

Hidden in plain sight, Martial masters wielding beyond human abilities continue to walk among us hiding in the fading shadows, Till they wouldn't. Raven Voss a young teenage boy average in every sense is slowly pulled into the world beyond by forces far outside his control. Follow his journey in his bid for survival as he tries to juggle a normal teenage life, managing two bodies while struggling beyond his means to survive the ever melancholic world of the Martial masters. The stakes heighten, the plots thicken, and startling truths begin and continue to unravel. Observe as the martial world and the normal one slowly collide and descend into madness. Is his involvement by the works of fate? Destiny perhaps? Or by the works of Man?. Ultimately! my friends. is there really any difference?.

Richard_J_Bruce · Action
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150 Chs


The mass monster of a man stoop two feet in height, towering over the tallest and biggest of men, his expression soft in contrast to his dominating aura, his full beard bearing the same colour as his hair, identical to that that grew from his students scalp,

(I guess spending my vacation away from the states wasn't such a bad idea afterall), he mules staring at the product of his tutelage with suitable pride.

James groans, turning on his side as he finds feet with staggered legs, despite his fatigue torn body he drops into his stance, the man stomps, lifting his arm, cocking back then letting fly, a pulse forces through the air, James ignites his combination technique for both his Striker and Defense, focusing his imprinted 'Force' having located the center of the onslaught which in an of itself was a feat worthy of praise a sharp burst of 'out Force' his unified 'Force' art keeps him from dropping to heel,

"C'mon Kid, ignite the third, don't make uncle sad little Jay Jay, uncle want's to brag to those arrogant bastards at the Union too" the auburn haired man states,

(I really couldn't get why she took my 'Force' arts records then, wo would've thought he'd be why) he grins, standing tall, immovable as James's strikes thunder against his frame, a blur of a move and James crashes against against the impact shock walls,

"Anymore layman use if my 'Force' art, and i'll beat out of you, show me what you've learnt Jay Jay, show me i didn't put a month to waste" he demands, James re-ignites his Striker combining with his Enforcer he blurs twelve meters left of his teacher, his leg whips, a pulse of imprinted out 'Force' pulses through air pushing all aside, the man nods doing nothing to dodge or interrupt, the attack connects, the surrounding area compresses to nothing, titanium steel flooring flattened by the accumulating G force and yet the man stood, James offered a question then,

"Uncle, your out 'Force'" he begins in voicing his suspicion, the man booms an epic laughter, the first James had witnessed his chest move as the very air shook at his amusement,

"Your assumption is current, there are some 'Force' arts that cannot be mastered by humans, not unless we've attained a minimum suitable advancement level, my current 'Force' art is one if those" his Uncle states,

(So i was corrects) James ponders, (it evolved), "does this imply an evolution to your current 'Force' art is possible?" James questions.

His Uncle's smiles even wider,

(I can see why Irene always says her son had more sense than i do) he muses recalling her endless complaints on his muscle headed nature,

"You don't even know what my current 'Force' art is" he replies,

"Well i can deduce that it has some relation to gravity given what i've seen as well as it's origin" James replies, "what baffles me is your long range application",

"What fun is it to simply will you into the ground through ordinance, if i was half serious you'd be one with the flooring" the man chuckles, "everyone's path of advancement is their own...will your arts evolve to mine?" He questions with a tentative pause, "Potentially, Potentially not" he concludes, "now show me everything!".

James ignites all three, crouching as his calves thighs and torso tenses and explosion of 'Force',

(Without weapons kicks are the only way to hurt him) he ponders momentarily, a blur later his legs whip at his Uncle's chin, the latter taking the hit with an approving expression. James presses his lips into a line with dissatisfaction, blurring away his legs find center of the opposing wall, igniting to his uncles suprise an Auxiliary he'd been unaware of: Fade, his presence as well as the weight of his imprinted 'Force' on matter diminishes while James simultaneously compresses like a spring exploding forward, not towards his Uncle, not yet, but toward's the opposing walls gaining momentum like a human ping ball, finally moving with intent to strike he blurs to behind his Uncle's right, cycling every ounce 'Force' into his ATTUNED arts giving aid to his momentum and speed further as his kick breaks the sound barrier connecting to his Uncle's liver, almost, the man had caught the sundering strike with his elbow,

(I knew it, he has to be at least at the ZONE advancement to catch that) James muses as the backlash and fatigue causes him to drop unconscious.

His Uncle however stares at him with a heavy grin,

"My my, if i'd been any more careless i'd have countered on instinct" the man nods,

(He said they'd be up against an ATTUNEMENT level Shifter right?) He mules recalling their earlier conversation,

"You stick this on the bastard and even he'll see lights" he chuckles picking the boy up, (Infact, i don't mind watching the show) he mules, (i wonder who these highly acclaimed friends are, if there truly more talented as you've claimed, then the conference of young Shifters between the US and UWA might be nessesary afterall, it seems i might be getting pack to work sooner than I'd anticipated) he ponders as his steps thunder up the stairs,

"Uncle?" A girls voice calls from the mansion corridor, the hulk of a man turns, his face blossoming into a frankly ridiculous smile for a man in his quadragenarian years,

"AMYYYY" he calls tossing James aside, the two embrace and he's left momentarily at shock,

"Oh?, You've become a Shifter?, When did this happen?" He questions with a pleased expression,

"Quite a while ago actually" she smiles, "i only really train with James sporadically" she replies,

"That's no good" he pouts, "you should train more, won't you ket uncle train you?" He concludes, taking a quick glance at her brother she turns away awkwardly,

"Look, i love you Uncle dearest, but i think i'll pass" she replies,

He chuckles at the nickname, one similar to what his sister Irene used often,

(like mother like daughter i guess), "At the very least you should be somewhat safe with any aspiring male, not that he'll get a dozen feet within your space before i kill him" he smiles leisurely,

"Uncle!" She shouts, "Raven isn't like that!, Moreover what would people say if they heared the president of the United states saying this?" She questions,

"What they always say" he replies, "by the way is this Raven the same one your brother mentioned?" He inquires,

"That you're crazy?",

"Is there more?" The man questions,

"You really don't go online do you" she replies awkwardly,

"Wait there is?!" He exclaims,

(You have no ideaaa Uncle dearest),

"Don't try dodging the question young lady" he declares,

"What question?" She replies feigning ignorance,

"Raven Voss" he replies,

"Yes it is, he's close friends with James and my future husband" Amy declares with a determined gaze,

(Teenagers nowadays are so emboldened) he mules,

"Very well then when do i meet thus Raven Voss..." He states when a realisation dawns on him,

"Amy baby, by any chance is he...",

"Yes he is" she smiles with pride, "the only child, son and sole inheritor of the Voss dynasty" she concludes, "though i was unaware of that, truly ours is true love" she smiles sending a chill running down the man's spine as flashbacks recalling her mother's antics with their father flash through his mind,

(I almost feel sorry for you kid, nevertheless, things just got very interesting, i wonder how good the only child of the legend is, Raven Voss huh, well thank the heavens, i'll get to see for myself) he grins picking James up and over his shoulder as his feet thunder away towards the corridors end,

(We really might be needing that conference after-all) he grins, (by the way, i wonder where the oldest is?) he mules expanding his senses through the manor.