

Hidden in plain sight, Martial masters wielding beyond human abilities continue to walk among us hiding in the fading shadows, Till they wouldn't. Raven Voss a young teenage boy average in every sense is slowly pulled into the world beyond by forces far outside his control. Follow his journey in his bid for survival as he tries to juggle a normal teenage life, managing two bodies while struggling beyond his means to survive the ever melancholic world of the Martial masters. The stakes heighten, the plots thicken, and startling truths begin and continue to unravel. Observe as the martial world and the normal one slowly collide and descend into madness. Is his involvement by the works of fate? Destiny perhaps? Or by the works of Man?. Ultimately! my friends. is there really any difference?.

Richard_J_Bruce · Ação
Classificações insuficientes
150 Chs

JHON'S DEAL (Ch. 106)


"Interesting" Rachel states, (despite his negligible mental faculties and insufferable personality he does care for his students doesn't he) she muses, 

"It's an honour" Jhon smiles staring at her with a look mixed with reverence and yearning, the woman before him was globally agreed to be arguably the best swordmaster on the planet, nevertheless his desire to surpass and conquer burned in turn, the blade was always the one thing that could actually make him motivated,

"So you're one if Kaiser's students, i see you also wield a blade, thay must be why you're here"she states alluding to the Kitana he held by the hilt, sheathed and placed against his shoulder,

"Precisely, I'm here to make deal",

"Speak" she replies,

"My assistance to your son and his cause" Jhon states,

"And in return?" She questions,

"Advancement" he concludes,

"You want me to train you?" Rachel questions rethorically,

"If possible",

"Not a chance, we have many viable swords men in our ranks, you prove yourself against my generals, and i'll spare tine enough to swing my swords sheath in your direction" she replies mockingly, 

"Very well!" Jhon grins, his eyes crinkling, "we have a deal",

"No, you do your part in the war and i'll do mine" she replies, "more urgent is the other task i have for you, in the mean time you're free to busy yourselves with the weapon masters in my ranks,

"I wouldn't want it any other way" he grins, his manaical visage coming to the fore, seconds later a worker steps into the office to lear his way when the bearest of pulses  from Rachel's beastly Imprinted 'Force', no, Jhon could tell intuitively this was something else entirely, nevertheless both persons hair's stand on end, 

"Do not disappoint me Jhon Dominique Wuu, for your sake and mine" she states with a lovely smile, the latters heart stopped, cycling his 'Force' and igniting his Domain, the Domain struggled to me form, collapsing at the point of inception, none the less he steeled heart against her domination fear,

(This is most likely a trait of her Artifact, Muramasa), still Jhon holds with nothing but sheer force of will, dragging behind him the worker he moved his staggering feet, as a predator, no, God, watched his exit, 

(Not bad kid, you might be worth my time afterall) Rachel mules, Jhon on the other hand stood furious upon his exit,

(Bearly an ounce, infact simply a shift in intent, and the 'Force' around the area moved to heed her implied will, 

"I see, so she's already begun the next journey, the journey beyond Brain Shifting, she's already establishing a connection to the 'WAY'" he muttered his smile ghastly, his heart bursting with child like enthusiasm, 

(It would seem i've chosen my next teacher well) he ponders, (for now i'll entertain myself with her lessers),

"You" Jhon calls towards the girl, "take me to the second in command" he orders,

"But the boss said to...",

"Be a darling would you?" Jhon pressures, to his suprise the girl shakes her head in refusal her demeanour shifting sharply,

"The bosses word's are law" she stated with eyes boring into Jhon's eyes with near fanaticism, "you should know your place" she concludes before turning to lead, Jhon grins, chuckling to himself with incessant Malevolence, 

"I definitely picked the right place" he grins.


An atmosphere of even pensive melancholy hangs over the crew, despite his preparations Duke could say nothing to lifts their spirits, he refused to jeopardize the plan, whatever it took, and so the days rolled by, till one peculiar evening a certain young man with blonde hair, glasses sporting unusual steam white frames, and a lackadaisical smile, a sheathed kitana held by it's hilt and placed against his shoulder strolls rather conspicuously down the DEALERS home street, 

"Would you look at this, Christmas came early" Duke states with a feral grin, 

"I'm here on account of your temporary alliance with my boss" Jhon replies apathetically,

"For what reason" Duke replies raising his hand to block Tobi who had stepped forward to confront him, 

"What other possible reasons could there be?" He replies mockingly, "to train you lot enough to survive, the way the lot of you are now?" He pauses surveying them with apathetic disgust, "cannon fodder at best" he evaluates. Bradley growls in irritation ashamed at their factual inability to reply,

"And why should we accept your assistance?" Duke replies with clenched teeth,

"It makes no difference to me either way" Jhon yawns, "i never knew a beggar could chose though",

"We never begged for 'your' assistance" Duke replies,

Jhon's lips twists in disgust, "but you've begged none the less, pathetic!" He draws, "i get it now, what you fail to realise, why you constantly fall behind your peers" Jhon states,

"Which is?!" Duke snarls,

"You're not as strong as you think kid" Jhon replies, "not even as strong as i am" he continues, "and my strength is considered nothing more than a little over a first rate countries elite combat strength" he rambles on,

"Is that all you have to say?" Duke sneers,

"You're not your father" Jhon states, Duke opens to reply, he pauses momentarily before giving a response,

"I don't want to be" he declares,

"Clearly" Jhon responds, "not even in the good things" he quips, Duke goes silent as the hundreds of DEALERS members erupts in anger,

"It's been a fun chat kid, i'll pass your response on to my bo...",

"SILENCE!" Duke declares, "wait" he calls to Jhon, "you're here to train us right?...fine, i can always crack your skull in later"

"Boss!", "Why!", "But ..."

"SILENCE" Tobi pipes up, "is there anyone to go against our leader's word?" He questions as his towering figure surveys the crowd, after seconds of silence he nods stepping aside for Duke to speak,

"Good, return and get rested, we'll train daily from sun up to sun down, if you all truly wish to save our family, our home" Duke begins, "I won't lie to you, if we will accomplish the these things, the impossible, we have to take the aid of our enemies, why?, Because we are weak!, Now is our first chance to no longer be weak,i love you all as family, and for us to protect this we must be ready to die for it!, ARE YOU READY!!"

"YES SIR!" The crew counting hundreds thundered, 

(At the very least) Jhon mules as he spectates, (he is one hell of a leader, that much i can admit, you look a lot more like you father did now kid) he muses.