
Lo Recant, The Rise of The Dragon King

Dragons, creatures of unimaginable might; beings capable of destroying entire countries single-handedly. The apex of all creations, the strongest of all. The beings who sit at the zenith of creation itself, the gods' strongest creation. Only being beaten out by the gods' own masterpiece, humans. This story is about an outsider, a foreigner. A being who shouldn't exist, a being who has no right in the world. A person who is reincarnated as a newborn dragon in the middle of a grand forest. This story is about a man and his conquest; a conquest so grand, that the world itself quivers before it. A conquest which will, in its end, tear the sky, rupture the earth, and shatter the atmosphere. A conquest which will reshape the world, rewrite history, destroy all semblance of balance and logic. A conquest which will make all shiver in terror, be it gods or mortals, humans or goblins, dragons or slimes. A conquest which will topple over everyone, no matter their position. The conquest which shall be the rise of the dragon which shall be engraved into the world and its history, the conquest of the rise of the being who shall be known to all as the 'The Greatest Sin Of All'.

Bigdaddy_mew · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
43 Chs


"Do you really have a death wish?" Lo Recant looked at me, completely stupified, "If you're going to use your inferno dragon's strength then you won't even stand a chance against a being who is like level 3!"

"Well," I quickly thought of something which might help, "How about modifying my inferno dragon-form so that its almost like this body?" I asked, "You should be able to that, right?"

"Yeah, I can," he replied, "but, even then, the power difference is still going to be massive. You may stand a chance, but your chances are dangerously low. It's only about 20-30%."

"20-30%!?" I exclaimed, "That's enough!" I had a voice that was the epitome of excitement.

After all, not being certain of your survival and handing your life to lady luck was an exhilarating feeling. Something which I had craved for about a year.

"I mean you should know what I used to do, right?" I asked him.

"Sigh, fine" he finally gave in, "I didn't want you to die, after all, you can't cast resurrection on yourself. What am I kidding? Even if you could, you wouldn't accept it, would you? No matter, if it's from me or from you."

I was surprised to see that he actually worried about me and even knew that I was not going to accept any form of resurrection.

"Oh, you know me just like a friend!" I said in a cheeky voice.

The moment Lo Recant heard my voice, he stiffened up a bit. I didn't know why he had stiffened up, as I wasn't an expert in finding out what a person was feeling when they had no facial features.

But, I understood why he had stiffened up in the next moment, so there wasn't much to worry about.

"Sorry!" I quickly apologized as I felt a massive aura hit me.

The aura could only be described as 'Overpowering'. It was like getting hit with a truck, no, it felt suspiciously like getting hit by a lightning bolt.

'No, it's exactly like getting hit with lightning.' I thought.

The aura had caused all my muscles to stiffen up for a split second. Which had caused my heart, lungs, and every other muscle to stop functioning for that same split second.

"Don't try to get any cheeky with me!" he said, a little annoyed, "I know exactly what kind of bastard you are, so, it really feels weird for you to start acting cheeky. It's like seeing your Disney princess start acting like a drug-addicted whore."

"Ok, ok, I'll never do it again!" I apologized.

I tried to clear my throat, only for it to end with me sounding like I was choking on a stick. It seemed like I wasn't all that used to my dragon body, as I was doing still human movements, which would've been impossible for a flying mana-blooded reptile to make.

"Let's just forget that the conversation ever happened," I said, embarrassed, "So, what are the mandatory knowledge I needed to know about?" I asked.

Lo Recant loosened his body as he calmly replied, "Well, the most important thing you should know is that, except Divine Essence, all divine skills are malleable and heavily personalized."

"Even more so for skills which are uniquely named," he explained, "such as your two divine skills: Ouroboros and Ragnarok."

Again, I wasn't surprised to see him list all my divine skills. As if he didn't have an inspection type skill, then it would've been very disappointing for him to be considered the strongest being in the entire world. But even then, it wasn't like he couldn't just replicate it with some magic he himself created.

"And just like Divine Skills," he looked at my body, "Divine Evolution, the one you currently have and will have for the rest of your life, are also very personalized and made for the user. After all, here is what you should have looked like." he then made a symbol appear midair.

The symbol was a circle created by a dragon eating its own tail. I didn't know why, but just looking at this symbol made me feel like I had some connection with it. And I would've likely felt the connection even if Lo Recant hadn't said that this symbol was what I should look like.

"Well, thank god I didn't look like that," I pointed to the symbol, "I would've really missed fighting with my claws. Plus, if I had that body, I would've probably taken even more time to be in com- Oh, that's what you meant!" (AN: Some of you might be confused, he was about to say, "completely in control."

Then everything started to click in.

"So, the reason why I have muscles on these places," I showed him my 'arms', "how they are structured, how my body is structured, literally everything, is because it's all personalized for me, isn't it?"

"Yeah, that's what I was getting at!" he answered, "It's also the same thing with your divine skills, except Divine Essence. But there is also a massive problem which you are facing with your Divines; it's that you don't what Ouroboros or what Ragnarok is, do you?"

"Wait, so you mean to tell me that Ouroboros and Ragnarok were in my previous world as well?" I asked.

"Yeah, I guess you could say that," he replied, "But that's not the point, the thing is, because you don't know anything about them, your wisdom skill won't ever be able to help you make them stronger. No matter how strong it is. As both of them are foreign concepts, ones who do not exist in this world, and never will."

"Oh! I see." I nodded.

"So you understanding those two skills and knowing in which areas they can be used is the only way you're going to be making them stronger." he explained, "After all, even though they don't show you any levels, it doesn't mean that they grow with you. That's because you have to grow them yourself. And because of that, they're harder to level up than normal divine skills -- and also way stronger. Though that's only if you had a maxed-out Divine Essence skill."

I thought more about what he had just said, carefully making sure that I understand them as much as I could. After all, if what he said was true, I couldn't just mindlessly grind out skills and train with them so my body gets better, I'll have to consciously experiment and make multiple breakthroughs.

Though there was still one thing which had confused me, "What does Divine Essence have to do with the leveling of divine skills?" I asked him.

"Oh good question," he replied, "I was going to explain what it did at last, but since you asked, here it is:"

"In simple terms, as you're stupid, Divine Essence is the concentration of divine energy present within your body." he explained, "The higher the concentration, the higher the skill. It's just that, nothing more nothing less. It's also a way of measuring how many Divine Skills you can have and how far can you level them at a given time. For example, if you have a level 10 Divine Essence skill, you can have ten divine skills, without counting Divine Essence, and level all of them up to level 10 -- by the way, you will also gain the Divine-Rank."

"Ok," I stopped him from explaining more, as I didn't want him to think of me as a brain dead retard anymore, "So, the reason for why it used as a measurer is because to gain and level up Divine Skills is because you need to first have a sufficient amount of divine energy in your body? Is that correct?"

I knew I was right; the moment I had increased my Divine Essence skill, I had gotten my second Divine Skill, Ouroboros.

While I was thinking about that, I also realized another thing.

"Stop!" I, once again, stopped him, "please check if I'm correct or not. To gain ranks after Mythical, you need to level up your Divine Essence Skill, right?" I asked.

The air shook with excitement as I finished that statement, it didn't take a genius to see what was the cause for the event.

Lo Recant's excitement was through the roof, even without any facial expression and body language, I knew that he was really happy and proud of me, "YES!!! You're correct in both of them!"

"Though I still have to say, it's not after Mythical, but after Legendary. As the requirement for acquiring the Mythical-Rank is at least having a level 1 Divine Essence Skill. Oh, by the way, you reach Ascendant-Rank at level 3 Divine Essence, Transcendent at level 6, and finally, Divine at level 10." he finished.

I nodded to his explanation. I was also starting to feel a little smarter; which was weird, to say the least, "Hey, does this body get smarter faster than when I was a human?" I asked.

"Oh, about that, I think I'll have to think about it for a second…" Lo Recant started to think, "I really don't know. Your intelligence is way lower than that of a normal human's. You would've clinically been called a retard if it weren't for the stupidly high combat intelligence you have, naturally and artificially. But even if you are dumber than normal, you're intelligence still rivals that of an Elder Dragon. But considering you have a strong divine evolution, I think it might be a yes. You're intelligence probably rivals that of a normal human; and in the case of combat intelligence, you're probably a genius among geniuses."

"Well, I don't know about that…" I replied, a little sad that I was called a retard by my only friend, though on the bright side, I was now apparently a genius among geniuses in terms of combat.

'I'll fucking kill you the next time I meet you, you fucking faggot!' I cursed at the Sex Demon.

"Let's continue with the explanation, shall we." I requested.

"Sure," he replied.

"Divinity and elmenent of the divine."

-BigdaddyMew, clearly stating the obvious.

PS: BTW I'm fucking done writing for today!

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