
Love in Darkness

Selena is a daughter of a farmer and Eon is a fairy. They both found each other in the forbidden forest when they run away to escape their life. A beautiful friendship has turned into something deeper. They spent time with each other in the forest, mesmerized by the beauty of nature. Selena and Eon found what they seek: happiness and love. But everything changes when Selena is destined to marry a businessman her parents met. Selena is heartbroken leaving Eon. Eon's world crumbles as he witnesses the love of his life marrying another man. As Selena and Eon continue living their life, they cannot forget their past. Sereia is a battered wife. His husband, Magnus, did not show her respect and love the way Eon did. Though her parents are happy to live a luxurious life, Selena wishes to escape her miserable life. On the other hand, Eon continues to prove his worth but to no avail. Fairies, including his parents, see him be worthless. Selena and Eon will meet again and this time, could they fight for their love? Or will they continue to live a sad fate?

MagicalSine · Fantasy
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49 Chs

First bruises

Selena is on her way home by riding a taxi. She got home late because of Erik. She enjoyed the time with Erik that she had lost track of time. Selena thought of worrying but it did not felt wrong. She felt carefree and it was a nice thing to feel. So she enters the gate and walks until she reaches the front porch. Selena is now standing in front of the door and is about to knock when the door opens. It was Miss Luna.

Miss Luna hugs Selena while complaining, "Your text stated you will be home late but not this late. Selena, you had me worried.". Selena breaks off the hug and looks at Miss Luna, "I am so sorry, Nana. I lost track of time. I was enjoying myself with a friend.". Miss Luna sighs, "There is nothing with that. I am even glad you have a friend and you are stress-relieving but please, darling, do not make me worry. You will be the death of me.". Selena slightly chuckles but turns her face into an apologetic one immediately. She holds Miss Luna's both hands and says, "I am really sorry I had you worried, Nana. I am perfectly fine. Plus, I will not let anything happen to me. So you do not need to worry that much.".

Selena smiles at her and Miss Luna could only sigh, "Fine, fine. But do not go home this late, it is still dangerous outside.". Selena smiles and nods, "I promise this will be the last time. It is late. You should go back to bed. You need to rest.". Miss Luna nods and replies, "You too. You are carrying a baby for Pete's sake and yet you are not getting enough sleep.". She smiles at her and says, "Good night, Nana. I will see you in the morning.

Miss Luna goes to her room while Selena goes upstairs. Selena is about to enter the bedroom when she heard something. She hears a glass being shattered. She follows the sound and it brings her to the library. She leans to the door and listens. She hears it again. "Someone is breaking glasses inside.", she thought. So Selena opens the door and sees Magnus throwing a bottle to the wall that is the shattering sound. She looks at the area where Magnus is throwing. There are at least 10 bottles that are thrown and broken. A lot of smashed bottles are on the floor so if not careful, one can get an open wound.

Selena could not believe what she is seeing. Magnus does not notice her so she calls him, "Magnus, what are you doing?". He did not respond and continues to drink on the couch. Though terrified, Selena approaches Magnus and sits beside him. She reaches the bottle in his hand and puts it on the table. "You already have too many to drink. Let us go to the bedroom and sleeps.". Selena stands up and is about to walk out of the room when Magnus drags her down to the couch by gripping her arm. She falls on the couch hard. "What are you doing?! Ow!". Magnus sits on Selena's feet while facing her and making her unable to stand. Selena moves her feet violently to escape but her husband is just too strong.

"My feet hurt, Magnus! Get off of me, please.". Selena continues to struggle but Magnus did not say anything and makes sure that she cannot get loose by sitting on her feet even more. Selena is now crying because of the pain. She could think of a conclusion in her mind, "Does he plan on breaking my feet?".

Finally, Magnus speaks, "It has been two months? Since the last time you talk to me. I am trying my best to make it up to you, to mend my mistake and the pain it caused to you but you shut me out. I found out and I even saw you smiling at another man. You even go out with him and got home late. Where did you two go? And it really took you this time to go home." Magnus' face is filled with different expressions - anger, sadness, and vulnerability. Selena could not answer Magnus, she is occupied with the pain in her feet.

"Magnus, please. Let me go.". Magnus angrily replies, "You did not answer my question, Selena.". Selena is feeling so much fear right now so she instantly replies, "I will answer it, just please let me go first.". Instead of freeing her, Magnus moves his face to hers and shouts, "YOU DO NOT TELL ME WHAT TO DO! YOU GIVE WHAT I ASKED FOR!". Selena could only close her eyes. She always gets scared when she is yelled at. She is crying already because of fear and pain.

When Selena did not respond after 2 minutes, Magnus got angrier and gets off of her feet. Selena thought that he gives up and finally lets her go. But she is wrong. Before she could stand, Magnus grabs her by the wrist and pulls her away from the couch. Selena did not expect that to happen so she is unable to balance herself and falls down to the floor. The impact made her worry about the baby so she puts her free hand to her lower abdomen to support her belly.

Magnus continues to drag Selena until they had gone out of the library. Selena, despite being dragged, manages to make herself stand up. Magnus sees this and slaps Selena. Selena's eyes widen. She could not believe that her husband had slapped her. She puts her hand to her cheeks and looks at him with a pained expression. Magnus points a finger right in front of her face, "Did I tell you you can stand up?! I am going to drag you like this until you cannot stand anymore!".

Selena is crying and begging, "Please, Magnus, no. It is not good for our baby, please.". Magnus pretends not to hear a word she says and drags her again by the wrist. Her buttocks start to feel hot because of being dragged against the floor. She continues to cry and beg Magnus but to no avail. As soon as she sees that Magnus is heading towards the stairs, that is when she lost it. Selena starts to shout louder, "PLEASE HELP ME! HELP! PLEASE, SOMEBODY, HELP!". Magnus immediately lets go of her hand and sits on top of her. He puts two hands on her mouth and shouts as well, "SHUT UP! I TOLD YOU TO SHUT UP!.". Selena could only cry hard. When Selena loses hope, a voice from downstairs saves her.

"MAGNUS WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO YOUR WIFE?!". It was Miss Luna and she rushes to go up and pulls Selena into her. She caresses her hair and hugs her tight. "It is okay, my dear. I am here. I am here with you.". She then looks at her grandson. "What are you trying to do, Magnus?! Huh?! Kill your wife?!".

Magnus laughs at his grandmother. "No, Nana. What are you talking about? I am just going to scare her, that is all.".Miss Luna breaks off the hug and comes closer to her grandson. In an instant, Magnus' face has turned into the other side. Miss Luna had slapped him hard to wake him up. "Just going to scare her?! YOU ALMOST KILLED HER. YOU ALMOST KILLED YOUR SON! WHAT WERE YOU THINKING?!".

Before Magnus could respond, Miss Luna goes back to Selena and supports her to her room. Magnus is left by the stairs, drunk and alone.

Miss Luna has accompanied Selena to the bedroom. Selena fainted on their way to the bedroom. It is a good thing that Miss Luna manages to support her until they reach the bed. Miss Luna lays her on the bed and goes to the bathroom. She took the face towel and soak it in the water slightly. She then goes to Selena and wipes the face towel on her body. Miss Luna, while wiping, cannot control her tears seeing the area that has turned into a bruise. She continues wiping until her vision is blurry because of her crying so much. After she did things that could give comfort to Selena, she lays on Selena's side and watches her all night.

In the morning, Selena gains consciousness and Miss Luna wakes up upon feeling that Selena moves in the bed. Miss Luna stops her, "Selena, darling, just rest. I will get everything you need." She is about to leave but Selena stops her by holding her hand. "Do not leave me here, Nana. Please, I am scared.". Miss Luna looks at her and she sees that Selena's eyes are filled with so much fear. She comes closer to her and comforts her. "Nothing is going to happen. I am here.".

Miss Luna spends her entire morning looking after Selena who has constant dreams whenever she would fall asleep. She is patiently comforting Selena until she calms down. She is also trying to make her eat but to no avail. So Miss Luna orders the kitchen to cook Selena's favorite. After 30 minutes, a cart is used to deliver the food. The scent of the food filled the room. This has made Selena wakes up. Her stomach growl and Miss Luna hears it. "You are hungry. Come, let us eat. Do not worry, it would be only us.".

After eating the meal, Miss Luna suggests to Selena to take a walk in the garden. It will help retrieve stress. Selena follows and goes to the garden. She immediately goes to the gazebo and sits on the swing chair. As she sits, she sees bruises on her body. She caresses those and starts to cry. She thought to herself, " Why is this happening to me? Why can't I be happy?". Selena cries and cries. She puts her hand on her stomach and that is when she starts to realize. She immediately runs back to the kitchen and asks Miss Luna to accompany her to the hospital. Miss Luna agrees.

On their way to the hospital, Selena is praying that her child would be fine and there are no complications. Miss Luna seeing her being agitated, holds her hand and says, "Your child is a fighter as well, just like his mother so I can tell that he would hold on until you get born to them." Selena could only smile slightly.

As soon as they arrive at the hospital, they immediately go to the OB-GYN office. Now, Selena is having an ultrasound. The doctor's expressions alarm Selena so she asks, "What is wrong? Did something happen to my baby?" The doctor looks at her, "No. There are no complications. That is good news. However, your son's grip is very weak so Ma'am, avoid getting stressed, drink proper vitamins and eat properly.". She looks at Miss Luna and they nod to each other.

They go home after. Upon arriving at the mansion, Selena could see that Magnus is standing on the front porch. Last night's event comes flashing into her mind and this made her nervous. Because of fear, Selena grips Miss Luna's hand tightly. As the car stops on the front porch, Selena is having a second thoughts about coming out of the car. It is a good thing that Miss Luna goes around to fetch her. Selena goes out of the car and did look at Magnus.

Magnus on the other hand is looking at his grandmother and wife as they arrive. "Where did you go, Nana? And Selena is with you? You go out without asking permission.".

"Magnus, grandson, are we your prisoners? We do not need to ask for your permission. And after what you did to Selena, I expected to see any remorse from you but no, you, being like this makes me guess that you are not really drunk when you drag Selena around and endangering your own child!". Miss Luna is very angry at her grandson and cannot help herself. She has been holding the emotions. She does not care about anything but to make sure that Selena and her son would be okay.