
Lo Recant, The Rise of The Dragon King

Dragons, creatures of unimaginable might; beings capable of destroying entire countries single-handedly. The apex of all creations, the strongest of all. The beings who sit at the zenith of creation itself, the gods' strongest creation. Only being beaten out by the gods' own masterpiece, humans. This story is about an outsider, a foreigner. A being who shouldn't exist, a being who has no right in the world. A person who is reincarnated as a newborn dragon in the middle of a grand forest. This story is about a man and his conquest; a conquest so grand, that the world itself quivers before it. A conquest which will, in its end, tear the sky, rupture the earth, and shatter the atmosphere. A conquest which will reshape the world, rewrite history, destroy all semblance of balance and logic. A conquest which will make all shiver in terror, be it gods or mortals, humans or goblins, dragons or slimes. A conquest which will topple over everyone, no matter their position. The conquest which shall be the rise of the dragon which shall be engraved into the world and its history, the conquest of the rise of the being who shall be known to all as the 'The Greatest Sin Of All'.

Bigdaddy_mew · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
43 Chs


I didn't know how long I ran for. The agony... it was something that was continuously messing with my brain - I couldn't think at all. Thankfully, I was very far from the village before my legs literally couldn't move.

It was then when my consciousness finally gave out. The agony was simply too much. After all, it was the pain of dying.

As I feel asleep for a while, the agony suddenly started to lessen. It did so at such a rate that I was surprised that I was even feeling such pain moments ago.

"Ugh, what happened?" I looked around my surroundings trying to figure out where I was. But before I did so, I turned towards my body.

I was still a human. I didn't like it and turned back into the dragon. The process was the same. My entire body surged up in temperature, releasing a lot of heat as steam. My bones started cracking and my muscles contracting and growing. Before long, I was already back into a dragon.

"Didn't I lose my right arm?" I turned my head to look at my right arm, which was there. It looked completely healthy and moved just like it should have. It was as if it was never gone in the first place.

I breathed a sigh of relief as went back to looking at my surroundings.

It seemed that I was in a much deeper part of the forest. Which probably meant I had ran towards the center of the forest, as the orc village was on, what seemed to be, the "edge" of the forest.

But that wasn't important now. I turned my attention behind, as that was the place the orc village laid.

"Yep, that village... it's gone." A enormous cloud of poisonous smoke rose up in air from that direction. It was so huge that even though I was probably a kilometer or two away from it, it was big. But I could only see the smoke, so I jumped and flapped my wings. I wanted to see the fires I had caused.

As I ascended to the air in a rather pathetic manner - what did you expect? I didn't have prophet or any sensory enhancements going on and all my stats, skills, and abilities' potency were lowered. But even though pathetic, I still managed to ascend far above the trees.

"Whoa! That that is BIG!" In reality, there wasn't that much fire, as that fire was only "relatively" normal as it burned through trees like dry paper. But still, it was sticky and "burn-y" so some of it, the parts that were especially abnormal, continued to burn the ashes and the earth itself. The barren wasteland they had created was probably a kilometer in radius - it was huge! The fires on the outskirts of the field, burning the trees, looked to be slightly weaker but still strong nonetheless.

"Oh yeah, I think there was that other village." I turned towards the direction where I had sensed the orc village, the one with their young ones. "Well, I need power. Heheheh, let's enslave that entire thing into being my personal army! That sounds fun as heck!"

To be honest, just the thought of having an army was cool. Yeah, considering my power I was probably capable of fighting an army by myself. But considering the bullshitery that Lo Recant has entailed upon the world, it would be way better to be safe than sorry. So building an army for protection was actually a good idea. Though, yet again, I would've probably done so just because of the fact of having an army.

And the best part about the army I was going to make was that they were all children, so training them and drilling skills into them was probably going to be a lot easier.

There were some adults over there, probably there to take care of the children, but I can easily kill them, and I would do it quickly - I don't want what had happened in the village to repeat again. I'll use Lord of Sin's ability to manipulate minds, rather influence them, to enslave the children. I think it will be easier as well considering they were children.

With my decision now as solid as Kripstor, I flew towards that village.

The village was still some kilometers away. And because I flew at least ten times slower than I ran, I had some time to survey my area, rather sight-see.

I enjoyed it. It was relaxing. Especially after I went through that pain. Though the discrepancy between this calm and relaxing scenery and my thoughts, as well as the burning forest behind me, was so great that it would probably make a normal person feel some sort of emotional whiplash.

As I continued, the visage of a village came closer.

It was a village that was actually larger than the previous village. Being probably 200 or 250 meters in radius. The walls that surrounded it was proper and looked sturdy enough to moderately slow down an anti-material automatic machine gun. Just thinking about it reminded me of that thing's recoil - if it weren't for its tech lessening it, I wouldn't probably broken my hands and ribs trying to shoot it.

Soon I reached the village. The orcs that were moving to and fro within it all looked at me and an uproar erupted within it. They were all surprised, confused, and rather scared. It's probably cause I was covered in blood and organs, and probably smelt like actual shit. I smiled, as I used Transformation and Transmutation to literally fling me towards the village. The burst of speed I achieved was way greater than me on the ground. In just a moment, before they could even react, I pierced through their walls and reached the ground. I went through the hard way because I wanted to assert dominance. The debris which were flung from the wall, thankfully, didn't hit any orcs and only slightly damaged one of the many houses near the area.

"Ahhh!" the orc children scared, and the adults came running towards me. Some of the braver children, simply looked at me in shock and dismay. [AN: Just imagine them being like Eren and group when they first saw the colossal titan, only way smaller]

The adults who came running to me, I killed in an instant. I made sure it was as clean and quick as possible, which lead to me murdering them all humanely, like a cow in a slaughter house.

I then ran for all the adults in the village. They were dying NOW!

In just few minutes, I killed all the sixty or so adults within the village while the children watched in shock and horror. Some of the children were so scared they started running, well tried, away from the village. But they couldn't as I had erected a barrier around the village with the help of Transmutation and Transformation. Thankfully, the effect was permanent so I didn't need to waste any more mana sustaining it - I had already used up 98% of it erecting that barrier.

As I walked through the village, seeing the speechless and crying children. I smiled with pure ecstasy. Be it children or adults, the sound of pain and agony always gave me pleasure. It was amazing.

You know, writing this actual monster is make me feel sick. Well, not that whining is going to change anything. I made him like that, and I have to suffer beause of it. Volume two is going to be a breath of fresh air.

PS: Next chapter is the last chapter for the volume... I guess we're done with the story of this piece of shit dragon.

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