

The story follows a young youth 'Kevan' from Razor town a place for the rich and strong finding it difficult to live because of his poor family he had, with just a mother playing the father part at that very old age, pitifully taking care of his two children, Ester and Kevan whole heartedly. _______ Due to their unbelievably poor family, studies in Razor town seemed impossible due to lack of enough fees and school requirements but not only that, Kevan who was unbelievably wise for any school to run after him had a very serious problem, seriously taking away all the opportunities of learning in one of the schools in Razor. His life was said to be tragic by not only his fellow students who he had his last year in level one with, but also the teachers who gave out brief comments about his tragic abnormal characters on his report warning any school which will dare to take Kevan in as a student. The total denial of town schools towards Kevan forced his mom to send him to Blava town, a town of mysteries, a town full of schools mythically designed mostly for abnormal students, students who failed to socialise with others. ______ Schools in Blava were welcoming any kind of students and gave out discounts on how wise the student was not to mention the talents the student had. ______ Kevan being a very cocky and short tempered person, someone who hated underestimating him, always breaking into fights which made him lose everything from his home town. Losing school opportunities plus the gym where he used to have his boxing trainings which also acted as his close friend but unbelievably, that same cocky and short tempered character was a blessing in disguise according to his helpess situation he was in and his family. A chance in Blava, he always wanted to be strong as his dream, he met the opportunity to become one but he seeked for his dream in a very dangerous place full of strong minds. His tragic curse always brought him nothing good but he surprisingly always stepped over it, winning each and every battle that he came across. ______ This book is really very interesting if someone gets his/her mind into it. Nb.The first ten chapters are so emotional but full of fun too. They are full of real life histories of highschool, don't miss the fun in it again! "you votes and knowledge or comments about my work are appreciated and welcomed"........ _____-----_------___ (updating a chapter in three days a week. Creation is hard, your vote is appreciated.) arthur-Lemon_D vol.1-Journey of the tragedy.

Lemon_D · Realistic
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73 Chs

25__Shameless nurse

School Community Hospital, main branch

Inside the room labeled 190 on top of the door way, laid a patient on bed who seemed to be awake by now with wide open but tired eyes displayed on the face, moving no inch of his body but steady in one place with his back facing the side of the door looking at the sealed window before him.

Kevan was now much better from the condition he was in before coming to this hospital, he seemed fine surprisingly all his wounds were healed leaving not a single bit of scars on his body.

If someone new finds him here on his bed chilling as he is right now, no one would believe that this guy had a blind eye after the fight with Blacky.

"Yeah as I expected. Yesterday your wounds were healing drastically, but that is not the case! Do you know what surprised me?" a very beautiful young lady in her mid 20s walked inside my room and without knocking or greetings, she started talking about stuff that concerned her not even close.

I had to admit, my condition right now couldn't hold her beauty at all because it was so damn breath taking. I don't even recall that day I last met such a beauty.

Could anyone from my school be a match for her in reality? Not even Mercy the number one beauty of our school also know as Eddie's girlfriend.

'If this is not me day dreaming. Its an abrupt chance of good and bad luck because, what does she want in my room anyway!'

"Would you like to know what surprised me the most or...you are going to keep on glaring like you have seen a ghost?" she repeated the same thing but to pause the beauty part, she really had a nice voice too.

In my life I knew just one girl with a sweet and pleasant voice, something good to listen to and that person is Habibah. Though what she used to say was nothing sweet like her voice but always the opposite, I always couldn't help but love the voice anyway.

'Why am I thinking about Habibah right now, just chill bro. Loving her voice is just theory.' Kevan scolded himself.

I cant just compare her with this girl, she is incomparable! Maybe there is no one more beautiful than her in all of Blava, but wait! This Blava really needs exploration because, I just can't understand how it hides beautiful girls like this one without the world knowing.

Someone might run mad just by a one time glare at this girl before me.

"Hello, will you talk already or you lost your voice!" seeing the patient still say nothing but looking at her with those emotionless eyes from then to now, made Bianca unhappy.

"I don't care about what surprises you, what I care about is where did you get the authority to walk inside my room without a knock. I mean, the door was closed anyway." Kevan replied with a displeased look on his face.

"Thank God you can at least talk some shit but, I really don't have to knock because I am currently your nurse! I must take care of you so knocking is something that we will not talk about this time."

Bianca couldn't help but wonder why this guy kept on surprising her. She herself knew how pleasant she looked which made every male not to mention the female patients in the main branch beg for her checkups but, here is one of the male patients, so cocky and mad with me not knocking at his door! Unbelievable!

"Oh good Lord, if your going to be my nurse its good you learn how to knock. Do you mean patients need nothing like privacy in this hospital." Kevan was maybe mad but seriously not because of her not knocking at the door but mad about her looks.

'How dare you be so fucking beautiful like this and work as a nurse of mine! How do female doctors look like if just a nurse in this hospital looks this beautiful.'

"You so damn rude! Do you know that I have been looking after you for four days now. Checking up on you every now and then but you even lack a thank you in your mouth! What do you think you are!" Bianca was over this shameless patient.

"Am Kevan and you'er?" Kevan stood up from his bed and walked to her at the door.


"Never mind. 'shameless nurse' will work keep your name to yourself" Kevan interrupted Bianca who was about to speak out her name.

"Anyway, whatever. Lets move to checkups because I really have a lot of stuff to do today. Am not here for a chat." Bianca was really now mad with this cocky patient without manners of appreciation.

"Ok, to help you not waste your time. Am totally fine as you see. I can even walk myself back to school. I just need my clothes, and that's all you can do for me dear shameless nurse" Kevan went back to his bed and sat there waiting for her next move.

"What is your name!" Bianca decided to go back to her duties as a nurse.

"Kevan" he replied shortly with a smile on his face.

"Where do you come from?" she asked ounce again.

"School before you brought me here. To somewhere I don't know. Do you mind telling me where I am right now."Kevan asked.

"School Community Hospital, main branch. What is the name of the school you came from." Bianca asked finally after answering his question.

"DRECKASH highschool." Kevan replied too still smiling at her who was writing something inside the booklet in her hands.

"How old are you?" she asked ounce again.

"18, and you my shameless nurse?" Kevan asked after answering. This forced a smile on Bianca's face.

"I ask the questions here not you. Hope we clear." she corrected him.

"Oh! Where I come from, its usually give and take. I give you something I take what I want from you. So if we are doing this, its better you be a good talker just like me." Kevan laid himself down facing the ceiling with his hands under his head, closing his eyes as if their conversation was done.

"21, just made 21 last month." Bianca replied in a defeated tone.

"Wow, you look eleven though. Why not lie about your age?" Kevan ounce again sat on his bed looking at Bianca with curiosity.

"Because I wanted to let you know that some times its better you have respect for elders. I am older than you, don't you think!" Bianca sneered forcing Kevan to back off.

"How are you feeling, I mean your both ribs." Bianca continued with the checkups.

"Perfectly fine, can go back to school alone even." Kevan replied seriously but his answer forced Bianca to move to him this time.

Holding his right hand up with her left hand, disposing his right rib side then she placed her right hand hardly on Kevan's right ribs forcing him to groan in pain before she let go of him.

"You will leave this hospital when you feel nothing like that at all. And that is when you will get to know the meaning of perfectly fine." Bianca moved out of his room through the door, closing it, she stood behind it not moving.

"His wounds healed from the outside without any scars or bruises on his face. Is he an alien? Why is he so abnormal?" Bianca left the doorway disappearing through the long hospital halls.

"This shameless nurse is just more than rude. Is this how they make checkups with their patients! I must find a way out of this hospital, the more I live inside of it the more I hate it." Kevan felt uncomfortable staying inside this hospital.

'Something bad is inside this hospital and whatever it is, I must not interfere but I have to leave this weird hospital immediately.' Kevan hated this feeling the most.

Raising up from his bed, he was about to prepare his escape plan when someone actually bumped into his room without knocking just like that shameless nurse.

'This hospital shamelessly lacks privacy' Kevan sighed looking directly at the person before him who was speechless just like him.

Kevan looked intently at him, he was wearing totally red from his coat to his trousers which were fitting on his bold legs looking like the perfect explanation of a gentleman with a tie perfected tied around his neck.

'Damn, he is way to clean to be a doctor in this hospital. He really looks familiar though! But his looks on his face show nothing like trouble to me, maybe he is not against me in any direction.' thinking about this through, Kevan calmed himself down making all his worry of this guy drop a percentage not less five before he asked.

"Who the hell are you!" with a lot of calm and emotionless face, Kevan asked in a bold tone.

"You don't know me? Think twice I guess." this guy was so cocky in his tone as he walked passed Kevan before sitting down on Kevan's bed then grabbing the nearby newspapers on the table near the bed.

This is when Kevan actually realised that he even had these newspapers in his room all along.

"With that look on your face, it seems like you have not yet read through these newspapers. Feels like you don't care about news work at all but trust me, you need to read through this." instead of talking about himself, the guy handed the newspapers to Kevan who crossed his hands over his chest as a reply to him.

Knowing that Kevan is not interested in reading thorough the newspapers, the guy walked to him stopping just a breath away from him.

"I am that guy who saved you from the beatings of that fat guy from your school yesterday." he then looked intently at Kevan's eyes as if waiting for something.

"Saved me! You'fe got to be kidding me." Kevan moved to steps in front of this guy who was just a few inches taller than him.

"I start and end my own shit without anyone's help, so I suppose you stop the bluffs and tell me what business you have with me." Kevan paused a bit and then continued..."But first, you need to tell me who the hell are you!" looking directly at the guy's face who was emotionless and speechless, Kevan was seriously waiting for a reply.

"Ooh woo..am scared in theory but in practical, am not. Just like those students at your school right now. I promise you that no one will ever be afraid of your threats again, not even the least weak among them after what happened to you at the party."

"And trust me kid, if it wasn't for me, you would have been in a critical condition." Kevin looked at Kevan ounce again hoping that he will meat an interested or hurt feelings on his face but to his disappointment, he saw none of his wishes and what annoyed him the most was how cocky this weak bastard was before the person who saved him from the fierce attacks of Blacky.

Kevan sighed "One clear thing you must know 'adult', I never asked for your damn help and luckily, I don't give a damn about who is afraid or not. I only care about who interferes in my way, hope you be not a simple step near my way." Kevan turned his back on him walking to the door.

"You wont get out of here with that kind of dressing code. Patients are not around to move around the hospital when they are still ill." Kevin made him stop in tracks.

"And who said that am still sick" still not turning back, Kevan replied to Kevin who was now walking towards his way.

"Because you are not wearing your casual clothes. Wait for me here, I will help you out of this hospital." Kevin then walked passed him through the door without his response.

Kevan sneaked out of his room to have a look at what is outside after Kevin's departure and his eyes finally meeting different kinds of people in uniforms with none wearing what he had on his body right now.

'I will be noticed immediately after walking through this door, really got nothing to do but wait for this guy who I have nothing like a connection with to help me out of this screwed hospital.' Kevan walked back to his room and sighed dejectedly.


In a few minutes, the guy actually came back with a black disposable bag.

"Here, put this on and hurry because its about time for your checkups. Someone is coming within minutes so I think telling you to be fast is inappropriate." Kevin then stood by the doorway after handing over the bag to Kevan with his back facing him doing the security guard work.

"Wait, these clothes look just like yours!" Kevan said with surprise after checking through the disposable bag.

"Yeah, so is there any problem. Its all we have if you don't feel like putting them on. I will be leaving then." Kevin replied still very serious with watching out from outside.

'Ah good Lord! This ain't happening!' Kevan sighed.


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