
Love that transcended Time

cupid always made others fall in love but he could never make others fall for him he had tried but it never seemed to work it just wasn't fair even when he fell in love they could never love him back but he never expected that there was someone who could because he too was cursed -

Malik_druinace · Fantasy
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14 Chs

what happened to Xavier crossover

when Xavier opened his eyes he was in a white void where could Callus have been?!

Malik peered down at him

"what happened Xavier?

"I got hit by a vehicle I assume I kicked the bucket this is paradise right?" he answered

"Pfft this isn't paradise it's Limbo in the middle between-there's two of them the dim one and the white one-the dull one is atrocities and the other is great activities and you needed to improve things between both of you didn't you?- " Malik answered

"Definitely is there a method for getting back?" he answered

"Definitely well done Zavi you're a Divine being presently " Malik answered

"What?!- how did I merit this?- I simply need to return to Cal-" he answered

"I pondering the equivalent brother - Man do I miss Satan-" Malik answered

"wait Satan isn't with you?" he replied

"No he's prohibited to be here-divine beings and their inept principles " Malik answered"rules? just how many rules are there? did I break a rule?" he replied

"you should have other savvy you could not have possibly wound up here-I wound up here for changing destiny so I'm the Lord of destiny and cupid is the Divine force of affection and the other one he never let me know his name simply that he was a Divine being-

since he has been in numerous circles with Cupid-" Malik answered

"so this God and cupid are close?" he answered

"for what reason did their destiny need to be brutal to such an extent that they needed to have a wedding trip here?" Malik answered

did you appear in front them well they did it?" he replied

"No and you're the person who did it infront of me-" Malik answered

"I-did?!- everything turned splendid and I awakened close to Callus-and when he awakened he let me know upsetting him-he was terrified that I would compel him-" He answered

"You were extremely intense and forceful however Callus appeared to appreciate it-" Malik answered

"That is where your off-base Malik he didn't appreciate it at all-he was in a ton of agony and in the event that you've referred to him as well as I did-he will in general conceal it-to say that he appreciates it when he doesn't to say that he's cheerful when he's not-" he replied

"presently I'm caught here everlastingly I'll at no point ever see Satan in the future " Malik answered

we'll never get out of here?" he replied

"I realize destiny isn't what it appears yet acceptable now it is-we'll be deleted from presence " Malik answeredXavier's eyes widen

"Erased from existence?!- so I'll never see Cal again?!" He shouted

"it will be okay Zavi-you have me-now-" Malik answered

Xavier began to sob into his chest

"This just isn't fair Mal-" he replied

Malik's eyes enlarge at the epithet

"Zavi that sounds outrageously near Cal-call me Mali-lik alik or Ali-" Malik answered

"I'll just call you Ali then-since you're a king-" he replied

"I'm not a king- wait- my name means king-"

Malik replied faceplamed

that's when two gods appeared in front of them

one was tall and handsome

the other was cute and short

the first one had that edgey God look to him

Malik answered faceplamed

furthermore, the other seemed to be a charming heavenly messenger

"You appear near this one Malik who is he?" cosmo answered

"you truly don't have the foggiest idea?- this is Xavier-he is the one I saved from that other world-" he answered

"do you maybe love him?" cosmo answered

"I love him as a brother- my only love is Satan-" he replied

"you have a bro con don't you?" Cosmo replied

"what's wrong with carrying about my brothers? I don't have any other family-" he replied

"No doubt I know-and that other cupid-made an arrangement with Satan-he transformed him into an evil spirit "

cosmo murmured to Malik

Xavier headed toward Cupid

"are you connected with Malik?" Xavier inquired

"No doubt he's my sibling " he answered

"ha-that is amusing he's my sibling as well" Xavier answered

"you're my brother too?" he replied

"No doubt obviously I once a beast and like Malik I changed-" Xavier answered

"I likewise was a beast once-I hurt Malik-

but I apologized to him and he did the same we weren't the best brothers" he replied

"My relationship with Malik was rocky too-

how about we simply say he didn't treat me right-" Xavier answered

Xavier wasn't happy coming clean with him

"did he apologize to you too?" he asked

"Indeed he did on his dieing breaths-he forfeited his life for me-" Xavier answered

"so that's why you came after him?" he replied

"Yeah- and one who killed was - My past lover-

not the one that I love now- I had two-" Xavier replied

"you had two past sweethearts?" he inquired

"I loved them both so much- but eventually I could only love one of them-

what's more, I pursued him rather I ought to have remained with him-yet I didn't-yet destiny took him back to me-" Xavier answered

"so how did you first meet?" he asked

"Well he was my other sweetheart's cousin-and she carried me to meet him and that is the manner by which all that began we were something beyond companions yet that defeated me-that wasn't the way things should be-

however, I succumbed to her cousin-I felt as though I had double-crossed her so I finished it-" Xavier answered

Cupid's eyes widen

"they were cousins?! and how could you end your life over something like that? you had someone who loved you but I didn't that I knew of- I didn't find out until later-" he replied

"how do you know that?" Xavier asked

"since that was my revile nobody could adore me-as of not long ago Malik and Cosmo both love me-" he answered

"that is a seriously savage revile well it's messed up now you have three individuals who love you-" Xavier answered

Xavier embraced him tight

"You're saying yourself love me as well?- however you scarcely know me-" he answered

"Well you are my sibling and despite the fact that I've never met you I as of now feel like you've been with me my entire life-and I penance everything for you are my child sibling " Xavier answered

"I'm older than I look! I'm 19!- don't call me a baby!" he shouted

Xavier's eyes widen

"Gracious I'm sorry-suppose I'm the most youthful I'm 17-and Malik is 18-so that implies you're the most established " Xavier answered

"I'm older than both of you?!- wow then do you still have your virginity?" he replied

Xavier was speechless- his character just did a 180

"I was the one who did it-" Xavier replied

Cupid's eyes widen

"You're the one who did it?!- was this person shorter than you?" he replied

"No he was taller-by 4 inches-it wasn't so much that terrible I'm very astounding at it-" Xavier answered

"wow- so I can f*ck cosmo! - but he won't let me-" he replied

"for what reason wouldn't he?" Xavier inquired

"because there's someone that's better-" he replied

"wow-does he slight you appreciate that constantly?" Xavier answered

"No he's really good to me it's just I'm not the only one" he replied

"he's with another person as well?" Xavier inquired

"he imagines that they're superior to me however he cherishes me as well" he answered

"for what reason does he actually hold tight to you assuming they are better?" Xavier answered

"since he would rather not pick between us-regardless of whether he prefers him better he actually adores me-and he would rather not let go-" he answered

"then why are you still with him?-" Xavier replied

"Because It's what I promised him and he's the one in particular who can cherish me-" he answered

"you remind me of Cal

he loved me so much

I wish I could have showed him that

I tried my best but he never saw it

he was suffering from his past

he had been hurt by his wife

and It was my fault-" Xavier replied

"how was it your fault?" he asked

"We had an affair" Xavier replied

Cupid's eyes widen

"Oh- you two are shameless aren't you?" he replied

"very we are the shameless couple" Xavier replied

"so how many times have you done it?" He asked

"I don't know it happened alot I lost count

but in the last life we only f*cked once" Xavier replied

"Oh we f*cked twice first from the back and then from the front and Oh yeah I'm pregnant" he replied

Xavier's eyes widen

"I so it is possible?! Malik wasn't lieing?!" Xavier shouted

"Yeah it is if you're a an Aphroditey that is and since you are it's possible" he replied

Xavier's eyes widen

"That ain't happening I be the one doing it" Xavier replied

"it can work that way too you can get anyone pregnant regardless of gender-" he replied

Xavier's eyes widen

"I can get him pregnant?!" Xavier shouted

"isn't that what you want?" he replied

"Yeah I'm just happy our dream is possible

he doesn't believe that he's so broken I want us to be happy again" Xavier replied

"what happened to him?" He replied

"he had nightmares constantly and they were surreal to him that's why he's so scared I hurt him

but I could never do that I love him so much" Xavier replied

"that's horrible did he see you die or have to kill you?" he asked

"Yes 3 times he killed me one in one of them

and Lorain told him about me the first time

so I died 4 times in reality I only died twice " Xavier replied

"he saw two other ways?" he asked

"Yes in one I hurt him and in the other I told him to move on" Xavier replied

"He was scared because of his past relationship right?" he asked

"Yes that woman was horrible" Xavier replied

"what did she do to him?" he asked

"she used and manipulated him and she beat him up" Xavier replied

"she hurt him pretty badly huh? because of the affair?" he replied

"Yeah she did but not as badly as I thought

Callus always takes things to the extreme

he didn't want me to f*ck him so he pretended to be paralyzed" Xavier replied

Cupid's eyes widen

"Wow he must have been really hurt to act like that" he replied

"he was I didn't stop her even if he wasn't paralyzed she still hurt him" Xavier replied

"I meant he was hurt by you too-" he replied

Xavier's eyes widen

"Yeah you're right but I didn't mean to I was a coward" Xavier replied

"everything worked out in the end right?" he replied

"Almost I ruined it again and he ended up heartbroken why did fate turn out this way?" Xavier replied

"you know what they say fate is not what it seems-" he replied

Xavier's eyes widen

"where did you hear that?!" Xavier shouted

"From Malik and Cosmo said it before that he knew Malik would come but we didn't expect you" he replied

"so you never saw me coming? or rather cosmo didn't?" Xavier replied

"mhm- you me and Malik aren't from here are we?" he asked

"No we all come from separate worlds Malik has been to both of ours I don't know how many he's been in but I only was in two

And this the third I been in-" Xavier replied

"I was in a world with Malik Then I ended up here

but my life was different than the previous me" he replied

"That's how it was for me too- I was supposed to be a monster but that wasn't who I was-" Xavier replied

"so you are a good person then?" he asked

"I made mistakes but I wasn't a bad person" Xavier replied

"I already told you that I hurt Malik but other than that I was a good person? I don't know

I am missing some of my memories" he replied

"Oh that's OK I had that problem for awhile

but I was able to remember it all well most of it

I don't know who my parents were" Xavier replied

"I can barely remember my parents

but I know my mother was Aphroditey" he replied

"does that mean she's my mother too?" Xavier asked

"Well you have her birthmark us Aphroditey do" he replied

"is it always this birthmark? do you have one on your back?" Xavier asked

"it was the cupid arrow-" he replied

"Malik has an arrow too and I have a sword" Xavier replied

"a sword? that's pretty different could you show it to me?" He replied

"Yeah but can I see yours too and touch your wings?" Xavier replied

"Yeah and you can only touch my wings nothing else" he replied

"alright then- and you can only look no touch-" Xavier replied

"not even a little? that isn't fair you know" he replied

"I'm only comfortable with Callus" Xavier replied

"Then show it to me first" he replied

Xavier nodded and took his top off

he turned his back to him

cupid saw his wings pop out

he had the Urge to touch them but he held back

he looked in between them looking up and down he saw the sword

it aligned down his back

the blade was large

the bottom of it had a rhombus point

it was an unquine blade

"it's very unquine" he replied

"It's how I got my name it's known as the Xavier" Xavier replied

"that's pretty interesting and your wings are bigger than mine" he replied

Xavier's eyes widen

"I have wings?!-" He shouted

but then he thought about it

Malik had wings too-

so of course he have them as well

"You're a angel like me and Malik-" he replied

"Malik saved me and you make others fall in love what did I do? I wasn't able to save the one I loved" Xavier replied

"but you took care of him and loved him right?" he asked

"Yeah I was always there for him but he always hid behind a wall he was suffering and I only made things worse but I stayed by his side

through it all I want to give him the future he wants but it seems impossible and I just want to see his smile one last time" Xavier replied

before he knew it Xavier began to sob

cupid reached up and hugged him tight

"lean down please all of you are taller than me! it's not fair!" He shouted

Xavier leaned down and cupid wiped his tears

"Do whatever it takes not to lose trust it will get better-I know how outrageous it is-I abandoned cos since I was terrified seeing him so broken-

Yet again I just exacerbated the circumstance yet when he assisted me with recollecting everything-I promised him that I endeavor and I thought everything worked out emphatically and like that Callus of yours he additionally hides behind a wall-he felt that I be upset

since he had that easygoing hookup

I can't muster the energy to care about things like that-

besides, detest we really want to do it continually " he replied

"it's good that both of you can have an open relationship like that-yet with Cal I don't completely accept that anyone ought to acknowledge him from me-and he's the same way with me-" Xavier replied

"cosmo can be possessive of me sometimes " he replied

"Well extraordinary he's involved right now " Xavier replied

"Most likely Malik is genuinely captivating and interesting

in any case, emphatically " he replied

"Without a doubt what all things considered a has he told you?" Xavier asked

"the very manner by which he went through the multiverse-" he replied

"Multiverse?- did he instruct you concerning the time he got pregnant by a demon?" Xavier asked

"No-but he instructed Cosmo " he replied

"Goodness alright I have scarcely any knowledge of the multiverse-however at this point that I think of it as I feel that Callus saw-" Xavier replied

"I hardly have huge knowledge of it-I understand I came from another universe-yet I have near no experience with it-and I understand Cosmo has ment various mes-" he replied

"other yous?- do you have a lot of knowledge of them?" Xavier asked

"sort of-I have a part of their memories

I understand that two of them disappeared

moreover, the lay passed on " he replied

"so two of them made due? do you know about what occured for them?" Xavier asked

"one of them is with me in a way well the other is in an imaginary world " he replied

"what do you are natural this other you I mean the one in an imaginary world " Xavier asked

"I realize he's more grounded taller and hot-and he f*cked my life partner "he replied

"stand by is this easygoing sexual experience a comparable individual?" Xavier asked

"Truth be told and I surrender I'm a piece burning anyway I won't condemn him-if he wants it again-he can have it-" he replied

"I - couldn't say whether I could anytime be like you-I could manage without Cal with some other individual and accepting someone endeavored to eliminate him from me I kill them-" Xavier replied

"I see-you're genuinely associated with him-cosmo is really joined to me as well and I love him with my whole presence whether or not he's an outsider to me-" he replied

"so you have no associate with him? nonetheless, you seem, by all accounts, to be so close to him-how could that be?" Xavier asked

"I acknowledge we are wonderful accomplices and because of various mes" he replied

"without these other yous could you love him?" Xavier asked

"To be sure I do-I acknowledge that paying little mind to what I'll consistently love him-" he replied

"I want to acknowledge that too-that I'll continually esteem Cal-yet without our past I could never at any point have revered him-since I loved someone else " Xavier replied

"I don't actually acknowledge that that-both of you are wonderful accomplices

you would regardless love him since he treasures you-" he replied

"envision a situation in which he didn't value me?" Xavier asked

"I don't know-I acknowledge he'll continually esteem you-" he replied

"in any case, envision a situation where I didn't save him?- " Xavier asked

"he would be crushed " he replied

"I could at positively no point at any point need that later on he has been pain blasted so frequently and a portion of the time it was a consequence of me-and that other me hurt him-" Xavier replied

"how did this other you hurt him?" he asked

"I hurt him-during sex-and it was outstandingly strong

additionally, anguishing the most effective way to mitigate the exacerbation was with more desolation I attacked him really hard

all over-the whole time was like torture to him-" Xavier replied

Cupid's eyes increase

"that is awful did this other you feel a debt of gratitude?" He asked

"For sure he even expected to do more-he truly was a monster " Xavier replied

"that is the manner in which you ought to be-but I'm blissful you didn't turn out that way " he replied

"Almost certainly I'm too aside from I was so close to I could have hurt him very " Xavier replied

"anyway, you saw him you saw how seriously he was hurting so you stopped and you reconsidered your exercises and improved him-" He replied

"In any case, I really ended up f*cking him" Xavier replied

"so that is the place where you did it-was he alright with it?" He asked

"he was alarmed all along yet as I pushed him he started to change his point of view and he really wanted it quite so I gave it to him-and he genuinely felt a debt of gratitude " Xavier replied

"so both of you are at positively no point truly going to f*ck later on?" he asked

"I figure we will again-soon-he-apparently needs it quite " Xavier replied

"what constrains you think he changed his point of view?" He asked

"Since he by and large does-and I ensured I get it going and I didn't show up so he unquestionably needs it " Xavier replied

"You're really striking and whenever had an amazing open door and energy to genuinely commit that responsibility?" he replied

"Well me and cal had the choice to dwell because of Malik-once I brought him home-I ensured I would-" Xavier replied

"regardless, something happened didn't it?" he asked

"For sure Lorain came after me-and killed me-" Xavier replied

"Well that is genuinely sad " he replied

"she killed me since she acknowledged that she would get an euphoric fulfillment expecting she did-" Xavier replied

"Goodness do you have in any event some thought why she believed that?" he asked

"since it would be better without me and

since it's beginning and end that her significant other told her-" Xavier replied

"she had a mate?!- " He shouted

"Almost certainly she presumably ignored her with the exception of she was assisted with recalling her-" Xavier replied

"what did she edify you with respect to her?" he asked

"it was more like her life partner illuminated me concerning herself-" Xavier replied

"you chatted with her soul mate?!" He shouted

"Certainly she was fairly having her-she expected to include her as a vessel-and she was only practical with her-" Xavier replied

"did her significant other die?" he asked

"I don't have even the remotest clue anyway she was a demon " Xavier replied

"is Callus a demon too?!" He shouted

"No if anything I was-" Xavier replied

"so you're like Malik then-do you know how you changed into one?" he replied

"I haven't a clue and I didn't learn I was one until later " Xavier replied

"how did you not know?" he asked

"Since I lost my memories how is it that I could ought to acknowledge I was a cross variety?" Xavier replied

"you were a blend?!" He shouted

"half malevolent soul half vampire-" Xavier replied

"what's a vampire?" he asked

"a parasite - undead that refreshments blood to live-but I just required it from Cal-" Xavier replied

"so you drank his blood? how often?" he asked

"it was only a solitary time and I took alot of it-" Xavier replied

"simply a solitary time? supporting you for a long time was able? Yet again did you anytime need it?" he asked

"It had the choice to keep me alive for quite a long time and when I tasted his blood again

I held onto a craving for it-yet I really wanted something past that-I expected to eat up him-and taste his tissue I from a genuine perspective expected to eat him-" Xavier replied

Cupid's eyes increase

"you from a genuine perspective expected to eat him?!" He shouted

"Most certainly anyway I stopped myself-by kissing his hand-" Xavier replied

"Goodness so you changed your exercises?" he asked

"Yet again better accept it and after I gave him a hand work I expected to give him an exotic stroke yet he didn't let me-so I changed my exercises and I licked his body and spot his chest and nibbled on it-up to his collar bone all in all his neck-

promising him as mine-" Xavier replied

cupid looked toward him puzzled

"What?!- I didn't see most of that-" he replied

"You didn't?!- yet you have taken part in sexual relations right?

you haven't done much else?!" Xavier shouted

"I-how is it that I could know these things? I barely know anything-I understand how people do it because of the past me-yet that is all-" He replied

"I see-well I could show you how it capabilities " Xavier replied

"show me?!- You're genuinely prepared to?- " He replied

"Certainly I acquired it from my kin also so I want to show you-" Xavier replied

Cupid's eyes broaden

"He showed you?!- " He hollered

"Most certainly he showed me everything-how it capabilities between men-getting ready fingering-and he

tell me that you truly need to use lube to further develop it and clearly he informed me in regards to hand occupations and penis back rubs and how to significant throat-" Xavier replied

"so could you anytime generously let me in on how these things work?" he asked

"Well for fingering you put your in between his a** and move them in and out

likewise, you can achieve some different option from one at time

likewise, ask cosmo to wriggle his fingers between your a** - you'll see the value in it-" Xavier replied

Cupid's face ended up being brilliant pink

he could imagine cosmo doing precisely that-

it made him horny-

cupid faked worsening back

"Alright Cos-that feels amazing don't stop-" he replied

cupid was completely lost in his fantasy

startlingly cosmo appeared before him

he couldn't separate

"make an effort not to imagine those things when I'm here-

basically let me in on my tricky sweetheart imaging-" cosmo replied

cupid looked toward him with a flirtatious look

"Charitable Cos-I accept that you ought to put your fingers in between my a** and wriggle them in and out-" he replied

"anything you want dear" cosmo replied

cosmo lifted up his skirt and slipped his down without a second thought and got his a** and squeezed it and began moving his fingers between it wriggling them in out

cupid let out two or three moans

he was genuinely receiving a charge in return

Malik and Xavier watch them-

Malik:"Nevermind this couple is more striking than you-"

"Callus had a great time it when I did it to him-" he replied

Malik faceplamed

amendment: you both are strong

I genuinely need to accept that I don't have to deal with any more strong couples-

what's to come: just you stop