
Love that transcended Time

cupid always made others fall in love but he could never make others fall for him he had tried but it never seemed to work it just wasn't fair even when he fell in love they could never love him back but he never expected that there was someone who could because he too was cursed -

Malik_druinace · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
14 Chs

Learning about the past and future

Xavier turned to Malik

"so- Ali- can you tell me about your past real past before our world?" he replied

"about the human world or the demon world?" Malik replied

"both-" he replied

"well I don't remember anything before the age of 15- I was adopted then I loved my foster family I was close to both my mother and sister I loved them so much

I couldn't remember my real family but that wasn't important because I had a new family and I loved them like one and I was glad they accepted me- they cared for me even with my memory loss it was cause by a longtime trauma- I had bruises all over my body and when I saw a women besides my mother I would freak out- I'm still scared of women to this day-" Malik replied

"so-that's why you like men? because women scare you?" he replied

"Yes- do you have a problem with that?" Malik replied

"of course not I have a husband remember?" he replied

"So he's your husband now?- last I remember you hadn't reached that stage and wouldn't f*ck- that is until I convinced you- so after that-you got married?" Malik replied

"Well things got bad after that-and he ended up killing me and then in the next life- I had sex with him and then told him to move on-and then the brothel was set on fire and he ran into save me but we both ended up being burned alive and then in the next life after he told me everything I proposed to him and we got married- and after he told me about it we had sex again-" he finished

"You remember what happen in the brothel?" Malik replied

"well no- I don't remember that it was what Callus told me- and it wasn't me but different mes -" he replied

"I understand how that is I have seen other mes and even lived their lives -but how is Callus able to remember all that?" Malik replied

"I'm not really sure and he once saw the future" he replied

"he saw your death- you told me before-"Malik replied

"Yeah- I know- and I was wondering if you could see the future too since Callus was able to live his life with other mes and you could do that so maybe you can see it too" he replied

"Yeah I can see the future or I've seen glimpses of it-" Malik replied

"so what have you seen?" he replied

"well for one you and Callus have a child-" Malik replied

"really?!-what's their name?" he replied

"Calix-his name is Calix" Malik replied

"Calix? he really named our son handsome?" he replied

"Yeah-why are you jealous? and what does he call you? right Zavi-which means beautiful" Malik replied

Xavier turned bright red

"It means beautiful?!" he shouted

"It's a cute pet name- and it fits you well-" Malik replied

"pet name?!" he shouted

"well aren't you his wife?" Malik replied

"No!- he's the wife he just doesn't like me calling him it and I always called him husband-and I know he prefers me as the wife but I want to be the husband so we're both the husband" he replied

"Oh-I see- then does that mean you only have topped him?" Malik replied

"Yeah though I know he wants to do it to me too-" he replied

"then why don't you let him?" Malik replied

"because I'm used to topping him but- I wouldn't mind it- I let him do it-" he replied

"but what if you ended up being the one who got pregnant?" Malik replied

"I-I-would keep it-and we would raise it together-and in the real world that wouldn't happen" he replied

"maybe not yet but it will happen in the future" Malik replied

"how do you know that? and did you see anything else?" he replied

Malik froze - should I tell him he's being cheated on? with another me?

"I-I- don't know how to tell you this- but I don't think that future will happen anymore-" Malik replied

"what do you mean? what are you talking about Malik?" he replied

"I- promise me you won't get upset-" Malik replied

"alright I promise so tell me-" he replied

"Callus is currently with another me- as in together together- and that version of me loves Callus alot- and Callus ended up choosing him-" Malik replied

"Cal- chose you? why?" he replied

"because apparently I'm the better choice-

and he felt bad for him- and he's had enough of you- his words not mine- I'm sorry Zavi-" Malik replied

"it's alright- if that's his choice then I'll let him make it- we have each other right?" he replied

"Yeah and know that they say bros before hoes-" Malik replied

"You just called him a hoe-" he replied

"isn't that what he is? he didn't care about your feelings at all and chose him- because he had fun-" Malik replied

"What?! that can't be right Cal isn't like that!" he shouted

"how do you know that? what if he had been faking it?" Malik replied

"No- he- Loves me!- he only chose you because I left him- and he was hurt-

but he still loves me- and he felt that there was other choice- that's why- he's not heartless!" He shouted

"he did do it for you- at first- but the second time- he completely changed- he's not the same Cal you knew-" Malik replied

"that can't be true- he never would turn into a monster- he- he- it's my fault isn't it?" He replied sobbing

Malik wrapped his arms around him

"it's alright Zavi I'm here- and it isn't just your fault- there's more to it than that- things didn't work out between you two because that's how fate was it's cruel- and I can't be happy either-

but we have eachother right?" Malik replied

"but didn't you say that me and Callus had a future together?" he replied

"you did but that isn't possible anymore- I'm truly sorry Zavi- I sacrificed everything for you and still it ended up this way- Dammit-" Malik replied and hugged him tight

"don't blame yourself Malik there wasn't anything you could do-" he replied

"But it is my fault!- don't you realize that's my role? I'm one who can change fate-and he's with another me so it obviously is My fault-" Malik replied

"Well is there a way that you could send me back?" he replied

"Yes I think so but don't expect to see him right away- and even if you do you can't interact with him-" Malik replied

"why can't I?" he replied

"because he can't see you because he is stuck in a trance- and can only see what the demon shows him- but I'm sure you'll find a way to save him-" Malik replied

"what if I don't?-" he replied

"you want to see him again don't you? don't give up hope- you can have a future together-

and I'm giving that to you again so don't waste it-" Malik replied

suddenly everything fadded away for him

Malik let out a sigh

he saw another future- but he knew it was better not to tell him-

and Malik knew that soon he would be erased

and that other two would be as well