
Karma Corpse System Omniversal

Who doesn't want power to change their destiny? Join our Main character's adventure towards greatness through death. All characters and stories used are created, produced, and owned by other people except the OC, please support the official release. This is my first try at a story so any corrections/advice is appreciated.

Goldenswiftreader · Livros e literatura
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24 Chs

Chapter 16 The 100: Ready, Set, Go

Location-A Conceptual Relaxation Room floating in the Space Between All Things

[Rolling Level 1 World...Ding, The 100 (TV version) Dimension picked, User may now apply Karma For non-protagonist character choice. Due to User's Completion of the Tutorial World Basic Shop unlocked, Karma can be used to buy from shop. Current Karma Level only allows Basic information and level 0-1 characters knowledge and skills available to be bought. The shop is only accessible in this non-location.]

'The 100(TV version) not really familiar with that storyline. Is that the reason why there's a shop?'

[User's Level is too low for that information. User is required to be able to enter Level 5 Dimensions before access to any Deity related information is unlocked. User's current Karma count allows for the pick of any good, neutral, evil character in the series that are supporting or recurring class of characters. With the access to recurring characters User can now influence main characters with some advice and suggestions before storyline starts. List of accessible characters generating. Personal character generation available due to having higher Karma count. Warning User's self picked body will have no inbuilt perk to unlock and cost will vary on modifications. User has 2 presets available.]

'What are presets and modifications?'

[Presets are the previous bodies user has inhabited and Modifications are changes User can make to the physical characteristics of the next Body. Ex. taller, thinner, more hair, less hair, etc. For Higher tier dimensions user can choose to give body access to mana, chi, ki, or whatever the energy source used by the Dimension's inhabitants is. The energy mods cost more Karma and are only available in world's where the inhabitants have access to such energies.]

'Wow so there is definitely no guarantee I could learn the skills and abilities? Also now that I think of it what value is the stuff available in the shop?'

[User is correct in almost every world where inhabitants can access energy there are physical limitations to access the energy and without that access most skills and abilities related are unattainable. The shop functions allow User to gain knowledge of the dimension user is entering, gain skills from various level 0-1 worlds due to current access privileges.]

'Hmm basic information is that basically giving me access to the show?'

[Correct, can access shop menu by stating shop.]


{Shop available Basic Information, Level 0-1 Skills. State the access.}

'Basic Information.'

{Basic Information...

Season 1 500 Karma points

Season 2 500 Karma points

Season 3 500 Karma points

Season 4 500 Karma points

Season 5 500 Karma points

Season 6 500 Karma points

Season 7 500 Karma points

Complete 100 Season set deal 3200 Karma points}

'Ouch that's quite a deal, but I need the knowledge for planning purposes. Buy Complete 100 Season set please.'

[Ding first time shop use 200 Karma points subtracted from cost, 3000 Karma points spent downloading Complete 100 Series to User. As a bonus for getting the complete TV series throwing in the complete book series as well. Remaining Karma Balance 1277]

After watching the show and reading the books at least once in his memory palace. 'Good thing I don't need to use the facilities or eat in this place. That was an interesting show lots of hormonal choices made in the series. Also wow the book series was pretty dark glad I'm not being sent there. The endings were very sad let's see if I can improve them, although with my current stats I can definitely still die, also I'm gonna have to give up on the no death path since the violence is pretty high in this storyline. Doesn't mean I can't reduce the death count though, I will just have to do the best I can. First though, I want to be me again in this storyline. Alright system begin character select. I pick my first body.'

[Ding first preset picked, two mods available in this Dimension; Nightblood a serum which changes a person's body to withstand certain levels of radiation poisoning and even heal from it and the Flame Implant which stores and shares the minds of its previous hosts, the Flame also grants its host enhanced abilities, but can only be installed into those who have the Nightblood.]

'I definitely want the Nightblood mod, I can learn skills, but mods like this can be harder to get especially with all the drama occurring. System will the mod show up while I'm in the Ark? Also do I have to start in the Ark?'

[Nightblood mod will activate when user enters planet storyline, User can start on planet surface, but Karma cost will be higher, storyline involves high number of Ark personnel. Nightblood costs 250 Karma points, starting on earth as original character costs 250 Karma Points. User has 1,277 Karma points.]

'So I either get to be myself or pick another person to swap places with in order to get both mods and have plot armor. System can I become a main character with the points I have?'

[No, user only have access to recurring characters, user would need minimum of 10,000 Karma points to be a main character. Review generated list.]

'Why is every character so expensive? In the previous story it was so much cheaper.'

[That was the Tutorial Completion World, prices were discounted to ease transition.]

'Why is Wells Jaha a main character? He died in the first season. Does this mean if I choose to generate my own character I can't choose to be born as the Vice Chancellor's kid as I'd hoped in an effort to change things sooner?'

[Wells Jaha is not only the child of a top main character, but his death led to the growth of many of the other main characters. With your current Karma level in order to become him you would have to forgo any changes you'd like to make to the storyline and have to follow it to the conclusion. To become Vice Chancellor's kid would cost an additional 1000 Karma.]

'Well that's out then, I dislike being railroaded. Just to check how useful is the 2nd mod, System could you clarify the Flame mod?'

[The Flame implant will have all the memories from the previous commanders who died while wearing it, from the first person Becca Franko to the last person Lexa. First time accessing the memories can be accessed only through sleeping. Will also be able to interact with previous commanders in sleep realm for advice. Can use Memory Palace for other viewing. Enhances User's mind and senses and partial protection from brain hacking. Mod only becomes active one year after Nightblood becomes active.]

While considering his choices the system interrupted.

[Ding user has completed Tutorial Completion World, For continuing your pacifistic stance of not absorbing a single persons essence in previous life the ability Diagnose unlocked, an additional +100 Karma added, and you receive the skills of 3 different Doctors. Dr. Allan Finley from Dr Finlay's Casebook. The skills increased Body Language and Medicine, the ability Diagnose improved. Dr. Edward George Armstrong from And Then There Were None. The Skills increased Medicine and Surgery, the ability Diagnose increased. Dr. Charles Dutton from Andromeda Strain. The skill increased Medicine, and the ability increased Diagnose, obtain skills Pathology I and Research I. In this Dimension Diagnose can only be used once a day and only reveals the problem and solution that user has knowledge of. Current Karma total 1377.]

'This feels like a unsubtle hint on the choice I should make. I know I want to start as myself, but this influx of medicinal knowledge and skill makes it real easy to become Eric Jackson who costs 750 points, making it easier to save people medically. Unfortunately many of the deaths are through violence and technology issues. The first big casualties being the 320 people who died to extend the lives of the people on the Ark. Question can I get the mods for existing characters I replace? System are there any skills I can get for 127 or less that are technology related?'

[Yes, user can apply mods to existing characters. For shop questions ask the shop.]

'OK shop can you generate a list of skills for 127 Karma or less that are scientific, engineering, or mechanically related?'

{Generating list of Level 0-1 characters in the stated range.}

The list is long and filled with many redundant skill sets, which he combed through as patiently as he could until he found one that caught his eye. This character had been resourceful and creative in his survival strategies through the combination of his various expertise.

'Shop I want to get the knowledge and skills of Mark Watney'

{Mark Watney from The Martian; Skills Astronaut I, Botany I, Environmental Engineering I, and Hydropedology I. 120 Karma points spent. 1257 Karma points remaining.}

'Before I continue on System I request that you refer to me as Tom when addressing me.'

[Negative User's Dimension access level must be past 5.]

The knowledge, experience, and skills would hopefully help and now to think and plan. After much deliberation and trying to get as many hints from the system as he could get he made his choice. It may not be the best choice, but he thinks it will ensure that the story changes for the better. 'System I choose to incarnate as Jacapo Sinclair and obtain both mods, using 1250 Karma points and use the remaining 7 Karma points to enhance the exchanged soul so his transition to the previous dimension is improved.'

Ark Year 51 (Earth year 2103)

The next thing Tom knew is the smack he now suddenly re-experienced, with a cry he then heard a [Ding system activating welcome user to your new life. User born into Level 1 Dimension The 100 the shop has given a coupon for the next visit to the shop for 100 Karma points off next purchase.]


[Yes. the shop says, {Thank you for shopping at Karma Shop for all your future births.}]

'Ha ha ha, it seems you can't get away from ads even from a system.'

[As long as there is currency in use there will always be ads in one form or another.]

'Alright time for studying, training, and reworking what I can to improve the lives of the people in this storyline. Booyah!' While crying he was introduced to his new family.

44 years later Ark year 95 (Earth Year 2147)

[Ding User has become Chief Engineer of the Ark unlocked the body's Perk of Chief Engineer it gives user +2 in Chr, Int., and Wis, gives user a 5% speed increase in any engineering task and a 5% increase speed in learning any Engineering skills.]

It had been a long grueling time fitting in a relationship while fixing as many of the technical issues that would occur. Turns out even with all his quirks he still ended up getting married again to a most wonderful workaholic like him she is an engineer like him who assists him with his various tasks of reinforcing the points where a are leakage can occur. Her name was Madeline and she must have been mad to fall for him since he spends almost 14 hours a day everyday working on setting up various stopgap measures to patch failing systems.

In that time he also spent it training some of the future engineers such as Monty Green, Raven Reyes and James Crockett to name the more storyline prominent ones. Jacapo also spent a bit of his time trying to enlist the aid of Jake Griffin into seeing if using all 8 dropships at various stages would extend the Ark's atmosphere . The signs looked good all they needed to do was get the Chancellor Jaha's go ahead to send one dropship down to check if the earth was survivable, if he didn't they would be doomed.

Jacapo Sinclair had said to Jake, "With your connections to Abby and Jaha, armed with these plans, we should be able to make this work. In fact if we could salvage any of the remaining escape pods we could send an advance scout, unfortunately most of them have been used in suicide by Earth. If someone wants to die they can just go float, instead of wasting possible resources. Now as much as I want to make another round of arguments with the council over our limited resources I have a Zero-G exam results to review and then a pile of various tasks that have piled up. It's hard to delegate when the work is overwhelming isn't it? I'll see you at the next council briefing, bye."

Jacapo was going over the Zero-G exam papers and noticed that Raven had passed the test with the first perfect score since they had been giving it, however, she had failed the physical due to a heart murmur. He thought to himself, 'I need to correct this, she's too good to be sidelined over this.' In fact one of the biggest changes he'd added to the usual maintenance checklist that the engineers he was in charge of was to check and repair all active and inactive airlocks in the Ark to maintain their integrity, because one of the things that led to the culling was the sudden loss of three months of oxygen when the air-walk mishap happened with Raven Reyes and Finn.

He'd tried to train her to the best of his abilities about how the airlock worked and where the emergency repair kits were located in each airlock for emergency seal repair, just in case the repairs he had ordered didn't make it to all the airlocks. Like clockwork, because he'd been unavailable at the time, Finn borrowed a spacesuit from the Maintenance Bay and has found a way to get her the spacewalk she had always dreamed of.

After Raven's illegal spacewalk while she was getting undressed, an alarm sounded an outer door breach. Raven with the extra training from Jacapo managed to figure out where the door breach was and used the repair kit to seal it. Thus preventing the loss of three months of oxygen. Once out of the airlock Finn then instructed Raven to take off the spacesuit for him to wear because Raven was over eighteen and would have been floated whereas Finn was still underage. While Finn was in Lockup, Raven would go see him every Visitation Day. After that mishap, Sinclair overruled Raven's health rejection for Zero-G Mechanic and she went on to become the youngest Zero-G Mechanic in 52 years.

Time for the main storyline was approaching and he needed to prepare as many people as he could for the coming conflicts at least in regards to preventing them. He'd been in contact with Diana Sydney the manipulative (insert cuss-word) that she is to get her assistance in making a smoother transition to Earth. He explained to her that with his current capabilities he'd be able to send 110 people down on each dropship with adequate supplies, that he'd then be able to bring the rest of the people down relatively safely with the Ark itself. Although with 880 people leaving the Ark's Oxygen would be able to last a lot longer. She interrupted him before he could continue, "And why are you telling me all this Mr. Sinclair, shouldn't you be discussing this with the current Chancellor and active Council members?"

Jacapo, "The Council is still debating the merits and deciding on who should be sent down first. In the meantime I need to make sure we have people willing to work on the project of getting safely to the ground. I believe that you as the voice of the people can keep heads cool. The Chancellor will stay on the Ark to ensure it lands safely and in the interim we need leaders down there. Although you are no longer in charge you have experience leading and I believe you would make a good leader on the ground once we make sure it's safe. With your backing we might be able to get things rolling before things get dire saving the most lives we can."

Diana Sydney arched an eyebrow and said, "That almost sounded like a bribe to me Mr. Sinclair, a promise of leadership in exchange for my help. Are you sure you aren't interested in politics, it seems you'd be taking the Chancellor's position in the next few years if you continue with this backroom dealing. Consider me interested, what can you offer me right now though instead of the ground pies you're offering?"

Clenching his hands under the desk Jacapo said, "I can prioritize repairing essential broken materials that you need done, using my personal resources and skills. Anything more will need to be negotiated further." They then spent the next hour going back and forth on further refining the mini alliance that they had formed. The agreement stood that he would spend two hours of every other day repairing damaged tools and essential equipment for Diana's constituency stating that it was her efforts that got him to help, on top of that he would appraise her of any sudden changes to the wellness of the Ark. In exchange she would assist in changing the Chancellor Jaha and the Council's minds on sending people down. She said, "It might be a waste of a dropship, but I think we should send down the delinquents as the test subjects. We'll see though, a pleasure doing business with you, Mr. Sinclair, I look forward to a fruitful partnership."

Feeling like he'd tussled with the snow gnats again Jacapo left the meeting feeling drained, but hopeful that with the thought that she had a guaranteed spot in the ships, and possible leadership position on Earth, maybe she won't sabotage them causing the deaths of over 2,300 people. It was time for him to interact with the Chancellor and the Council once more. He spent the rest of the day updating them on the current state of the Ark and the readiness of the dropship. The first dropship was going through a step-by-step checkup to make sure of the integrity of the ship and that communications would be secure and uninterrupted.

They hemmed and hawed, discussing the merits of wasting a dropship just to check if the Earth was now habitable, especially since the readings showed they had another 100 years of workable oxygen left. It was infuriating, he could talk to each council-member separately and get their agreement, but as soon as the main characters Thelonius Jaha or Abigail Griffin disagreed they immediately changed their minds.

'System what's going on, I've been able to persuade people before, why does they keep reverting in contact with the main character's? At this rate the changes I make won't mean anything.'

[That is because the main characters have a higher charisma score than you. Also the people in the space station follow leaders more than lead, it's why in the show when Jaha survived both assassination attempts Diana Sydney chose to run because she knew it was only a matter of time before she was floated.]

'Great, just great so until the main storyline occurs my influence is only so much. Can I even prevent Jake Griffin's death then, his skills would prove helpful in saving more people.'

[No his death is integral to the storyline, it fuels many of the other main character's future decisions. If user had picked him the story might have changed slightly, but user would still have died due to lack of main protagonist plot armor.]

'Wait really then how the heck did I change anything in the previous universe.'

[It was a Tutorial world, and you had the better stats than any other person there other than the main character's. Also the people's stats in this Dimension aren't suppressed making their stats match yours. As it stands the only things you have an advantage on them is your higher Constitution stat and your foreknowledge of future events. Once the story begins and your stats update from all the studying, training, and perks you got then your influence will grow. Even as your influence grows your decisions will still be limited by the main characters choices.]

'Did I at least prevent the death of 320 people with the repairs I've made?'

[Once story begins accumulated tasks will update.]

'I get it now, the training wheels are off, so I've moved from easy mode to normal or maybe even hard mode. System, what happens if I fail?'

[User can only fail by committing enough negative Karma actions. User's world selection will remain at level 1 until he accumulates enough Karma and experience to move up. There are near infinite storylines for user to travel, some more dangerous than others. For further information on the subject User must reach higher rank.]

'Alright then back to trying to make minute changes then.'

1 3/4 year later Ark year 96 (Earth Year 2148 Fall)

Catastrophic Life Support System Failure discovered. Jake Griffin gets floated as he attempts to go public with the discovery. Clarke Griffin is sent to juvenile detention for treason. Octavia Blake is sent to juvenile detention for being a second child and Aurora Blake gets floated for having a Octavia. Bellamy Blake is demoted from Ark Guard Cadet to Janitor.

Of course in keeping with his deal with Diana he had to inform her of what was happening, because she already had her sources and he needed to keep the faith. Maybe with all the work he's done throughout the ship it will slow things down.

'None of the repairs worked, none of the workarounds, patches, nothing. At the very least I was able to prolong our time further, but not enough to prevent Jake Griffin's death. Aaaargh! System just to check have my actions with Diana Sydney worked?'

[User must wait till storyline starts.]

'OK, ok deep breath, in and out, in and out. I think I need to take some time with my wife to cool off. I'm feeling pretty depressed, thankfully I have Stoic so my reactions won't get me floated, but come on. At least I got the first dropship fully repaired and am even halfway done with the second. If the communications stay solid this time we can send people down sooner extending more time. Especially since I made it so in the other dropships I can fit 130 people each. The first dropship was the smallest and needed more communication gear installed.'

After spending more time with his wife, Jacapo felt calmer and went over the narrowing possibilities he had to change things before the story started. That's when Abigail Griffin and Chancellor Jaha came to him and ordered him to make 100 health monitoring wristbands that can send signals to the Ark. He said, "Yes Chancellor Jaha and Council-member Griffin, I shall have them ready in a month. The dropship is ready and I'm halfway done with the second. Is there anything else you require of me before I begin?" They said no and left.

'Wow that's the first time they came to me rather than me to them, that's a step at least. Don't know if that was a good step.' After thinking that, he updated Diana once again that the project is going to start soon since he had been ordered to make the wristbands.

3 Months Later Ark year 97 (Earth Year 2149)

Only one successful change, just one, but he was pretty sure it was a big one, he had been informed by Chancellor Jaha to figure out how to install one more chair into the dropship for Bellamy Blake. Apparently Diana Sydney had convinced him that it was good PR for the council to send at least one adult with the delinquents. This one had many of the skills required to lead and would prove a good protector for the children since he seemed very motivated to protect his sister.

It seemed his advice had paid off. He had advised the Chancellor that a secret of this magnitude would be found out eventually and that the only way forward would be to have someone who was the voice of the people to advise him on what to do in keeping morale high. As he said, "You may not like her, but she gets results."

In reverse he'd convinced Diana that if she sent someone like Bellamy down to lead the 100 and success she would gain a valuable follower and probably guarantee her ground Chancellorship if not the Ark in the next reelection, since with the sending of those 100 they would gain more time for future planning. Jacapo knew that if the communication went down like last time that Diana would activate her coup attempt. He hoped he would at least have removed the pressure on Bellamy to prevent the sabotage. Time would tell though.

It was the day of the launch and Jacapo had gone through the whole ship checking for any issues that might occur. Chancellor Jaha told Jacapo to launch the dropship. Once on it's way as Jaha began his speech to the 100.

"Prisoners of The Ark, hear me now. You've been given a second chance, and as your Chancellor, it is my hope that you see this as not just a chance for you, but a chance for all of us, indeed for mankind itself. We have no idea what is waiting for you down there. If the odds of survival were better, we would've sent others. Frankly, we're sending you because your crimes have made you expendable. Those crimes will be forgiven, your records wiped clean. The drop site has been chosen carefully. Before the last war, Mount Weather was a military base built within a mountain. It was to be stocked with enough non-perishables to sustain three hundred people for up to two years. Mount Weather is life. You must locate those supplies immediately. Your one responsibility is to stay alive."

[Ding for successfully preventing the first assassination attempt on Chancellor Jaha's life gain +1 in Charisma and Luck. +5 Karma. For indirectly preventing the floating of Callie Cartwig gain +1 Charisma and gain the Skill Bureaucracy I. +10 Karma. For mentoring the main character engineers more thoroughly gain the Mentor perk +1 to all stats Perk increases to stats 5% while teaching a student and increases both User and students learning speed 5%. +10 Karma. For indirectly preventing the loss of 3 months of Oxygen thereby indirectly preventing the culling of 320 Sky people +2 to all Stats and increase all existing skills. +80 Karma. For indirectly preventing Bellamy's sabotage preventing the impromptu rocket signals from destroying a grounder village thereby decreasing hostilities between the 100 and the grounders, +1 to all stats and increase skills. +80 Karma. Constitution reached 100G Gain Perks Lesser Regeneration allows for slightly above average healing and Toughness user now has +50 damage resistance.]


User 01010111

Age 46 Level 46 (exp 31100/43000)

Condition: Normal


Strength 46H>52H

Dexterity 72H>78H

Constitution 96H>101G

Intelligence 78H>86H

Wisdom 74H>82H

Charisma 44H>53H

Luck 19H>25H


Acting F+>E+, Basic Languages C+>B+, Body Language D>C+, Camouflage E>D, Camping J+>H, Car Mechanics G>F, Cartography G>F, Chemistry I>H, Cleaning F>E, Cold Resistance E>D, Cooking F>E, Cryptography H+>G+, Digging F+>E+, Disease Resistance I+>H+, Dive C>B, Driving F>E, Enhanced Hearing D+>C+, Enhanced Smell C+>B+, Enhanced Swimming B>A, Enhanced Touch F+>E+, Enhanced Vision E+>D+, Fire Resistance I+>H+, Fist Fighting E>D, Gardening I+>H+, Gem Craft H>G, Heat Resistance G+>F+, Herpetology F>E, Hypnotism G>E, Night Vision H+>G+, Maintenance F+>E+, Mathematics E>D, Marine Martial Arts G>F, Medicine E>C+, Mycology I+>H+, Parallel Thinking F+>E+, Poison Resistance I+>H+, Sailing H>G, Shooting G+>F+, Surgery G>F+, Taming I+>H+, Teaching H>G, Volleyball G+>F+, Woodcraft H>G, Writing H>G, New Skills (Aerospace Engineering H>G, Astronaut I>H, Botany I>H, Environmental Engineering I>H, Hydropedology I>H, Pathology I>H, Rad Resistance I>H, Research I>H)


Ambidextrous, Chief Engineer, Contortionist, Entomorph: (Fall Armyworm), Explorer's Map, Fashion Sense, Lachrymose Leech, Leadership, Medusoid Mycelium, Memory Palace, Mentor, Plantamorph: (Birch, Elm, Evergreen, Maple), Pupa, Secret Smasher, Snow Gnat, Stoic, Toughness, Uncommon Physical Growth, Zoomorph: (Anchovy, Bass, Blue Wildebeest, Camel, Carp, Chicken, Cod, Crow, Cow, Crab, Deer, Eel, Goat, Goose, Hare, Horse, Impala, Kangaroo, Llama, Lobster, Mackerel, Mole, Mouse, Mussel, Nile Tilapia, Octopus, Oyster, Pig, Pigeon, Pollock, Possom, Prawn, Rabbit, Raccoon, Rat, Red Mullet, Reindeer, Salmon, Sardine, Seagull, Sheep, Shrimp, Squid, Trout, Tuna, Turkey, Vole, Zebra), World Compass

Sealed(Nightblood, Flame Implant)

Corpse Absorption Progress

Ant (.08932), Aphid (.01257), Bedbug (.00174), Bee (.00605), Centipede (.00115), Cockroach (.01725), Dandelion (.00127), Earwigs (.00186), Flea (.00146), Fly (.11812), Ivy (.169), Jellyfish (.00122), Lice (.00155), Mosquito (.08904), Moth (.00669), Pill Bug (.00689), Slug (.01504), Spider (.00259), Wasp (.01411), Worm (.00265)

Abilities:Tutorial Pocket(100 Karma Coupon)

Limited(Diagnose H+>F)

Sealed (Flight G+, Ink Squirt, Mild Poison Bite, Rally, Photosynthesis)

Achievements: A Sailors Life For Me, Family Man, For The Family!, Fungicide, Globetrotter, Happily Ever After, No Stone Unturned, Survivor

Karma: 285 Total Positive

It's harder than I thought trying to wrangle characters out of the preset pathways from stories you read. Still gonna make the effort. Please let me know any changes in writing, and advice. Thank You.

Goldenswiftreadercreators' thoughts