
Light Human In MHA

Disclaimer: I don't own anything The Cover was put togheter by a reader named LordValmar Allan, a massive fan of One Piece, dies in a strange but tragic manner, his soul wanders into an unknown place where he meets god. God agrees to send his soul into the world of MHA along with one wish. ___________________________________________________________ I'm new to writing, but I'm hoping to create something more substantial than a rushed power fantasy. {I also suck at writing a synopsis sry/ hope the new one is better}

VeganMaster · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
109 Chs

Objectives and Confusion

__________ POV Toshinori__________

Walking to UA wasn't exactly something I got used to. Sure, I've been working here for about a year, and I've been teaching here for a few weeks. But it still feels a bit strange.

It shouldn't feel strange, I've long come to accept my current condition. As helpless as I feel from time to time, my time is running out. The fact that I'm teaching at Ua signifies that I already started relying on the next generation.

Young Midoriya is still growing and, by Gran Torino's words, his progress is steady and plentiful at the same time. For me, it's hard to gauge it properly, since I never had problems controlling One for All.

There's also my colleague... Young Allan. He is a strange person. Without a doubt powerful, I still have some difficulties keeping a straight face when speaking to him.

His age has stopped bothering me at this point. Since we've been working for a year already. But his strength is simply inhuman.

He could handle All for One so easily. It was simply terrifying. But I also regret feeling this way about it. He isn't the type of person that would ever hurt anyone innocent.

All for One's quirk still being around is also not a calming thought. All for One's actions that day were extremely strange, Allan might not realize this since he doesn't know the villain. But I can tell.

He was acting strangely the entire fight. At any point, he could've tried to teleport away. As for rescuing the person in the armoured car?

I'm sure All for One would never care more for another person than he would for his own life. He went out that day prepared to die. And he tried to take down Allan as well. Using that strange drug was a desperate move, but the villain was trying to ensure that Allan would die that day.

I still don't understand All for One's motives completely. But that person is always planning something. A frontal assault simply isn't his style.

No, I should stop worrying about the dead. His quirk is the only thing I need to worry about now. Since another person already inherited it, it means another powerful villain for us to worry about. Whoever that person is, they need to be either captured or taken down.

In the past, I would never accept the notion of killing a villain. All for One was different, I was driven by revenge. But nowadays, I think that sometimes it's safer to make sure some villains aren't allowed to live.

It might be due to the influence Allan has on me. Allan himself doesn't care much for the lives of villains, but he doesn't kill needlessly. The thing that makes him even more different from me is that he doesn't seem to hesitate when taking a life.

Both the bridge incident and his fight with All for One showed me that he wasn't bothered by displaying his strength in that way.

Well, he certainly doesn't ever act bothered after taking a life. But all of his psychological tests had come out normal. There was nothing wrong with him in that sense. If there was, he wouldn't have been allowed to become a hero.

I still don't know what to think about that aspect of his. In a way, it's good for him to be decisive. But someone as young as him being so

While deep in thought, I managed to reach the door to Nezu's office. Nezu himself also has many of my worries. But he seems to be able to calm himself down much more easily.

I entered and had my usual conversation with Nezu. Talking about classes and students. Right now, I have to teach class 1-B. I'll likely do team fights again. It's a good enough exercise, and they've also been improving a lot.

Right now, I dressed in my hero costume and headed out to their classroom. Only buffing up when reaching the hallway that had their classroom. Thankfully, the hallways are always empty now.

"I AM HERE, TO TEACH YOU ABOUT TEAMWORK!" It doesn't matter how many times I do it. People still get excited when seeing it.

I didn't waste much time and told them to wear their hero costumes. We all met at the bus taking us to the exam site.

That's when it happened. A black portal appeared in the middle of the road in front of the bus. The students, that were assembling in an orderly line, were all startled and recoiled backwards.

This warp quirk looks exactly like the one at USJ. I have seen the recordings of that incident. But the one who used it had been put in a coma and captured by Allan...

He was put under heavy restraints and the police made sure he was guarded. That meant they must've attacked the hospital recently...

Out of the portal came a strange man wearing a suit, he had white hair and eyes, well-defined jawline and an appropriately sized nose.

The smoke forming the portal came from his sleeves. As he stepped out, more and more people started coming out. There were 7 of them in total. They all looked strange, they were certainly villains.

I could recognize one or two people. One of them was a politician even... This was not going to be a pleasant situation. The other was the CEO of a company somewhere in this prefecture. The rest weren't people I recognized.

They all looked strong in their own right. These weren't people that students should be facing... But the situation got even worse, out of the portal came hundreds and hundreds of villains. This wasn't looking too good.

__________ POV Narration__________

The alarm quickly went off. Alerting every single teacher and student about the emergency. The teachers should be busy evacuating the students for now. Nezu should've pulled the camera feed already, he should be able to see what's happening clearly.

But, for some reason, all phone communications were cut off. Nezu tried different means of contacting other heroes, but he couldn't do much from his desk. They also took down the internet shortly after.

In the end, all of the teachers needed to help protect the students that couldn't make it in time to evacuate.

Majima quickly released all of the zero pointers and exam robots he had at his disposal. He made them occupy the weaker villains. This was a temporary solution at best. All Might was currently fighting 5 of the stronger looking people. They were likely leaders of this group.

The one in the suit stood back, observing the situation and transporting more and more villains to this place. They were likely reaching a thousand at this point.

The leaders all looked strange, one of them seemed to have dead skin attached to his body, while another was wearing a stylish coat with a black top-hat, a feather sticking out of it.

Another had some type of ice manipulation quirk, he was wearing a heavy coat in autumn. One had long black hair, he seemed to be able to shape objects into humans and manipulate them.

Those four, alongside the CEO and the politician. Who were both just riling up the crowd of fighting villains.

All Might seemed to be having some trouble, but he managed to hold back the villains enough to let the students escape. The one in the suit didn't seem all too interested in the students, not even glancing at them.

The students still needed to fight their way out of the bigger villain group. They were outnumbered to horrible proportions. Ibara and Naijeru were doing fine, so was Tetsutetsu and Monoma. Most students were fighting with surprising skill.

One of them softened up the ground and caught about a hundred villains in his makeshift swamp. His quirk was great for this situation since the villains were all packed together. All of the students together managed to break out of the encirclement.

But the Symbol of Peace was having a rough time. While he could handle the fire and ice, he was starting to get a bit annoyed at the number of puppets one of them was creating.

The one with the feathered hat also couldn't get too close, the shockwaves were pushing keeping him at bay.

The CEO also decided to step into the fight. His hand turned black and enlargened he swiped it at All Might. Who just punched it away. But that gave an opening to the villain wielding fire to burn the back of the Symbol of Peace.

Thankfully, the suit he was wearing was somewhat resistant to heat. And the cape was made out of a great insulator, it made his costume hard to burn and by extension, his skin too.

The man in the suit was just staring at All Might. He seemed to be analysing the situation.

While the leaders were fighting All Might, the teachers were starting to head towards their location.

Aizawa saw Monoma running in the opposite direction he quickly threw his phone at the student. "Call Allan quickly!!" Since the students were heading away from the site, they should also leave the area with the jammer.

'Everything will be fine if he gets here in time...' Was the thought going through his head. He already knew that Allan was preoccupied with the giant villain he was apprehending. But that had never stopped him from responding to other calls.

Now, all they needed to do was hold on till the reinforcements arrived.


Heyy. Here's another late chap!

Hope you enjoyed it!

Plug: https://www.patre.on.com/VeganMaster