
Journey Through 2 Universes

The Mc is an Anti-Hero that is Positive

NuskuRed · Filmes
Classificações insuficientes
2 Chs

Starting A New Life

"For freaking Christ, can't anything go right!", Our Main Character said. Currently he is sitting on a chair programming something, Until...


His computer exploded on him, you might be wondering why it exploded and let me tell you. It exploded because a wonderful thing called DIVINE INTERVENTION, so basically someone of the Divine Class wanted him dead and well they succeeded. Anyway let's skip the whole wishing parts and go to the story. The story of how this lucky bastard collided two universes. Welcome to Journey Through 2 Universes.


Right now we see our main character on a bed, he has silver-ish white hair and his body looks to be a mix of a Martial Artist and a Swimmer (I mean if you hate both, why not mix em). Suddenly his eyes opens and he remembers what just happened to him.

Evan: 'Holy that just happened luckily, I made it so I was reincarnated in the MCU and not the Actual Marvel universe. I don't need a Thanos-Copter heading towards me, But the god that reincarnated me did say that he will combine the X-Men movies and add the other Movies that were related to Marvel in general, so I need to watch out still.'

That's right our main characters name is Evan, no surprise from the author, but Evan did mention that this universe is combined with many things. Do not worry though as to not confuse people, the god used the latest versions of the Marvel Universe heroes/villains. So the Venom that will show up in the FanFic will be the Venom from the movie Venom and so forth, also this is an AU so anything can happen.

Evan:'Okay luckily this body is used to the abilities I have already, and for the first order of business to find out where I am'

But that was not needed as the moment he said that, he got a mild headache gaining the memories of the body and the location of where he is.

Evan:'Okay scratch that, New Mission continue with life like nothing has happen. Right now I am at my apartment, and surprise surprise I live alone. Kinda sad to be honest, but I can endure it.'

Right now Evan is planning his future and what he should do. Evan goes to school a called Mid-Town High. It may sound familiar because it is the school where our Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man goes to. Evan was already good friends with Peter as they were both pretty nerdy. I mean who doesn't know that the mitochondria is the power house of the cells.

Anyway Evan at this moment is getting ready to go to his school. The latest memory he got was seeing Peter faint at Oscorp's Laboratory. This means that Peter was becoming Spider-Man and this also means that Ben was about to die. Evan was thinking if he should save Ben or not.

Evan:'I mean the moment of his uncle's death shapes who he becomes, I think I shouldn't interfere with this.'


What do you guys think I should do? also I am back woohoo I think I mean I am not a very good writer with little to no motivation at the moment so I hoped you enjoy this chapter and See Ya!