
KonoSuba: Crimson Eyed Devils

What the hell was this?

Nick_Kicker · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
13 Chs

Chapter Eleven

"Dude... People here are crazy..."

I muttered, leaning against the door of the inn that we rented for the night. I ran a hand through my hair, letting out a weary sigh.

What the hell?

Thirty offers to join a cult the moment we entered the building.

The sound of paper flapping reached my ears and I looked down, between my legs. Right there, on the wooden floor, was the application paper for the Axis cult...

I grabbed it, burned it, and froze the ashes. Opening the window, I chucked the small ice ball outside.

"You know, maybe your idea wasn't that bad."

Yeah, I think so too.

Closing the window, I walked over to the other bed and sat down, massaging my temples.

I took out my adventurer card, looking at all of my stats. Everything but intelligence and Wizdom, which got a boost ever since I started enchanting, was lacking.

"Man, I think I'm going to change my class to SpellBlade to get all of my other stats up sooner rather than later."

I looked up at Ethan who was looking at me like I was a dumbass...

"You haven't switched your class?"

My eyebrow twitched. This bastard.

I scowled and pressed changed my class to SpellBlade and observed the changes...

...Nothing changed.

What the hell was this?

"Nothing changed-"

"Look at your skills tab."

I was rudely interrupted, but I did as I was told... Unarmed combat, Physical resistance, Magic resistance, Debuff resistance, SpellBraker's instinct, Enhanced agility, Enhanced Reflexes, and the list went on...

I looked at my spells, but none of them were gone, I felt around my mana pool, still the same...

What the fuck!

"You're telling me, I had to learn how to fight from scratch when I could have had just learned a skill for it?"

I scowled at the chuckle that came out of Ethan.

"Hey, I had fun beating your ass, it was fun while it lasted."

I took a deep breath and counted to ten, calming down a little I got all of the available resistances, along with two skills that enhanced my reflexes and physical ability, adding that to SpellBrakers instinct, my close combat abilities just skyrocketed.

That took thirty of my available skill points, leaving me with forty-six.

Using fifteen each for Physical and Magical Resistance, I added ten to Enhanced reflexes and five to Unarmed combat. Leaving me with one measly skill point left over.

Physical and Magical resistance turned to Intermediate along with Enhanced reflexes and Unarmed combat was biginer.

Since I could keep up with Ethan who had the unarmed combat skill for longer than me, the Biginer tier should be enough for now.

I lay down on the bed, the pillow was nice at least. I stared at the ceiling, not knowing what to do. I could sleep, but I wasn't tired at all.

Sighing in annoyance, I took out one of the daggers from my inventory.

Three magic circles glowed around the simple tool. lowered themselves to the dagger and sank into the metal... Well, the dagger was still intact so I guess I managed.

I played with the dagger for a moment... a dumb decision in hindsight, since the sharp, pointy, and very dangerous metal fell from my hand and to my shoulder, butt first, thankfully.

Grabbing the dagger that was now on my chest, I threw it back into the inventory. Shrugging off the thought of almost dying on the first week away from home, I looked over at Ethan whose back was facing me, seemingly sleeping.


He did not respond.


Not even a twitch.


Slowly, my voice got louder and louder, but getting no reaction, I sighed. Modern problems require modern solutions, as they say...

I lowered my voice just below my normal tone, and uttered two words that I knew would get results.

"Pookie Bear."

Instantly, the moment those words left my mouth, a dagger was thrown at me. Grabbing it before it could sink into my skin, I smirked at the raging brother of mine.

"You bastard! You said you would never call me that again!"

I laughed.


"You know... now that I have experienced life without having much reason to make more spells, train, or actually study useless shit that would not help me in real life at all... Being alive is really fucking boring."

I remarked, slumping into a small hole filled with hot water with healing properties. Which did shit since I was already in perfect physical condition.

Spells do that sometimes.

"You continue to think that and you will end up in a nice cozy home with a wife and a child."

I cringed. My second life had just started, I didn't want to settle down at all.

If it would happen, then it would happen on my terms, after I was satisfied.

"Alright dude, I'm out."

I stood up, making sure that my towel was secure around my waist, and walked out, leaving Ethan in the hot spring.

Walking to the building that held my clothes, and the point where the fence started I entered and let out a relaxed sigh. Going to the basket I left my clothes in, I picked them up and went into the changing room to... change.

Walking out of the room I stretched out and looked to the side, where a very familiar woman was looking at me with wide eyes.

"Hey Wolbach, how have you been?"

I asked nonchalantly, knowing about her presence since the moment she arrived here.

"Uh- I'm fine... Which one are you again?"

I snorted.

"I'm Adam."

She smiled.

"I'm fine, Adam, you've grown, how long has it been since then?"

I shrugged and started walking to the exit and she followed.

"More than five years, I think. How's life been treating you?"

She chuckled, walking out the door I held open for her and folding her hands behind her back.

"It's been rather good, still feels surreal that I'm free again."

I hummed, shoving my hands inside my pockets and looking around at the city that looked better at night in my opinion.

"That's good, it's your life to live, after all."

I saw her smile in the corner of my vision and silence descended over us which I was unwilling to break. Though, it seems like she was more than willing to.

"You've gotten stronger."

I sent her a glance and shrugged again.

"That's how time works, and I don't like stagnating."

She nodded, though, she still seemed confused. I guess being a goddess and being powerful from the start, she wouldn't really understand the need to get stronger.

But all in all, in this crazy world, one had to be strong to survive.