

Since the beginning of time, all beings were born with limits, be it physically spiritually or psychologically, all living things have had limits. The universe has a limit it cannot cross, the void has a limit it cannot exceed, light has a limit to its speed, reality has a limit, Space and time have limits. Even the creators of the universe understood this very important principle and acted accordingly. However in a world filled with divine beings who exist to uphold the natural law, what will happen to a young half god with the ability to continually transcend his own limits.

David_555 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
17 Chs

Shattering limits; Becoming a Spartan

He stood tall, his back straight and his eyes unblinking, staring straight at the divine figure before him, whose presence seemed to command fear and subservience from everyone who noticed him.

Encapsulated within the divine light, was a handsome young man dressed in a pure white chiton. He was tall and fair, wore a pair of golden sandals on his feet.

Raw and untainted divinity oozed out of him, while his indifferent eyes rested on the figure that seemed to be glaring into his soul a few kilometers away.

"What an interesting little fellow." He smiled in amusement. Humans could not withstand a thread of divinity from Gods; they would be vaporized instantly, hence the Gods use invisibility as a medium to travel to the earth whenever they desire.

However, not only could the little boy see him, he could even detect an immense battle and untold potential locked deep inside the body of the boy.

"He does look familiar.." The divine being though for a few moments, before shrugging and disappeared in a flash of golden light.


The next day, at the amphitheater, multiple Spartan soldiers were sparring and training. Their General, Kratos sat amongst a group, while a set of scrolls were rolled out before them.

"The General of Athens has chosen Pelopponessus, a patch of dry and, a few meters away from the sea. From their past battle records, the soldiers of Athens would should choose to overwhelm our armies with their sheer numbers."

Kratos spoke out, while he pointed out with a small stick. Beside him his commanders understood and etched the plans deep in their brains.

"The size of their army is no joke General. King Cleomenes has invested greatly in his army, and would lead the attack himself." One commander spoke while Kratos nodded.

"We divide and conquer. Pelopponessus, has multiple hills. We should be able to use them as cover... to-"

Kratos was explaining his plan to his Generals when a loud voice reverberated across the amphitheater.

"Kratos! General of Sparta! I Astylos son of Heracles choose to become a soldier of Sparta." The next moment, the young boy walked with wild spiky hair walked in the amphitheater, ignoring the stares of everyone stood a few meters away from Kratos.

"Go back boy. You don't belong here." Kratos's deep voice resounded, as Astylos furrowed his brows.

"I will become a warrior of Sparta, and there's nothing you can do to stop me!" Astylos fearlessly walked forward and stood a few meters away from Kratos, while the two of them faced off.

"The battlefield isn't a place for a Prince. Step...back." Kratos commanded, his eyes staring deep into Astolys'.

"Make me." The young boy said, with clenched fists. He knew he would've to undergo some sort of test before he could join the warriors. There was no shortcut of favoritism amongst the Spartan soldiers. You earn what you get.


Before Astylos could even realize, a fist accompanied by an enormous force smashed into his chest which sent him flying a couple of meters back, while his feet dragged across the floor, creating two long trails.

"You want to become a warrior of Sparta? Prove yourself." Kratos spoke, and the next second, his body shot forward like a bullet, as he smashed his fist forward. Astylos clenched his fist and unleashed a punch which clashed with Kratos'.

The ground beneath their feet fractured, as Astylos was pushed back once again. However, instead of retreating, he laughed and advanced fearlessly, engaging the general of Sparta in a brutal fist fight.

Kratos was far stronger than he was, and it was evident to him with every clash, but he was faster.


Every clash of their fist caused a crater to erupt on the ground. Astylos moved like a cheetah. He tanked multiple punches from Kratos, while unleashing attacks of his own.

The next moment, Kratos smashed a fist forward, which Astylos dodged, and unleashed a kick unto Kratos' chest. However, the General of Sparta grabbed him by the foot, and smashed him into the repeatedly and mercilessly.

The boy groaned in pain, yet Kratos grabbed him by the hair brought him to his feet and punched him right in the face which sent him flying a few meters.

"You lost." He uttered and turned around. Astylos lay on the ground with a bloody face, while thoughts flashed through his mind. In less than a minute, he had been effortlessly defeated by Kratos. He didn't think he was going to win, but he just didn't think he would lose so badly.

How was he supposed to fight Gods, when he can't even handle a measly Spartan General. Clenching his teeth, he smashed his fist into the ground angrily before he stood up abruptly and charged forward recklessly.

"Haaarghhhh!!" He roared as he blasted forward at an impressive speed, arrived before Kratos and threw a punch.

The Spartan General sidestepped to the left caught his fist, smashed his fist into his Astylos' chest before unleashing a nasty uppercut which almost knocked him out.

"I will not be defeated by you!!" Astylos roared crazily, as he kept on attacking Kratos recklessly.

Kratos on the other hand, was calm and collected. He dodged when he needed to, blocked when he needed to. And within a few minutes, Astylos was beaten up to the point of being unrecognizable. His face was bloody, his nose and shattered and his lips swollen. Multiple bones were broken in his body by Kratos' fists, but he kept going.


After a while of relentless attack, he was sent flying again, by a punch from the Spartan General.

"I....cant lose..." Astylos lay on the ground, while he coughed out a mouthful of blood. Although his entire body was wracked with pain, he felt a burning sensation deep within his body grew more and more. The more he got beat up, the more the sensation increased.

And at this point, the sensation increased exponentially and unconsciously covered his whole body. Although his eyes were currently closed, the Spartan warriors could see him enveloped in a green glow. Immediately, the ground began to tremble, as Kratos turned around and saw the young man covered in a bright green glow.


The next moment, his eyes snapped open before he let out a loud war cry with his fists clenched. Immediately, an extremely ferocious green battle energy burst out of body land swirled around him like a tornado which caused fierce winds to erupt.

The Spartan soldiers looked on with fear, as Kratos took a step back due to the immense amount of raw power emanating from his body.