
Love in Darkness

Selena is a daughter of a farmer and Eon is a fairy. They both found each other in the forbidden forest when they run away to escape their life. A beautiful friendship has turned into something deeper. They spent time with each other in the forest, mesmerized by the beauty of nature. Selena and Eon found what they seek: happiness and love. But everything changes when Selena is destined to marry a businessman her parents met. Selena is heartbroken leaving Eon. Eon's world crumbles as he witnesses the love of his life marrying another man. As Selena and Eon continue living their life, they cannot forget their past. Sereia is a battered wife. His husband, Magnus, did not show her respect and love the way Eon did. Though her parents are happy to live a luxurious life, Selena wishes to escape her miserable life. On the other hand, Eon continues to prove his worth but to no avail. Fairies, including his parents, see him be worthless. Selena and Eon will meet again and this time, could they fight for their love? Or will they continue to live a sad fate?

MagicalSine · Fantasy
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49 Chs

Being carefree

While Selena is in class, her mind is somewhere else. She got called by professors for not listening. After her morning classes, she decides to not attend her afternoon ones and just stay at the mini park. She lays on the seat, leaving her lunch at the table. She mutters to herself while caressing her stomach, "I am sorry, baby. Mommy is not hungry right now. I will eat for you tonight.". She sighs and covers her eyes with her arm. She is about to fall asleep when someone stands in front of her. Selena uncovers her eyes and looks at the person. It's Erik. Her eyes widen and she instantly gets up. "I told you to not come near me again."

Erik positions his hands widely in front of him while telling Selena, "Calm down, I am not going to hurt you. I just want to talk to you for a minute.". Selena looks at him, examining him. She calms down when she sees that Erik is different from the last time. "What do you want?". Erik sighs deeply, "I want to apologize. I did not mean you any harm. I promise. I just... I was... I was drunk and... hallucinating. I am really sorry, Selena. I did not want to cause you trouble. I thought you were her.".

Selena could see the sadness in his eyes. She can tell that he is really regretful. She did not respond to Erik. Erik continues to talk, "Anyway, I really sorry. You must have been scared. It will not happen again.". Selena still did not respond. After a moment of silence, seeing that Selena has no plans of replying, Erik decides to leave. "Well, that is it. I am sorry I took a lot of time from you. I will leave now.". He turns around to leave. When is about to walk, Selena speaks a sentence, "Do not let it consume you.". Erik turns around again to see Selena. Selena is looking at him with a serious face. He smiles at her, nods, and then leaves.

Selena watches Erik as he disappears from sight. She sits and mutters to herself, "What does he mean by he thought I was her?". She sighs and laughs, "How funny is it that I also thought you were the person I knew and once loved.". Then unconsciously looks at the table where her lunch is, she feels the sensation of eating it so she starts having lunch. She looks at her stomach and caresses it, "Look, baby. Mommy is eating now. Are you happy?". She smiles, "Because I feel happy. I do not why. After encountering Erik now, I feel okay.". Selena sighs and concludes, "Maybe it is the hormones. Hmmm... Yes, that is it. The hormones.". She then continues to eat happily. "Mmm... This is delicious. I am glad I ate this. Nana would get upset if she sees that I did not eat this.".

After lunch, Selena still did not feel like attending her afternoon classes so she decides to stay at the school library. The medical school's library is a cool place and even has couches so it would be really comfortable for Selena. She is walking around the bookshelves, choosing a book to read. She comes across a bookshelf with the label of nonfiction section. She chooses from a lot of books and selects The Notebook. Selena sits on one of the couches and starts reading.

Selena is focusing on her book that she even did not notice that Erik sits on the couch beside her. Erik is also not aware that it is Selena sitting on the couch next to him. He looks at the book at the person next to him is reading. He thought to himself, "Seriously?". He then starts reading. Hours passed, Selena's eyes are filled with tears. She mutters to herself, "Why would you not fight for her? She is willing to give up everything for you.". She starts to sneeze because of crying. She gets her handkerchief and wipes her eyes and nose. She sighs, calming herself down when someone talks. "Could you cry in the bathroom? This is a library.". She puts down her book and sees that it was Erik who is beside her.

Erik is also focusing on his book when he hears light sneezes. He thought, "Is she crying?". He tries to ignore it but realizes he cannot take it. "Seriously? This is a library, a place for peace and quiet.", he mutters to himself. He sighs and starts to speak with the lady beside him, "Could you cry in the bathroom? This is a library.". The lady puts down the book. Erik's eyes widen slightly. It is Selena.

Erik stares at Selena to make sure. He closes his eyes and then opens them. "It is really Selena.", he thought. He clears his throat and looks away. "I am sorry I did not know it was you. Just take it down, please. I can't concentrate.". Selena who recovers from being surprised laughs. "You apologized because it was me who you scolded?". Erik could not look at her but still manages, "Yes. I would have done it if I knew it was you.".

Selena asks him, "So if it was not me, you are going to still scold the person?". Erik did not respond. She continues to talk but quietly, "That is unfair. But you know? What you did is right. I was being noisy. So you do not have to apologize." Erik then looks at her. Selena is smiling. She continues to speak, "I am the one who should apologize. I am sorry for being noisy. I did not notice that there is a guy sitting beside me.".

Erik looks at her with confusion. "Really? You did not feel my presence?". Selena nods, "Not at all. Umm... This is me when I indulge in reading, nothing can distract me, as if I have my own world and my senses are not working on that world.". Eriks exclaims amazingly, "Wow. I wish I could be that way.". Selena asks, "Why not? It is easy especially if you really love what you read and the feeling of the book in your hands.".

Erik sighs, "I really love reading. I love the sensation of the book in my hands and the smell. But I can easily be distracted just like now with your light sneezes. I tried practicing in my room. I was reading and plays music at a low volume. I tried focusing on reading and ignore the music but to no avail.". Selena is just listening intently and asks, "And you did not try it again?". Erik looks nods, and asks as well, "How can you tell?".

"While listening to you, I can hear the sound of someone who gave up.".

Erik nods again, "Is it bad? I mean some would criticize me for not trying again after the first try.". Selena taps his shoulder once and says, "Do not be hard on yourself. No one can blame you. You are afraid to take risks. You are scared to fail again. No one can criticize you about that but yourself.". Selena then stands up and looks at him again, "Nice talking to you but I have to go first.". Then she walks to the nonfiction section and returns the book. Erik is left alone, thinking about what Selena had said.

"No one can criticize you about that but yourself.", he mutters to himself. Erik looks at the book and on Selena who is coming down the stairs. He takes out his phone, puts on his earphones, and plays music. He then opens the book and starts reading. Erik spends his entire afternoon reading the book while he is listening to his tunes.

Selena, on the other hand, decides to take the bus and goes to an ice cream parlor she saw on the Internet. Upon arriving, she sees that the parlor is designed with pastel colors. "Wow. It is so nice. I love these colors." She enters the parlor and an employee greets her, "Good morning, Ma'am. How are you today?". She smiles, "I am great.". The employee then leads her to a table and takes a notepad in his pocket, "What would you order, Ma'am?". Selena thinks but eventually asks the employee, "Ummm... Can you give me a recommendation?". The employee smiles and nods, "Absolutely. Well, we have the cotton candy, mint milk chocolate, honey nut crunch, the classic cookies n' cream, and milk chocolate chip. But I highly recommend the butterscotch ribbon, our customers' favorite flavor based on the ratings given by our most loyal customers.".

"I will take that one.".

The employee writes on his notepad and asks, "Would you like that to be on a cone or glass?". Selena replies immediately, "Glass, please. And would you make that two orders?". After writing, the employee then says, "Of course. Two orders of butterscotch ribbon ice cream. Coming right up.". After the employee leaves, Selena looks at the glass window and wonders, "It must be nice to be here if you are on a date.". She laughs and mutters to herself, "It is just you and me, baby. It is like a date, right?". She caresses her stomach. "You will get big soon and mommy's tummy will be round.". She smiles widely and takes out her phone from her bag.

Selena is scrolling in a store's website that sells baby stuff when her order came. The employee smiles while giving her order, "Here are your two orders of butterscotch ribbon. Enjoy." She smiles back and starts eating her ice cream. It only takes one scoop to love the flavor. "Mmmm... Wow! It is so delicious. No wonder it is the customers' favorite.". Selena is enjoying her ice cream, worrying about nothing. Halfway on finishing her first glass, she thought about something. She takes out her headphones from her bag and puts them on. She searches for music and then plays it. Her body is now swaying along with the rhythm. She eats ice cream while slightly dancing on her seat.

Selena feels happy. Her feelings are wonderful and her mind is at peace. She could only think about the music and the ice cream. After the music finishes playing, she then stops dancing and looks at her stomach while talking, "We can this happy, baby. Do not worry. I will not conceive you in sorrow but instead, with positive vibes. And that includes avoiding your father, he only brings us heartbreaks and pain.". Her face becomes serious suddenly thinking about Magnus.

Selena shakes her head, "Now that I'm just thinking about him, I feel stressed already. That is not good.". She eats another scoop of ice cream which calms her nerves. "This is my favorite ice cream from now on." She then eat her second glass and forgot what she was thinking a while ago. After eating, she browses the Internet for a while, and 20 minutes later, she stands up and is ready to leave. She is at the door. The employee smiles at her while saying, "Thank you for coming, Ma'am.". Selena smiles back and comes out of the parlor. She looks around. She is unfamiliar with the place but she did not feel any worry or fear. Her attention turns to the other side of the road. It is a mall. She thought, "Hmmm... Should I go there? Well, I want to go inside.". So she crosses the street and enters the mall. As soon as she enters, her phone rings. It's Magnus who is calling. She stares at the phone but she then declines the call.

Selena let herself enjoy window shopping. She savors her time so much that she did not notice the time. When she looks at her phone, her eyes widen. "Oh my. It is already 7 P.M.". She immediately goes to the exit and calls for a cab. While traveling, she cannot help but worry. "Nana must be worried by now.". Upon arriving, she sees that Miss Luna is at the front porch, waiting for her. She pays the driver and comes out of the taxi. She approaches Miss Luna.

Miss Luna is looking at Selena with anger. "Do you know what time is it, Selena? It's already 7 so it means it's evening. Why are you home at this hour? Your classes finished at 5.". Selena hugs Miss Luna, "I am so sorry, Nana. I feel stressed so I went to the ice cream parlor and to the mall. I lost track of time. I'm really sorry. Please forgive me.".

Miss Luna sighs and breaks the hug. She looks at Selena, "You should have told me so I could come with you. It is not safe for you to be alone. It's a good thing you manages to get home alone.". Selena smiles, "I used the GPS.". Miss Luna pinches her cheek, "Just don't do it again. You have me worried so much.". She hugs her again, "I promise, Nana".

"Your husband was worried about you as well. You did not pick up the phone.".

Selena pretends not to hear it and says, "What is for dinner, Nana? I could help you cook.". Then she immediately goes to the kitchen. Miss Luna looks at Selena going to the kitchen and sighs. She then looks upstairs where Magnus is standing.