

"So, what brings you to this part of the city?" she asked, smoothly changing the subject.

"I live near here," I said, feeling a bit more at ease now. "Just taking a walk before going home."

"Really? Then can you help me?" Mary Jane said eagerly, handing me a piece of paper with an address on it. "I've been looking for this place. They offer a part-time job here that I want to apply for."

I took the paper from her, and suddenly my headache returned, causing my deadpan expression to resurface.as I looked at the address. It was The Lucky Cat Café - my home.

I couldn't believe it. The universe seemed to have a twisted sense of humor, leading me to the very place where she was going to apply. The coincidence was too uncanny to ignore, and I couldn't help but feel a mix of confusion and apprehension.

"Um, sure," I said, trying to hide my inner turmoil. "I can help you find this place."

Mary Jane beamed with gratitude, clearly unaware of the complex emotions swirling within me. "Oh, thank you so much, Saga! You're a lifesaver."

"Yeah, no problem," I replied, trying to sound nonchalant. "Let's head there together."

As we walked towards The Lucky Cat Café, I couldn't shake the feeling that fate was playing a trick on me. My encounter with Gwen and then Mary Jane, it's like I was supposed to interact with them, and it left me with a sense of bewilderment. I let out a deep sigh internally, wondering who I would meet next. At this point, I was feeling a mix of curiosity and exhaustion, you know what I don't care.

As we strolled towards The Lucky Cat Café, my mind was still reeling from the bizarre encounters I had in this alternate Marvel Universe. Gwen's bubbly nature and Peter's innocence were heartwarming, but the merging of my adult mind with my teenage self was making everything feel even more surreal. The conversation continued as we walked, and despite my initial reservations, I found myself enjoying Mary Jane's company. Her lively and outgoing personality was contagious, and she had a way of making me forget my worries, at least temporarily.

"So, how did you find out about this place?" I asked, trying to initiate casual conversation to distract myself from my swirling thoughts.

Mary Jane nodded with enthusiasm. "Well, I've been searching for a part-time job to help with my expenses, and someone recommended this café. They said it's a great place to work, and the owner is super nice. I hope she's hiring," Mary Jane continued, sounding hopeful. "I could use a job that allows me to balance school and work."

Hearing Mary Jane refer to my mother figure that way felt strange, but I couldn't let my emotions interfere. Instead, I tried to keep my demeanor friendly and casual. "Well, I can vouch for her. She's the best," I said, trying to sound sincere.

"Wait, do you know her?" Mary Jane asked, sounding surprised. I didn't answer her, just smiling mysteriously, holding back the answer as we reached The Lucky Cat Café.

"Here it is," I said, gesturing towards the café's entrance.

Mary Jane looked excited as she stepped inside. "Wow, it looks adorable!" she exclaimed, taking in the cozy ambiance and charming decorations.

As we entered, the doorbell chimed, and a familiar voice called out, "Welcome to The Lucky Cat Café!"

"Aunt Cass, I'm home," I called out casually in my voice, while Mary Jane looked at me in disbelief as if I betrayed her.

A woman with short dark hair and warm brown eyes emerged from the back of the café. "hey kiddo…!" Aunt Cass greeted us warmly, her eyes twinkling with kindness. "you're home late, Saga. Did something happen?"

Aunt Cass quickly approached me, inspecting me from head to toe, patting all over my body, and even gripping my face to look at it closer to make sure I'm alright.

As Aunt Cass examined me with a motherly concern, I couldn't help but chuckle softly. her concern genuinely endearing. "All in one piece, Aunt Cass," I assured her, extricating my face from her gentle grip.

Her curious gaze then shifted to Mary Jane, and the moment of truth had come. In an unexpectedly bubbly tone that echoed through the café, Aunt Cass gushed, "Oh my god, is she your girlfriend?" She practically breezed past me in her excitement, practically levitating toward Mary Jane.

Mary Jane, to her credit, was a picture of grace amidst this sitcom-worthy encounter. She flashed a warm smile, "Nice to meet you, I'm Mary Jane Watson." She said greeting Aunt Cass, whose joviality seemed ready to write its own comic strip. "Hello, dear. I'm Cass, his aunt. You can call me Aunt Cass too."

Aunt Cass's subsequent declaration, laden with dramatic flair, left me agog. "So, Mary Jane," she began with all the subtlety of a Broadway overture, "how did you and Saga here meet? When did you two become an item? Tell me all the juicy details."

"Aunt Cass, hold on a second," I spluttered, trying to stem the impending flood of presumptions.

"Oh, don't be shy, dear. Young love is a beautiful thing! And you, Saga, you sly dog, bringing her here to meet the family already? I must say, she's a catch!"

It was like a train wreck happening in slow motion, and I couldn't decide whether to laugh or Groan. Aunt Cass's assumption was now galloping on its steed of embarrassment, and I was the hapless knight trying to stop the stampede.

Mary Jane, bless her heart, was handling the situation with poise that I could only envy. Her chuckle was an ode to tact, as she replied, "Oh, Aunt Cass, Saga and I are just friends at school. We met coincidentally, and he's been really helpful showing me around."

Aunt Cass's brow creased in visible disappointment, like a balloon slowly deflating. "Just friends?" she echoed, the joy from a moment ago replaced by an air of disbelief. "Well, I guess that's lovely too, dear."

I couldn't help but intervene at this point, lest Aunt Cass embark on a personal mission to get me married before sunset. "Aunt Cass, remember this morning you told me Robin is quitting, and I brought a potential helper here," I added quickly, hoping to avoid any further dramatic flair.

"Oh yeah," Aunt Cass said, her features shifting from disappointment to contemplation. "I also remember you offering to help at the café."

Mary Jane's lips twitched, trying to suppress a laugh. I could practically hear her thoughts: Well, this escalated quickly.

"Exactly," I chimed in, relief flooding through me. "So, Mary Jane here is interested in the part-time job. She thought it would be a good opportunity, and I just offered to show her the way."

Aunt Cass's face brightened again, like the sun peeking out from behind a cloud. "Oh, that's wonderful! We could definitely use some extra help around here." She turned to Mary Jane with an inviting smile. "Well, dear, I'd be more than happy to consider you for the position. We're a small family-owned café, but we're like a little community. And if you're a friend of Saga's, then you're already family!"

Mary Jane's smile was genuine and warm, radiating gratitude. "Thank you so much, Aunt Cass. I'd really love to work here, I'm trying to find something that allows me to balance school and work," Mary Jane explained. "I want to save up for college and also support myself while doing something I enjoy."

Aunt Cass clapped her hands together, her enthusiasm infectious. "Fantastic! Let's talk more about it inside. And maybe I can share some embarrassing stories about Saga while we're at it," she added with a teasing wink.

I shot Aunt Cass a mock glare. "Hey, wait a minute—"

"Oh, I'm sure we'll have a good laugh," Mary Jane chimed in, her eyes dancing with amusement. "But don't worry, Saga. Your secrets are safe with me."

"Secrets? What secrets? I'm an open book!" I protested, though I could feel my cheeks heating up.

Mary Jane laughed heartily, leading the way into the café. "Oh, I can't wait to hear all about it."

As Aunt Cass and Mary Jane' wrapped up the details of her part-time job,

Aunt Cass beamed at her. " Welcome to The Lucky Cat Café, Mary Jane. You can start next week."

Mary Jane had a beaming smile on her face, and Aunt Cass looked pleased as well.

"I got the job!" Mary Jane exclaimed, practically bouncing with excitement. Then suddenly, she hugged me tightly, catching me off guard.

"Whoa there," I chuckled, returning the hug with a friendly pat on her back. "Okay, it's official, I'm definitely enjoying this," I admitted, the unexpected display of affection warming my heart.

After a moment, Mary Jane realized what she was doing and quickly pulled away, her cheeks flushed with embarrassment. "Sorry, I guess I just got a little carried away," she mumbled, trying to hide her blush behind her hands.

I couldn't help but grin, finding her adorable. "No need to apologize," I assured her, mischief glinting in my eyes. "Didn't I tell you earlier that you have a nice one? Definitely a jackpot," I teased, referring to her energetic and bubbly personality.

Mary Jane's face turned an even deeper shade of red, and she playfully swatted my arm. "Oh, hush! You pervert," she retorted, trying to maintain a facade of annoyance, but the grin on her face betrayed her.

"Hey, that's no way to treat a lady," Aunt Cass chimed in with a theatrical pout, delivering a playful swat to the back of my head. It was like being in a sitcom

it was time for her to head home. I walked her to the door, the bell chiming softly as we stepped outside. We talk a bit on the way to subway. As we reached the subway station, it was time for Mary Jane to catch her train home.

"Well, this is my stop," Mary Jane said, coming to a stop in front of the subway entrance.

"Yeah," I said, trying to sound nonchalant.

Mary Jane smiled warmly at me. "Thanks for everything today," she said sincerely. "I had a great time, and see you at school next week, tiger!" Her red hair glistened in the sunlight as she tucked a strand behind her ear.

"Really, tiger?" I replied, raising an eyebrow in amusement. "Well, surprisingly, I had a great time too, Watson."

"Just call me MJ, everyone calls me that," she said, grinning.

"Ok, MJ4," I said with a hint of mischief.

"MJ4?" Mary Jane asked, tilting her head curiously.

"Yeah, the only MJ I recognize is Michael Jackson, Magic Johnson, and Michael Jordan," I playfully teased.

She grinned mischievously, and I knew I was in trouble.

"Wow, those are all dudes. Oh my god, are you…." MJ said dramatically, before I cut her off.

"Okay, okay, you win. Now drop it," I said frantically. "Geez, you're so troublesome to deal with."

She nodded with a sly grin. "I know I am," she said. "Anyway, I gotta go. Don't be a stranger, Tiger," she added with a wink. "And thanks for everything, Saga." Her smile was beautiful, and I couldn't help but feel a warmth in my heart.

With a final wave, Mary Jane disappeared into the subway station, leaving me standing there with a mix of emotions. The city buzzed around me, but for a moment, I felt a sense of quiet contentment.

I went back to the little cat café to help aunt Cass with the cafe. Today apparently is slow day as there are not many customers dine in most of them take out during the service Aunt Cass, couldn't resist teasing me about Mary Jane, and flashing a knowing smile. I playfully rolled my eyes and shrugged it off, not wanting to rise to such a bait. Since its slow day so we decided to close early.

Finally, after finished cleaning up I went upstairs to my room Aunt Cass. It was cozy and filled with memories of counterpart childhood. The walls were adorned with photographs of my parents, reminders of the loving family I once had in both worlds. I flopped down on my bed, staring at the ceiling.

"Today was something else," I mumbled to myself. Wake up in marvel universe, Aunt Cass from big hero 6 was my aunt. Gwen, MJ and felicia were best friends. Sanctum Santorum. meet 9-years old peter, meeting with MJ.

But there was also a hint of unease. I couldn't shake the feeling that this was not a coincidence like the world trying to make me interact with them. And despite my initial response not to involve myself. I couldn't help it if I started to enjoyed.

"Get a grip, Saga," I scolded myself, shaking my head in an attempt to dispel the swirling thoughts. "This isn't some predetermined plot. Just embrace the moment and take it as it comes."

My fingers, apparently under their own volition, wandered to my pocket in search of a pack of cigarettes – an unfortunate habit I had picked up during my stint as a white-collar worker in my previous life. The realization that they weren't there anymore prompted a frustrated grumble to escape my lips. It was amazing how deeply ingrained these little vices could become, even after all the bizarre experiences of the day.

With a sigh that carried the weight of a thousand sighs, I turned my attention to my computer, clicking it on without much purpose. My web browser opened up, and I found myself engaging in the art of aimless internet browsing – jumping from anime to manga to game sites like a squirrel darting between trees.

And then, just as I was about to lose myself in the digital labyrinth, something extraordinary happened.

In the corner of my vision, I noticed a translucent window-like interface appear. [Welcome host, initialized the system?]. My heart skipped a beat as I realized what was happening.

[Yes] [No]

"Wait… is this… a gamer system?" I whispered to myself in disbelief.

To be Continued…..

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