
Journey Through 2 Universes

The Mc is an Anti-Hero that is Positive

NuskuRed · Movies
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2 Chs


Supernatural Condition:

Users possess supernatural capabilities, attributes and aspects that are drastically beyond what is naturally possible. With their condition alone, they can dwarf most beings in their respective universe, being virtually supreme in their existential aspects and attributes. With their superhuman physique, they can move buildings, run at the speed of light, survive nuclear explosions unscathed, and remain active for days to weeks untired. With their mind, they can amass knowledge and information about everything, allowing them to invent and create things beyond the grasps of regular humans. They can master languages and subjects in mere days or even hours too.

Beyond their physical and mental condition also lies other aspects like their bodies or soul, like possessing senses able to perceive things the ordinary human is completely ignorant to, harbor esoteric bodily aspects like cells capable of inducing supernatural effects or even having an extremely robust and strong soul and spirit able to withstand conceptual attacks.

Supernatural Immunity:

The user is immune to anything that is supernatural, including magic, soul-based powers, the divine and the demonic, curses, blessings, supernatural forms of healing etc.

Supernatural Inventing:

User possesses supernatural proficiency for inventing all sorts different kinds of machines and other technological devices with excellent speed and skill.

Supernatural Artisan:

User can craft items/objects that may be functional or strictly decorative out of any/all materials or substances including non-physical and abstract materials, such as fire, clouds, water, bubbles, smoke, air molecules, moonlight, lava, sound, music, and even emotions like joy, sadness, and hope.

They can make things like furniture, sculpture, clothing, jewelery, household items and tools or even machines such as the handmade devices of a watchmaker, up to and including architecture and do so with beyond flawless results, crafting items and objects that are one-of-kind and so perfect that few if any words can describe them. Some users may be able to go even further then that, allowing them to craft objects that become an essential part of the world itself.

Supernatural Eye:

The user possesses an eye(s) with supernatural powers and properties.

Controllable Meta Luck:

User is blessed with levels of luck so great that it bends the very structures of reality, constantly rearranging them to their advantage, whether they want it or not. Their luck affects them to the point where probability means nothing, as in they can defy logic itself (e.g., they are immune to and unaffected by the laws of causality, live life without consequences, can forge their own destinies, easily triumph against impossible odds, etc.), they're fated for boundless wealth and prosperity, find amazing success in all aspects of life, allowing them to overcome all impossible odds and defeat unbeatable foes.

Their luck may be so powerful that no force within their universe or reality can take it from them, not even death, allowing their luck to be carried on into the afterlife or into their next life if or when they pass on. Luck Erasure will only reduce its effectiveness temporarily, rather than permanently removing it entirely.

Controlled Omni-Communication:

The user can communicate with anything and everything, including people, plants, animals, insects, microbes, the dead, non-living/inorganic matter, inanimate objects, machines, nature, abstract/conceptual forces, etc.

They can correctly perceive and understand the speech, emotions and reactions of anything and everything they communicate with.

Object Manipulation:

User can create, shape and manipulate any sort of inanimate objects, products/finished goods, ie. physical objects that have been manufactured from either natural or artificial materials, including anything from nano-technology, to tools, weapons, vehicles and up to architecture.

Limitless Superior Entity Slayer:

The user can kill a superior entity of any kind, being able to take on even the strongest of superior entities there may be, and gain resistances to their powers and traits. No matter what kind of superior entity the user fights, the user can handle slaying them.

The superior entity could come in any form, such as superior humans, aliens, demons, animals, angels, dragons, etc. They can also slay anyone below them as well.