
Love in Darkness

Selena is a daughter of a farmer and Eon is a fairy. They both found each other in the forbidden forest when they run away to escape their life. A beautiful friendship has turned into something deeper. They spent time with each other in the forest, mesmerized by the beauty of nature. Selena and Eon found what they seek: happiness and love. But everything changes when Selena is destined to marry a businessman her parents met. Selena is heartbroken leaving Eon. Eon's world crumbles as he witnesses the love of his life marrying another man. As Selena and Eon continue living their life, they cannot forget their past. Sereia is a battered wife. His husband, Magnus, did not show her respect and love the way Eon did. Though her parents are happy to live a luxurious life, Selena wishes to escape her miserable life. On the other hand, Eon continues to prove his worth but to no avail. Fairies, including his parents, see him be worthless. Selena and Eon will meet again and this time, could they fight for their love? Or will they continue to live a sad fate?

MagicalSine · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
49 Chs

The most dangerous

Eon had found the book titled Life and Death. It is a slender book. As soon as he opens the book, a gasp of horror and a scream of pain are heard. A smoke also came out, shaping the symbol of life and death - the ankh and skull. Eon is feeling anxious but at the same time thrilled. He mutters to himself, "This is it.". He flips the pages. All the information in the book matches the things that have happened to Eon. His hand glowing, positive emotions lead to giving life, and negativity leads to death. Every time Eon's glowing hands touch the ground, a result shows depending on his emotion. The book stated that if the fairy is feeling positivity, he would give life to any creature that had died, and for feeling negativity, every living being that has been touched would die.

Eon is amazed by reading all the facts and matches with his identity. But his forehead furrowed when he sees that there are only two pages left in the book. The book declares in the second to the last page that such power is so rare. And because of that, no information about the progression is found. Eon then realizes that something happened to him that he did not found in the book. It was when his entire body glow and everything that surrounded the oak tree had lived without him touching it. He remembers that it was the day when he discovered he had fallen in love and a lot of positiveness is emitting in his body.

This makes Eon remembers Selena. The big oak tree where he would spend his time staring at her - seeing her smile and hearing her voice. The thought of her made Eon feel sorrow. He did not even notice that such great negative emotion has the flowers and plants growing in the library, lost its life.

Eon snaps out of it and starts to focus again. He flips the book and is shocked by what he had read on the last page.


Eon closes the book and is speechless. The book did not contain the full information he needed but he has a depth understanding of what he is capable of. It is getting late so he decides to keep the book and is about to use the door when he hears footsteps coming from outside. He backs away from the door and hides behind the bookshelf.

"Eon. I know you are in here. Where are you?!". Eon is puzzled but then he recognizes the voice. It is Denver. "How did he know?", he asks himself. Eon sighs. He does not want to be involved in a fight especially in a forbidden place of the magic realm. He thinks of a plan while listening to Denver and his minions taking down possible hiding places.

"It would be best if you come out now and I will show you mercy. But if you do not, I will finish what I had started in the magic school. You will exit this place with a broken face!".

Eon cannot fight, they outnumbered him. He cannot run for the door either, surely they had closed it. So Eon thought of using his powers to scare them away at least. He closes his eyes and thinks of the things that will make him emit negative sentiment. His body is starting to glow. The plants and flowers are starting to turn yellow and then brown. The bookshelves are also turning grey.

"What... What is happening?", one of Denver's minions utters.

"Denver? What is this? It does not look good.".

Upon seeing this, Denver's eyes widen and he could not think straight. They all looking around and realizes that everything is dying. Finally, Denver has found his voice, "This... This is impossible.".

As soon as Eon's anger flared up, all that has turned brown has become fire. Denver and his minions shout, panicking that the library is on fire. One of them had found the door, "This way!", and leads them out. They run and run until they are far away from the burning library. They are catching their breath when one of Denver's minions vent his anger.

"What were you thinking, Denver? You said Eon was there but it was empty and we almost got ourselves killed.". Denver, out of anger, controls a long branch and coils it on his minion's neck.

"Are you blaming me? How dare you to talk to me that way?". He tightens the branch's grip on his minion's neck. His minion is strangling to escape. Another minion gets down on his knees and pleads, "Please, Denver, stop. He did not mean to. You are killing him.". Denver looks at him with a stern face and then releases the branch, freeing his minion.

The minion is coughing so hard and catching his breath. Then he bows, "I am so sorry, Denver. I did not mean to disrespect.".

Denver who was scared moments ago is showing a face full of annoyance. "Let's go!".

Eon, on the other hand, upon hearing that the door bursts open, calms himself down. The fire subsided and then went out totally. Eon sighs, "I almost burn this place down because of that bully.". He is feeling annoyed but he thought, "At least they are gone.". Then he goes straight home.

The next day, Eon is doing his usual routines, prepares his things, and eat breakfast with his parents. His parents have been quiet the past few days, even his father did not say something. Eon kind of likes it because it would be awkward if they are going to be caring and everything with him. Most of the days, Fero and Diana are busy with their work at the highest village so it is the same as before for Eon. He thought, "Well they see me now, unlike before.". Then he smiles bitterly.

After breakfast, Eon goes to the magic school for his classes. Upon entering the room and going to his spot, he mutters to himself, "Hmm... no Denver and underlings.". And his day goes on without any other fairies bothering him. When the day is ending, Eon thought of something. The book lacks information about the Life and Death power so he decides to provide it himself.

Eon decides to do the experiment in the forbidden forest because it is secluded. No fairy nor human will be in the forest. It will just be him and the living creatures. He chooses to pass through the portal at midnight so no one will see him leave.

At midnight, he carries his magic pouch and off to go out of the house. When he reaches outside, his father is there. He is about to go back inside sneakily when his father speaks, "I know your plan and I have no plan on stopping you. Just be careful and be back before your mother wakes up." Then his father goes inside the house, leaving him stunned. After recovering from the shock, Eon continues his way to the portal. Upon arriving in the forest, memories are flooding in his mind.

He starts focusing on the optimistic emotion - recalling the day that he and Selena spent time at the falls and the day they confess to each other. Eon begins to glow. The white keeps getting larger as he remains the memories in his mind. Then the luminescence burst and revives all the dead plants, flowers, and even animals. Eon cannot believe what he sees right before his eyes. He sits down on the ground and starts writing down in detail the whole scenario.

After writing, Eon takes a look around and gazes upon the big oak tree. He recalls the day when he and Selena sleep together and comfort each other. He recollects the day when they promise each other to come back to the same spot but Selena never came again. It was also the day that he said I love you to her. The first and last. Eon's heart starts to ache when he remembers the day of the wedding and Selena being kissed by someone else. He starts to glow again and this time, his body is emitting a gray light. The pain makes the light expand and then another burst of light happened. All that has been revived have died again. Eon wipes his tears and starts writing down again.

Eon pauses for a moment. He takes down a question on the journal that he cannot answer.


The power works because he has a lot of feelings - bad and good - inside his heart. It got Eon thinking. "What if sooner or later I am unable to feel because of carrying too much emotion and letting it go will make me feel better and powerful? What I am then?." Eon laughs, "Then I will be the powerless fairy they had known.".

Eon has slowly feeling exhaustion. Releasing strong emotions can really drain the energy. So Eon decides to spend the night in the forest and be back home before the sunrise.

The forest is dark, not even a firefly is flying under the oak tree. Eon stands up from laying down on the big roots and makes his hand glows. He revives the plants and flowers that are near him. The brightness it gives is enough for him to see. Eon lays again and realizes that making his hand glow and use his power does not require so much emotion but it has limitations on the range.

Eon has gathered enough information to start filling the book up with another set of facts. Such success made him feel more weariness. His eyes slowly close and drift to sleep. The forest is quiet and peaceful that night.

Early in the morning, Eon has finally a clear view of the environment but he has no plan of fixing it. He leaves the forest with everything that is dead. He arrives home with none of his parents is awake. He sneakily enters his bedroom and lays on the soft bed. Eon then takes out the journal and the book. "It would be the very first in the history of fairies.". But Eon has no intention either of sharing the knowledge. He intends to keep it all to himself.

"Fairies are no different with humans. As long as you are beneficial to them, they would care about you. And as long as you have what they desire, they would love you.". Even to his parents, he would not let them know. Eon is certain that if the higher fairies know his existence, they would force them to join them in keeping the magic realm intact.

Eon does not want to be involved in such fairies that care only about power. He would just let them think that he is powerless and in that way, he would keep his freedom. Eon is determined to continue his experiment until he fully understands what he is and sees how powerful his powers can be. Therefore, while he is in magic school and in the library, he hid the journal like treasure. And every midnight, he would go to the forest to test another theory.

He remembers setting the plants and flowers into the fire but this can happen when the plants had turned into a brown color. That time, he was feeling anger and it corresponds to fire. But he is confused. Fire is an elemental power for the elemental fairies, just like his parents. Eon's eyes are almost tearing up because of joy. It would mean that he is an elemental fairy, just like his parents.

"If only I had possessed this power the day I was born, my parents would have been proud of me and would love me truly.". Eon recalls the day when he was still a little fairy boy. He did not see his parents smile at him, not even once. They are always busy teaching me, trying their best to reveal my abilities. They always expected me to perform any elemental potential until they gave up.

"And now that I possess more than one power, I cannot feel any joy. I can be the most powerful fairy but I have no courage to tell my parents.".

Eon lays on the ground with his hands and feet spread wide. He looks at the gray clouds. "You look sad just like me." And then the rain starts pouring.