
Lo Recant, The Rise of The Dragon King

Dragons, creatures of unimaginable might; beings capable of destroying entire countries single-handedly. The apex of all creations, the strongest of all. The beings who sit at the zenith of creation itself, the gods' strongest creation. Only being beaten out by the gods' own masterpiece, humans. This story is about an outsider, a foreigner. A being who shouldn't exist, a being who has no right in the world. A person who is reincarnated as a newborn dragon in the middle of a grand forest. This story is about a man and his conquest; a conquest so grand, that the world itself quivers before it. A conquest which will, in its end, tear the sky, rupture the earth, and shatter the atmosphere. A conquest which will reshape the world, rewrite history, destroy all semblance of balance and logic. A conquest which will make all shiver in terror, be it gods or mortals, humans or goblins, dragons or slimes. A conquest which will topple over everyone, no matter their position. The conquest which shall be the rise of the dragon which shall be engraved into the world and its history, the conquest of the rise of the being who shall be known to all as the 'The Greatest Sin Of All'.

Bigdaddy_mew · Fantasy
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43 Chs


Hey kids, today I am going to teach you the strongest magic in the world: black magic. Why, you may ask? Well cause I am currently losing the battle. I mean, seriously. I had grandly underestimated the orcs so hard that I could wonderfully call myself an actual retard.

I was already making my plan to GTFO out of this place. I didn't want to die. So the only thing I could do was to use the strongest magic - cause I wouldn't be able to out run them, I had already wasted most of my stamina.

Well, I actually didn't know if I could do it. But a help from my cheat race, skills, and Lo Recant's help, I found out I could do it.

But there was a limit of what I could do. I couldn't create Super Matter, I mean not even a single atom of it. It was as if I was trying to create a type of matter that literally abused the fundamental forces of reality itself - even a single atom of those things would store enough energy to power a Country-class AMW, and storing it required, I shit you not, manipulation of space-time on the scale of a city (that's for a single atom).

So I had to create the next best thing: Extreme Matter. Creating something like R would be a bad idea. As I didn't know if my mastery over space-time magic was that good that I would be capable of manipulating to contain it. And even if I did, I wasn't that batshit insane.

As R, that retarded, reactive, and restricted chemical, is capable of reacting with things called Noble Gases or something. Well, skipping the bullshit talk about how complex it is, it basically has a bad habit of literally burning anything it comes into contact with. Once a "poor" rich guy tried to use to it to sabotage one of Sex Demon's "business" ventures. A slight miscalculation here and an entire city was burned to the ground. While the harmful chemicals it released as a by-product made a country-sized area literally unlivable. Just entering that area would be enough to burn... no, I mean literally melt any biological matter. For example: the Sex Demon threw one of his bastards into it. The poor guy turned into a boiling pile of "what-the-fuck" faster than I could say, "What the hell?"

'Yeah, no... It's too dangerous...' So, I threw out extreme matter out of the window. I could create them, though only small amounts of it. Still, even in small amounts it would be so dangerous that it could make a 10 KM+ death zone. That's too strong.

Now, all that was left was Normal Matter. Sadly, I didn't have a lot of knowledge over them. But I did understand that they could get pretty dangerous in their own right. I think something like an oxidizer would be good. I was extremely heat-resistance. Plus I knew a deranged man that made a lesser version of R so I could use that.

Yeah, that's better.

I jumped backwards creating a great distance between me and the captain, and his orc team, who all got a good ol' case of that bullshit boost called the "power of friendshit" that I heard ever so often. I am not lying, that's the cause of their new power.

The leader had given a grand speech about how much of a "monster" I was and how they should all work together. If I actually didn't care about what they thought, I might've actually shed a tear.

They had also noticed me burning their brothers, but they simply gritted their teeth and fought. It was a show of determination I could only see from sub-humans. As, humans pushed that far would simply not care of others suffering and run the heck out, betraying and doing whatever they needed to. And two weeks later they'll come back to hunt you down like an animal.

The orcs looked angry, and grunted with pure, sheeting wrath.

A little scared, true. But still, I finally figured out which chemical I was going to use.

Jumping back a few more times, the orcs couldn't catch up to me, well barely. I had almost gotten my head chopped off ten times in those instants.

As I felt the wall nearing me, I prepared to jump up. The orcs had probably understood what I was going to do, considering my previous list of feats.

"Die!" As the leader orc took a step forward, cratering the ground beneath and causing a thundering boom to reverberate throughout the village, and more importantly, my being as a whole, he swung his sword with so much raw speed and violence that it broke through the sound barrier creating a deafening shockwave which made me feel as if I was tackled by a raging bull. It was a strike with power that could classify him as a Level 1 threat. Literally a Level higher than what I would classify as in my old human body.

If I had to be real with you, I could dodge it. But the violent and rapid contraction my muscles would go through would probably be enough to snap my bones like twig. Now that I thought about it, it would be funny to see a guy literally break his back by moving. [AN: Imagine the combination of tetanus and pulled muscles, but a lot worse]

'Sorry my dear arm,'

Using my arm as a dummy, I slowed the strike - at the cost me losing it. So I dodged the attack while only sustaining a centimeter long gash going from cheek to slightly above my left hip.

Blood started flooding out of my injuries as the leader quickly recovered and prepared another attack. The other other orcs all covered flanks while armed with make-shift weapons. They were trying their hardest to end me right now.

"Sorry, mortals. Though my soul may be eternal my flesh is naught. I am deeply saddened that you all are not suffering to my hands today." With a regal voice I jumped.

Using transformation and transmutation, I "froze" a section of the air around me to create a cylindrical barrier to stop but mostly surprise the orcs. It used a lot of mana and was really inefficient compared to normal magic - so I named this thing Pseudo-Magic. Thankfully, its job wasn't to block the orcs but rather surprise them.

The barrier did its job well as I jumped on top of the wall. As soon as possible, I started to run on top of it as fast as I could. I cheated a bit and made my brain activate all the muscles I was using to their maximum limit. Making me tear lots of my muscles and break my bones for a massive boost in my speed.

The orcs were left surprised as they saw me moving like a blur on top of the wall. But already experiencing the pain of doing so, they quickly recovered - when I mean quick I mean they recovered in 0.7 seconds.

As I fought through my pains and tried reaching the opposite side of the wall. I started to use all of my mana and most of my brain power into creating the chemical that would burn this place down. I didn't need to worry about fuel 'cause this chemical will even use metal as fuel - for an analogy, it would light up steel just like the way a fire would light up dry paper. And I saw that there was water within some of the, burned down, houses. So their primitive minds would use water to stop the fire. Which would do nothing but make the reaction even more violent. And the best part, this thing would burn with the heat of two suns, I mean literally. The "fire" it creates is literally thousands of degrees Celsius hot. Even with me being a literal dragon and having high heat resistance, I expect I would at least suffer from some serious burns and also probably have most of my innards destroyed. I guess I would probably survive cause of my regeneration skill which would activate the moment I disengaged. But the pain I will suffer would be extreme, and even then, it would be a massive underestimation.

As I reached the opposite of the wall, I created a liter of that thing and dropped it as far away me as I could - thirty meters. Even then, the moment the thing was created, black magic once again proved why it is the strongest. The exhaustion that followed was intense, but I could easily handle it. What worried me more was what would come next.

A blinding fire came out of nowhere as that thing quite literally burned the air itself. And since it was a liquid, when it fell down, it looked as if someone literally dropped a bucket of pure white flames.

The heat it released was so great that I felt my skin dry up the moment it appeared. The air was so hot and dry that simply breathing made me feel intense agony. My lungs were quite literally burning. Oh, the best part. The thing released acidic air that started melting my skins and almost made me unconscious

'Fucking run!' I couldn't help but curse out as I jumped to the ground.

The agony I felt from that little moment was so great that I couldn't feel the pain of my torn muscles and broken bones from my legs. And the adrenaline that pumped throughout my body made my brain use 100% of my muscle's power without me needing to, not that I could because of the agony, and I ran at extreme speeds breaking branches and cut through hundreds of meters of foliage and undergrowth in just few seconds.

The orc village is now dead. Unless they had some magic liquid that was literally suffering from Erectile Dysfunction, meaning as inert as noble gases, and was capable of separating that thing from any matter, then the entire village would burn. The fire would spread to the forest as well. But that thing would probably run out by them and it would be an almost normal fire. So, in my opinion, everything up till those mountains would be burned to the ground.

I got into ninth grade purely through cheating! I don't know if I messed up life up, but i don't care!

By the way, you guys remember the feat system? Guess what's going to happen next!

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