

Hidden in plain sight, Martial masters wielding beyond human abilities continue to walk among us hiding in the fading shadows, Till they wouldn't. Raven Voss a young teenage boy average in every sense is slowly pulled into the world beyond by forces far outside his control. Follow his journey in his bid for survival as he tries to juggle a normal teenage life, managing two bodies while struggling beyond his means to survive the ever melancholic world of the Martial masters. The stakes heighten, the plots thicken, and startling truths begin and continue to unravel. Observe as the martial world and the normal one slowly collide and descend into madness. Is his involvement by the works of fate? Destiny perhaps? Or by the works of Man?. Ultimately! my friends. is there really any difference?.

Richard_J_Bruce · Action
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150 Chs


The allotted time had arrived, Raven, Jayson and Yanick held their advance and concealed their 'Force' floe at just under a kilometre away, Raven had taken the initiative to forward their location to James, for now, they wait, and eventually daylight settled and their targets arrived, Raven wastes no time blurring towards the house from then on, Jayson and Yanick follow close after abd just over a mile away James and unknowingly to him even further back twenty miles away his uncle, a series of heavy impacts later and the two, Raven and the guard are on the home's roof, then it dawned on her, as Raven was sure it would, Yanick to his left flank, Jayson to his right flank, James vertical to him, just shy of a hundred metres away and to what would be the absolute astonishment of the rest a huge inexplicably muscled fat of a teen, Darren Joo, the remaining two present completing the familiar roster, Mari hie and Dennis Dean, the team was back, with an improvement infact, 

(This time, and even in the war to come, the story will be different, it will not be like Belgrade, never again!),

{AGREED!}, Raven blurs holding nothing back as he gives power to his Combination technique, Striker and Enforcer, :'Force' Compression, Bone Armour (External) (Cold), (a technique where the users bones are strengthened and constantly frozen as they protrude showing externally out of their placements and the muscles tense causing the users frame become leaner but function at greater capacity allowing for strange mobility increased all round physical ability) coming to life, his visage hidden by his clothing, nevertheless as his leg whips toward's his target with viscous intent, the lady clad in black responds in kind, three of her four 'Force' arts ignite, Striker: Verb

(A technique allowing the user vibrate their body at varying degrees to increase offensive capabilities)

Enforcer: Tensioned Pause

(A technique allowing the Shifter use any point they are in as a high tension spring to freeze the movement of others, themselves, 'Force' etc and resume play when they deem fit), and the Defense: Force Ejection, the three burns into power, Ravens body freezes mid strike to others it seemed like a movie paused, to Raven like a frozen sculpture, a blur and a palm to the chest latter and he's cracked through the roof and into the house's tiled flooring, the rest burst into action, each going all out from the get go, Yanick with his three way ATTUNED technique, : Overload, his frame reddening slightly as each thump of his hearts pump thunders, every single muscles bulges proportionally to initial size, tensing, 

Jayson with his Combination technique of both Striker :Blip and 

Enforcer: Blister

(Uses the user's imprinted 'Force' to open vacuums to minor singular or succesive degrees),

james with his four way ATTUNED combination technique, the innate three being: 'Force' coating (out 'Force') and his Auxiliary: Fade,

Daryun, Darren, Mie and Dennis hold position as they spectate the battle, the three strike at once, Yanick's kick whips to her side, Raven now up to her other With Jayson's shot aimed for her jaw, the three are frozen, three blurs of her palm, three bodies blown away, her eyes widen when inches from her liver when a targeted Ejection of 'Force' blows his kick back another his aimed at her liver, this time Yanick's her Enforce takes hold once more and he's frozen when Raven blurs behind him his leg connecting to Yanick's giving the blow way, The guard dances away her weird narrow footsteps seemingly to glide gracefully in and around the blow, Raven presses his fist flying forward, courtesy of her Enforcer technique he's held in place Raven replies swiftly his Striker technique compressing and imploding the 'Force' around his elbow, the fist flies forward yet again connecting with her palm, rather than a wall her palm snakes around his connecting with his chest as her's twists away inhumanly, only to meet a flash of a blur, a fist so fast it seemed to slow, no, it had already connected, she'd only just realised, Jayson's blow, her head cracked back the James from no where his knee found her liver and before even an exclamation could escape Raven now frozen to his bones, with power drawn from the Heart through Conceptualisation, alas with his advancement, the power holds too much for him, vibrating with increasing intensity in place, a result of the rising weight,

{GET IT OUT NOW, YOU'LL DIE!!!!!} Silver roars, 

"DODGEEEEEEEE!" Raven roars as his kick connects, 


Silence reigned, a fifteen foot crater, the surrounding area a world of ice, the backlash having Raven dieing rapidly from the freeze, his body trying desperately to stay the cold, Mari blurs forward picking Raven up and away placing him to the side, Laura attempts to run towards them when Dennis intercepts, 

"He'll be fine, she just needs to stabilise him, you go near him right now and you'll die" he states, 

"But..." She begins reluctantly when a sharp sound tears through air, instinctively their collective stomachs dropped, 

"This flow of 'Force'" Mari frowns,

"A pseudo Domain" Dennis frowns, Yanick, James and Jayson are up, Jayson pushing one step further, re igniting his Combination technique with his auxiliary in tow,

(I have just over a minute at best),

Auxiliary: High Octane

(Allows the user with the aid of imprinted 'Force' pump 'Force' infused blood at rapid speed almost synonymous to a natural steroid), unfortunately for them, so did the guard,

(I need to finish this quick) she frowns, her visage visibly leaner, she'd ignited her Auxiliary after all, :Metabolic burn

(Allows the user burn their muscle for a drastic increase in physical capabilities), and in tow she'd followed with her pseudo Domain, the ambient 'Force' in the area gave her heed, rapidly it syphoned into her, re turning her to her previous visual aesthetic with her Auxiliary still empowered, Darren and Dennis waste no More time dallying, 

Darren ignites a combination technique, his Striker: Metabolise and his Enforcer: Re Metabolization 

(Allows the user absorb ambient 'Force' to empower themselves at the result of visible increase in mass), with the aid of this two his visage shows no visible change but the tensed nature if his now outlined muscles,

Dennis follows suit, his combination technique coming to life, his Striker: Rot (Heat) and his Enforcer: Shroud. 

Raven staggers to his feet, igniting in combination now his Defence Frozen sculpture

(Freezes with the aid of 'Force' the blood and muscles in a tensed state creating a cold thing film of ice like armour to increase defense strength durability etc) and his Auxiliary, : Mimic,

"Raven no!" Laura shouts running up to him, 

"Laura, stay away, we need to finish this" she replies with a cold unflinching gaze, 

"Laura!, Remember what we spoke about" Maya shouts, 

(Yea, get out if the way, while they risk their lives, because we're liabilities) she frowns, and ultimately after a split several seconds of rumination she steps aside, but Raven was gone already,  his sites trained on the target, his mind sharp, focused, 

(This time will be different, this time has to be!), 

"How about about it boys, who's up for round two" he sneers.