
Limitless Flame

A fan of Bleach finds themselves mysteriously reincarnated into the body of Yamamoto Shigekuni. A man so powerful, the author had to give his enemies plot armour. But this time our MC has a special gift. A small potion with the letters S/P Creation on it. Let's see some of the things that can happen if we remove the gentlemen's gloves.

Cedric_7512 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
18 Chs


(Random Shinigami POV)

I watch the process as this new guy steps on the platform to test his Reiatsu. He might look strong, but physical strength won't grant you an Asauchi. I can tell that he doesn't have any Reaitsu. I can't feel any from him. He is weak and is wasting everyone's time. I don't like it when someone thinks above his station.

Just as I am about to walk forward and say something, a powerful pressure emanates from the platform and pressures my mind. I can feel the pressure attack my mind and overwhelm me. The last thing I see is the unassuming man looking in my direction.

F*cking bastard...



(Examiner POV)

"Release your Reiatsu as much as you can. If you're not capable of that, then you won't get an Asauchi, as it is necessary to have enough Reiatsu to imprint your Essence into the Asauchi.", I say to this guy. I don't feel any Reiatsu from him. But there is still something that unnerves me when I look at him. I don't know why but he makes me feel uncomfortable. Like looking at a Vasto Lorde or something.

"So I just release it and you can measure it? How much do I have to unleash then?", the man asks me.

"As much as you can. We need to see whether you have enough to turn the Asauchi into a Zanpakuto. So don't worry about it and release it all.", I tell him.

What a guy, he is worried about others. Haha, well that is cute but he should rather concentrate on ma-





(Yamamoto POV)

"Release your Reiatsu as much as you can. If you're not capable of that, then you won't get an Asauchi, as it is necessary to have enough Reiatsu to imprint your Essence into the Asauchi.", this guy tells me. This makes me raise my eyebrows. I haven't really used my Reiatsu on other Shinigami before, but I'm sure that he wouldn't survive if I went all out.

"So I just release it and you can measure it? How much do I have to unleash then?", I ask again, to make sure he really meant it that way.

"As much as you can. We need to see whether you have enough to turn the Asauchi into a Zanpakuto. So don't worry about it and release it all.", he tells me. Oh well, it is what he wanted. I'll make sure not to release too much. That would not be good for the others here. So I release a bit of my Reiatsu to show him.


My Reiatsu is fused with my Haoshoku Haki and permeates the surroundings. I realise this little detail too late and just watch as everyone slowly falls to the ground, knocked out.



I am now the only one left conscious. I should have remembered that I fused my Haoshoku Haki with my Reiatsu. And I was trying to only release a tiny fraction of my Reiatsu. How bothersome. Oh well, I guess I can take this Asauchi now. I more than qualify ... right? Yeah, definitely. These people are really weak. And here I thought there might be someone for me to fight here. I should get going now, I don't want to deal with any pests. I grab an Asauchi and then leave the place.

I am excited to finally have an Asauchi. Imagine getting the power of the hottest flames in this world I will be able to burn everything and anyone. I can already see how I'll go beyond the limits the original had. I believe Yamamoto's Shikai was about 6000°C and his Bankai was a whopping 15 million degrees C. I'm sure I can increase the temperature of both Shikai and Bankai. But there might be a skill that I still need.

Now that I made contact with Ichibe Hyosube, there is a resistance that I have to create. [Linguistic Manipulation Immunity: Rank D - 500'000'000 SP]. This should shield me from his Zanpakuto's ability Ichimonji. His Shikai is dangerous. And if you ask me, I feel like it might be even more dangerous than his Shin'uchi. Taking away names is very strong. So the price makes sense I guess. The only problem is that to upgrade it, I would either have to be affected by his Ichimonji, or I use SP. But I can only imagine the price.

Another thing I am interested in is gaining the Essence skill: [Essence of the Blank - Rank S]. There was a big discount, due to me already having reached a stage that is very close to the Essence skill. I had the skill, Shattered Limiter, which was almost the same Rank as the Essence of the Blank. The only thing that the Essence of the Blank had, was the ability to learn any skill. And I had that in the form of my Essence of Skill/ Power Creation. For this reason, I got a big discount to upgrade my skill [Shattered Limiter] to [Essence of the Blank: Rank S].

Sadly, even with the discount, it was an exorbitant price. Upgrade [Shattered Limiter: Rank N/A] -> [Essence of the Blank: Rank S - 100'000'000'000 SP]. So it was the same price as [SP generator: Rank B - 100'000'000'000 SP]. So I didn't have to wait that long anymore. But to get the skill, I decided to enter the Time ID for a while and train my Zanpakuto at the same time. It became more and more apparent, that the Instant Dungeon skill was pretty broken.


I got back home and entered the Time ID at full-time dilation. I also increased the gravity and then sat down to meditate. I began to slowly infuse my Asauchi with my essence. Which means that I imbued it with my Reiryoku and Haki. Before I fully got into meditation, I had an epiphany. Why don't I just create a meditation skill? That would solve a few problems for me concerning time. And since I already had the Monotony resistance skill, there wouldn't be a problem with that.

[Meditation: Rank D - 1'000 SP]

I created the skill and then started again. It didn't take long until I managed to enter my inner world. I woke up in an inferno. There was nothing but fire all around me. It was the hottest I have ever felt and I had temperature immunity. I understand that this isn't normal fire or heat. It is directly connected to my soul and that is also the reason why my immunities only have Rank A+. But I feel a strange familiarity with this fire. Something pulled me in. I began to walk towards where the heat seemed to come from. After a while of walking, I saw what I assumed to be the heart of all the fire.


I stood in front of an enormous, blazing inferno. The inferno was alive and pulsating with life and death at the same time. I understood that this was my Zanpakuto Spirit. It was unlike anything I have ever seen or read about. As I walked closer I saw tendrils made of fire approaching me and caressing me, as if to say that I should come closer. I still felt hot but walked forward anyway. I don't believe that my Zanpakuto would kill me as soon as we meet.

I approach the raging inferno and after waiting for a moment, I enter it. There in the center, I felt like I had walked into the heart of a star. There was something akin to a heart in the centre. It shone in a myriad of colours and pulsated heat outwards. I was in awe as I saw this. I felt happy in the presence of this core. I don't really know what to do, so I simply sit down and begin to meditate.

That's right I meditate in my inner world as well, while I meditate on the outside. I felt like I was breathing the hot air. Liquid lava seemed to flow down my trachea and alveoli. I didn't stop though. I was unable to enter deep meditation due to this pain, but slowly it got manageable.


I don't know how much time has passed, but I entered deep meditation finally. I am floating through deep darkness where everything is cold and empty. Then, I see a reaction. Something that starts small, begins to grow and reveals itself as an explosion on a Universal scale. A big bang if you will. I watch all sorts of colours begin to appear and stars appear. Planets, moons and stars begin to form at the same time and one after the other. Heat and fire is born. I watch as uncountable stars come to life and die in a supernova. I see fire rage and destroy life, only to leave fertile soil behind, which serves as the basis for new life.

I begin to see the different coloured fires. I begin to experience fire with different senses. I begin to smell and hear the fire. I understand the different colours and their attributes. I allowed the energies to flow into me and used breathing to control the energies. Slowly it entered my body and exited again. I led it around my body to reach all of my cells. After a while, I 'opened' my eyes to look at everything again.

I wanted to see what this meant. I wanted to understand everything. After a long time, I started to understand. Garou must have experienced something similar to this. I saw the 'flow' of energy and the heat it generated. So fire wasn't just used to destroy, but also to create.


After an unclear amount of time, I returned to the place I was before. In front of the pulsating core in my inner world. I noticed that it had grown a lot bigger. Before it was about hte size of a basketball, but now ... now it is about 10 times as big. The heat was also much higher than before. I stood up and walked out of the core. I got into a punching position and pulled my right arm back. Then I used my full strength and speed to punch out.

'Nuclear Fission'


A Nuclear fission bubble surrounded my fist and caused an explosion. The surrounding fire began to feed off of the heat and energy that got free and I could feel the very slight increase in quality of the fire. So it seemed that I truly could grow stronger this way. I was happy about that and continued my training here.

I began to wield the flames around me and used them to attack all around me. I tried to manipulate these flames and used my new knowledge of the 'flow' to make them follow my will. It was hard in the beginning but got easier the longer I tried. For some reason, I didn't get tired. Not that that was possible anymore, but I guessed that this used mental energy. But I wasn't tired. The energy from the flames would fuel me with more than enough energy to continue this for eternity.

As time passed, I was happy and content with my training for now. I could probably continue to train here forever but I felt like I wanted to try out the things I learned here. It was time for me to go back.


I concluded my meditation and woke up in the Time ID, in my Instant Dungeon. I wasn't sure how much time passed, but I was sure that it was a long time. I stood up and looked at my Zanpakuto. It turned into a beautiful Katana. The blade was almost entirely red with some flame patterns. It looked like the Katana from Yoriichi Tsugikuni.


When I focused on it, I could feel heat and hear flames burning. The sheer power of this Zanpakuto was breathtaking and I had a big smile on my face. I was excited about this. I would finally release my Zanpakuto for the first time. I knew the name of my Zanpakuto the name I reached the core area of my inner world.

"Reduce All Creation to Ash: Ryūjin Jakka!"

The release of his Zanpakutō is accompanied by an extremely strong release of Reiatsu, affecting all in the area. The blade of Ryūjin Jakka is engulfed in fire. The aura of my Zanpakuto incinerates everything and anything which I wave the sword at, changing it into nothing more than ash, and engulfs the surrounding landscape in a blazing firestorm, the heat of which is intense enough to scorch the sky and consume the clouds.
