
Love that transcended Time

cupid always made others fall in love but he could never make others fall for him he had tried but it never seemed to work it just wasn't fair even when he fell in love they could never love him back but he never expected that there was someone who could because he too was cursed -

Malik_druinace · Fantasy
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14 Chs

a forgotten past and an uncertain future

when cosmo opened his eyes which he saw in front of him

wasn't his cupid but Fae' {the hot demon version of cupid who f*cked him}

"Fae'? why am I here I was just with cupid-" he replied

"well I want you with me and you don't know how much I missed you-" Fae' replied

"what do you want? You already had me so what could you possibly want now?" he replied

"I want you silly and I don't want to share you I want you all to myself" Fae' replied

"but I don't belong to you- and I love cupid -" he replied

"but I am cupid" Fae' replied

"was you aren't cupid anymore and you sure as hell don't act like it" he replied

"maybe I'm not the same but how can you not go insane when no matter what you do you can't get back the one you love?" Fae' replied

"you lost your cosmo, didn't you? that's why you came to me" he replied

"I- yes- I did but he couldn't stay with me because he was from the past

before you had met me but I was able to meet this past you- and I fell in love with him but we were never meant to meet and so he was taken from me and I couldn't save him" Fae' explained,

"when you say couldn't save him you mean he died?" He replied

"not entirely he became you- and the reason you are the way now you had to go through two changes and you didn't deserve that- they broke you twice I know you remember when you were a demigod but you weren't born one like cupid you were stripped down to one and had all your memories erased" Fae' explained

"I wasn't born a demigod?! Was I stripped down to one? does that mean I've always been a god?" He replied

"Yes- but they took away your title and changed you completely and I miss that version of you- but I knew it was impossible to stay with him so I found you" Fae' replied

"what about your deal with satan?" he replied

"I had to make a deal with the devil if I wanted to be with you again I first had to stay with him for a thousand years and afterward he turned me into a demon and then I ended up in the past and that's how I met that you" Fae' replied

"then how did you end up meeting me?" he replied

"I just thought about you and how much I missed you and brought you here-" Fae' replied

"what about this other me?" he replied

"there was no way to get him back and even if I did he wouldn't be able to stay with me forever but you can" Fae' replied

"I'm not staying here I want to go back to cupid" He replied

"I'm sorry but that's not an option you're stuck with me for eternity" Fae' replied

"what if I could make it so that you could be with him? then would you return me to my wife?" he replied

"how would you make that possible?" Fae' replied

"I can travel back in time sort of- and you were able to travel further back so maybe if we combine our powers I can make it possible" he replied

"What if it doesn't work?" Fae' replied

"Well, then we are stuck here as you wanted but do you truly want that?" he replied

"I'm- not sure but what if he doesn't remember me?" Fae' replied

"well even if he doesn't maybe try to remind him that's how it worked with cupid- and do you have something from his past?" he replied

"I do- he made me a bracelet

"fate is like destiny and his said destiny says that you are my fate" were the words he wrote on it and the charms were a heart and a star" Fae' replied

"Now that you mention it, I can see the bracelet on your right wrist were you wearing it the whole time? even during sex?" he replied

"I never take it off just like you never took off your ring" Fae' replied

"Then why did you f*ck me?" he replied

"Why did you want me to f*ck you?" Fae replied

"touche, cause you're so f*cking hot" He replied

"you want me to f*ck that a** of yours again?" Fae' replied

"as tempting as that sounds No-but I still want you inside me" he replied

"you- mean to say- that you- have a uterus?" Fae' replied

"It's similar in a sense- it's called galaixs but it can be only used once and it will kill me- but I think it's worth it, you will have a child and I want you to raise them" He replied

"how will I get back to the other you then?" Fae' replied

"don't worry I will use the last of my energy to make it possible" He replied

"are you really sure You want to do this?" Fae' replied

"Yes you don't deserve what happened to you and I want to give you a better future" he replied

"but why would you do this for me?" Fae' replied

"Because you remind me of myself and I don't want you to suffer anymore" He replied

"I don't deserve this-but If you're willing to sacrifice yourself for me- then I will accept it" Fae' replied

so Fae' accepted his offer and even though the sex was amazing he knew that these were his last moments and he would never see cupid again

he felt his insides explode

that was what literally happened

he collapsed to his knees

"Please raise your child well and tell cupid that I love him" were his final words

his body turned into galaxies it was so beautiful and tears came down Fae's cheeks

when cupid opened his eyes he too felt tears flow down his cheeks

he felt it he knew that cosmo was gone, erased

"You promised that we would spend our last moments together but instead you went without me- how long will I have to wait until I see you again?" he sobbed

suddenly he felt someone wrap their arms around him

he looked up for a second he thought that it was cosmo but it wasn't

he saw that they were missing an eye it was hollowed out and cracked but he could see galaxies inside it

"Mom!" they shouted

cupid's eyes widen this was their child?!

"you're my child?"He replied

"It's a bit complex the one who gave birth to me died and turned into galaxies that's what my father told me and that you were the opposite of him so I called you mom and if I ever meant you that I would be there for you because it's what he wanted he really loved you" They replied

"then what about my child?" he replied

"wait-you're pregnant?! I have a sibling?!"They shouted

"Yes and I was going to name him Eros, Eros dragon" He replied

"you gave him full name and you know it's him?" They replied

"Yes as his mother I can tell and I know that name will fit him well" he replied

"he will be the dragon of love and he will find the one he loves and he will love them no matter what and forgive them even though they didn't deserve it but they will learn to love him back and they will love each other truly" they replied

"how do you know all that?" he replied

"Because I'm the god of destiny and I can see his" They replied