

The story follows a young youth 'Kevan' from Razor town a place for the rich and strong finding it difficult to live because of his poor family he had, with just a mother playing the father part at that very old age, pitifully taking care of his two children, Ester and Kevan whole heartedly. _______ Due to their unbelievably poor family, studies in Razor town seemed impossible due to lack of enough fees and school requirements but not only that, Kevan who was unbelievably wise for any school to run after him had a very serious problem, seriously taking away all the opportunities of learning in one of the schools in Razor. His life was said to be tragic by not only his fellow students who he had his last year in level one with, but also the teachers who gave out brief comments about his tragic abnormal characters on his report warning any school which will dare to take Kevan in as a student. The total denial of town schools towards Kevan forced his mom to send him to Blava town, a town of mysteries, a town full of schools mythically designed mostly for abnormal students, students who failed to socialise with others. ______ Schools in Blava were welcoming any kind of students and gave out discounts on how wise the student was not to mention the talents the student had. ______ Kevan being a very cocky and short tempered person, someone who hated underestimating him, always breaking into fights which made him lose everything from his home town. Losing school opportunities plus the gym where he used to have his boxing trainings which also acted as his close friend but unbelievably, that same cocky and short tempered character was a blessing in disguise according to his helpess situation he was in and his family. A chance in Blava, he always wanted to be strong as his dream, he met the opportunity to become one but he seeked for his dream in a very dangerous place full of strong minds. His tragic curse always brought him nothing good but he surprisingly always stepped over it, winning each and every battle that he came across. ______ This book is really very interesting if someone gets his/her mind into it. Nb.The first ten chapters are so emotional but full of fun too. They are full of real life histories of highschool, don't miss the fun in it again! "you votes and knowledge or comments about my work are appreciated and welcomed"........ _____-----_------___ (updating a chapter in three days a week. Creation is hard, your vote is appreciated.) arthur-Lemon_D vol.1-Journey of the tragedy.

Lemon_D · Realistic
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73 Chs

23__Mysterious Kevin the RED

DRECKASH Highschool.

In the morning of the present day after yesterday's party, it was a Monday and as usual it was a day of lessons, so everything went back to normal as if nothing has happened yesterday on the welcoming day party.

But yes in reality it was true...nothing really happened because fighting was actually a child's play on this school plus not only this school but also other schools in Blava so Kevan losing conscious during the fight was no big deal anyway and it stopped no one from doing what they were supposed to do.

Customary, students woke up very early in the morning for morning preps as you know on every Mondays and Tuesdays, Mr.John was always the teacher on duty forcing students to go for early morning revision preps.

With all that fear and respect they hard towards him, no one stayed in the dormitory unless you had a standing reason for your own benefit but this time, no sign of him was noticed on ground in the morning preps and this caused so many students to dodge the morning preps of Monday, this week.

Some students thought that maybe he was not feeling well or something but others who were so straight forward and said that this was all about Kevan's situation in the School Community Hospital so there was no big deal of bragging around.

"Even the blind can walk around with this, can't you see that he is really stressed out by Kevan's situation. He is not the type of a person who isolates himself from other teachers in the staffroom but now, even seeing him on the compound is improper" students had already reached their conclusion about Mr.John's behaviours nowadays from yesterday, on Monday and today, on Tuesday of this week.

He was really not the type of a person to be irresponsible not attending his duties of morning preps consecutively.

This was all theory but practically, the abrupt appearance of one of the REDs was the best trending news on ground. Some freshers had an opportunity of watching an attack from one of the legendary REDs. It was unbelievable but true and yet still no one knew where that RED came from.

Other's enjoyed that moment of Blacky the cocky champ groaning in pain on ground, not daring to be disrespectful or arrogant in the presence of the RED. They thought that the moment was more than perfect to be true.

This was all from the words of the surrounding students of this school though still some students like Job were busy looking for the history of that guy and with his talent of collecting information, he finally came up with something.


"So you mean that he is damaged!" near the school canteen sat Job and Ganja having some juice on the table and with a serious look on Job's face, Ganja asked ounce again thinking that he heard wrong this time.

"Yes, am quite sure. And am certain that he is the one who is said to be damaged among all the REDs on board." Job said seriously.

"But why, he just helped Kevan yesterday and I was told that being damaged means that you are left with nothing like emotions in you and that is the very reason for the isolation of you from the normal students." Ganja said nervously.

"I mean, he looks nothing like a damage. Tell me that am right." Ganja couldn't believe that the person who saved Kevan yesterday was the legendary damaged RED.

"Hear me out bro, don't be deceived by looks, they are the perfect definition of lies and yes, being damaged doesn't mean that you emotionless but this all happens for a reason." Job reminded.

"Let me tell you a saga of that damaged RED." Job continued.

"Come on, just cut the crap and get serious. Everybody here knows the myth story of that RED. I will listen to your lies only if you tell me directly that you are going to talk about 'the true story yet lies in reality' of that RED." Ganja sneered.

"Patience, bro. Am not good at dropping shitless facts. Just be a good listener and at the end, you will tell me if it was a lie or not." Job took a sip of juice from his glass waiting for Ganja's reply intently.

"Ok, ok... am over this shit but yeah, am bored to hear your lies. Just make it quick." Ganja handed his attention to Job indirectly.

"Hey bookworm! Join us please. Its bread time and I don't feel like repeating myself. Its fine, come along with your scared gang for what am about to say to you is none evidenced truth and something never heard of." Job overemphasised the situation forcing Tony and them to come and join the two at the side.

"So what do you have for us this time?" on reaching Job's seat, Tony sat besides him on a long bench facing Ganja with two girls seating opposite him on Ganja's bench politely as if waiting for a lullaby from their ancestor "Job" who sat before them very pleased with the current situation.

'Attention. Attention..I love being notified just like the notification!' Job was really pleased having all these people around him just waiting for what he was about to say.

'This is the meaning of real history. In time to come, I will be remembered as the wisdom man. Haha'. Job laughed at his cocky mind.

"Will you talk already or you're nervous now. Wait, don't tell me that you are still looking for lies to tell us? Get serious man! Am tired of this crap." Ganja was always an impatient type and Job already knew this side of him so, he wasted no time.

"Ounce upon a time..Sorry. Its not an old story anyway. So how bout this!" Job joked around.

"4 years ago, on this school Dreckash lived a young boxer. He was truly talented leave alone Akram the RED because his hands were faster, faster than what you can imagine. Just imagine fighting someone who can give you a number of attacks but blocking none! Don't you think that he was truly a deadly character?" Job was really good in narration, truth be told.

"He wasn't the first boxer but he was the first and only RED in our school, yet with no coach according to other schools. The worst thing about him was that his home of origin was unknown but, what was greatly known and perfectly remembered about him was his name." Job paused and looked around through all of them meeting curious looks all attentively looking at him. This forced a smile from his heart 'I finally got you' he chuckled.

"Who knows his name? Anyone! Come on don't be so boring!" Job sighed as if tired of telling these arrogant bastards.

"Kevin.." a young girl wearing big eye spectaculars holding a big book over her chest said nervously unwillingly catching the people's attention on the two benches. Looking around, she now realised that she was catching attention not just from the current people on the benches but also, a number of

people were standing behind her back staring with looks of 'what are you talking about' on there faces.

Job stood up and walked to her emotionless which made her heart skip a bit. This made her think that she committed a very big crime and nervously, she turned to leave before getting herself into a deep hole of trouble but a voice from her back made her stop in tracks.

"That name you just said...can you repeat it again?" Job walked to her, standing a breath away from her back before she turned around still, with a nervous look on her face.

It is funny because in this school Job and Ganja were the shortest bastards of the school but maybe that was all theory, this girl infront of Job was maybe his twin sister. They shared the same height all short like the life of a greedy man. Were they related or something! Only God knows.

"Kevin, am sorry but it's you who asked if anyone knew his name so I replied. Am I wrong?" still afraid and nervous, she replied to him.

"What is your name?" Job asked curiously with the crowd waiting for the same thing too.

"Judith." she replied not knowing what her name got to do with the current situation.

"Judith, your very smart. I like smart people to live along with me. Would you like to share a seat so that I proceed with my story with you besides me. Believe me, this will be my pleasure." Job said politely.

Ganja sighed on the other hand, Job being so polite was the last thing he had in mind.

"Sure, after you." Judith replied with a smile and Job proceeded back to his seat before her following at the back. After them seating down, Job then proceeded with his story.

"As you all heard, his name was Kevin. I know its weird because his name really looks nothing like what you saw yesterday but believe me if I tell you how violent that guy was back then." Job convinced them.

"Kevin liked boxing, am sure anyone here knows it because no one goes to the boxing tournaments without love for boxing but during his challenges, he met a girl that he deeply fell in love with." Every girl around looked at Job now curious about the name of that girl who was so lucky to be loved by one of the REDs.

"You don't expect me to tell you her name, do you?" without question Job knew how serious these people were with the girl's name.

"Oh, so that's it! But I really cant tell you her name because that information is classified." Job said seriously not in the moods of talking about the girl's part at all.

"Kevin falling in love was the worst setback he met maybe in the whole of his life and also believed to be the reason for his damaged punishment from the RED board, two years back. Let me take you back to some three years before him being entitled the RED damage." still with their attention on him Job swiftly done his narration on a pace of his code.

"In Kevin's second year of being the undefeated champion of the Community Schools Title, he fell in love with a girl from a different school that I wont tell you and luckily, the girl fell for him too. They loved each other forgetting that they were all from different schools and according to my information, no girl here at our school was a match for Kevin's girlfriend. She was extremely beautiful to be truly loved by a RED champion like Kevin who was even believed to be the first RED champion with 15 knockout wins in the first rounds." Job stopped and looked up to them with them looking back at him listening attentively without anyone blinking or moving an inch.

"Just imagine the beauty of a girl who had the authority to be loved by the 15 knockout win champion like Kevin and from a different school in Blava as if it was a single girls school with no boys who admired her." Job posed as if he was thinking about something with curiosity.

"But anyway, our Chairman in Blava disqualified single schools apart from one, which you all know about but that is not the case anyway. Just know that Kevin's girlfriend came from a mixed gender school and I have proof for that. You all know me. I speak nothing without trace!" Ganja sighed, this Job really liked to showoff.

"In that school of Kevin's girlfriend, there lived a champ also one of the REDs. By then, he was the recent RED to shield the SCT (School Community Title) for two years before Kevin fighting for it. The question is, does anyone of you know who it was?" Job asked looking around for an answer from the crowd but to his disappointment, he found no answer so he decided to waste no more time waiting for a reply from them anyway. He was maybe surrounded by low level learners who knew nothing about what might have happened some years back before they came to this school.

"He is one of the REDs with a brief and swift knockout, his most dangerous opponent lasted only 4 rounds in a match before his lose other's below but with an uppercut knockout finisher from the lower jaw and his name is..." before Job announcing the name out loud, someone actually interrupted his introduction.

"Akram." Judith was really tired of Job being so talkative. Making series of words in a very short story was so boring to her but to them it was actually fun with the current abrupt increase in number of listeners.

"Correct, but next time if I give you a chance to answer a question and you don't in that given duration then never mind answering at all" Job warned seriously forcing Judith to nod in agreement nervously.

"Thank you." Job took back his attention to the crowd.

"As you had, his name is Akram. Before Kevin meeting with that girl, it was Akram at first but maybe he was unlucky by then because the girl had no feelings of love towards him but Kevin coming from nowhere and taking her just like that forced Akram the RED to rage uncontrollably to an extent of doing something which existed but never heard of" Job paused, he was enjoying himself right now. Being surrounded by curious faces satisfied him a lot.

"What was it? Do you mean the disqualified extreme rules bear hand match in history was performed by the two of them? So it means that Kevin's girlfriend came from BOLTON Highschool! This also means that your classified information is exposed." one of the people from the crowd who was following the story intently finally got a clue on what was next.


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