
Vol 2 Ch 19

Loki was still going over the new application for the combinations of seals and runes. He had a feeling that he needed more perspective as well. Loki had heard about the Ancient One from Odin. Only in passing. She was supposed to be an ally of Asgard. One who had taken to defending Midgard from the Mystical Threats. Ones that were more magical in nature. Midgard was an easy focal point that drew hostile forces towards it. Toppling it would mean easy access to the other realms. As all path travel through Midgard. There were a few prime enemies. Chief among them being Dormammu, Trigon and Mephisto are some of the strongest of them.

Even with his magic, Loki could admit that he was too weak to deal with them. Now, he can fend them off for a little bit if he could unlock the perfect Susanoo. However, such a thing was still out of reach from him. Loki was still waiting for the student of The Ancient One to Contact Him. If he could get access to teachings from the ancient one. He felt like that he could advance his own power by alot.

Asgard had started magic as if it was a science. While Loki believed there was nothing wrong with that. He still felt like that was in a way limiting them as well. Looking at just the power of the portal that the Ancient one had just displayed. It would triumph the power of the Rainbow Bridge. The Rainbow bridge was a big announcement to everyone that look we are here. The portal opened by the ancient one could allow a small unit of elite soldiers to be transported behind enemy lines and cause havoc over there.

In other news, Billionaire playboy Tony Stark had gone missing recently. He had been called by both Amanda Waller and Nick Fury in order to launch a search for Tony Stark in Afghanistan.


(Some time ago)

"You do realize that I have never been in Afghanistan and I would have no idea even to know where to begin my search." Loki had told them. "Currently, I have no way to track him." Loki had explained while shrugging to them.

They had both given him a similar glare. Loki had looked at both of their glare and he had asked them.

"Are you both married, you both are acting too similarly not to be." Loki had narrowed his eyes on both of them. Loki had seen a flicker of surprise in both of their eyes for just an instant. A slight widening of eyes. The very though of them both being together was terrifying. The sheer possibly of the fact. A paranoid spy whose secrets have secrets. And a DOA agent who has a viciousness to match that paranoia. Nope, Loki was not even gonna entertain that idea. Loki began to visibly shiver in front of them.

"Sorry, just the possibility of what I said gave me chills." Loki said as he hugged himself for some warmth.

Director Fury had coughed.

"Mr Stark was reported to have one of your seals as well. Are you sure you can't track that." Amanda had asked.

"No, breaking the seal tells me the location of someone. I can't tell where it is if it is not broken." Loki had explained. Why would Loki want to know where someone else is all the time. That would be too creepy. He was not the government.

"If you can give me an area where he might be, I may be able to find him. Otherwise, I can't help you." Loki had explained to them.

"We will inform you if we get anymore details Mr Tobi." Amanda had said.

"Motherfucker." Nick Fury had muttered to himself as Loki was leaving.

To make matter worse, Loki was then summoned by General Ross and the pentagon had proceeded to ask him the same questions. In this instance, Loki could only grit his teeth and explain the same thing all over again.

"How popular can one weapon manufacturer be." Loki had thought to himself.

"Very Popular" Loki had realized in the confines of his mind. Apparently, he was the supplier for a majority of the military as well as the white house.

So, Loki had been plenty annoyed.


Amanda had been going through the papers once more and there was a discrepancy. Ever since that op which had turned out to be an ambush in disguise. She had gotten much more suspicious. She was unsure of who she could even trust anyone anymore. She had kept her investigation on the down low. Just framing it as her doing an audit on the budget that shield was receiving. She had gone through the spending in shield. She was shocked to find that alot of records were missing and there was certainly a discrepancy.

Payment for arms and other miscellanies supplies that had never been received. It was these small things that had started to add up. She had gone deeper into the records. Until she had found a site that was definitely not accounted for. All of the records related to it had been disposed off. The cherry on the top of the cake was that the guy who had given the okay for the mission. His signature was on top of the authorization for the building of the site.

This was the only clue that she could find. A single document but this was enough. This was something that she would have to see for herself to make sure.

She could not trust either Nick Fury at the moment It was unknown at the moment for her if Nick Fury was compromised or not. Even if Nick Fury was not compromised, others near him may be. And from there the information can spread.

She could however draw on one mercenary. Tobi, the one who had the gall to eat breakfast in front of her, she would need to summon him. She proceeded to break the summoning tag. He and Deadshot along with her would have to be enough.


Due to the nature of work he did for Amanda. Loki had given her a special tag. It could be broken in various different ways. Each method would correspond to a situation. There was one warning of an ambush, one to rescue her from hostile elements, one where he could be flamboyant and one where he needed to be discrete.

Right now, Loki needed to be discreet. So, he had showed up at her location and she was putting on an iron suit.

"An exo-suit. I will be coming on this operation with you this time." She had explained.

Loki realized that this must be a very serious case.

So he had asked her, "What are we going for."

"I believe that Shield may be compromised, remember your first mission that had turned into an ambush."

Loki had nodded at that, his arms crossed.

"I looked into the guy responsible for handling that mission. He had commissioned a facility. One that we are going to see." Amanda had said, her voice had a certain hardness to it.

"Amanda." Deadshot had begun.

"Don't worry. Your daughter has been hidden along with my family. I have made sure their future is secure if something happens to us." Amanda had put on her exo suit and pressed a few buttons. It had powered up, a helmet forming around her head."

"A Kree uniform, something I had secured a long time ago." She had explained to both Tobi and Deadshot.

Haring the words Kree had alarmed Loki. They were an intergalactic civilization with much more advanced technology compared to earth. Had they at one time tried to invade earth in the previous century. Where was Asgard. It was their responsibility to protect Midgard from other more advanced civilizations until the Humans could stand on their own feet. He needed more information from Amanda. How and why did they invade midgard.

During this time, Deadshot had made his own decision. He had decided to throw in his complete support with Amanda. For him, his daughter came first and if she could ensure her safety. Then he would follow her to hell and back.

Amanda pressed a few more buttons on the suit and she suddenly went invisible.

"Still got it." She had said. As she moved towards a Quinjet.

Loki and Deadshot had followed her.

"So who will fly this thing. Can I?" Loki had asked excitedly.

"No you motherfucker. Can you even fly this?" She had turned a heated glare towards Loki.

Loki had begun to whistle while looking away.

"Do you know what it took for me to get this off the books. I will fly this and I want this to be in one piece by the end of this." She had snarled at Loki.