
Love in Darkness

Selena is a daughter of a farmer and Eon is a fairy. They both found each other in the forbidden forest when they run away to escape their life. A beautiful friendship has turned into something deeper. They spent time with each other in the forest, mesmerized by the beauty of nature. Selena and Eon found what they seek: happiness and love. But everything changes when Selena is destined to marry a businessman her parents met. Selena is heartbroken leaving Eon. Eon's world crumbles as he witnesses the love of his life marrying another man. As Selena and Eon continue living their life, they cannot forget their past. Sereia is a battered wife. His husband, Magnus, did not show her respect and love the way Eon did. Though her parents are happy to live a luxurious life, Selena wishes to escape her miserable life. On the other hand, Eon continues to prove his worth but to no avail. Fairies, including his parents, see him be worthless. Selena and Eon will meet again and this time, could they fight for their love? Or will they continue to live a sad fate?

MagicalSine · Fantasy
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49 Chs

Back to the beginning

It has been days when Selena saw a man who looked like Eon. She had convinced herself that she might have seen his face wrong. Maybe she is hallucinating. And it worked. Selena still did not talk to Magnus and just avoid him at all cost. By doing all that, her feelings and mind are peaceful. She is always studying and focusing on passing medical school.

Since she has no class right after class, she decides to hang out at the mini park. It has been a long time since she was surrounded by nature. The tall trees that block the sun rays and the cool breeze are the elements that make the area a great place to unwind for a while and prepare for the afternoon classes. Selena sits on a bench and pulls out her medical book and notes from her back. She is peacefully reading when someone interrupted her. "Can I sit with you?".

Selena looks up to the person who bothered her and sees Eon. Her mind instantly shakes the idea, "No. That is not Eon. You are hallucinating.".

"Umm... Is it okay to sit here with you?", the man asks again, seeing that Selena is quiet. Selena composes herself and replies, "Okay.". Then she goes back to her book, trying to ignore the man's presence. But the man continues to speak to her, "I am just wondering if you are feeling okay and no complications happened because of what I had done.".

Selena looks at him with a stern face, "I am okay. You just hit me a ball, not a metal so my head is fine.". The man nods and stands up, "Okay, that is good to hear. I will let you read now in peace. Sorry for disturbing you.". Then the man walks away from the bench. Selena sighs and regrets the way she acted, "Am I rude? No. I just respond casually. Who am I kidding? Of course, I was rude. He was just concern and that is how I treated him.". Selena sighs but then she realizes something, "Why am I so worked up? We are not close for me to feel guilty.". She is about to continue what she is doing when she pauses. Seeing the man again that really looks like him, Selena wonders how is Eon doing now.

Back to the day of Selena's wedding, Eon gathered all his courage to interact with the humans so that he could blend in and attend the wedding. Seeing his love on a long, white dress, Eon's heart shattered. He was about to leave when he saw that Selena was looking in the crowd and when her gaze landed on him, Eon cannot help but leap with joy. He hoped that being there would make Selena changed her mind but when he saw her eyes full of tears, he knew that that the answer was not what he expected. Eon had to see the love of his life walked the aisle until she reached the altar, meeting her husband-to-be.

Eon could not handle the scene and so he left. He walked and walked until he reached the shed. He looked at it, grabbed the ax, and started chopping it down. Eon was angry. He was angry with Selena for leaving without saying goodbye, he was angry for being who he is, he was angry towards Selena's parents for forcing her to do things, and he was angry with himself for not being able to do anything for her.

After chopping down the shed into pieces, Eon fell down on the ground, feeling exhausted and broken. His hands touched the ground and all living things in the forest suddenly died. Eon's emotions were so great that even the soil died and cannot be used for planting crops. The village was starting to struggle because agriculture and farming were their only source of income. The entire forest is also lifeless so the people had nowhere to harvest food.

The same day, Eon went home. His parents did not dare to interrogate him because of his aura - the aura of someone who did not want to be bothered. Eon stayed in his room for weeks. During that time, many images and memories were invading his mind. The first one was the look on his parent's faces when they discovered that he had no powers. The second one was Selena who is happy with someone else. And the last one was all the fairies mocking him for being a powerless and useless fairy. Eon just continued to lay on his bed and covered his face with a pillow.

During those weeks Eon stayed in his bedroom, his parents started to worry. They kept reaching out but Eon still would not talk to them. They even thought of breaking the door. By using their power, it would be easy but they restrained themselves from doing that.

"What had we done, Fero? We had been a bad parent, that is why we are punished.". Fero tried to calm her wife down, "Do not think it that way, Diana.". But Diana insisted, "No. We promised to each other we would love and protect Eon no matter what. And now we lost two sons.".

Eon was listening by the door. He clearly heard his mother crying. He sighs. He could not help himself but blame his parents. "If you had done that, love and protect me even though I did not possess powers, I should have never had gone through the portal and find love somewhere.". Eon was feeling more and more depressed and it was making him glow again but this time, his body was also glowing. The light was getting stronger and then it exploded. The plants in his house and in their village begun to dry out.

Diana and Fero were shocked that the floating potted plant had fallen into the ground. When Fero picked it up, the leaves turned into ashes. They went out of the house and saw that all the plants were dying. A lot of fairies were panicking, thinking it was the dark magic. Eon saw this in his window. His face was just looking sternly at them.

Days passed, Eon decided to come out and attend magic school again. His parents were shocked but did not say anything. He started to collect books and spent time reading them all. Eon wanted to prove that knowledge can be powerful too. He had no plans to reveal his powers yet, not until he would find the darkest book of the magic realm. He wanted to acquire the fairies who had the abilities like him.

Until now, Eon is always busy reading the books the realm has but he has not found such book. "Maybe it does not exist.". Eon thought. He sighs and remembers that every fairy villages have its own storage for magic history. "It must be at the highest village but how can I enter there?". He keeps on thinking and remembers Odette, the daughter of the chief that handles all the crucial documents of the magic realm.

"What? Why would you want access to all of that?". Eon is thinking of a perfect excuse. "Because I want to learn magic. Maybe I could practice magic and I will have powers just like my parents.".

Odette falls silent upon hearing Eon. A moment later after thinking deeply, she decides to help him. "Okay, I will help you. But on one condition.". Eon's face lightens and happily accepted the condition, "What is it?."

Odette sighs and whispers to Eon, "If you get caught, do not mention anything about me and everything that happened.". Eon happily agrees and then they proceed to the magic library. Upon entering the library, the place is so spacious and everything is floating by bubbles. Odette says out loud the title of the book and leaves Eon. "Be careful not to pop out the bubbles, or else you will be busted."

Every night, Eon would enter the library sneakily. One night he came across a bookshelf that is almost covered with vines. He moves all the vines to the side and sees many dark blue leather books. It has caught Eon's attention. He grabs the book nearest to him and opened it. Upon opening it, thunderbolts have sprung out from the book. Eon has immediately moved his head to the side so that his face would not get struck by the lightning.

Eon is amazed and puzzled at the same time. No one in the magic realm possessed such power including the fairies in the higher village. "So if there is a book about it then there are fairies that have powers beyond what we know.", he concluded. The book also contains how to master the ability to control and make lightning. Eon is becoming motivated upon reading that despite fairies having natural powers, they are others wanted to enchant more abilities at the same time.

"I knew it!", Eon exclaims. He cannot believe that all of his assumptions are true. He continues to read. The book narrates that to be able to possess the power, one must go to the mountains where clouds are always dark and the wind is always strong. So the author of the book aimed to climb the top of the mountain and there he had harnessed the power. There are also incantations and steps in the book but Eon stops reading and closes the book as soon as he hears footsteps. He closes the bookshelf using the vines and hides at the back of the bookshelf.

Eon cannot hear much but he knows that there are more than two people. "Why are they here? How did they get in? If I am caught, I'm dead.", Eon's mind is not quite as he is. After a few minutes, the footsteps are gone. He immediately goes out of his hiding place and decides to go home. As he enters the house, his father is waiting for him. He plans on passing him but his words made him stop, "You are not allowed to be in the human's world yet you keep using the portal.".

Eon is shocked and nervous. His parents were not supposed to know about that but he remains silent. His father keeps talking, "I followed you the other day.". Eon's eyes widen. He wants to say something but seems he has lost his voice. Moments later, he asks, "How did you find out?".

Fero sits and Eon follows. "I saw what you did. Did you know you could do that?". Eon notices how his father avoided his question. He thought that his father is in shock after confirming it this morning. "That is why I saw him by the window entering my room but I shake it off.", Eon thought. He was occupied discovering deeper information about the magic realm that he forgot his parents. He did not want to let his parents know.

"Why didn't you tell us?".

Eon looks at his father, "Tell you what? That I have powers and you neglected your powerless son who is in the matter of fact had ability all along? Is that what you wanted to hear?". He did not wait for his father to respond and is about to rush into his room when his father speaks, "It could change the way others see you if you show them what you possess. They will not belittle you again.".

Eon ignores his father and goes straight to his room. "I know they would not once they see how powerful I am than them. But everything has its own timing.".

Because of pain, Eon has diverted his self to focus on searching about his kind - fairies that have unique abilities. Now that he had discovered a bookshelf that holds the key to his evolution, Eon will do anything to make himself the most powerful fairy of the realm.

The next morning, he goes to magic school again to finish what he had started and as always, Eon got bullied but he never fought back. His thoughts are all in the library. He cannot wait to explore again. "Tonight, I am going to find out about my powers.", Eon thought. Night came, he immediately enters and proceeds in the direction of the bookshelf. He browses every book and sees a book with the title Life and Death. He takes it and opens it. As soon as he opens the book, a gasp of horror and a scream of pain are heard. A smoke also came out of the book, shaping the sign of life and the sign of death. Eon is feeling anxious but at the same time thrilled. He mutters to himself, "This is it.".