

Since the beginning of time, all beings were born with limits, be it physically spiritually or psychologically, all living things have had limits. The universe has a limit it cannot cross, the void has a limit it cannot exceed, light has a limit to its speed, reality has a limit, Space and time have limits. Even the creators of the universe understood this very important principle and acted accordingly. However in a world filled with divine beings who exist to uphold the natural law, what will happen to a young half god with the ability to continually transcend his own limits.

David_555 · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
17 Chs


Greece, Thebes....


Evening in Thebes was mostly silent. The curtain of darkness of the Primordial Goddess Nyx embalmed the sky while the moon of Artemis, hung in the sky shining light and hope even in the dark.

Within the palace, the entire nuclear royal family was seated and was preparing to have their meal.

The king of Thebes himself, Creon the great, sat at the main seat, with his daughter Megara at his right hand.

On his left was Asclepius, first born of Heracles and Megara, named by them after the Demigod Asclepius due to his bright gold eyes and his blonde hair and handsome features. He was dressed in long green robes and just like his name counterpart, he devoted all of his time to studying medicine and potions.

Next to Asclepius was Adonis. Named heir to the throne by King Creon himself, Adonis embodied all the traits of a ruler just like his grandfather. He was extremely handsome with his long black hair tied to a ponytail. His eyes embodied wisdom, bravery and pride.

The third on the table was Astylos himself, who had a bored and depressed look on his face. Dinner time with the family was tantamount to torture by hanging for him.

It was excruciating, annoying and extremely boring, hearing his grandfather and his brothers discussing politics. Sometimes he wondered whether they were normal. The only thing that piqued his interest was warcraft and battle.

Unlike all of his brothers, he was dressed in a simple leather pants and a simple shirt, much to the dismay of his mother.

By his side was Lena whom he kept teasing by pinching her cheeks and tickling her much to her annoyance. She was definitely his favorite amongst all the siblings, and he loved her extremely.

A few moments later, several servants walked in with loads of food. Rice, vegetables, fruits, bread, soup, and loads of meat.

Astylos was already salivating at couldn't help but gulp down his own saliva and rub his hungry stomach.

The main reason why the six of them were about to feast on such monstrous amounts of food was because of him, and his monstrous appetite, which earned him the moniker; "The devourer" by his grandfather.

"Oh. I can't wait. I'm starving!" He rubbed his palms in anticipation, while his two brothers reeled in disgust at the sight of their brothers uncivilized behavior.

At a very young age, Royal ethics and principles had been instilled into them by their mother. Astylos was the only exception amongst them. In fact, at times they wondered whether he was their mother's son, not that he cared though.

Lena, despite being young was quite smart for her age. Seeing her brother's uncivilized actions, she let out a small smile and shook her head.

"Astylos! What did I teach you about manners at the table?!" Megara immediately slammed her palm on the table startling him.

"Uhhh you said, food is meant to be eaten fast or it will turn cold?" He raised an eyebrow and replied, while Megara's gritted her teeth in anger. Lena let out a small laugh, while Adonis and Asclepius rolled their eyes.

"By the Gods Megara. Let the child be." Finally, after a few seconds of the face off between mother and son, King Creon decided to intervene.

"But father!-" "No buts Megara." She tried to retort, but was cut short. "He's right. Food should be eaten fast, or it will turn cold." King Creon cracked a small smile and winked at Astylos which made him smile.

"The child has done nothing wrong Megara. Hes the splitting image of that buffoon you call a husband. Let him be." The king added, while Megara sat with a sigh.

"Let's offer thanks and eat." Megara said, while everyone closed their eyes. Well, everyone except for Astylos. His eyes were wide opened, staring at the grilled boar meat right before his eyes.

"We thank the lady Hestia for this gracious meal." After the prayer, everyone began to feast, with Astylos not wasting a single second, diving right into the feast, and eating to his hearts content.

"Astylos, can you explain to me why you refused to close your eyes while we offered prayers?" Right away, Megara asked, while she and the rest are gently and calmly, employing ethics and manners befitting their noble status, unlike the wild and uncivilized was Astylos was eating. His mouth and even clothes were stained with oil and grease, which disgusted his mom and siblings.

"Because Gods are weak." A simple statement, yet everyone including King Creon dropped their spoons and forks while they looked at him incredulously. "Do I perhaps have something on my face? You're staring too much." He furrowed his brows and asked.

"Calm down Megara. It is but the ramblings of an ignorant child." King Creon immediately calmed Megara who looked like she was about to explode the next moment.

"Oh and another thing." A few minutes later, realization dawned on Astylos, before he spoke, as everyone else looked at him. "I plan on joining the Spartan army." He spoke while King Creon nodded.

"I see. Kratos seems to have taken interest in you. I believe it will be a good opportunity for you." The king nodded.

"I agree with grandfather." Asclepius and Adonis nodded without delay. His very existence was like thorns in their soul pricking their very essence. They couldn't even stand him and were disgusted completely by him.

"I refuse!" Megara spoke, looking right into Astylos' eyes. "You will do no such thing boy!" She banged her fist on the table.

"Megara just let the child be." King Creon sighed and said, but she was adamant.

"I wasn't asking for permission." Astylos said, while grabbing a bunch of food into his plate, wanting to leave.

"Listen to me boy! You will do no such thing, or I will no longer refer to you as my son!" She screamed, while the king sighed. He knew how difficult his daughter could be when she made her mind about something.

Adonis and Asclepius looked at each other and exchanged a small smile, while Lena had a frown.

"When have you ever referred to me as your son?" He stood up picked up a piece of clean cloth wiped his mouth, picked up his food and left, leaving only a few words which shook his mother to her core, as tears began to stream down her face.



On the roof of the palace, Astylos was calmly seated, while he munched on a grilled leg of the boar. He wasn't apathetic, neither was he indifferent nor unfeeling. He had grown used to the disgusted expressions from his brothers and his mom since he was young, so they didn't move him unlike before.

At a point, he really wondered whether he was actually his mothers son. Why couldn't she accept him and love him just the way he was. He had tried several times to try to be picture perfect like his brothers, but that wasn't who he was. He was just built different, and he had grown to accept that.

He missed his father immensely and always wished he was here for him.

His father was the only one who understood and empathized with him. Only his father understood his true nature and loved him just as he was.

As he was contemplating and reminiscing some good old memories with his old man, he raised his head to the sky and noticed a golden streak of light flash across the night sky in a split second.

A few moments later, the streak came back, but it stopped in the middle of the sky, underneath the bright glow of the moon.

Ever since he was a kid, Astylos knew he was different from the others.

Aside the unnatural battle intent and ferociousness, he was strong, far stronger than any one his age, faster. Not just that, his senses were enhanced so much that, he could see, hear, smell and taste far beyond what was normally possible.

Squinting his eyes, he noticed a tall humanoid figure encapsulated in divine light. He couldn't completely see the visage of the figure, but he was shaken, although not intimidated. The mere presence of the being exuded a power so vast, it felt endless.

His natural senses encouraged him to run as far as he could, but his battle senses ate him up, an inner flame that could not be extinguished no matter what.

He stood tall, his back straight and his eyes unblinking, glaring at the divine figure whose presence seemed to demand fear and subservience from anyone who noticed him.

A/N: The mythological universe comprises of multiple mythological franchises such as God of War, Percy Jackson, Blood of Zeus and Cthulhu Mythos; Great old ones and outer Gods. It will be centered mainly around Greek mythology, but it will comprise of other mythologies as well, meaning the power scaling would be pretty high.

This ff is like a second part to my other ff; Archangels Heir, which focuses on angels and demons, while this would focus on Gods, Primordials, like two sides of a coin.