
Mafia Boss wife

Lara Carter, eighteen years old, was forced to sign a marriage contract at the age of sixteen to Scott Miller, a.k.a Blade, the person she feared, by her grandfather. After signing the contract, she runs away from home. Blade, a heartless Mafia Boss, killed and tortured anyone who crossed his path without mercy. His face was always cold and void of emotion, but everything changed when a high school student saved him on the verge of death.  He felt something he had never felt before, he felt his heart skip a beat, and her face won't leave his mind. Her eyes, lips, smile, and voice sound like a singing angel, pulling him out from the darkness. And he wants all those feeling, and he can only have them if he has her. He wants Lara Carter, and he'll do everything to have her, but how could he do that when just a mention of his name scared her? His men feared blade, but no one knew what he looked like except those close to him. He always had a mask on every time he faced his men.  Everyone thought that Blade was an ugly, scary man hiding behind his mask.  Let's all follow Blade and Lara's Journey in discovering each other secrets, fighting for their life, and love from the claws of Blade's enemies, as well as from Lara's hidden identity.

Hope_seeker · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
67 Chs



I frantically ran out of the warehouse dragging Jaxon, Harry, and Lilly with me. I'm sure all of you know why. The second person I fear after Blade is Ashley, and I'm sure she's going to unleash her banshee side if I stay there longer, making me deaf, with some black and blue patches on my skin because of her smacking.

"Why are we running?" Jaxon asked after a few minutes of us running, all of us panting, catching our breath. I stopped and looked behind us, hoping Ashley wouldn't follow us, and I was relieved to see no shadow of her behind us. My shoulder slumped down, panting, and I sat at the side of the road wiping the sweat on my forehead. Lilly slumped down beside me, also panting, while Jaxon and Harry just stood beside us, both hands on their waist, waiting for my answer.