
Life of a God in the Multiverse

This is an Autobiography of a God, from the moment he died, up to the point he reins supreme over the entire Multiverse. Follow Soren as he tells us about his life, and how sightseeing in the different worlds would cause him troubles befitting a God. Disclaimer!: I do NOT own any franchise that I may use in this Fan Fiction, and it is purely for entertainment, and mental relief for fantasy. All work goes to their proper creators... Please support the Official release! Disclaimer 2: The cover image is not my picture, it's just a representation of what I assume the main character Soren would look like, I will take it down if you show proof that you own the picture and wish me to take it down

God_King_Soren · Anime & Comics
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71 Chs

Chapter 13: Family Time

Soren's voice filled the house, and with it brought the sound of things dropping before the sound of running was heard, and soon, Soren was embraced by his two loving parents. Soren let them hug him for quite some time before breaking the hug so that he could introduce Gine and Kouki to how parents, and after noticing the woman and child, many questions began popping into their minds about who were these 2 people who their son brought home.

[Soren, dear… Do you mind telling us who you have brought home with you?]: soren's mom

[That's what I was just about to do… Mom, Dad… This is Gine, and Kouki, my wife and son]: soren

The second that the words "Wife and Son" left Soren's mouth, his mother had a short circuit happen in her brain as she couldn't process what was going on, while Soren's father had a much easier time and tried to make sense about this.

[Soren, so you found a wife who already had a kid, right?... So you're not the biological father, right?]: soren's dad

[Well Gine does have 2 other children, but they are already adults, while Kouki here is mine]: soren

When Soren said this, now his father had a short circuit, as he was now experiencing mental problems.

[Soren… I think you broke them]: Gine

[Yeah… But I think another problem is that you have 2 sons who are already adults, but you don't look a day over 20, but your actual age is closer to 44]: soren

[Hey!... Don't you know it's impolite to state a woman's age!]: Gine

Gine had punched Soren in the arm, while blushing a bit, while Soren just yelped in pain to make Gine feel better, even if it didn't hurt. While Gine and Soren were playing at their antics, both of Soren's parents were coming back to their senses, before looking to Soren for answers, as he was only supposed to be 19.

[Soren, explain!... How could this boy be your child?... He looks to be around 11, and you're only 19!]: soren's mom

[19?... Soren, what's she talking about?]: gine

[Can everyone calm down and let me explain!]: soren

Soren gave a slight outburst which shocked his mother, while Gine was a bit upset he shouted at her, but soon forgot about it, as she was quite interested in what was going on as well.

[Mom, Dad… Remember when I had supposedly died?... Well I in fact had died, but I met with the God who created everything, and he gave me 2 wishes along with being reincarnated however I would like, so I wished for a Goldy Cultivation like in those Chinese Novels, and my second wish was for a Guide that would let me travel through fantasy worlds… When I was asked where I wanted to be reincarnated, I chose to come back here, and I had then woken up from the Hospital...]: soren

[But this doesn't explain how you have a kid!]: soren's mom

[Please let me finish… Then I told you guys that I would be leaving for a few months, well in fact I left to another world, and found that 1 month here was 10 years over there, so while I may be 19 in your eyes, I'm actually 35]: soren

When Soren finished speaking, Gine spoke up as she was now confused.

[But wait… We spent almost 25 years together, how could you still only be 35?]: gine

[Well when I went out to train, I went to a different world where 1 year there was 2 years in your world… So those 6 years I was gone, were only 3 years for me… That's why I said I wouldn't know the time, as if I went to a world where 1 day there was 100 years or something elsewhere, it would be quite a while before you would have seen me again]: soren

[Are you telling me that you would have left me to train!?... How heartless]: gine

When Gine spoke in her teasing tone, Soren's mother who happened to be listening got furious and tried to whack Soren, but only hurt her hand.

[Sorry mom, but my body is like a steel wall]: soren

Soren's mother was holding her hand in pain, while fighting the urge to cry, and when Soren saw this, he could tell that she had no intention of holding back in her strike.

[Ooowwwch!!!... I was trying to use more power in my strike because you said you were superhuman now, and I didn't know if a regular smack would have hurt]: soren's mom

Soren only sighed while taking out a Senzu Bean from his inventory and held it out for his mother to take, while telling her about it.

[Here mom, this should ease the pain]: soren

When Soren gave the small bean to his mother, his father saw it and immediately grabbed hold of it while inspecting it with a smile on his face.

[Is this… It looks just like it!... Wait, Gine… Gine, Gine, Gine… Ahh! Soren, you went to Dragonball!]: soren's father

Soren was dumbfounded with how his father was acting, and most importantly with how he knew about the Anime, and when Gine heard about this, she became curious to the meaning of the name, as they indeed had things called Dragon Balls, but never had she heard of anything known as Dragonball.

[Soren, what's your father talking about?]: gine

Before Soren could even answer, his father ran into his room and started searching for something before coming out wearing a Dragonball Z shirt with Goku standing alone with his Super Saiyan self shadowing behind him in all its glory filling up the remainder of the shirt. While in his hands, were some DVDs and English translation Manga of Dragonball Z. When Gine saw the shirt, she came up to touch it, while Kouki also came up and began looking at the shirt before saying.

[Is that Goku-nii?]: kouki

[It looks like him… But how?... I thought this world didn't know about Ki?]: gine

Gine then looked towards Soren for and explanation, and Soren just began scratching his head, as he wanted to slowly introduce these things as to not make Gine feel like she was just some character in a story, as it was obviously not this way.

[Remember when I said this world dreams about other worlds?... Well when they get these dreams, some of them write about them, and if they are interesting enough, they become world famous, and everyone gets to see these dreams drawn out on paper, or put on T.V, but no matter how hard we try, we can't visit those world unless it's through dreaming, at least until I was given my gift]: soren

When Gine heard this, she began thinking, she had never known that someone had known everything about their lives except for the Gods, but with how Soren spoke, this world seems to be full of Gods, but their powers only go as far as envisioning these worlds. While Gine was thinking, Soren was dragged off by his father, while his mother had taken Kouki with her so she could do some familial bonding.

[Soren!... Please tell me you know how to fly]: soren's dad

[Of course I do, Dad]: soren

Soren then began floating in the air while his father began getting more excited and began asking more questions, like what his Battle Power was.

[I can't really place my Battle Power on a scale because I don't use Ki, rather I use Profound Energy, but I know that I could fight Beerus with ease]: soren

[Holy shit!... So my son is a God!... Please tell me your life isn't tied to some weak Kai… I always thought that was stupid]: soren's dad

[No, my life is not tied to a Kai, but I recently did form a tie to a sword, so in a way I can die, but only if you could break my sword, but you would first need to find it, or get to it]: soren

When Soren's father heard this, he felt disappointed that his son would make such a mistake, but hearing that it wouldn't be easy to find or get to this sword made him have a little faith.

[So tell me… Is it possible for me to learn Ki?]: soren's dad

[No… You need to be born into that Universe, or I would need to break the laws constraining your being to this realities physics, meaning you would no longer belong to this Universe, and you could travel to other Universe if you have the ability to, and learn their powers]: soren

Hearing that it would be impossible to learn how to manipulate Ki like Goku and the others, his father seemed dejected, but soon hope sprouted within as he spoke.

[Then you just need to power up and get to that level!... Do me a favor son… Once you are able to do such things, come and whisk me away, but make it soon!... I ain't got all eternity like you!]: soren's dad

Soren gave a sigh before making another promise, and soon they went into the living room where Gine was now watching the episode where Goku is fighting Frieza, and tears were streaming down her face, as she was watching her son take revenge for their entire race. Soren sat down with her and watched as Goku powered up to Super Saiyan for the first time, and this scene shocked Gine, as she heard Vegeta keep rambling on and on about being so close to being a Super Saiyan, but now she had witnessed her Son's transformation on screen.

[Is that… My Goku?... He really is the Super Saiyan]: gine

Soren and Gine then watched as Goku mopped the floor with Frieza, before showing kindness and letting him live, but Frieza took that kindness as an insult and tried to kill Goku when his back was turned.

[That bastard!... I want to rip him to shreds!]: gine

Gine was getting angry, but Soren calmed her down and made her watch the show, and what they saw was Goku kill off Frieza, or at least that's what they thought, and the next scene was of Planet Namek's destruction, which made Gine emotional thinking her son sacrificed himself for the entire Universe's sake, but seeing everyone back on Earth use the Namek Dragon Balls to try and wish Goku back to life, Gine smiled, but finding out Goku was still alive made her anxious.

[Where was he?... If he's not dead, then why didn't he come back?]: gine

[Shh… Just watch, you'll find out]: soren

Soon, Soren's father joined them with a box of popcorn, and then watched as Porunga told the group that Goku didn't wish to come back, and he would come back on his own. Gine felt relieved that he was okay, and continued to watch the show, while Soren got up to go play with Kouki, leaving Gine and Soren's father to continue watching the show. Soon, 3 weeks had passed, and Soren had found out that the time flow when here was 1 day is 1 day in all worlds, meaning that Soren didn't need to worry about massive time changes when coming back home to visit, so right about now, Goku should be reaching Namek while Gohan, Krillin and Bulma are trying to gather the Namekian Dragon Balls to wish back all their friends. (A/N: I forgot to add that Piccolo, Yamcha, Tien, and Chiaotzu had died during the battle with the Saiyan's, but fixed it)

'I'm not really needed for that battle… Goku should be able to pull through, otherwise, why would he be the main character… And if I'm there, I'll just end up killing Frieza, and Goku won't reach the Super Saiyan state': soren

Soren then began thinking about what world to go to next, as he wanted to go to a Cultivation world, but he didn't want to end up in Ancient China, at least not yet.

'Ava, is there a way to give my parents a Cultivation background without needing the power to break Universal rules?': soren

<{Cultivation is something anyone can do, but you need to find the right medicines, meaning if you could create a pill that would gather the Energy, and give it to your parents, they could indeed start cultivating to become immortals}>

'So I need a background in Pill Concoction… Ava, how much would it cost to get some form of Pill Refiners experiences?': soren

<{The best choice for the amount of Points you currently have is the (Heavenly Pill Refining Emperor's Experiences) for a total of 100,000 System Points… These experiences come with thousands of years worth of Pill Refinement, along with the knowledge of Pill Ingredients, and for an added bonus, the system will throw in other worlds ingredients that this Masters Experiences might not include}>

'Sounds like a steal!... But damn, 100,000 Points?... Fine, give it to me': soren

<{Buying… Prepare to feel some pain and nausea, as you will have thousands of years worth of experiences implanted into your mind}>

Soren didn't expect this, and in the next second, Soren was groaning in pain, but it soon subsided as it felt like a flash, and in the next second, Soren could close his eyes, and the memories of pill refinement could clearly be seen, and Soren felt like he had made these pills thousands if not millions of times.

'I guess I can bring my parents along to the next place… But I want a peaceful time, how about Cultivation Chat Group?... If I remember correctly, Cultivation is a never ending path, and it's quite modern so settling down is quite easy': soren

Soren then had his next world planned out, and went back into the living room to see Gine and his father watching the demise of Kid Buu, while Goku gave a prayer that in Kid Buu's next life, he wouldn't be evil, and instead they could become great friends, making Gine feel that her son really is too kind.

[Dad… You wanna learn to Cultivate?]: soren