
Karma Corpse System Omniversal

Who doesn't want power to change their destiny? Join our Main character's adventure towards greatness through death. All characters and stories used are created, produced, and owned by other people except the OC, please support the official release. This is my first try at a story so any corrections/advice is appreciated.

Goldenswiftreader · Book&Literature
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24 Chs

Chapter 17 The 100: Landings and new Beginnings.

'System why did I get two perks from reaching 100G in Constitution, also I thought any Perks that sped up the learning speed of anything would be absorbed by Memory Palace?'

[Any stats that cross out of 99H become above human stats, when a user crosses this threshold they are rewarded with a perk. The stat Constitution covers two main body points, the user's health and their Endurance in sustaining injuries or doing strenuous activities. Memory Palace covers the mind, memories, and learning Perks. The perks gained dealt with more than learning speed, until Memory Palace evolves any Perks that hold more than learning speed increases remain separate.]

'Cool now how useful is Toughness? It only states +50 damage resistance the lack of context is confusing.'

[It is a flat reduction of damage user receives in every situation. It would prevent anything that would deal less than 50 damage. Ex. cuts from cutting vegetables, any light impact, any higher damage dealt would be reduced by 50 making the fatality of the incident less.]

Before Jacapo could continue questioning the system, there was a flashing of lights showing that the signal between the dropship and the Ark had been interrupted. As he had suspected from the show it was the Mountain Men. They had noticed the coming dropship and activated their jamming system in response. Fortunately the backup signal booster device he had installed, activated as intended reconnecting the dropship and the Ark.

With the connection reestablished the Retrorockets fired too late from preventing the ship landing at it's story destination, but did react in time to lighten the impact of the landing to prevent the damaging of the communication system. Although it didn't prevent the deaths of the two teenagers that had removed their belts to enjoy floating.

Chancellor Jaha a black man with a commanding presence noticing signal issue asked, "Sinclair what happening to the dropship?" Jacapo, "There seemed to be interference with the signal. The signal boosters I had installed activated in response. Although it looks like they didn't make it to Mount Weather.We have connection for as long as the booster is active. With the current power supply available we will have about a week of clear communication with the 100."

Councilman Marcus Kane a tall man in his forties with wavy dark brown hair and eyes, tan skin, with a very authoritative presence, walked into the room and said, "The launch was noticed by enough people on board that it proved difficult to dissuade people to ignore what was happening, so I'm hoping to hear good news so we can quell any issues."

Jacapo with a grin replied once more, "We had a bit of a rough landing, but from the signal we're getting the 100 are relatively intact all you need to do is give congratulations to the survivors and have them begin the setup. Further details will have to wait till the communication array is installed since there is heavy interference currently occurring."

Abigail Griffin is a woman with brown hair and brown eyes, currently wearing jeans and a leather jacket interjects, "The landing might have been rougher than Mr. Sinclair stated since there are now two dark tiles on the board, the wristbands of everyone else shows that all their health telemetries are in the green."

Chancellor Jaha looking worried asked, "Do we know the cause for these two deaths?" Eric Jackson a thin man with an olive complexion, dark brown eyes, and black hair, who appears to be of an Indian descent replied, "Granted, they've only been on the ground for seven minutes, but as of now, we believe the fatalities are due to the landing, not radiation levels."

Chancellor Jaha decided that before they could get sidetracked further by theories and whatnot they should just talk to the kids and have them prepare for the coming days, since based of Abigail's testimony there was a 21 day wait to find out if there were fatal amounts of radiation on the surface of the Earth.

Jaha spoke to the 100, "For those who made it safely onto the surface intact, congratulations are in order this is a historic moment and deserves to be recorded for posterity. We are aware that there was an issue with the landing and hope that the tools we sent with you will help in the setting up of our foothold onto the surface. You all are pardoned of the crimes you committed on the Ark. If all goes well we will meet you on the ground at a later date."

-On the Surface-

The 100 hearing Chancellor Jaha's speech begin to unbuckle from their seats and begin to assess the damage to the interior and share their impressions of how smooth their landing was.

Bellamy Blake who has an olive complexion with thick dark brown curly hair and brown eyes, with his lean, muscular build, giving him an appearing physically strong. Dressed in an Ark guard's uniform he got out of the compartment he had been seated in and began to address the 100. "Alright people we are here to make history and hopefully survive it."

Octavia Blake has pale skin, green eyes, and long dark brown hair, a toned build and is of average height, and appears to be in her mid-teens, she bears a similar appearance to both her mother and her brother. As she sees her brother she exclaims in shock, "Bellamy?" On hearing her words he stops his speech and moves to hug her, "My God, look how big you are."

In shock she replies, "What the hell are you wearing, a guard's uniform?" Bellamy chuckles and replies, "The chancellor in his good grace decided my previous guard experience would benefit the 100 over my Janitorial skills. In all honesty though I agreed to come down here for you. After all someone has got to keep an eye on you. Ha ha!"

At that point Clarke Griffin had finished examining Finn for any injuries and confirmed that two of the 100 had already died from the rough landing. Clarke is a young woman with pale complexion, blue eyes, a round face, dimple chin, blonde hair, and stands at 5'4" has a medium to slim physique. Clarke with a grim expression turns to Bellamy and says, "I hate to interrupt, but we have a short amount of time before everyone gets restless and we need to prepare a place for us to rest, since the dropship is pretty crowded. I don't know how long our air system will keep functioning since it's only meant for short time use."

Octavia frowns in response, "Do you mind? I haven't seen my brother in a year." While Clarke blanches in shock a male delinquent in the background scoffs, "No one has a brother." A female delinquent replies, "That's Octavia Blake, the girl they found hidden in the floor."

Octavia moves furiously in the direction of the voice, when Bellamy intercepts her and murmurs, "Octavia, Octavia, no. Let's give them something else to remember you by." She turns to him and angrily says, "Yeah? Like what?" Bellamy grins and says, "Like being the first person on the ground in a hundred years."

Clarke says worriedly, "Stop. The air could be toxic." Bellamy replies with a wry grin, "If the air is toxic, we're all dead, anyway." With a flip off a lever the dropship hatch swings down letting in fresh air and bright sunlight. The 100 see a vista of trees and a blue sky with hints of clouds.

While everyone else is taking in the view, Octavia makes her way down the ramp and takes the first step upon the soil of Earth. She takes a deep breath, "Ah... We're back, bitches!" In response to her shout the rest of the 100 give a big cheer and begin to stream out of the dropship.

While the rest of the 100 are enjoying the fresh air Clarke unrolls a topographic map of the area and compares it to the landmarks she sees. As she does that Finn Collins a physically fit young white man with long brown hair that reached just above his chin walks up to Clarke and says, "Why so serious, Princess? It's not like we died in a fiery explosion." Clarke frowning at his lighthearted question replied, "Try telling that to the two guys who tried to follow you out of their seats." Wincing at her words he says, "You don't like being called Princess, do you, Princess?"

Sighing in frustration she points at a distant mountain, "Do you see that peak over there?" Finn peers in the pointed direction, "Yeah." Clarke then pulls up the map and points from it to the distant mountain, "That peak right there is Mount Weather. There's a radiation-soaked forest between us and our next meal. They dropped us on the wrong damn mountain."

-Back on the Ark-

After hearing the commotion on the dropship then the speech Bellamy was in the process of doing the people in the observation room were shocked at the soon to be historical line from the first person to set foot on the surface of Earth. With a small grin in response to hearing Octavia's words, Councilor Marcus Kane says. "Well that is definitely one way of leaving a mark on history. Chancellor Jaha it seems we are fortunate to have sent such eloquent children to pave the way for the rest of us."

Chancellor Jaha smiles in response to the small verbal jab and asks, "Abby what do the wristbands say about the health of our young castaways?" Abigail Griffin responds with a hopeful smile, "While there were 2 deaths, the rest of the children's vitals seem to be alright. The board may be showing red currently, but that seems to be from excitement rather than radiation, judging by the chatter we're hearing from the 100."

Wells Jaha a young black man with dark eyes, black hair, and an athletic build, appears on the communication screen having gotten in front of the only working camera. He waves to it and says, "Chancellor Jaha it seems we've made it to the surface relatively safely although we have lost two members of the 100. I just need to know when you plan on sending more members of the Ark?"

Chancellor Jaha, "My son while we are gladdened by the survival of the 100 it is too soon to send anyone else down. We need to wait the next 21 days to see if the radiation levels are low enough to survive. In the meantime we can provide you with guidance of proper survival techniques from your former Earth skills instructor once you have attained the needed supplies and shelter from Mount Weather."

Before Wells can answer Clarke storms back interrupting and said, "Did you know you dropped us in the wrong location? We're at least over 20 miles from Mount Weather." She unfurls the topographical map and showed it to the camera. Wells turned to face Clarke and said, "Where did you learn to do that?" Upon saying that she glared at Wells, turned to the screen and pointed once more. Wells grimaced, "Your father." he stepped back and gave her some space as they waited for the Chancellor's reply.

Chancellor Jaha who also winced at the interactions of Clarke and his son turned to Councilor Kane and asked, "Do we know of any locations that are closer to the current position that would be holding any supplies that the 100 can use sooner, since we want them to maintain contact with us so we can give them advice and see them maintain their health in the current living conditions?" Councilor Kane replied, "I can get a list of nearby aid stations from the old records, in the meantime I suggest they use the spare materials that was sent with them to use in conjunction with their Earth Skills to scavenge the local flora and fauna for the short term. I'll be right back with the list of closer locations.

Finished with his quick advice he turns around and leaves immediately to pick up the old maps. Abigail Griffin steps in, smiling timidly and said, "Clarke I'm so glad you're OK and I have so much hope that you and the others will survive this ordeal. I believe with Wells and Bellamy helping you, everything will work out."

Jacapo Sinclair hearing how things were going thought now would be a time to interject, spoke up, "Excuse me, but I would like to point out that if this interference continues the power for the current communication setup will last less then a week. I recommend that you setup the directional array for better communication, that way you can use the extra power to make hunting equipment. Based off the list of the 100 sent down, Monty Green one of my best students is the best candidate to setting it up. In the meantime it would be good to make use of Charles Pike to advice the children in the appropriate setup of temporary shelter and using the local materials for hunting until we can send more people down to assist with the setup." With a quick glance and grin he adds, "After all preparation is key, it's been almost 100 years since anyone has been on the surface right? It can't be that easy to cross that distance with 100 soon to be starving kids, so better safe than sorry."

Chancellor Jaha nods and says, "Quite right, seeing as you children are on the ground already it would behoove you to prepare for such a journey, maybe sending a small group to check the condition of Mount Weather would be the way to go, another group to start hunting and foraging locally, and another small group to scout the closer location for supplies and a place to shelter for the coming seasonal changes unless of course you're able to build an appropriate shelter in the current location you are at. After all the dropship is well built as a temporary shelter especially once you remove all the tools and equipment from within."

Before either Wells or Clarke can reply Bellamy strides in and says, "Hold it before you go making decisions for the children you sent to die. I have a couple things to say. We are on the surface now so the rules of the Ark no longer hold sway, I know this sounds like mutiny, but hear me out, the restrictive rules on the Ark were there for a reason I know that, you know that, we all know that, but the surface is different. It doesn't have the limitations that space does, so in that regard many of the punishable crimes no longer count." Clarke turns to Bellamy with a thoughtful expression and is about to reply in response to what he saying, when Wells with a more thunderous expression interrupts, "What's your point Bellamy?"

Bellamy grins and says, "I'm saying that to the other guys you two are a reminder of all the losses they've ever suffered and that the good Chancellor has personally floated at least one if not more people they loved in their lifetime and any orders or suggestions he gives will be a hard thing for them to listen to. So if you want things done the way you want in any form it will need to be through other people because their responses will be less than stellar. I just broke up two fights on the way back into the ship, so I kinda missed most of the conversation that you guys were holding. Now I'd like it if you share those plans since I am gonna have to relay them to the others because again the crowd may not take kindly to listening to the orders of the formerly privileged. No offense I know how hard it is to study for being the future leaders of the Ark, but again this isn't the Ark, it's the ground."

Chancellor Jaha replies with a grin of his own, "Well said young man, I see that Diana was right in recommending sending you down with the 100." He then spent some time appraising him of the current plan of action and all the current advise they had while Kane was out getting the old maps. Once Bellamy was appraised fully he replied with a mocking salute, "Alright then with that I say we have enough plans from the sky and believe we should update our fellows on the ground before they scatter, since as Clarke put it we're on the wrong damn mountain. When you have the updated location let us know, I'll have one person or another on rotation for the updates from you guys. In the meantime let's reintroduce you two former future Ark leaders to the rest of the 100 as the new group helpers."

With that the three left the range of the camera leaving Chancellor Jaha and Councilor Griffin some things to think about. Jacapo Sinclair thought, 'This might be the best time to implement the next stage in my plan.' He coughed, clearing his throat and said, "Chancellor Jaha, I've been thinking about what went wrong with the dropship and realized that with this unaccounted for interference that the best thing to do for the next dropship is to either add some shielding to the equipment or reprogram the responses of the retrorockets to be more automated that way the next one we send down will land where we aim it without issues. Now personally for maximum weight capacity, I'm leaning towardsreprogramming the dropship, that way we can send more people down."

The two turn to Jacapo with relieved expressions no longer having to think about all their previous darker decisions made in maintaining the Ark's order. They spent some time debating about the reworking that would have to be done to the other dropshops to land them more accurately in the face of the mysterious interference.

-On the Surface-

As the three soon to be leaders walk out of the dropship debating heatedly about how they should proceed Finn walks up and asks, "Uh! So Mount Weather. When do we leave?" Clarke with a serious expression replies, "Right now. We'll be back tomorrow with food." Wells looking perplexed at Clarke's words asks, "I thought we were sending a scouting party ahead while we setup a temporary camp here?" Bellamy replies instead, "Why not both, who says we can't be efficient with our resources? By resources I mean manpower, since our illustrious leaders of the Ark neglected to send some hunting or construction equipment since all those supplies were supposed to be at the mountain. Now since I'm pretty sure most of us are untrained for a long hike it would be in our best interest to send some of us with experience in Earth Skills to scout the mountain and retrieve some supplies, while the rest of us train the others."

Finn grins and says, "Count me in on scouting then, who else is going?" Clarke says, "I am." Before Wells can include himself, Octavia walks up and says, "Count me in too." Bellamy's expression darkens and says, "Hey, what the hell are you doing?" Octavia turns smirking, "Going for a walk." Bellamy takes a deep breath and says, "Fine, but I'm sending some assistance with you." He turns to the crowd and shouts, "Hey, Murphy I need you and one other guy to go with them to help with the scouting/supply run."

John Murphy a man with slim build, is of medium height, has brown hair that hangs just above his ears, dark blue eyes, and a prominent nose swaggers up and asks, "And why should I go on this dangerous mission Mr. Big Shot." Bellamy pulls him to the side, leans in and whispers sharply, "Because you need to show that you're more than your swagger, I've had to break up two fights you've instigated in the past few hours since we've landed. This puts you as the most likely to get turned on if things go south, if you show initiative and a helping hand you're more likely to be listened to and be part of the decision making process. Also if you help guard my sister I will be very grateful. After all someone has got to help me run things." Murphy smirks and said, "I hear you loud and clear bossman."

Turning around Murphy walks up to John Mbege who is a fairly tall teen with a lean muscular build, with light brown skin, green eyes, and black glossy hair, and asks him, "So want to come help me in this totally safe scouting trip to Mount Weather?" John Mbege grins and replies, "Sure why not?"

Bellamy seeing that his sister now has some protection, turned to his sister and says, " Please be careful, even with the newfound freedom granted to you, I'm still your brother and want you to be safe." Upon hearing that Octavia's frown turns into a beaming smile, she hugs him and says, "No promises, but I'll at least try." The group then begins the trek to Mount Weather.

As they walk away Clarke notices that Finn had been messing with his wristband, glaring furiously she says, "Hey, were you trying to take this off?" Finn shrugging replies, "Yeah. So?" Grabbing his wristband she examines it to see if it was still active, "So this wristband transmits your vital signs to The Ark. Take it off, and they'll think you're dead." Finn pulls his hand out of Clarke's grasp, "Should I care?" Clarke heads him off and glares into his face, "Well, I don't know. Do you want the people you love to think you're dead? Do you want them to follow you down here in two months? Because they won't if they think we're dying." Paling in response to her words he whispers, "Okay."

Clarke spins back around and continues the trek into the woods, with a glance over her shoulder she said, "Now let's go." Octavia having seen their confrontation turns to her brother once more gives him a hug and kisses his cheek she whispers, "You take care as well." Bellamy laughs, "Go on have that adventure already." Not bothering to reply Octavia hurries and catches up with the rest of the scouting group.

Bellamy lets out a relieved sigh and begins grouping people into various teams to share what scant Earth skill they had, to begin making a temporary camp. One group being led by Monty and his friend Jaspar to begin setting up the Communications array. The others begin spreading out to gather berries, nuts, and find a nearby water source. In the meantime Wells spends time burying the two who had died making the first structure built from the landing a grave.

-Many hours later in the woods-

Finn turns to the group and asks, "Hey, you know what I'd like to know? Why send us down today after ninety seven years? What changed?" Octavia brushes past him spins around and said, "Who cares? I'm just glad they did. I woke up rotting in a cell, and now I'm spinning in a forest." Murphy chuckling replied, "Probably to see if the Earth Skills they teach work or not." Clarke with a stern expression answered, "The Ark is dying. At the current population level, there's roughly six months left of life support, maybe seven now that we're gone."

Finn's face paling said, "So that was the secret they locked you up to keep, why they kept you in solitary, floated your old man?" Clarke's sadly replied, "My father was the engineer who discovered the flaw. He thought the people had a right to know. The Council disagreed. My mother disagreed. They were afraid it would cause a panic. We were gonna go public, anyway, when Wells…"

Murphy interrupts in surprise, "What, turned in your dad? Now that is messed up, I thought you privileged guys had it easy, but ouch." Clarke frowning now, "Anyway, the guard showed up before we could. That's why today. That's why it was worth the risk. Even if we all die, at least they bought themselves more time." Murphy with dawning realization, "They're gonna kill more people, aren't they?" Octavia having grown tired of spinning says, "Good. After what they did to me, I say, float them all." Mbege shocked at the revelations replies, "You don't mean that."

Finn no longer smiling, "We have to warn them." Clarke turns to him smiling wanly, "That's what my father said." They had been walking for a long time in the woods when they came across the beautiful looking river flowing across their chosen path. The spot they had come across had a small ledge over the water, Mbege with a happy sigh, "Oh, damn, I love Earth." Murphy stops, staring, "Oh! Holy…" Finn peering over the edge of the small ledge, was laughing at the view. Clarke grinning turned and saw that Octavia was stripping down into her undergarments revealing her lithe form, "Octavia, what the hell are you doing?"

Having finished stripping Octavia runs and leaps off the ledge and sails into the air and with a surprisingly light splash lands in the water. Murphy while enjoying the view says, "Octavia! We can't swim." Octavia, "I know, but we can stand. Ha ha ha!" As she begins to stand Clarke frowning and double-checking the map and says, "Wait. There's not supposed to be a river here." Finn while attempting to remove his clothing, "Well, there is. So take off your damn clothes."

Murphy while in the process of removing his clothes noticed the shadow of something swimming in the water shouted, "Octavia, get out of the water! Get out of the water now!" Octavia turns to look at him when the shadow clamped onto her leg, she gave out a scream in pain. Mbege grabs his makeshift knife and leaps into the water causing the shadow snake to let go of Octavia and turn towards him. He begins to stab at it's face, the shadow splashes out of the water showing that it's a massive mutated water snake whose coloring is black with dark green spots. Murphy takes a deep breath and pulling out his makeshift dagger as well jumps in as well landing on the Python's back and stabs it in the left eye.

As the python thrashes attempting to throw off Murphy Finn helps Octavia out of the water with the assistance of Clarke. Mbege slashes the underside of the snake causing it's innards to spill into the river. Murphy finishes it off with a slash across it's neck, with a final spasm the snake throws Murphy off throwing him across the water. He lands close to the other side, he then gets up and heads back into the water to help Mbege grab the carcass to the shore.

Clarke looks at Octavia's leg bandages it up with some of her own shirt, "You're gonna be okay, just try not to do that again." Octavia looking gratefully at the rest of them wanly smiles, "Thank you, I'll be way more careful next time." Murphy and Mbege having finished hauling the snake carcass up, Murphy replies, "Damn right you're gonna be safer next time. We are gonna head back with this haul we made before we continue this journey. I bet we can feed at least 30 people with this thing, unless it's poisonous?"

Clarke examines the carcass, "As long as we remove the guts to prevent contamination, we should be fine with consuming this snake." Wincing in some pain Octavia asks, "What about finishing the mission, based on what you've been saying we're pretty close to our destination. I know we have this sudden windfall of food, but we're so close." Murphy looking at the carcass said, "We can always come back to check the location, this thing won't last before going bad. It was a lot of effort for me and Mbege to drag this thing out of the water, I really don't want our efforts to be wasted."

Finn laughs at that and replies, "You know we need to rest a bit anyway before we head in either direction, let's cook some of your fine catch now to slake our hunger and we can make a firmer plan tomorrow morning after we see if Octavia is in a better condition. With that the burden of carrying this fine catch should be easier right? Especially when we remove all the inedible parts."

Everyone agreed and moved further away from the river in case there was a second water snake. They setup a temporary campfire and proceeded to dismember the snake carcass, removing the head, crudely skinning it, and finally removing the guts. They lucked out when removing the guts and didn't cause the meat to be contaminated. After cooking some it turned out to be pretty tasty in fact with the hunger they had been experiencing, it was the tastiest thing they had eaten in what felt like forever.

After they finished eating they took stock of the remainder of it and discovered that Murphy's estimation was off and it could only feed ten people for one meal not enough to head back. They used the skin to wrap up the remaining meat and decided that they would press on in the morning.

-Later that night in the woods-

The night life was noisy and the scouting party had a hard time getting comfortable, but they had managed and most of them were sleeping. Clarke had been brooding staring into the small fire that was still crackling. Finn walked up to her and said, "Pretty cool, huh?" Clarke briefly startled replied, "Did you go to the river?" Finn handing her the container of water, "Figured it was worth losing a finger or two. Here." As she hesitates to drinking the water, Finn, "You call that a sip? You think this means we're all gonna grow two heads?" Clarke chuckles at his comment and proceeds to drink.

Finn tilts his head, staring into her smiling face murmurs, "What do you know? She can laugh. Come on. You have to see this." He grabs her hand and pulls her to a spot that is filled with glowing moss and fluttering moths, he then points to the floor, "That's a toe. Plus, near as I can tell, whatever it is, it's walking on two feet. My guess… Monkeys."

Clarke barely even glances at the footprint "Pbbt! Ha! I'm sorry. It's just, according to everything I've read, there were no bipedal animals anywhere near here, certainly not monkeys." In response Finn sarcastically replies, "Right. You read anything about glow-in-the-dark forests or man-eating snakes?" Clarke convinced at his response leans closer to the footprint. It is shaped like a monkey's footprint, but it doesn't look that recent, so she turns to him and says, "Whatever they were their long gone. Let's catch a little bit of sleep because tomorrow we're gonna explore Mount Weather."

-On the Ark-

The council had finished their meeting and had agreed that the next ship sent would be led by Diana Sydney assisted by Commander Shumway. She would choose the people that would come with her and this time they would land right where they aimed the dropship, next to Mount Weather. Jacapo had notified them with the appropriate setup he could send 130 people on each subsequent dropship with some supplies each, if they forego the supplies he could squeeze in another 10 to 15 people instead. The decision was of course the Chancellor's to make.

Chancellor Jaha having reviewed the data turned to the rest of the Council and said, "When we send Diana down it will be with tools and some supplies, the rest of the dropships afterwards can be reconfigured for maximum capacity. I know this will decrease the amount of people going down, but with every group we send down, more time will be gained for the rest of us on the Ark. Until then dismissed."

Jacapo sighed in relief, that his plans seemed to be working, he went to meet with Diana to update her on the progress, while the rest of the Council began going about with running the Ark. While heading to the meeting he stopped frequently going about his business in maintaining the Ark and even had a brief rendezvous with his amazing wife, if things went well he might be able to make another family in this dimension. Although on that note he has to be wary of the ease of death in this universe.

When he finally met with Diana she was almost visibly upset at the fact that he had made her wait for any length of time. She arched her eyebrow at him and said, "It seems someone has all the time in the world, tell me Sinclair do you have good news for me? I'm hoping my investment pays off, otherwise I'll need to think of other plans." Jacapo schooled his features and replied, "I have duties I must fulfill, wouldn't want to trip right at the finish line right Diana. I came to congradulate the soon to be first Chancellor on the ground, Jaha and the Council were unanimous in their decision of sending you and whomever you pick to be on the next trip to Earth. In fact everything went so well for you, Diana that you'll be the only ship going down with a full complement of supplies every dropship after will be filled to maximum capacity with passengers. Excluding yourself and Commander Shumway you get to handpick 128 other people to assist you in setting up at Mount Weather."

Jacapo paused then appeared to think a bit, then grinned, "In fact you'll be sent to Mount Weather directly, while the 100 we sent before landed further away. I'm sure you understand what being closer to the supplies means right?" Diana smiled in response and said, "Bravo you have pulled through quite nicely I might add. I believe this partnership could extend onto the ground as well, how about you and your wife come down with me?" Jacapo chuckled, "You know I can't go down with you, how would I guarantee that everyone else lands safely as well? I appreciate the offer though and will endeavor to make your landing as safe as possible. Is there anything else you need Chancellor Sydney, before I resume my duties?" Grinning further Diana reached out and shook Jacapo's hands and said, "Not at the moment, but if anything turns up, I'll let you know. Carry on Sinclair and remember until we meet once more upon the ground."

-The next day, Back on Earth, in the woods-

Finn had setup a makeshift rope swing on an overhanging branch for them to swing across, since the scouts had decided that it would be dangerous to cross the water. What if there was another snake? They had been incredibly lucky in killing that first one, so it was better to avoid the water except for brief forays for water. Finn was holding the rope glancing at the water, Clarke was sighing, "You wanted to go first. Now quit stalling." Octavia laughing, "Mount Weather awaits."

Finn took one more breath and prepared to jump, when Murphy grabbed the rope, "You know what I think I should go first since Finn here needs a breather, had to have been tough climbing that tree and setting up this trusty vine right. I need to contribute to this mission as well, besides I need my morning exercise, thank you very much." Finn grinned at Murphy's terrible attempt to show bravado, "By all means remember to hang on until you reach the apogee." Murphy smirked, "Thanks." He took the vine got a good grip and took a running jump, while holding the vine. He let go just in time arched across the whole time laughing as the rest of the group cheered.

Upon landing on the other side Murphy saw a sign on the ground, picked it up and turned to the rest of them, he held up the sign, printed on it was the words Mount Weather. As the rest cheered him on and Finn proceeded to grab the vine and tell Clarke, "Let's go, Princess. You're up." A spear flew through the air and pierced Murphy's chest sending him flying. Clarke who had grabbed the vine, let it go in shock, shouting, "Murphy! No. Come on." She then attempted to crab the vine she had just let go of, when Finn grabbed her arm pulled her back into the treeline shouting, "Get down. Get down."

Octavia grabbed Mbege's hand as well dragging him with her whispering, "Come on." They proceeded to run further into the woods away from, what felt like a rain of spears, but was really more like three that had been thrown in a way to encourage them to run further away. Once they got far enough away to feel safer, breathing heavily Clarke declared, "We're not alone."

-On the Ark-

[Ding Murphy was speared instead of Jaspar leading to both of their storyline's being changed in a more positive direction. Partial reward granted until storyline continues. +2 to Luck, +10 Karma. Convinced Diana Sydney that everything is under control preventing the Unity day rebellion, which prevents the damaging of the Ark and saves lives of 1512+ people, also with users current setup the Mountain Men's jamming will now not affect the dropships landing sequence so each one will now land wherever user aims safely. +3 in all stats +151 Karma.}

[For using science and guile to solve many situations rather than brute force gain the knowledge and skills of Kevin Senecal from Exiles to Glory and Taichi Hiraga-Keaton from Master Keaton gain Skills; Archeology I, Basic Blades I, Basic Engineering I, CQC I, Investigation I, Mining I, Stealth I, Tracking I, increase skills Basic Language, Camping, Maintenance, Mathematics, Shooting, and Writing. CQC I is a higher tier fighting technique melding many fighting styles all current known skills meld into it, Fist Fighting and Marine Martial Arts raise CQC I>D skills. Mining I is higher tier than digging absorb Digging F+ level up Mining I>F+. Stealth I is also a higher tier than Camoflage D; Stealth I>D]

[Processing learned enough science skills to combine all separate skills into the new skill Basic Science I; Aerospace Engineering G, Archeology I, Basic Engineering I, Botany H, Chemistry H, Cryptography G+, Environmental Engineering H, Gardening H+, Herpetology E, Hypnotism E, Mycology H+, Hydropedology H, Pathology H, and Research H. Basic Science I>F]

'That's convenient. Status.'

User 01010111

Age 46 Level 46 (exp 41100/46000)

Condition: Normal


Strength 52H>55H

Dexterity 78H>81H

Constitution 101G>104G

Intelligence 86H>92H

Wisdom 82H>88H

Charisma 53H>57H

Luck 25H>28H


Acting E+, Astronaut H, Basic Languages B+>A, Body Language C+, Camping H+, Car Mechanics F, Cleaning E, Cold Resistance D, Cooking E, Disease Resistance H+, Dive B, Driving E, Enhanced Hearing C+, Enhanced Smell B+, Enhanced Swimming A, Enhanced Touch E+, Enhanced Vision D+, Fire Resistance H+, Heat Resistance F+, Night Vision G+, Maintenance E+>D, Mathematics D+, Medicine C+, Parallel Thinking E+, Poison Resistance H+, Rad Resistance H, Sailing G, Shooting F+>E, Surgery F+, Taming H+, Teaching G, Volleyball F+, Woodcraft G, Writing G+, New Skills (Basic Blades I, CQC I>D Investigation I, Mining I>F+, Stealth I>D, Tracking I)


Ambidextrous, Chief Engineer, Contortionist, Entomorph: (Fall Armyworm), Explorer's Map, Fashion Sense, Lachrymose Leech, Leadership, Medusoid Mycelium, Memory Palace, Mentor, Plantamorph: (Birch, Elm, Evergreen, Maple), Pupa, Secret Smasher, Snow Gnat, Stoic, Toughness, Uncommon Physical Growth, Zoomorph: (Anchovy, Bass, Blue Wildebeest, Camel, Carp, Chicken, Cod, Crow, Cow, Crab, Deer, Eel, Goat, Goose, Hare, Horse, Impala, Kangaroo, Llama, Lobster, Mackerel, Mole, Mouse, Mussel, Nile Tilapia, Octopus, Oyster, Pig, Pigeon, Pollock, Possom, Prawn, Rabbit, Raccoon, Rat, Red Mullet, Reindeer, Salmon, Sardine, Seagull, Sheep, Shrimp, Squid, Trout, Tuna, Turkey, Vole, Zebra), World Compass

Sealed(Nightblood, Flame Implant)

Corpse Absorption Progress

Ant (.08932), Aphid (.01257), Bedbug (.00174), Bee (.00605), Centipede (.00115), Cockroach (.01725), Dandelion (.00127), Earwigs (.00186), Flea (.00146), Fly (.11812), Ivy (.169), Jellyfish (.00122), Lice (.00155), Mosquito (.08904), Moth (.00669), Pill Bug (.00689), Slug (.01504), Spider (.00259), Wasp (.01411), Worm (.00265)

Abilities:Tutorial Pocket(100 Karma Coupon)

Limited(Diagnose F)

Sealed (Flight G+, Ink Squirt, Mild Poison Bite, Rally, Photosynthesis)

Achievements: A Sailors Life For Me, Family Man, For The Family!, Fungicide, Globetrotter, Happily Ever After, No Stone Unturned, Survivor

Karma: 446 Total Positive

Wrangling a good story into a new direction when one is busy is hard, especially when you're trying to improve your writing style, Any advice is appreciated. If you can see where to improve the story let me know.

Goldenswiftreadercreators' thoughts