
Love in Darkness

Selena is a daughter of a farmer and Eon is a fairy. They both found each other in the forbidden forest when they run away to escape their life. A beautiful friendship has turned into something deeper. They spent time with each other in the forest, mesmerized by the beauty of nature. Selena and Eon found what they seek: happiness and love. But everything changes when Selena is destined to marry a businessman her parents met. Selena is heartbroken leaving Eon. Eon's world crumbles as he witnesses the love of his life marrying another man. As Selena and Eon continue living their life, they cannot forget their past. Sereia is a battered wife. His husband, Magnus, did not show her respect and love the way Eon did. Though her parents are happy to live a luxurious life, Selena wishes to escape her miserable life. On the other hand, Eon continues to prove his worth but to no avail. Fairies, including his parents, see him be worthless. Selena and Eon will meet again and this time, could they fight for their love? Or will they continue to live a sad fate?

MagicalSine · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
49 Chs

New found friend

It has been a month and a half. Selena is aloof with Magnus. Whenever she feels that Magnus would do something to get close to her or seeks her attention, she would do all means to avoid him. Even if her heart longs for him, she stands firm in wanting not to be fooled again. But there is this moment when her heart almost melts again. When she arrived home, there are rose petals creating a path all the way to the garden. Selena followed the rose petals and brought her to the gazebo where Magnus is standing, holding a bouquet of white roses. She saw how patient her husband was waiting. As she stares at him, she realizes how she loves him and was thinking of giving him a chance. "We can be a happy family. I can have a complete family that grows with love.", Selena thought. She is about to approach her when Magnus starts talking to himself.

"Where could she be? She should have been here an hour ago. I have been waiting for her forever. I should have been at the office and had finished tons of work already. If it were not for Nana, I would not be here.".

Selena's smile on her face has turned into a very serious look. She could not believe what she has heard. Her heart that was feeling excited, shattered again. It felt like her world stopped for a moment. "Why can't I learn my lesson and stop expecting?", she thought to herself. Selena quietly turned around, away from the garden. That was a month ago.

Right now, Selena is reminiscing that moment and exclaims, "Your daddy is such a jerk, baby." while caressing her stomach. She is at the mini park at the moment, eating her lunch. She continues to eat when someone sits beside her. "What is up, preggy?". Selena stops eating and looks at the person with anger face. "Do not come near me if you do not want me to dump my annoyance on you." She then points the fork on his face.

Erik laughs nervously and puts his hand up. "You are too serious. I am just kidding.". She is about to eat again when Erik continues to speak, "Bad hormone stuff. You are easily irritated.". Selena looks at him again but this time, she looks even angrier. He did not say anything and just smiles sweetly. Selena sighs and asks Erik, "Will you just let me eat in peace? Please.". Erik's face turns into a little serious and says, "Alright. I will not stop now. Continue eating. We would not want the baby to be hungry." He is about to touch her stomach when she slaps it away. "No touching. I do not want my baby to be like you.".

Erik is about to protest but he refrains himself and says, "Okay, I deserve that. Just... Go ahead and eat.". Selena laughs, "I am just kidding.". She then continues to eat her lunch while Erik is playing with his phone.

Erik and Selena became friends. A month ago, she looks devastated when she went to school and Erik noticed it so she followed her. All of the thinking and the pain were making Selena felt weak so by the time Erik followed her, she falls down to the ground. It was a good thing that Erik has good reflexes and rushed to Selena to catch her. Erik brought her to the clinic. After examining Selena, the doctor then talks to Erik. "Are you her husband?". Erik immediately replies, "No, no. I am just a classmate.".

"Oh, I am sorry. Do you have any contact with her family?". Erik replies, "No, I do not have. Why? Is everything okay? Did something bad happened to her?".

The doctor responds, "Nothing bad. Yet.". Erik looks confused, "What do you mean?".

"The reason she fainted is because of stress. Pregnant women are not supposed to be exposed to any stress. I recommend you contact her family as soon as she wakes up and let them bring her to an obstetrician". Then the doctor continued with her work. Erik was left stunned. He looked at Selena who is laying on the clinic bed still unconscious. He thought, "Whoa! She is pregnant so she has a lover or maybe a husband.". He came closer to Selena and stares at her face. "But why does she look like this? All tired and... heartbroken.".

Erik did not leave Selena's side and waited for her to wake up. Minutes later, Selena's eyes were slowly opening. He felt relieved. She looks around and turns to her side. She is shocked to see Erik. She then asks with a gentle voice, "Erik? Where am I? What happened?'. Erik replies instantly, "You are at the clinic in our school. You fainted so I brought you here. The doctor said that it is because of stress and you need to relax.". Selena did not reply and looks at the ceiling. She then asks Erik without looking, "I am guessing you already knew.".

"The doctor told me. She has no choice since I cannot contact your family.". Selena looks at him, "It is a good thing you cannot contact them.". She tried to stand but failed. "Careful, Selena. You are still weak. You should lay down for a while until you feel better.". Selena obeyed and laid on the bed. A moment of silence occurred and Erik broke it by asking, "How about the father? Does he need to know about your condition?". She did not respond and stayed quiet. Erik felt awkward, "You do not have to answer. I am sorry. I feel I had crossed a line here, we are not even close. I will leave so that you can rest.".

Erik stands up and is about to walk away when Selena speaks. "He does not need to know because he does not care. He does not care nor love me and so he does not care if something happened because, in the first place, he wanted our child gone to this world.". Erik instantly looks at Selena out of shock. He sat again and asked, "What do you mean by that?". Selena looks at Erik straight in the eyes, "He asked me to get an abortion.".

Erik could not believe what he heard. "Are you serious? Why would he ask something like that?". Selena replied immediately, "Exactly.". Then she covered her eyes with her arms. After 30 minutes, she is allowed to leave the clinic. Erik supported her from standing and walking to the door. When they left the clinic, Erik asked, "Are you going somewhere?".

Selena looks at him, hesitant to answer but still replied, "Yes. At the cafeteria. I am hungry.". He responded, "Alright. I will accompany you.". She looks at him with a confused face, "Why?". He immediately answers, "Because I want to. Now, come on, I am hungry too.". They both went to the cafeteria and ordered a meal. They sat at a table and started eating. Selena could not stop gazing at Erik. Erik felt that he was being watched so he looked up and saw that Selena was staring at him. He asked, "Why are you looking at me like that?".

Selena instantly replied, "I was wondering. You are helping me so much. You even did not leave the clinic. You had no obligation to stay with me.". Erik stared at her eyes while responding, "So?". She is surprised, "So why are you doing here?". He just shrugged and ate. Selena smiled and continued eating. Since that day, Erik is always on Selena's side especially when she needs his help.

After eating lunch at the mini park, Selena asks Erik to take her to the ice cream parlor shop. "No, are you a child? That place is for kids only.". Selena strongly disagrees, "No, it is not. I went there once and guess what? There are a lot of adults there. There are also parents that were taking their child. Please, Erik? I am craving ice cream.". Erik did not reply immediately so Selena speaks while being upset, "Fine. If you do not want to take me, alright. I will go there anyway. So either take me there yourself or I will travel by myself by bus.".

Erik thinks and sighs, "You are lucky you are pregnant, or else I must have let you go by yourself.". Selena laughs, "Thank you so much. Let's go.". Then they go to the parking lot. Erik opens the door for Selena, goes to the driver's seat, and starts driving. Little did they know, Magnus had seen it all. He thought, "So this is why you are not showing yourself in everything I prepared for you because you are with him.". His hands turn into a fist out of anger. Magnus looks at his driver and commands, "Follow them.".

Magnus arrives at the ice cream parlor and looking at the window where Erik and Selena sit, he clearly sees his wife's happy face. His anger grows and his fist is becoming tight. He stares at his wife's face for minutes and he decides to look away. "Let us get out of here. Take me to the office.". While going to the office, Magnus looks at his phone and goes through the files about Erik. He gazes at it with anger, "Erikson. You dare to take my wife? Not a chance.".

On the other hand, Erik and Selena are eating their favorite flavor. Erik's face cannot be drawn because of his expression seeing the place. Selena laughs so hard. "What is with the face? It is so nice in here.". He looks at her and disagrees. "It is so childish.". She laughs again, "There is something wrong with your eyes then.". She pauses for a moment and continues talking, "Just eat your ice cream.". They start eating and Selena notices that Erik did not stop eating after tasting it so she mocks him, "You said you are just going to taste it.".

Erik did not respond and continues eating while Selena exclaims, "I can tell that you very like the ice cream.". He gives up and tells Selena, "Fine, alright. You win. Their ice cream is delicious. And this place? It is so comforting. It feels like you are going back to being children again.". Selena smiles, "I am glad you think that way.". They continue eating and ask for another round of ice cream.

Erik finishes five glasses of ice cream. This made Selena shocked and proud. "Wow! For someone who claims to did not like ice cream parlors, you sure finish it thoroughly.". Erik replies instantly, "I cannot help it. It has been years since I ate ice cream." Selena is shocked, "Years? Why is that?". He becomes sad suddenly and puts the spoon on the glass. He looks at Selena intently and starts sharing about his past.

"My parents died when I was still in my junior year. They were always busy and when they had finally time for me, they told me to wait here at the ice cream parlor. This was our favorite spot. I got excited and went here fast. I waited for them but hours went by, they did not show up. So I went home and a lot of my relatives went there, telling me that my parents were in an accident. They were dead on arrival. My world crumbled. I expected them to hug and comfort me but instead, they blamed me for my parents' death. They told me that I was childish, that my parents were killed by trying to see me and eat ice cream with me.". Erik laughs sadly while looking at the glass of ice cream.

Selena continues his story, "And since then, you never went to an ice cream parlor nor eat one?". Erik nods. She could not believe it and feels bad. "Erik? I am sorry. I should have not forced you to take me here. I'm really sorry.".

Erik smiles, "No, it's okay. I'm glad that I'm here. It would mean that I'm getting better." Then he continues eating. Selena could only stare at Erik sadly.