
Invent different myths to survive in Marvel

John stepped into the nightmarish world of Marvel, where human lives were worthless and chaos and devastation reigned everywhere. Fortunately, in his hands was the grim key to salvation - a nightmare generation system capable of unleashing any darkness from the bottomless depths of the subconscious. John decided to summon a long-forgotten horror - to awaken all the monsters that once struck fear into humanity. One by one came Jason, Freddy, Sadako, Gamako, Fond, Cthulhu and creatures from the Back Room. Their illusory nightmares made the entire Marvel world freeze in spine-chilling horror. Now John could draw strength from these monsters and withstand the unequal battle against absolute evil. Their nightmares became his only grim hope for salvation in this terrible world.

RanobeMen · Fantasia
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10 Chs

The first witness

Jason stood up. 

He had survived the attack by Carl and William.

And now he was going to fight back!

Getting up and taking the machete in hand, Jason approached the frightened Carl.

William was an experienced policeman, despite being ostracized at the police station. 

With unusually rich experience, William took out his gun, and he didn't care who was in front of him.

Pulling the trigger, he instantly emptied the magazine.

Nine bullets were fired in succession, all hitting the target.

Jason staggered back a few steps, black sticky blood oozing from the bullet holes in his body. 

The foul smell intensified, and it seemed as if maggots were crawling in the bullet holes.

"Get down!" William gritted his teeth, his heart tight with fear.

He had seen people whose skin was reinforced and could withstand shots from various types of weapons.

He had also seen mutants who could heal quickly.

But this bizarre situation was beyond his understanding.

"A corpse, it's a moving corpse." William opened the car door and rolled out.

Carl, staggering, unbuckled his seatbelt and shuddered as he opened the car door.

He was too slow.

When he pushed the door, Jason reached out and grabbed him.

"No!" Carl screamed in agony as Jason jerked the car door.

Reaching forward to grab Carl by the collar, Carl felt his legs go weak and lose strength.

Jason lifted Carl up, and no matter how much Carl flailed at him, Jason remained motionless as if made of steel.

"Use your gun, use your gun!" William shouted. 

William's gun was out of ammo, and the spare magazine was in the trunk.

It was too late to get it now.

Facing the fear of death, Carl finally mustered up the courage.

Trembling all over, he took the gun from his belt.

One shot hit Jason in the face.

Jason instantly turned his face away.

The baseball mask was pierced by the bullet, and countless cracks appeared on it.

A pungent liquid splashed onto Carl's body.

"Run, run!" William grabbed the weakened Carl who could barely struggle. 

He used all his might to run.

Jason did not pursue the two men, he went to a sporting goods store and, taking a machete, smashed the window.

He selected a suitable baseball mask and put it on his face.

William didn't know how far he had run, but finally saw his colleague. 

He sighed with relief and waved his hand for him to stop: "Stop, hurry up.... I saw that monster!" 

John was very pleased with William and Carl's work.

"The first time I decided to kill all the gangsters, there was no one to help spread the terror."

"And not so many people who could believe the words of the gangsters. Now that two policemen are helping me spread terror, the trust and attention that can be brought to this is incomparable to those gangsters."

If John hadn't unleashed Jason. 

How would William and Carl, who had less firepower than the gangsters, have survived?

How could Jason have given up the chase so easily?

There will be many witnesses today.

Tomorrow the terrible names of Jason and Myers will start to spread.

William stopped his colleagues and told them about the horrific scene that had just happened.

Because of the bloody massacre, no one took his words as a joke.

"Suspect found, requesting backup!"

Many police cars appeared in the Hell's Kitchen area, rushing to where William and Carl had crashed.

The chief sighed deeply: "This case is beyond our capabilities, I'll report it to my superiors." 

"You guys block off Hell's Kitchen and don't let anyone go out on the street!"


William and Carl still couldn't recover from the encounter with Jason. 

"Why did he let us go?" William didn't participate in what was happening, smoking a cigarette.

Under the effect of nicotine, William felt like he was regaining his sanity again.

"Let us go?" Carl asked curiously.

"He killed over forty gang members, and those guys had weapons." 

"We were stuck in the car with just two guns."

"He had countless opportunities to kill us but he let us slip away."

"He could have killed you twice as fast as you took out that gun."

Carl was distracted from his thoughts and grimaced, "Is it because we saw his true nature?"

"It doesn't matter." William took a drag of his cigarette, "The main thing is we survived."

The police were destined to find nothing tonight.

Because John had already recalled Myers and Jason.

Until dawn, the police never found the monster described by William and Carl. 

But last night a few more policemen appeared who also claimed to have seen the monster.

But several people contradicted themselves.

"I saw him in overalls, with a kitchen knife and a Halloween mask."

"No, he had a baseball mask and waved a machete." 

"No, he had a kitchen knife."

"It's a machete!"

The several policemen who claimed to have seen the monster last night argued with each other.

"What I saw was a homicidal maniac." 

"That's what I saw!"

William stood to the side and said nothing. 

"Shut up." Finally the police inspector spoke, and the originally noisy police station finally fell silent. 

The crowd looked at each other in bewilderment.

The police inspector looked at William and said, "You guys saw this monster first yesterday." 

"Tell us about him."

William replied, "It was a man with a machete, very tall and lanky."

"Then the man with the kitchen knife is just someone's fantasy." The police inspector nodded.

Carl scratched his head and said with some apprehension, "Could it be that this monster wasn't alone?"

"How can that be," the inspector grunted, "how can there be two such monsters! Don't make me laugh."

"Yes." Carl was stunned and more and more afraid. 

But deep down it was even stranger to him: he had clearly seen two different monsters, so why should the police inspector say he hadn't seen them?

The police inspector concluded: "There is only one homicidal maniac, I will say so at the press conference, and you don't talk nonsense."

Taking his hat, the inspector left the room and headed for the press conference.

Only after the police inspector left did William say to his protégé: "The inspector only hears what he wants to hear, he's unlikely to accept information about something like two homicidal maniacs and two monsters in Hell's Kitchen." 

"As soon as this information spreads, it will cause great turmoil in Hell's Kitchen." 

"The pressure will increase exponentially, do you understand?"

Carl nodded as if he understood. 

William also fell silent and got up.

"What are you going to do?"

"I'll go to forensics to see what that black substance left by that monster is."