
Into The World of Dragons

One day, a seventeen year old boy sat up from his couch after finishing watching the movie 'How to train your dragon: the hidden world' when suddenly an extreme acute pain assaults him in his chest. The pain was unbearable to say the least, so much so that he couldn't call for his mother who is in the kitchen cooking. Soon the pain starts to radiate towards his upper left shoulder towards his jaw. Then his vision starts to fade and collapse. As his vision starts to darken, he sees the frantic running of his mother towards his whilst screaming. Then nothing... until... ------------------------------------------------------------------- Disclaimer: -Cover pic isn't mine and if its yours tell me and I'll bring it down -I don't own the characters that will be mentioned in this fanfic as well as any monsters that are shown in this fic that are from their respective franchise except any OC's that I make.

Pogiako_Jazz · Filmes
Classificações insuficientes
4 Chs

Chapter 1.

???-''Hey son, do you mind taking out the trash whilst I finish up dinner please?''

???-''Sure thing ma, just let me finish this movie, it's almost finish, maybe 5mins top''

???-''No worries dear''

I look over to my mother who is in her forties with brunette hair, a brown eyes, some wrinkles on her face here and there and that motherly smile that always warms my heart. My mother and I are the only family that we have, my dad died pretty early on in my life and I don't have any recollection of him and my mother never remarried and I'm already 17. My dads family side cut all ties with us for some reason and we never got any explanation from them. Then there was my mother's side who have all but died out. Sounds messed up now that I worded that way.

Anyways, it's just been my mother and I supporting each other, and although we're not rich and live in a humble home, as long as we got each other, we were able to go through everything. It went to the point where I saw my mother as my best friend that I can talk to her about anything.

5 minutes later~

???-''Yawn~ man that was a great movie. I just love dragons, and there are not that many movies out there that centers mainly on dragons and people taming them. Man what a dream that would be to have my own dragon partner to ride on and go on adventures together, anyways time to get the trash''

As I stood up, I froze, cold sweat starts to soak my back, my breathing becomes arduous, then pain quickly builds up from my chest. Soon the pain was unbearable, the pain doesn't stay on my chest either, it starts to radiate towards my left shoulder and spread to my upper back, even my jaw starts to hurt immensely.

I tried to open my mouth to shout for my mother but nothing comes out. Slowly my vision starts to get dimmer. From the kitchen I hear my mother shouting my name to come get the trash. Clutching my chest, I fall to my knees, then I fell to the floor facing the kitchen. Before my consciousness fully disappears, I saw my mother frantically running towards me and calling out my name. The last thing I saw was my mothers scared and crying face, however I couldn't see her eyes, only below them as my eyelids were closing. Water droplets hits my face as I close my eyes and lose consciousness.

???-''Where am I? What happened to me? All I remember was me finishing watching one of my favorite movie series of all time due to the reason of it being a movie about people taming my favorite creatures, dragons, when all of a sudden pain assaulted me on my chest. Did... did I just have a heart attack? How?! I'm so young, how can I develop heart problems when I'm young and healthy. Oh god, no. NO! MOTHER! NO, I CAN'T DIE, SHE WILL BE ALL ALONE, I'M HER ONLY FAMILY LEFT. PLEASE GOD SEND ME BACK PLEASE''

For a while I cried and yelled into the void that is around me, begging to a God that I didn't believe in to bring me back to my mother so she won't be alone. It's funny really, I don't believe in God and yet here I am, begging him or her with all my heart to bring me back to my mother so she isn't alone.

After what seemed like hours of begging and no response, I just stood there, or I should say floated there since I can't feel anything below my feet. I just looked into the void with dead eyes, not knowing what to do I just curled myself into the fetal position, hugging my knees tightly and cried myself to sleep.

I woke up not know how long I slept for, I didn't know how to get out of here or if I'm destined to stay here for all eternity. So I just went back to sleep hugging my knees close to my chest.

That's how I spent my time in the void as i call it. I don't know how long I've been stuck here for. Days, weeks, months, years whatever. The only thing that I do is sleep and dream about my life before, how I spent my life joking and bonding with my mother, having a good time. Soon even that is taken away from me as her face starts to become blurry for me. Only her smile and motherly love that she gives me is the only thing that I remember from her. Funny thing is I also remember the movie series 'How to Train your dragons' but only vaguely. There is also a game that I remember vaguely and the game also have my favorite creatures in them, and that's Monster Hunter: world and the expansion Iceborne though admittedly not very much of the expansion because I haven't finished it yet.

Suddenly, after seeing darkness all around me, I saw a glimmer of light in the distance. At first I thought I was seeing things, then that glimmer started to expand and get closer to me until everything around me was surrounded in light.

After closing my eyes, suddenly an intense cold assaulted me. The cold was unbearable, I tried to open my eyes but I found that I had no strength at all to open them. I tried to feel around but I also found that I had no control over my limbs.

Suddenly I felt something warm and soft being pressed against my lips. Scared, I immediately closed my lips tightly, not wanting to put anything warm and soft that has a meaty texture into my mouth. Then all of a sudden I heard a voice. Not like a voice that people normally hear when talking to people, but a voice that seems to come into my mind. I don't know how to explain it, its like someone talking directly into my brain? I don't know. But that voice was so gentle and warm, almost like how my mother used to talk to me.

???-''Come little pup, drink up, drink so you can survive the cold''

With reluctance, I opened my mouth and placed the 'object' inside my mouth. But nothing came out of it so I sucked a bit and then a warm and coconut tasting liquid invaded my mouth. Quickly drinking it, I felt my body start to heat up and soon enough, I didn't feel the cold anymore, so I started sucking on it with renewed vigor.

???-''Now now little pup, don't hog it all to yourself. Your sister still needs some as well fufufu~''

What? What sister? What hog it all to myself? Using all the strength I had, I opened my eyes with effort, but what greeted me scared the living hell out of me. What I saw was what I can only say is a face of a dragon looking down at me. The dragon while scary, looked majestic as well. The only thing that I saw since the dragon was lying down and had me next to it's abdomen was that the dragon had a slim frame with scales covering its body that had the main color as white with blue and purple here and there while it's wings had more purple and blue to it, covering half of it.

The face of the dragon looked intimidating but for some reason looked soft and gentle to me, even with that row of sharp teethes that can no doubt shred me. The horns on the head was also shaped in an almost crown or tiara like shape to it.

Wait a minute, next to the abdomen of the dragon? A voice telling me to drink up? Slowly I turned my head to the right much to the amusement of the dragon, wait how did I know that? Anyways, I slowly turned and what was in front of me looked like a blue nipple.

Then I heard a squeak and a high pitched growl, startled I look behind me and saw a little version of the dragon stumble towards me, walking on 4 legs with its wings furled. Looking towards in in protest, it squeezed and made space between me and the bigger dragon to go towards the nipple to start suckling.

Then realizing what I have done, I looked at the bigger dragon again, only for it or her to indicate to her other nipple and gently nodding her head towards it. Looking back and forth between the nipple and the dragon, I passed out. 'Actually suckling on a mother dragon... goodbye new life'