
Life of a God in the Multiverse

This is an Autobiography of a God, from the moment he died, up to the point he reins supreme over the entire Multiverse. Follow Soren as he tells us about his life, and how sightseeing in the different worlds would cause him troubles befitting a God. Disclaimer!: I do NOT own any franchise that I may use in this Fan Fiction, and it is purely for entertainment, and mental relief for fantasy. All work goes to their proper creators... Please support the Official release! Disclaimer 2: The cover image is not my picture, it's just a representation of what I assume the main character Soren would look like, I will take it down if you show proof that you own the picture and wish me to take it down

God_King_Soren · Anime & Comics
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71 Chs

Chapter 15: The Auction House

When Soren was asked about how much Spirit Grass he needs, Soren began thinking, as he was going to bake 2 different kinds of pills, one being the Yang Essence Immortal pill, and the other was going to be the Yin Essence Immortal pill. Soren also wanted multiple of these pills in case he ever finds someone who he could use them on, so with some quick thinking, Soren typed.

[: I need around 10 Spirit Grass of the 10,000 years age… Do you think you could get it? :]: Creation God Soren

When Medicine Master heard the amount needed, he began to have a headache, as such things would leave even a wealthy cultivator broke, but Medicine Master wanted to know more, as he never heard of a pill recipe as such, so he asked.

[: Exactly what pill are you trying to refine Brother Soren? :]: medicine master

[: Hmm… I guess it doesn't hurt to tell you… I'm making 2 different pills, one is the Yang Essence Immortal pill, while the other is the Yin Essence Immortal pill :]: Creation God Soren

When Medecine Master heard about the pills, he was confused, as he had never heard of such pills, but his curiosity got the best of him, as he wanted to see what these pills could do, as well as see just how powerful Soren really was.

[: I'll see what I can do… Send me your address privately and I'll send over what I can get :]: medicine master

Soren was ecstatic that he could get the ingredients, as he knew he could buy them from the System shop, but they were quite expensive, so the first choice was to see if he could get them here. Soren then sent Medicine Master a private message giving out his address, and Medicine Master sent back a thumbs up emote. Soren then began looking in the store for cheap ingredients to make a pill that will help Mortals absorb the Spirit Energy within the air, and after finding some, Soren quickly used his Laws over fire, and conjured a ball of flames to his palm, but unlike the normal red flames he could control before, these flames were different, almost as if the female evolved, as now they were purple and white in color.

'Hmm… Ava, what are these flames?': soren

<{These are Rebirth flames… These flames will burn anything under the heavens, and put them through the cycle of Rebirth, almost like a Phoenix… The flame will reforge one's body to the pinnacle for Energy absorption}>

'So this is the reason why my Zanpakuto Spirit said that I wasn't using my full potential… I had been reborn in those fires': soren

Soren then put his focus back on the flame dancing in his palm, and in the next second, Soren pulled out all the ingredients he bought, bringing his total down to 60,000 System Points. One by one, the ingredients flw into the purple flame and began melting before turning into a viscous liquid that began to rotate in a circular formation, and as the other ingredients entered the fire, they melted as well, and soon joined the rotating liquid. The cycle went on like that until all the ingredients were melted down and joined the ball of spinning liquid, and with a single thought, Soren split the now combined liquid into nail sized pills, and then began to congenial them by using the laws of water, and soon, the water and fire disappeared to reveal 12 milky white pills around the size of Soren's finger nail.

[Wow… 12 on the first try?... These experiences are quite something else]: soren

Soren then placed 10 of the 12 pills in his inventory, then took the 2 that he kept, and went to find his parents. After finding them in the living room, Soren then told them to hold out their hand, and then placed 1 pill in each of their hands, and then began telling them about the pill, and what they will do to their bodies.

[These pills will flood your body with Energy, you can choose to either fill your bodies with the Energy from this world, or you can choose to fill your bodies with my type of Energy, but be careful, as you can only get my energy from either me, or from the world it originates, while if you choose to cultivate this world's Energy, you will only be able to draw from this world, until you reach a stage where your body radiates the energy of this world on it's own, kinda like mine]: soren

Soren told them about the choice they had to make, and subsequently decided to use this world's energy, as to not bother their son, and both of them took the pill and swallowed it. Soon, their bodies began to fill with a warm sensation, and soon, they began to feel something present in the air, as they both tried to grasp it, while Mark seemed to try a bit harder, as he always wanted to have super powers.

[Good, it seems you guys are starting to feel the energy flow into you… Now take that energy and try to contain it inside of your body]: soren

Soren had led his parents through the first steps on the infinite path of Cultivation, and started them with opening their 5 Acupoints.

[When I get the materials I need, I can make another pill that will push you guys up to the Fourth Stage, or the Void Core stage, but from there, you will need to work for your progress… Until then, give me a few days to get the materials needed]: soren

Soren then went to his room and sat down in lotus position while closing his eyes and feeling the surrounding energy as it tried to invade his body. Soren had found out that his Profound Veins could convert any type of energy he encountered into the energy needed to cultivate, so Soren began pulling in the surrounding Spiritual Energy and felt as it began to condense and form into a small dim orb inside his Dantian. Soren felt that the orb was the amount of energy being pulled from the air around him, while the size showed just how much it amounted to in Profound Energy, making Soren wonder just how slow his cultivation was, with just being on this planet.

'This is boring… I can't pull enough energy to cause any significant change in my cultivation… Ava, since this is a cultivation world, are there any lost realms, or hidden spaces made by the great masters of this Universe?': soren

Soren hadn't read too far into the Cultivation Chat Group novel, as he stopped when Song Shuhang was tasked with watching over Senior White, and before he could ever get back into it, he died, but now that didn't matter, as Soren could now live the story out, but once it reaches a certain point, Soren would be flying blind. Soren's thought process was to find any form of place that could hold treasures or even better, more concentrated energy.

<{There are a few known places, such as the Dream Realm, the Heavenly Realm, and the Void Realm… But these realms are dominated and protected by beings of the Ninth Stage Tribulation Immortal Realm}>

'This doesn't help much Ava… I've never faced off against someone seriously, so I don't know where these people stand compared to me… Mind giving me an idea?': soren

<{They would die with a single slap from you… Seeing as this world has only recorded up to the Tribulation Immortal Realm, it's estimated as a realm where there is little to no progression, but as Cultivation is an endless path, there might be beings who are unknown within the world… Perhaps in higher Realms… As for looking for other hidden Realms… The System can do this for 1,000 System Points}>

'Hmm… 1,000 System Points?... Fine, find me all the Hidden Realms in this Universe': soren

<{Okay… This will take a total of 72 hours to search the entire Universe… Time remaining, 72 hours}>

'So I need to wait for 3 days to get results… Shouldn't be a problem, maybe I can get some info from Medicine Master in that time': soren

The next day, Soren woke up from his bed, while being pinned down by Gine's arm as she slept, and with a slight chuckle, Soren removed her arm from his body in a gentle way, as to avoid waking her. And Upon freeing himself, Soren checked his phone and noticed that there was a message from Medicine Master, and upon checking it, he was a bit happy, but also upset.

[: Hey, I found the Spirit Grass that you need, but it's in the process of being auctioned off by some big family in the next couple of days… I could try and steal it while leaving behind a big sum of money for the trouble, but the problem now is that they are a family with quite a background, and one of their ancestors are of the Sixth Stage True Monarch… Sorry Soren, but I might not be able to get this material… But the good news is… I got the Ginseng, and the Yin and Yang flowers… I'll be sending them over in the next couple of days :]: medicine master

Soren almost crushed his phone, as he really wanted the Spirit Grass, but it was going to be auctioned off, and it was most likely going to be used as a bait to draw in cultivators that they could force to join their family.

'Fine, I guess I need to make an appearance if I want to get what I need': soren

Soren then messaged Medicine Master, and asked for the address to this auction house, and as Soren suspected, it was indeed a trap made to lure cultivators in, and then they would make them work under their families as manpower used to be disposable when needed. Soren then told Medicine Master that he would be dropping by this auction, and if possible would like someone who knew the place to show him around, and when Medicine Master read this, he thought it might be fun, and agreed to accompany Soren. Soon, the night of the auction came, and Soren appeared within the city where Medicine Master told Soren to meet him, and a little while later, Soren saw a man with beyond spiky hair, and dark rings around his eyes showing his lack of sleep, while his hair reminded Soren of the Super Saiyan transformation. The man wore a white lab coat over a black button up shirt, and a pair of black dress pants and black dress shoes, while from afar, Soren noticed a girl secretly following the man, but knew that this was just Medicine Master's disciple, and she was quite infatuated with her teacher.

[Yo!... Medicine Master, over here!]: soren

Soren called out for him, and when Medicine Master saw Soren, he felt his heart begin to beat a bit faster, as Soren was giving off the same effect he had experienced with Senior White, and that was something he never wanted to experience again.

[So you have a cursed appearance as well]: medicine master

[What do you mean? Curse how?]: soren

[Your Cultivation is at such a level that refines your facial features to what this world considers perfection, meaning you are every woman's dream guy, while you also can become every man's dream guy… If you stay around other men for too long, they will start to become attracted to you, even if they are as straight as straight can be]: medicine master

When Soren heard this, he quickly pulled a mirror from his storage and took a look, and while he hadn't really noticed anything of change, the longer he stared at his reflection, the more Soren felt entranced.

[I see… So I'm basically a drug for everyone… Kinda creepy if you ask me… So tell me, where is this auction taking place?]: soren

[The auction will commence in a few hours once midnight strikes, but for now, we can head there and get seated… Remember, anything they offer you, do not take it, as it's laced with a drug meant to control your mind, and it even affects Fifth Stage Spirit Sovereign's to some extent]: medicine master

[Don't worry, I'm not worried about this drug… What I'm more worried about is winning those Spirit Grasses… Exactly how many are being auctioned?]: soren

[They are auctioning a total of 12 Spirit Grasses of the 10,000 year range]: medicine master

[Hmm… Okay, how much money did you bring with you?]: soren

[Enough… Why do you ask?]: medicine master

[Well… I may be a great God among mortals, but I'm still kinda broke… I only have around 25 million with me]: soren

Soren joked about his title, but was completely serious when it came to him being broke, as Soren knew that the prices for auctioned items in cultivation novels could easily surpass the billions of Won, and while Soren may have quite the bit of money to normal peoples standards, he was just an ant in the wind when it came to the people who ran these auctions, and even smaller to the ones bidding in this auction.

[Don't worry too much… 25 million should be able to get you at least 2 of those Spirit Grasses, while I will cover you for the other 8, and as pay back, you can let me observe you in crafting the pills you need these materials for]: medicine master

When Soren heard that Medicine Master would cover him for the other pills, he was shocked, but hearing how casual he sounded about the money, he thought to ask.

[Just exactly how much money did you bring with you?]: soren

[Hmm… About 60 billion Won… This is a sufficient amount of money to bring when you come to buy out an auction]: medicine master

When Soren heard this, he was stupefied, as he couldn't understand how all these cultivators could have a liquid net worth around 2-3% of the entirety of China, and that seems to be each cultivator who had any kind of high level.

[Well… Let's go get some seats before the place is full]: medicine master

Medicine Master then led Soren to where the auction would be taking place, and when they got there, Soren could see quite a few people getting out of expensive cars, while they brought bodyguards with them who wore robes like those of cultivators, but seeing how Medicine Master looked down at them, Soren could tell they they were just wannabees with a low power.

[These people aren't even past the First Stage… Do they take us for jokes?]: medicine master

Soren heard Medicine Master start mumbling to himself while they both started entering the building before being stopped by 2 guards.

[Invitations please… Tonight has been reserved by the Huang Family, and only those with invitations can enter… If you don't have one, please leave the premises]: guard

'Hmm… So these guards aren't as arrogant as I thought they'd be': soren