
Karma Corpse System Omniversal

Who doesn't want power to change their destiny? Join our Main character's adventure towards greatness through death. All characters and stories used are created, produced, and owned by other people except the OC, please support the official release. This is my first try at a story so any corrections/advice is appreciated.

Goldenswiftreader · Book&Literature
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Chapter 15 A Series of Fortunate Events Finale

After a restful night and feeling much better the children and Judge Strauss move into action. The children get help from a girl named Friday Caliban to assist them in getting the materials they need to create a water filtration device. They are taken to the coastal shelf, which is a landform onto which different items and castaways are stranded after they have survived a violent storm. The shelf is littered with junk and discarded objects that from all over the place wash-up on the island. Friday said, "That everything eventually washes up there. In fact every time there's a storm, everyone in the colony gathers everything that's collected on the coastal shelf. One never knows when one of these items will come in handy. Although Ishmael often has the banned items sent to the Arboretum."

While sharing their interests the children comb the coastal shelf finding many shattered parts and pieces in various states of decay. The newest debris must have come from the ship that Kit and her crew were on. First thing they grab is any unbroken pots, pans, and bottles that they can see. Sunny found a half wet bag of charcoal. Violet and Klaus are delighted to find a length of rope attached to mostly undamaged tarp. Friday is delighted to find a nice pair of sunglasses, since it's so sunny that day she immediately puts them on. They even find a beer barrel with a spigot attached, saving them the need to assemble everything.

Having found the necessary parts and materials the Baudelaires begin to assemble the simple water filtration system. Sunny gets Friday's help to clean out the beer barrel of any sand residue. Violet begins assembling the support structure for the filtration part of the system. While Klaus begins smashing the charcoal into fine particles. Once Violet is done setting up the support structure, Klaus with the smashing, and Sunny is done cleaning the barrel, they take a small break to explain to Friday what they are doing and why they are doing it. Having been raised on the drugged cordial Friday has some immunity and admits that she finds it weird how people who have washed up onto the island often act loads different after a while of drinking the cordial. She then states that she wants to be able to openly learn things and have no more secrets from her mother. Having decided to help them she joins in on setting up the finalized filtration system.

They take the tarp use the rope to tie it in a conical manner. Using more rope they tie the cone end closed before cutting a hole in the part sticking out of the end. Trading places for each layer they begin, Klaus then fills it with 4 inches of the semi-finely crushed charcoal, then Violet pours in 2 inches of some fine gravel, Friday pours in 4 inches of sand, Violet finishes with another 2 inches of fine gravel. They then test it by pouring a bucket of water into the device. With a clean bucket beneath to catch the water, Sunny is watching a small fire going to boil said filtered water for the extra protection. Once the water pours through and is then boiled by Sunny, the children share a glass of water and enjoy the satisfaction of a job well done. Friday then goes to the other islanders who've been getting tired of coconut cordials and shares the news of drinkable water. In the meantime the Baudelaires work on filling the barrel with the finished product.

While all this was occurring the Judge had been distracting Ishmael by getting him to take her to the Arboretum. The Arboretum is located inside of the giant apple tree on the opposite side of the island from the beach. It is a large living space complete with a kitchen, reading room, bookshelves and other facilities to make life easier for those that reside on the island. After touring the place, Ishmael spends time talking with Judge Strauss learning about what was happening out on the mainland. He expressed delight at hearing that not only has the leaders of V.F.D. fire-starting side been caught, but that Olaf in particular had just been sentenced to three lifetimes of imprisonment without the possibility of parole. Ishmael began to question Judge Strauss about her plans in the coming future and whether she intended to setup new roots anywhere in particular.

That is when Judge Strauss began to talk about helping the Baudelaires and Quagmire children setup WITI and teach them to run it, while dismantling or redirecting the remnants of V.F.D. to be more open and have a positive influence on the world. Once done she plans to travel the rest of the world and see that the changes she sets up are being implemented properly, after that her retirement will be to sail the seas, the oceans, and explore the depths for as long as she is able. Seeing her passion Ishmael reveals that he was once a member of V.F.D., as well as a chemistry teacher in the City. He had washed up onto the Island after escaping the schism. It is why he wanted life on the island to be as far away from treachery as possible. He figured if everything on the island was simple and shared the same lifestyle then everyone would avoid future schisms. In fact to help him maintain control he had the islanders regularly drink fermented coconut milk, an opiate that keeps them from protesting against his customs and prevented the teaching of the new islanders from learning how to read to decrease the likelihood of them rebelling.

Hearing her successes and dreams made him realize that his actions were going to lead to another schism because he was doing the same thing V.F.D. did in keeping the knowledge to the select few, he was creating a false utopia that would shatter at the slightest moment. Ishmael turned to Judge Strauss and said, "I won't force you to tell me what you're here for because I know what it is. You're here for the people. I was tired of all the intrigue and fighting and just wanted a place to be free of that nonsense. From the sound of it you and the children are taking care of that. I don't wish to be another problem you have to solve. Please let me join you in cleaning up my mess and help with your plans." Judge Strauss was somewhat taken aback at his response, from her memories she expected Ishmael to obstruct her plans and cause all sorts of strife. "In that case Mr. Ishmael I accept your offer of assistance."

Having reached an understanding Ishmael and Judge Strauss headed back to the village to spread the change of lifestyle that was to occur. Once there Ishmael called all the islanders together for dinner and explained, "I am stepping down as elder and have decided to head back to the mainland. Judge Strauss has made me realize that our traditions need to change if we are to enjoy life. I won't force any of you to change, but I will be doing so. The safety of this island can be maintained by whomever wishes to stay. I recommend that we go." After hearing this the islanders who had been secretly drinking the water were shocked at his sudden change. The Baudelaire children while surprised at the sudden change in Ishmael's beliefs they took one look at him and saw how he looked at Judge Strauss. Violet giggled, Klaus blushed, and Sunny was perplexed asking her siblings what they thought was going on. Friday blushing as well told her, "You'll know when you're older. Till then it looks like I get to finally learn herpetology and no longer have to keep it secret from my mother that I can read. Let's celebrate with the water you guys helped us make."

It didn't take long for the entire village to decide to go back to the city since without the cordials clouding their minds, they realized that they wanted the convenience of the city over the peacefulness of the island. Kit Snicket-Denouement was actually quite distraught at how easily she abandoned her responsibilities and resolved to stay with her child from now on. The Widdershins were called in and the evacuation of the island commenced. The Arboretum was emptied of all the interesting debris and the collected books. The Baudelaires were given the commonplace book, An Incomplete History, that was written and maintained by the leaders of the island. They found passages in the book that their parents had written.

As expected, we are to be castaways once more. The others believe that the island should stay far away from the treachery of the world, and so this safe place is too dangerous for us. We will leave by a boat B has built and named after me. I am heartbroken, but I have been heartbroken before, and this might be the best for which I can hope. We cannot truly shelter our children, here or anywhere else, and so it might be best for us and the baby to immerse ourselves in the world. By the way, if it is a girl we will name her Violet, and if it is a boy we will name him Lemony. After reading that the Baudelaires spent some time with Judge Strauss experiencing their grief once more.

3 years later

The project to expand the reach of WITI began. In between those times the children grew up and began to expand their family. Violet married Quigley after they dated for 2 1/2 years, Klaus was still in a long distance relationship with Fiona, Duncan was in a relationship with a fellow reporter from the Daily Punctilio, Isadora was currently with Friday Caliban, and Sunny was entering elementary school. Violet and the Quagmires had come of age and now ran their families estates.

Many of the former islanders had joined WITI and assisted with the expansion. Most and least surprising of all was that Ishmael spent all his free time helping Judge Strauss with all her chosen tasks, following her like a lovesick puppy. The Judge was at a loss for some time at how to react to his advances, since she had decided that she wasn't interested in romance in this world.

After talking to him about her lack of interest he deflated than said, "Nevertheless I will continue to help you with your project in the hopes that I can change your mind." They then spent the next decade assembling the faculty to teach on the WITI campus getting many of the former V.F.D. members to teach various subjects. With all that time invested Judge Strauss felt that the children were now able to run WITI without her and she could now continue her self appointed task at expunging the last vestiges of V.F.D. Ishmael joined her on the trip. She did make sure that she would keep in touch with the children and visit whenever she could.

[Ding Storyline derailment complete Achievement Happily Ever After for making the storyline happy instead of tragic. +10 in Charisma and Unlocks the Luck stat, base stat starts at 10I, for unlocking stat bonus of +5 to stat. For saving the islanders +1 to all stats, gain the Chemistry I skill and Increase all Water related skills. +205 Karma.]

The next 30 years were spent tracking down, dismantling, and redirecting all the V.F.D. branches throughout the rest of the planet. All while opening new WITI campuses in each country to redirect the more positive former members of V.F.D. During this long process Ishmael grew tired of her crusade and went back to the island where there was a new crowd of people who had turned the island into a paradise resort called Very Fun Destination where he died of old age. Judge Strauss had also visited the Baudelaires and Quagmire family periodically to see how they were doing and catch up on local events.

Count Olaf had reformed when it was revealed that it had been the Man With a Beard But No Hair and the Woman with Hair but No Beard who had murdered his parents. What helped too was the frequent visits done by the Snicket siblings, mainly Kit Snicket-Denouement who had still cared for him. He cooperated in revealing the many further misdeeds of other fire-starters who hadn't been caught yet. In fact he even taught some classes in prison to law enforcement about various ways that arsonists set fire to buildings and what to look for when a crime has been committed. He also taught about the appropriate methods to arrest people so that escapes could be prevented. This allowed him a more luxurious setting in the prison.

[Ding complete eradication of V.F.D. and integration of the positive elements into new WITI organization. Achievement unlocked No Stone Unturned +2 in all stats, gain the perk Secret Smasher 5% stat increase when facing a secret organization and a 5% learning speed increase in all Spy related skills, +1020 Karma. Passive Positive actions +1650 Essences absorbed Birch, Cod, Maple, Nile Tilapia, Pollock, Red Mullet]

At this point Judge Strauss' age was 106 her stats were starting to fall due to age activating the Pupa perk giving her another 10 years of full stats use. In those 10 years of full stat use she spent them sailing the oceans, seas , lakes, and various ponds because she had already traveled all the continents in her pursuit of V.F.D. In fact she even visited some of the great wonders found under the oceans.

[Ding Sailed in all waters Achievement unlocked A Sailors Life For Me +1 to all stats and gain the Explorer's Map perk unlocks User's most basic map function of filling a virtual map of all explored locations on land and water. Passive positive gains +445 Karma]

Now at the age of 116 with her stats starting to fall once more she did one last extended visit with her adopted family to say hi and enjoy some time with them. As the system let her know her time was running out she wanted to meet the last character of the series that she had avoided so far. She took one last boat ride to attempt to meet the kaiju known as the Great Unknown. Unfortunately she passed away before she could meet it.

[User has passed on rolling for next world...]

'Guess I stalled too long on meeting it, ah well. Status'

User 01010111

Age 123 Level 43 (exp 1100/43000)

Condition: Dead (currently preparing new body for next storyline)


Strength 42H>46H

Dexterity 64H>72H

Constitution 88H>96H

Intelligence 74H>78H

Wisdom 70H>74H

Charisma 30H>44H

Luck 10H>19H


Acting F+, Basic Languages C+, Body Language E+>D, Camouflage F+>E, Camping J+, Car Mechanics G, Cartography H+>G, Cleaning F, Cold Resistance E, Cooking F, Cryptography H+, Digging F+, Disease Resistance I+, Dive D+>C, Driving F, Enhanced Hearing D+, Enhanced Smell C+, Enhanced Swimming C+>B, Enhanced Touch F+, Enhanced Vision E+, Fire Resistance I+, Fist Fighting E, Gardening I+, Gem Craft H, Heat Resistance G+, Herpetology F, Hypnotism G, Night Vision H+, Maintenance F+, Mathematics E, Marine Martial Arts G, Medicine E, Mycology I+, Parallel Thinking F+, Poison Resistance I+, Sailing I+>H, Shooting G+, Surgery G, Taming I+, Teaching H, Volleyball G+, Woodcraft H, Writing H, New Skills (Chemistry I)


Ambidextrous, Contortionist, Entomorph: (Fall Armyworm), Explorer's Map, Fashion Sense, Lachrymose Leech, Leadership, Medusoid Mycelium, Memory Palace, Plantamorph: (Birch, Elm, Evergreen, Maple), Pupa, Secret Smasher, Snow Gnat, Stoic, Uncommon Physical Growth, Zoomorph: (Anchovy, Bass, Blue Wildebeest, Camel, Carp, Chicken, Cod, Crow, Cow, Crab, Deer, Eel, Goat, Goose, Hare, Horse, Impala, Kangaroo, Llama, Lobster, Mackerel, Mole, Mouse, Mussel, Nile Tilapia, Octopus, Oyster, Pig, Pigeon, Pollock, Possom, Prawn, Rabbit, Raccoon, Rat, Red Mullet, Reindeer, Salmon, Sardine, Seagull, Sheep, Shrimp, Squid, Trout, Tuna, Turkey, Vole, Zebra), World Compass

Corpse Absorption Progress

Ant (.08932), Aphid (.01257), Bedbug (.00174), Bee (.00605), Centipede (.00115), Cockroach (.01725), Dandelion (.00127), Earwigs (.00186), Flea (.00146), Fly (.11812), Ivy (.169), Jellyfish (.00122), Lice (.00155), Mosquito (.08904), Moth (.00669), Pill Bug (.00689), Slug (.01504), Spider (.00259), Wasp (.01411), Worm (.00265)

Abilities:Tutorial Pocket. Sealed (Diagnose H+, Flight G+, Ink Squirt, Mild Poison Bite, Rally, Photosynthesis)

Achievements: A Sailors Life For Me, Family Man, For The Family!, Fungicide, Globetrotter, Happily Ever After, No Stone Unturned, Survivor

Karma: 4277 Total Positive

Alright Generating Next world. Any advice to improve writing appreciated. Will be busier for a bit, you know life so updates will probably be weekly. Thank You for reading.

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