

The story follows a young youth 'Kevan' from Razor town a place for the rich and strong finding it difficult to live because of his poor family he had, with just a mother playing the father part at that very old age, pitifully taking care of his two children, Ester and Kevan whole heartedly. _______ Due to their unbelievably poor family, studies in Razor town seemed impossible due to lack of enough fees and school requirements but not only that, Kevan who was unbelievably wise for any school to run after him had a very serious problem, seriously taking away all the opportunities of learning in one of the schools in Razor. His life was said to be tragic by not only his fellow students who he had his last year in level one with, but also the teachers who gave out brief comments about his tragic abnormal characters on his report warning any school which will dare to take Kevan in as a student. The total denial of town schools towards Kevan forced his mom to send him to Blava town, a town of mysteries, a town full of schools mythically designed mostly for abnormal students, students who failed to socialise with others. ______ Schools in Blava were welcoming any kind of students and gave out discounts on how wise the student was not to mention the talents the student had. ______ Kevan being a very cocky and short tempered person, someone who hated underestimating him, always breaking into fights which made him lose everything from his home town. Losing school opportunities plus the gym where he used to have his boxing trainings which also acted as his close friend but unbelievably, that same cocky and short tempered character was a blessing in disguise according to his helpess situation he was in and his family. A chance in Blava, he always wanted to be strong as his dream, he met the opportunity to become one but he seeked for his dream in a very dangerous place full of strong minds. His tragic curse always brought him nothing good but he surprisingly always stepped over it, winning each and every battle that he came across. ______ This book is really very interesting if someone gets his/her mind into it. Nb.The first ten chapters are so emotional but full of fun too. They are full of real life histories of highschool, don't miss the fun in it again! "you votes and knowledge or comments about my work are appreciated and welcomed"........ _____-----_------___ (updating a chapter in three days a week. Creation is hard, your vote is appreciated.) arthur-Lemon_D vol.1-Journey of the tragedy.

Lemon_D · Realista
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73 Chs

24__Damn Characters.

"What was it? Do you mean the disqualified extreme rules bear hand match in history was performed by the two of them? So it means that Kevin's girlfriend came from BOLTON Highschool! This also means that your classified information is exposed." one of the people from the crowd who was following the story intently finally got a clue on what was next.

"I never said that his girlfriend came from BOLTON Highschool. You just said it yourself so don't be so sure and yes, Akram asked for the disqualified extreme rules bear hand match with Kevin and the prize was that girl of course."

"'Whoever wins the fight takes the girl' was what they decided to be the winner's prize without the girl's knowledge at all and this made her think that she was just an excuse and maybe these guys really had their unknown problems for a deadly match."

"So briefly, she was far from being the cause of their fight."

Seeing their puzzled looks, Job continued to explain "During the match, it is said that Kevin had the lower hand in the first rounds getting hardly injured by Akram fiercely but it is believed that at the very last moment of his lose, he changed his attacks to something wild, dangerous and abnormal beating Akram seriously to near death or unconscious condition."

"He was going to die if it wasn't for that prize girl who arrived during that horrible bloody process and pleaded for him to stop the beating."

"Kevin seemed to be very pleased with what he had done but what he didn't know was that the fight he won over Akram ruined everything that he cared and worked for, the most in his years of struggle for the RED position."

"He was not allowed to engage in fights with anyone or anything inside the schools of Blava, he was allowed to stay inside the school only when he has lessons and leave after his lessons."

"Briefly, he was dropped. I guess you all know the meaning of that in all of the schools in Blava." Job looked at their nervous faces and saw nothing to do apart from explaining clearly.

"Being dropped means that you are part of the school only when your inside of it but when outside, the school has nothing to do about whatever shit happens to you. Simply explained, he was a loner."

"His girlfriend broke up with him, yet she was maybe the one that he was fighting for but according to rumors, she reminded him that they were not married yet for him to be so cocky and jealous as if he owned her as his wife."

"And that is when the title of the damaged RED came into existence. He was left with nothing of course but he was so madly in love with that girl. He couldn't help but always visit her at school where he couldn't get the chance of meeting her. Maybe she was avoiding him." Job paused.

"Some say that she was just in a new relationship with Akram just after him coming back from the hospital. Akram spent some days close to a month in the hospital but rumours still say that he was sometimes visited by the girl at the hospital in the main branch of the School Community Hospital in Blava."

"Maybe it was what made Kevin run mad a beat down the whole of the security guards of the girl's school. Five of them were taken to the hospital all injured groaning in pain. Things were really getting worse but the school called for help from the higher ups." everyone was now wondering what kind of help was called to overcome this huge problem of the RED's fierce attacks.

"Kevin being one of the REDs made him deadly and dangerous just like the title itself 'Retired and Extremely Dangerous' scaring the security and administration of that school. This forced them to call for what they called 'help' from the RED board." Job stood up from his seat but still all the serious attention directed to him.

"The board sent three REDs to make him calm down or take him in as a captive. But he denied whatever shit they said because all he wanted was to see his girlfriend. It was about a month time without a single sight of her and it bothered him a lot so this time he decided to leave alone acting polite"

"You mean! Kevin fought with the three REDs, alone?" someone in the crowd asked with disbelief.

"What do you think! All he wanted was to talk to his girlfriend and someone was actually stopping him from doing so. I don't think you want me to explain what happened next!" Job replied seriously.

"So how did it end..I mean. Did he win?" another person asked the question which was on the mind of the rest of the crowd.

"I think Kevin's acts of saving Kevan from Blacky's beating is something that I have an idea about but, just today, am a bit tired so maybe next time." Still ignoring their question, Job walked through the crowd shortly as his height very pleased with them being so nervous about why Kevan the nobody guy actually became friends with Kevin the RED.


DRECKASH Highschool Girl's Wing.

"Things are really getting serious! Why do you think the RED saved Kevan last time. I mean, he is totally a newbie nobody from our school so how did he become friends with one of the REDs?" Momo at the side failed to sort these things out.

"Now what is truly your damn problem! I just don't get it. What has the RED saving Kevan got to do with you? You are really good at framing short stories making them long." Astrid as usual was always against Momo's ideas ever since she started showing off her emotional feelings towards Kevan.

The hatred she had for Kevan decreased not a single breath, maybe she really liked Allan from the heart and by the looks of it...she was ready to hate whoever messed with him. Apart from hating Kevan's cocky character, she hated him this much maybe because he insulted Allan, her crush in public.

"Oh come on, Astrid. Seriously arguing with you is one of the things I am fade of right now. If your not blind then your just being emotionally stupid I guess. Have you ever seen anyone from the RED board saving someone with no reason?" Momo rebuked angrily.

"Reason, my damn ass!" Astrid was not a type of a person losing out on anything.

"Shut the fuck up all of you! Please." Habibah at the side was really tired of their childish arguments.

Seeing everyone keep quiet as she requested, she finally let out a sigh of relief before disappearing out of this room leaving them still seated on their respective bedsheets nervously.


Habibah was really tired of everyone talking about that day of the welcoming party. Talking about that RED guy plus guesses about Kevan's condition right now.

It was about a week since he left school to the hospital but every new day was like as if Blacky's incident happened just a few hours back.

How she hated these unbearable conversations from the students of this school.

Shaking her head as if pushing away the thoughts in her mind, she was now standing in front of Mr.John's office.

Breathing one last time perfectly, she moved inside meeting Mr.John as usual sitting in his office chair leaning on his back with his head facing the ceiling.

His current condition was no different from what one could call "deep thoughts", seriously not recognising Habibah's arrival at all.

"Hmm hmm....." Habibah tried to catch his attention and as she wanted, Mr.John turned his attention to her direction with a weird look on his face.

"Hi, I'm just here for a green card. Want to grab something from outside the school." Habibah decided to waste no time.

"Why not get someone to get whatever thing you want for you?". Mr. John asked with a serious look this time.

"Because I want to go get myself. Is there any problem with it?" Habibah asked.

"No...no..sure. No problem but don't you think you should at least go with some company? I mean, the green card that you want to take...you never.." Mr.John was now nervous, failing to finish what he wanted to say.

"I know but its fine. I will come back when I feel like, it's what I want that is why I asked for the green card." Habibah proceeded.

"Don't you know that you have enemies outside the school? Where are you going to be living, I must let your father know about this so that he gives you some security." Mr. John disliked the idea of giving out green cards especially to Habibah.

Green cards are found in all of the schools in Blava. They are rarely given out because of their ability of making someone do whatever they wanted just by a swift display of it to the public.

Students with green cards had the ability of leaving school and stay wherever they wanted and later come back to school at any time they wanted.

The reason why Mr.John disliked the issue of giving out green cards is because they have a terrible order performed by the holder of it.

If something happens to the holder of the green card, the source of the card has nothing to do about it but this time round things contained the daughter of the director of this school so he had to think twice.

"I don't want to walk around with my father's security because it sucks. But just know that I will be fine and nothing will happen to me". Habibah convinced him.

"Ok then, at least go with Momo. Its final we ain't negotiating about this at all." Mr. John concluded.

"Ok, Momo is fine anyway." Habibah couldn't waste her time arguing with Mr.John. He was trying to be protective of her anyway just like anyone at this school but outside the school, she was hated by many who knew her together with those who knew nothing about her.

People from outside hated Habibah because of the rumours of her bad manners and attitude always acting cocky since she was the daughter of the director who is also a member of the parliament, greatly respected in Blava community maybe because of his status but not because of his manners.

After getting the green card with the deputy's signature, Habibah headed straight to the main gate before she left school with one of the nearby taxis on sight.


"Unbelievable! Did I just see wrong or this is actually happening?" a group of girls were standing at the school canteen near the main gate when they took notice of Habibah's departure.

"Yes, you saw it right Kemi. One of the beautiful goddesses of this school just left school and alone. But surprisingly, that person is Habibah!" another girl with blonde hair replied with a sneer. She seemed to be at bad terms with Habibah.

"This has never happened. Habibah leaving this school alone! Is she asking to die? Doesn't she know that people out there really hate her more than us who live just next to her room!" some other one asked with disbelief and shock in her tone.

"I think she hates herself too that is why she dared to live school alone without her father's bodyguards. With her cocky behaviours, this serves her right. Let her meet what reality is outside this school. Let her know that she is less than nothing outside this school." this girl in blonde really had that bad temper of ages with Habibah according to her wicked mind.

"I really admire those people who are not scared of your bad and arrogant mind of yours, Liz. Why are you so damn and evil minded for real. And guess what, it suits your appearance, maybe that is why you don't have a boyfriend." Klara was just opposite the group when she had what they said about Habibah.

She hated people who were so evil like them that is why she interacted openly.

"And why are you so damn protective about someone who doesn't care about you at all like her. In all people it must be you who hated her the most but seeing you act like as if she has done nothing to you disappoints me a lot." Liz criticized.

"Oh wow! So convincing..was about to fall for your temptations just like them who already did and helped you hate Habibah but, I can't finally because your just talking about lies, simply gossiping. You know nothing exactly. What a pity?"

Klara couldn't help but praise Liz's perfect talent of convincing but she was also disappointed because all her talent was just a waste in school, she would have been a great eloquent speaker anyway.

"Oh come on, your just faking blind with those pretty eyes of yours! The way she tortures you is witnessed by the whole school. Stop making yourself so special, losing sight in a sight group is a not so funny joke." Liz continued.

"We all remember how you displayed your feeling towards a boy who is someone's babysitter. Treating him worse than a dog. Stop faking happiness, we all know that nobody can be happy after what she does to you. Cut the crap and style up." Liz then walked passed her shoulder not in the moods of waiting for whatever words she was about to say.

Klara was really hurt by the last words that Liz said to her, they were maybe true. Habibah had no authority of treating someone as her babysitter but she really had nothing to do about it.

Even if she did have something to do about it, she wouldn't have done it still because she had no right of interrupting with whatever shit that Habibah did.

Klara collected herself and headed in the direction to Mr.John's office at a swift pace emotionlessly with the crowd not knowing what was to happen next.

On reaching the office, she entered disappearing from the sight of the crowd before closing the door at her back.

"What the hell is happening to our school. Things are now moving weirdly just after the abrupt presence of two damn characters." Sarz who also noticed the current situation said to Kinetic at the side.

"Kevin and Kevan. Really damn characters!" Kinetic shook his head with pity feeling his mind.


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