
Introducing Minecraft in The World in Ruin!

* Just a reminder, I'm just a translator, I'm just making this readable and not something that's an abomination of words. * * I'm also a newbie, so appreciated if you point out some words that I might've missed! * ______________________________________ Being isekai'd in another world with the ability of Minecraft , Senju was wandering helplessly in this ruined world full of steel. He thought he was the only one here. It wasn't until he met his companions that he found the goal of survival. He traveled with them and was with them. Going forward together, even if in the face of seemingly insurmountable challenges, he will find a way to break through the desperate situation and lead to survival. After breaking through the desperate situation, Senju discovered that the world really had many pitfalls. In order to live a leisurely life, Senju began to look for an ideal home. Volume 1: Girls Last Tour: The Human World - 70 Chapters Volume 2: Girls Last Tour: The Uninhabitable Deep Zone - Chapters idk Anime: Girls Last Tour Note: I do not own this fanfiction, I just wanted to translate this/make it readable to people who don't know the Dao of MTL. Before I write the link, I should warn you that in later chapters in the raw, their names would be...messy, that's why I'm translating this. ______________________________________ How many stones per extra chapter? Wel idk, unlike before, update schedule is (right now)random. Disregard any of the previous chapters "goals" as it is expired Here's the link for the raw: https://trxs.cc/tongren/8398/1.html

Bruh20 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
76 Chs

Chapter 66: Preparations before leaving...

"Well, this is a great idea. It'll make things much more convenient in the future." After scanning the area, Chito decided to modify the container that day. "Yuu, let's get to work."

"Renovation! Renovation!" Yuuri cheered, "bed and food shelf."

With the two in agreement, Senju felt relieved. "I'll leave it to you; I still need to ask Ishii for something."

Senju swiftly left before the two could react. Yuuri's voice came from behind, "Senju is really too cunning."

Aside from the container modifications, Senju arrived at Ishii's hut. He noticed she had woken up, sitting there holding her cell phone, seemingly pondering if she was in a dream.

"Are you awake, Ishii?" Senju greeted her, and she, still a bit dazed, gradually became more alert.

"Well, good morning, are you leaving today?" She sat on the bed and hugged the quilt in a daze, looking very lonely.

"No, we probably won't leave until tomorrow. Didn't we say yesterday that we would go to the food production facility to collect some food today? Chito and Yuuri are also renovating the cabin."

"Is that so? I'll accompany you there in a while. We'll take a plane there." Ishii held her eyes and her expression improved.

"Well, I'll go over and collect some taro in a while, but for now let's have breakfast. I happened to find a new ingredient."

"Really? That's great." After Ishii was silent for a while, she got off the bed and her expression became calm.

Senju then went out to prepare breakfast, but before that he went to the nether and collected a lot of magma to make obsidian.

He also collected some mushrooms to make soup.

Although it took a long time inside the nether, it only took a moment in the overworld.

When Senju came back, he saw Chito and Yuuri still discussing how to place the bed and other things, and it seemed that they had not made any plans yet.

Beside him, Senju prepared mushroom soup.

After combining water, mushrooms, and salt, he placed the pot on the electric stove and began cooking.

Although regular mushrooms aren't typically eaten this way, the ones Senju had were delicious in soup, likely enhanced by the

"Interface", making it a more convenient option.

After putting the mushroom soup aside to cook, Senju stood next to the container and watched how the two made arrangements.

The way they placed the furniture seemed to have been agreed upon.

"Place these two beds here, set up the shelves as bookshelves and food shelves, and position tables and chairs here," Chito calculated the interior space.

Yet, Yuuri enthusiastically proposed her idea, "Chii-chan, let's add a bath so we can take baths."

"Listen, there isn't much space. While a small bathtub is possible, there's no hot water available outside," Chito explained.

Though she desired frequent hot baths, arranging hot water outdoors consistently posed a challenge.

"I can prepare hot water. I have some magma blocks that can keep the fire burning, but they're about the size of a chair. So, I need a spot to place them and a large enough pot for boiling water," Senju suggested.

(T/L: 'hell blocks' changed to 'magma blocks.)

"Well, is there a way? Let's set up a water boiling rack here, place an iron basin on top for boiling water, and position a small bathtub here for bathing," Chito suggested after some thought, marking the designated spots on one side.

"That works, but we still need to ensure it stays warm," Senju expressed concern. Despite the ability to contain the flame, additional measures were necessary for warmth.

"Well, this is also a problem. Let's install some insulation materials inside. There just are some in the warehouse." Chito suggested, taking out her diary to jot down the plan.

Senju observed as she drew a simple planning diagram above the notes.

"Alright, let's tackle the remaining issues during the installation. It's breakfast time now, and I've prepared a new dish that's really delicious," Senju announced after confirming the mushroom soup was ready. Everyone gathered for breakfast.

Yuuri hesitated a bit when she saw the contents in the pot but decided to give it a try. Taking a spoonful, her expression quickly changed, "Yummy! What is this?"

"These are the mushrooms you have eaten, but they are delicious if they are made into soup. Chii-chan, go and ask Ishii to eat with you."

"Okay," Chito said and went to the nearby hut to ask Ishii to eat.

Senju also divided the mushroom soup into several bowls and put it on the table. After a while, Chito came over with Ishii.

After everyone sat down, Senju gave everyone a piece of bread.

After all, other dry food and mushroom soup were not compatible, so the four of them ate bread and drank mushroom soup.

Yuuri still liked the noisy and lively atmosphere when eating. It makes people forget the fact that they are about to separate.

Although the food is delicious, one breakfast is not too much. After everyone finished eating, they started today's work.

Chito and Yuuri pulled the welding equipment from the place where the aircraft was originally manufactured, and then went to look for suitable parts and items nearby, preparing to weld the appropriate things on it.

Seeing their busy figures, Senju also decided to harvest a wave of taro now.

After all, he didn't know if there would be food in the future, so he should collect more now.

"Ishii, let's go and collect some taro now," Senju suggested, glancing at the portal nearby.

"Alright, let's head over. When we return, we can see how Chito and Yuuri are doing with the modifications," Ishii agreed.

The two left the base. In the farmland outside, the wheat was not yet mature. Senju and Ishii took a helicopter to the food production facility.

After passing through the long pipe, the two came to the place where the taro grows.

The two harvested all the taro inside with scissors. Senju put all the taro into an empty container and packed it.

A thousand taros would be more than enough to sustain three people for a considerable amount of time.

After harvesting, Senju sprinkled bone meal on it again, and the taro began to grow slowly.

Senju, unconcerned about the taro surplus, headed to an open field for an experiment. Meanwhile, Ishii requested some pull rods, she ran to the area where they made snacks the previous day, uncertain about what to do next.

Senju utilized the properties of lava turning into obsidian when placed in water to construct a Nether portal.

His aim was to verify if he could locate the portal back to the base and check if the corresponding portal in the Nether would transport him to the door on the other side of the base.


Hmm... I noticed that I will become more busy the following weeks, though by the time I upload all the remaining chapters for Vol.1.

The new upload schedule should be enough for you guys, and not overwork me...


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