
Life of a God in the Multiverse

This is an Autobiography of a God, from the moment he died, up to the point he reins supreme over the entire Multiverse. Follow Soren as he tells us about his life, and how sightseeing in the different worlds would cause him troubles befitting a God. Disclaimer!: I do NOT own any franchise that I may use in this Fan Fiction, and it is purely for entertainment, and mental relief for fantasy. All work goes to their proper creators... Please support the Official release! Disclaimer 2: The cover image is not my picture, it's just a representation of what I assume the main character Soren would look like, I will take it down if you show proof that you own the picture and wish me to take it down

God_King_Soren · Anime e quadrinhos
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71 Chs

Chapter 14: The Chat Group

(A/N: I never gave Soren's parents names due to my thought process not involving them too much, but seeing as Soren's going to be taking them with him, it's only right to give them proper names, and that is Mark and Serah)

[Dad… You wanna learn to Cultivate?]: soren

When Soren's father heard this, a gigantic smile grew on his face, and without a second thought, he ran to his room so that he could pack his things while shouting out for his wife.

[Hunny!... I'm going with Soren to another world! Hold the fort down while I'm gone!]: mark

When Soren saw this, he could only sigh, but seeing his mother run after his father to assumably yell at him, Soren called out for her.

[Mom, you're coming as well… I'm taking you guys with me to another world]: soren

When his mother heard this, a worried expression appeared on her face, as she knew about these worlds, and about how dangerous they can be, but it only cemented the idea of these worlds being dangerous when Gine told her about her life, but nonetheless, she began packing her stuff, while Kouki, Soren, and Gine were just waiting for them to be ready. Soon, Mark and Serah came from their bedroom with suitcases packed the to brim with clothes and other necessities, and when Soren thought about this, he gave a sigh, but didn't put too much thought into it, as with a wave of his hand, the suitcases vanished and reappeared inside Soren's inventory.

[Where did all of our stuff go?]: serah

[I thought it would be troublesome to take everything by hand, so I just stuffed them in a sealed space that I can access from anywhere]: soren

[Ohh!... Like one of those MMORPG Inventories!]: mark

[That's exactly what it is dad… Now, are you guys ready?]: soren

[Umm… I have a question… What kind of world are you taking us to exactly?]: serah

[Don't worry mom… It's quite modern, and only a select few know of the ability to Cultivate, so the danger for normal people is quite low]: soren

Hearing those refreshing words, Serah felt better in leaving to this world, as after everyone nodded their heads, signifying that their preparations were complete, Soren started the teleportation, and soon they were teleported to an alternate version of Earth, but this one had beings known as Cultivators. Soren appeared in the year 2019, on the outskirts of Wenzhou, in the Zhejiang Province, in China. When Mark and Serah began looking around, they noticed that most everyone was of Asian descent, and everything was written in Chinese while only some places had English counterparts.

[Soren… Where are we?]: mark

[China, Dad… We are in China in the year 2019]: soren

When Mark heard this, he was shocked, as he could understand that they were in China, but the year being 2019 was just too shocking.

[So how are we supposed to fit in here?... I only took a few years of Chinese in College, while your father only knows Japanese from his Father's side… While Gine and Kouki are no better]: serah

Soren then remembered something, and that was that Gine only spoke English due to it being the Universal Language of Dragonball, but he couldn't speak Chinese, so how could he understand the people around him.

<{Soren, you can understand any and all languages you encounter, as this was another gift given by the Creator of Everything}>

When Soren realized this, he was inwardly cursing himself for not thinking his wishes through properly, but then he remembered about his family.

'Ava, is there a way I can transfer the Chinese Language into my family's heads?': soren

<{It is quite simple… All you need to do is touch their foreheads, and I will do the rest of the work}>

'That's great!... Thank you, Ava': soren

<{Anytime Soren!}>

Soren then began placing his middle and forefinger on each of his parents foreheads, like Itachi did to Sasuke, before moving to Gine and Kouki, and after he finished, everyone in his group knew fluent Mandarin and Cantonese.

[Okay, now that the language barrier is out of the way, we will first need to find a place to stay]: soren

[But won't we need money?]: mark

[That's easy… Watch closely]: soren

Soren then used 10,000 System Points and turned them into millions of Won, shocking both his parents, while Serah began to get angry at him. (A/N: I know Won is only used in Korean Manhwa, but I don't feel like typing Renminbi every time Soren uses money)

[Soren!... Don't tell me you are counterfeiting money!]: serah

[No, Mom… They are not counterfeit… In fact I used an equal exchange system that sacrificed something of importance for what it's worth in cash… As for where the cash comes from, I don't know, but what I do know is that I properly paid for this money in an exchange]: soren

{I'm going to stop the story right here, as I thought it was quite funny when I found out… All the money I had received by converting System Points was indeed counterfeit, but I never found out until far into the future… I was basically scammed from them System Points I tell ya}

Soren then told his family to wait nearby while he went to the bank to open up an account, and with a little persuasion by bribery, Soren had opened an account and also got 3 extra cards with each being registered under his family's names. Soren then came back and handed 1 card to Mark, 1 card to Serah, and 1 card to Gine, while keeping the main card for himself under his name.

[Mom, Dad… You guys are in charge with buying a nice home for us to live in, while I will be going out to get started on the main reason for why I came here]: soren

Soren then went out and bought a brand new phone, and then set it up while downloading the WeChat app, and creating his profile, but the thing now, was how to get invited to the Nine Provinces Number 1 Group.

'Ava, is there a way to get the group to notice me? Or do I just have to hope that I accidentally get added to the group like Song Shuhang?... Also, exactly how many more days until Song Shuhang gets added into the group?': soren

<{There is no need for luck, as I come with a special purchase in the store that lets me influence a specific person's mind, all you need to do is state who you want to influence, and what you want to do, and over time they will do it… As for your second question, Song Shuhang will be added 3 days from now}>

'Great!... Then can I buy this, and I want you to influence the one known as Yellow Mountain to accidentally select my name, along with Song Shuhang's when adding him to the group': soren

<{Deducting 1,000 System Points… You have influenced the one known as Yellow Mountain}>

Soren then set his name in the WeChat app and searched for Gine's presence, and after finding her, Soren started walking to their location, and when he arrived, Soren noticed his parents taking a tour for an amazing home, and 3 days later, Soren was intently looking at his phone, while waiting for the invite, and the second it came, Soren accepted it, but didn't type, he only started lurking.

[: Oops, looks like I invited 2 people… Oh well :]: yellow mountain

[: Haha! Great going Yellow Mountain, one more slip up and I might start thinking you've gone blind from old age :]: mad sabre three waves

[: Admin Yellow Mountain, has muted User Mad Sabre Three Waves, for 1 hour :]: Group Chat AI

Soren was laughing as he read the messages, but he noticed that Song Shuhang had yet to join, which surprised him, but then thought that it might be due to him still being in class. Later, Soren jumped back on and noticed that Song Shuhang had indeed accepted the invite, and like Soren, he was lurking in the chat, while reading on about the talks of fighting each other, while some other talks were about the path of Cultivation.

'I wonder what they will think of me when they see my Dao name… Hehe, maybe they'll challenge me to see if I'm lying?': soren

Soon, a few days had passed, and the same thing took place, with both Song Shuhang, and Soren both lurking in the chats, but never speaking, until some of the members began questioning both of their appearances in the Group Chat, and pinged both Soren and Song Shuhang. Song Shuhang still didn't type, but Soren decided it was time to make his grand entrance.

[: What is the reason for being pinged? :]: Creation God Soren

[: .... :]: everyone in the chat

[: What? You ping me, and then don't respond? :]: Creation God Soren

When everyone saw Soren's answer, they all began to wonder just who Soren was, and what level of Chuunibyou he was at, but before anyone could question Soren's name, Mad Sabre typed.

[: Hahaha!... You got a mental disorder or something? What the hell is with that name? Come one now… Your father here has walked the path of Cultivation for thousands of years, yet I have never heard of you :]: Mad Sabre Three Waves

[: That's because I have just descended to this realm… Be grateful that I have graced you with my presence :]: Creation God Soren

When the Group read Soren's follow up message, they all began breaking out in laughter as the chat began filling with laughing emotes, while Song Shuhang was on the verge of tears reading these messages, as someone with the Chuunibyou disorder was calling out another one with the same disorder, while his comeback was quite funny.

[: Since you all wanna laugh so much, how about I make a visit to your homes and teach you your places… *Evil smile* :]: Creation God Soren

When the chat read this, they were quite interested in what kind of bold statement Soren had made, and in turn kept quiet to see if there were any takers to the bait, and just like his name implies, Mad Sabre was the first to respond.

[: Haha! Come and get me then you smelly brat!... Here, I'll even give you my address… ###########... Come on then, what are you waiting for? :]: mad sabre three waves

Just as Mad Sabre hit enter, Soren immediately memorised the address and sent his senses out, and in the blink of an eye, he disappeared, and reappeared behind Mad Sabre, and snapped a picture before turning back to the chat and began reading his constant berating messages.

[: Come on now… When are you going to show? I'll be glad to slice you up real good :]: made sabre three waves

Just as Mad Sabre sent that message, Soren then sent the picture of Mad Sabre's back facing his computer, with the taunting message telling him to turn around.

[Hahaha… Huh?... Oh shit!]: mad sabre

[Hello there… Now what were you saying about teaching me a thing or two with your swords?]: soren

When Mad Sabre turned around to see Soren still standing there, he began screaming while quickly trying to type in the chat for help.

[: He's here!... Help me! :]: mad sabre three waves

The group was in utter shock seeing that Soren was the real deal, but that didn't make his claim to be a Creation God true, but to appear in Mad Sabre's room undetected was quite the achievement. And when the group saw this, they just silently sent their prayers to Mad Sabre, as he called this on upon himself, and then they went back to what they were doing, while Song Shuhang was quite confused, as he didn't know if this was a stunt pulled by the one know as Mad Sabre Three Waves, or if it was something more than that.

'These people seem dangerous… I'll keep silent for now, but if I see anything go too far, I'll turn this to the police': song shuhang

Song Shuhang then turned off his computer and went to bed, while Soren was beating up Mad Sabre before taking some pictures and posting them to the group chat with the title "He won't do this again". Soren then left and went back home where he began telling Gine about his small adventure, to which she laughed and kissed Soren good night. Over the next couple of days, Soren continued to converse with the group chat, while Mad Sabre actively avoided speaking about his experience with Soren, but it would alway be brought up by someone.

[: So tell us Creation God Soren, how badly did Mad Sabre Three Waves cry when you suddenly appeared in his room? :]: medicine master

[: Well it was quite the sight actually, he began to beg for forgiveness the entire time i started beating him up, and I told him I would stop if he kissed my shoes, and low and behold I stopped, so you could guess what happened… Hahaha… Also, Just call me Soren, I don't really like the title Creation God, it's just the title I own… Also, Medicine Master, I'm looking for a set of ingredients to do some pill refinement, do you know where I can find 10,000 year old Spirit Grass, 1 Yang flower, and 1 Yin flower, as well as some thousand year Ginseng? :]: creation god soren

When Medicine Master heard Soren's request, he was quite surprised to hear that Soren was a pill refiner, and to top it off, the ingredients needed were quite expensive, and hard to get.

[: Exactly how much are you looking for in the Spirit Grass?... As it's quite hard to come by these days, especially 10,000 years :]: medicine master