
Katsuki Bakugo in one piece

a teenage otaku who died from a gas explosion in his house while watching the anime my Hero academia. and get the chance to be reincarnated into another world. okay this novel is written in Indonesian and then translated via google translate because the author can't speak English. so just enjoy using your wits so the story looks plausible. I don't own anything in here, all credits go back to their respective owners. and also this fanfic is just wish fulfillment.

Herosin_Gaming · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
9 Chs

polo island

1522 East Blue. polo island

When Bakugo set foot in the port of Polo Island, he saw the busyness of many people at the port, from workers lifting crates to be placed on ships to small children selling their goods.

"Hemm the atmosphere is very crowded, I like it but what should I do now, I'm feeling hungry now but I don't have money, aakkhhh sucks let's just rob people who look rich".

When Bakugo thought like that he was walking towards the city of polis, (Disclaimer Polo is the name of the island while the polis is the name of the city) when Bakugo walked on the street of the city of polis he admired the beauty of the city of polis, the city is very clean and architecture like in medieval Europe mid.

"If I want to find a rich person wandering around, it must be in the market, because where else can the rich person waste his money, I should just ask the people around him where to go to the market."

Excuse me aunt if you don't mind may I ask, do you know which way to go to the market: said Bakugo in his polite tone.

Ara handsome young man do you want to go to the market?, You can go straight ahead and turn left after that you just go straight and you will arrive at the market: said the milf aunt who was asked by Bakugo.

Thank you aunt then I'll excuse myself first: said Bakugo.

"Damn that auntie looks like mamako, one of the Japanese animated series I've ever watched, if I remember correctly the anime protagonist went to isekai with his mother, you lucky bastard".

Not long after that Bakugo finally arrived at the polis city market, the market was bustling with customers and sellers. sellers shouted selling their wares to attract buyers, when Bakugo entered the market he saw various kinds of merchandise being sold ranging from clothes, vegetables, fruits, and furniture.

"Fuu this market is really crowded even though it's already noon maybe around 12 o'clock, okay let's find my first victim, hahahah"

Bakugo walked through the market he went to the stalls of the traders one by one to see if there was anyone who looked rich that he could rob his money of. Currently Bakugo is in the eighth merchant stall which he visited to look for and see if there is anyone who looks rich he can rob his money, starting from the first merchant's stall to the seventh he still hasn't found a rich person he can rob After arriving at the eighth merchant stall, he finally found a middle-aged man who was being escorted by two bodyguards. When Bakugo looked at the middle-aged man he had a bright smile, like seeing a hero distributing his money for free.

"Hahaha I'm lucky, this person judging by his clothes is already very good, especially when he is escorted by two tall and big bodyguards, this person must have a lot of money".

Bakugo just walked straight towards the middle-aged man and pretended to bump into him.


I am a trader who can be said to be successful, I started my trading business when I was 23 years old, at that time I started my business from zero I did various ways so that my merchandise could sell well, until now at the age of 45 years I already have 5 merchant ships sailing throughout the East Blue sea.

I'm currently buying a large amount of liquor at one of my subscriptions, I've been trading with them for about 3 years, you could say the liquor they sell is one of the best liquors on the island.

When we had reached an agreement for 50 barrels of liquor to be transported tomorrow to my merchant ship, I was suddenly run over by a teenage boy with blonde hair without wearing a top and wearing only black shorts. full of muscle and scars from scratches and bites from beasts, the teenager wore a necklace with black cords and the eyelets were beast teeth that were the size of a grown man's thumb.


Hey, if you walk, look, you idiot, you dirty my clothes, can you change my dirty clothes, you just don't wear clothes, tsk, stay away from me: said the middle-aged man while throwing Bakugo aside.

And you useless bodyguards why did you let him hit me, it's useless I pay you then, tsk: said the middle-aged man.

When Bakugo was thrown aside by the middle-aged man he had a big smile on his face because he had managed to get the money bag brought by the merchant, when the middle-aged man was nagging his bodyguards Bakugo had started walking away from the middle-aged man. the age.

" hahahah it's very easy to steal money from an arrogant person like him, well let's check how much money I get, fuuu here there are 500 thousand berries, then the first thing I should do is buy clothes first, my clothes were damaged because they were clawed and bitten by wild animals"

Currently Bakugo is walking in the market looking for a stall or shop where he can buy clothes. when Bakugo was walking leisurely suddenly there was a teenager who was about the same age as Bakugo who hit him. The teenager was wearing a robe that had a head covering to hide his identity, the collision of the teenager made Bakugo fall.

Damn do you want to die: shouted Bakugo

When Bakugo stood up and saw the person who bumped into him, that person had already run away.

Damn it if I meet you again I will make you cry: said Bakugo.

While Bakugo was looking for the money bag that had fallen from his hand, he finally realized that he had been robbed.

"Damn I am a robber who was robbed, wait for you I will make you cry"

Bakugo immediately chased the person who robbed him, Bakugo also circulated his observation haki even though the distance was only about 10 meters but he still used it.

On the way to chase the robbers who robbed him he got lost a lot because he didn't know the streets in this market, about 10 minutes later Bakugo finally managed to find the person who robbed him, at that time Bakugo saw the one who robbed him was a woman with pink hair about 170cm tall, skin His white body can be said to be still in the growth stage but even so his body shape can make any man interested.

At this time Bakugo walked slowly behind the woman who robbed him, he walked slowly so as not to make any sound, when Bakugo and the woman were only about 1 meter away Bakugo immediately ambushed the woman by locking her from behind.

Where else do you want to run, quickly return my money or you will regret it: said Bakugo

What money do you mean, I didn't take any money: said the pink haired girl

You don't have to pretend, I saw you take my money: said Bakugo

I i....

Booomm, before the girl could finish her words Bakugo immediately released a small-scale explosive force into the wall next to him, if he used a large-scale explosive force it might make the wall collapse.

Hiksss I'm sorry I will return your money please don't hit me: said the girl.

I won't hit you if you return my money right now: said Bakugo

Alright, here's your money, I'm sorry, you're not going to hit me right: the girl said scared.

Here's my money, if I lose even 1 berry, I'll beat you up: said Bakugo

Hiiiiiss I haven't picked it up yet you can check it please don't hit me: the girl said scared

When Bakugo checked the money he stole, it was true that the money had not decreased by even 1 berry.

Hey why did you become a robber and why did you rob me don't you have other victims: said Bakugo

That's actually..

Answer quickly, don't beat around the bush, before the girl had time to answer, Bakugo had cut her off.

Hiikkkkk yes yes I will answer I will answer, it's all because...

Oyaoya what's up with that girl whether she will be a member of the Explosion pirate crew in the future or she's just a side character, let's just wait for the next chapter.