
Loki reborn

Fair warning for the first three chapter this fanfic would be fast paced. I have no intention to explain the entire plot of ghost of tushima or the entire story of naruto. There would also be a time skip as I dont intend to explain the entire childhood of a child Loki. CHeck out my other fanfic Phantom effect. Loki decides to leave Asgard after getting too tired of being its punching bag. Gazing into the Mimir's well and finds his salvation and so he sacrifices his magic. Please support me on Patreon. (patreon . com/ phantom pain 826)

phantompain · Movies
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63 Chs

Vol 2 Ch 20

"So who will fly this thing. Can I?" Loki had asked excitedly.

"No you motherfucker. Can you even fly this?" She had turned a heated glare towards Loki.

Loki had begun to whistle while looking away.

"Do you know what it took for me to get this, off the books. I will fly this and I want this to be in one piece by the end of this." She had snarled at Loki.


(After some time)

While Amanda was flying the Quinjet, Loki was sharpening a few kunais. And deadshot was going over his weapons.

"We are here, Look alive people." She had said to them as she had opened the hatch. They had all gotten out and found themselves in a clearing.

"Remember, where we parked", She had said as the quinjet had gone invisible.

Loki had looked up at it and had instantly come up with an answer. This was repurposed alien tech. This time from the kree. Were both of these empires involved with earth at some point. This did not bode well. Loki had realized.

Loki was snapped out of his thoughts by the orders being given by Amanda.

"Tobi, I want you to scout out their positions. Deadshot, give us covering fire. I will be the one to be on point". She had ordered them.

Loki looked and realized that they had reached a vantage point overlooking the base.

There were still a few guards patrolling outside as well.

"I want them all eliminated silently" She had said as she had taken out a pistol that had unfolded itself. An kree weapon. She attached a silencer on top of it.

"Deadshot, take a vantage position." She had told deadshot.

"Tobi, be prepared to strike them from behind. I will start to move in." She had told Loki.

An acceptable plan as far as Loki was concerned. Who know, he may meet the Ancient one's pupil over here. Although, that was very unlikely. Either he was an enemy over here or trapped. The second scenario sounded unlikely to him. A person who is mastering the mystic arts cannot be trapped so easily. Loki gave up on the thought and decided to just complete this assignment. for the moment.

Using hiding like a mole technique, he had burrowed himself underground. This jutsu was unique in the fact that while under this jutsu. The user could sense everything that was happening above him.

The guard on the tower just went down. Deadshot probably.

Amanda had reached cover, peeking out she had shot two of the guards, a third guard had noticed the commotion. Loki had popped out and pulled him down into the ground. Using electric shock jutsu, Loki had shocked him and incapacitated him.

Soon, all the guards had been dealt with.

Loki had shown up as well and was looking at their equipment. He could see no markings on them.

"These are not any standard issues from anywhere," Amanda had said to herself while she was kneeling down and checking the equipment of one fallen soldier.

Getting up, she had gotten on comms. "Deadshot, I want you on overwatch."

Deactivating her comms, she had turned to Loki, "Tobi, you are with me. We are going inside."

She gained a hardened look in her eyes. "Be prepared for anything."

They both had approached the door.

"I got it." Loki had said. As he had used Kamui to move through the door. One guy was standing facing away from him. Loki had gotten behind him and strangled him. Holding a hand over his mouth to prevent him from screaming. Soon the guard went down. Loki had turned around and opened the door.

Soon Amanda had stepped inside and nodded to Loki.

"Move cautiously. I want to secure this entire base silently." She had told him. She had then gone invisible as well.

As both she and Loki started to move silently into the base. Loki had decided to walk on the roof. It is surprising, how many people fail to look up and thus he advanced.

Soon they both saw a few guards approaching. Loki had thrown a shuriken infused with wind nature chakra, it had gone straight through his head splattering his brains behind on the wall killing him. Amanda had shot the other one. Soon, they began to advance and came to a room. Loki could still sense the life force of Amanda and had signaled her that there were people inside.

Loki and Amanda both entered. Amanda was sill invisible and Loki had sunk into the roof and moved in.

Amanda had moved into the room where a variety of guards were present. They were surrounding man wearing a lab coat. Blood stains covered it. His back was turned to Amanda

"How are the tests going." The figure on the monitor asked. The figures face could not be seen. His voice was being modified to sound more mechanical in nature.

"They are doing well." The figure wearing a lab coat had replied. His back still turned towards Amanda "All of the test subjects that have currently survived are exhibiting extreme levels of power. They will prove to be a boon to us."

The windows showing the mysterious figure went to the side and a few more clips had opened up. To show various figures demonstrating their powers.

The first one was of a figure. Showings various tests being performed.

"Project Quicksilver. His speed is less then that of the flash. We atfirst though that he was at a level lower then flash." He had explained a hand raised as the figure began to move at higher and higher pace on a tread mill. Soon, a bunch of figures were being displayed displaying his speed. It began to slowly increase until it had broken the supersonic level.

"That was discovered to be his limits, until we had discovered a few more abilities."

A test display once more as it is shown that Quicksilver has a lower level of super strength as well. His attacks also carrying a momentum and an aura with them. The video changed showing quicksilver attacking several bags and sending them flying. The attack value being displayed.

"The nature of his powers are different compared to that of the Flash. His attacks carry a type of aura with them and he can transfer that energy into attacks for devastating effects. An introduction of Martial arts will do him good. He had good control of his body and agility to match the skill set." The figure had explained.

"And That's not the only thing. His powers are still growing." A video was displayed where it was shown that Quicksilvers maximum speed was increasing every month.

"He may one day grow to surpass Flash."

"And this is the next project. Project Scarlet Witch." The figure had continued to explain.

A video began to play of a girl holding the head of someone. That person crying out and clawing his eyes. Attacking the people surrounding him.

"We at first believed that she could manipulate and control people. But several experiments had proven that wrong." He had said. As several experiments pass with the girl using her powers on a variety of people. "After a variety of experiments. We came to a hypothesis. She does not control them in the explicit sense. She can show them visions of their worst nightmares made reality. Make them see the world in a certain way for an amount of time. Bring their worse fears to life and have them act a certain way. The way the target will act depends on them. We recommend her to weaken the will of prospective recruits. Particularly, those who are disgruntled with the way shield is run. Her powers will amplify their fears and discontent. Making them easily recruitable to us."

A second test was being performed. Showing Wanda controlling and throwing weights.

"She also has minor telekinesis as well. The power depends on her mental state. A strong emotional response empowers her abilities."

"So the two survivor of the artifacts have the potential to become power houses." The figure in the monitor had clasped his hands together.

"That is correct. These are the only survivors of that artifact and they have gained access to various supernatural powers. Out of a 50 only they survived."

"Promise them revenge against Stark and the people who fought in Sokovia." Said the figure in the monitor.

"Fitting that we were responsible for that." The doctor within the bloodied lab coat had answered with a short laugh. "They have been promised revenge. Do not worry about that."

Please check out my other fafnic, mage system effect. First chapter upload. Warning will be filled with angst.

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