
Into The World of Dragons

One day, a seventeen year old boy sat up from his couch after finishing watching the movie 'How to train your dragon: the hidden world' when suddenly an extreme acute pain assaults him in his chest. The pain was unbearable to say the least, so much so that he couldn't call for his mother who is in the kitchen cooking. Soon the pain starts to radiate towards his upper left shoulder towards his jaw. Then his vision starts to fade and collapse. As his vision starts to darken, he sees the frantic running of his mother towards his whilst screaming. Then nothing... until... ------------------------------------------------------------------- Disclaimer: -Cover pic isn't mine and if its yours tell me and I'll bring it down -I don't own the characters that will be mentioned in this fanfic as well as any monsters that are shown in this fic that are from their respective franchise except any OC's that I make.

Pogiako_Jazz · Movies
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4 Chs

Chapter 2.

(Hi guys, I just wanted to say that the MC is human. It's my fault that the way I wrote it made it seem like he is a dragon so my bad)


After an unknown amount of time, I start to wake up. I slowly open my eyes in hopes that everything was a dream and I would be back in my bedroom and my mother is in the kitchen whipping up some breakfast.

However, as I open my eyes and look around, I see a cave that looks to be made out of ice. I tried to get up but to no luck. Even trying to lift my head up was impossible.

Looking down at my body, I was horrified to know or see that my body seems to be that as a baby. I tried to lift my arms up to see it, only to have it twitch and slap myself on the face.

???-"OUCH, what the hell? that hurts... that hurts rea... really... ba... *sniff* baaaWAHHHH, WAHHH"

What the hell?! Why does it hurt so much?! And why am I uncontrollably crying?! As I'm wailing and bawling my eyes out, the little baby version of the dragon that I saw earlier came over towards me. After looking at me for a minute, it laid it's head on my stomach and produce a gentle vibration out that sounds like it originated from it's stomach, like a cat purring.

After hearing the purring, I managed to stop my crying and looked at the dragon that was looking at me with it's sapphire colored eyes with a concerned yet curious gaze. Suddenly, loud thumps starts to originate from the entrance of the ice cave. Using my eyes to look up, I saw the 'mother' dragon slowly walk towards us. Seeing the dragon fully standing finally shows how majestic and noble she looks.

The way it position it's body is like how a lion looks over its vast territory, tall and proud. As I look at her with an awestruck face, realization suddenly struck me and fear overcome me. 'I'm in a den of a mother dragon'. However, for some reason my fear vanished when I hear the same gentle, motherly voice inside my head.

???-''Little pup, I'm glad you are awake. There is no need for you to be afraid of me, a mother won't hurt her baby''

Huh? Her baby? Is she referring to me? Although I'm shocked, I'm more happy then anything. It means that I won't be eaten. Feeling relief, I looked at her more closely and after some time, the dragon in front of me is eerily familiar for some reason... What is it... An ice dragon with it's unique coloration with half of her wings being purple, having a tiara like horns, and an ice tail with a slim frame... Wait a minute... isn't she... AN ELDER DRAGON?! More specifically a VELKHANA?!

With this, time past with me becoming the child of an Elder dragon from Monster Hunter world. Days turned into weeks, weeks into months and months into years. The first few months was hard for me. I had an elder dragon claiming that she is my mother. I couldn't accept another mother like that, but after time, I've learnt to accept her as my mother. Although I loved my original mother and no one will be able to replace her, it's just not fair for Skadi as she sees me as her son.

Oh yeah, I found out her name is Skadi. My sister, the baby Velkhana is named Hilda and she is a feisty little sister, always trying to wrestle with me ever since I could walk. My mother also named me, Ulf, that's my new name. When I was 2 years old, I asked her why she named me that and how I got here. She told me that her servants, the dire wolves, brought me here when they saw a baby descend down from a pillar of lights in the sky. Ever since then, she has taken me in as her own son and has named me Ulf due to her wolves bringing me to her.

The place we live in is actually 1/4 of a massive Island. The island is divided into 4 different regions and can be classified into 4 seasons. That being Autumn, Spring, Summer and Winter, although these are my classifications as it makes it easier to identify them. My mother is the ruler of the Winter region with the other 3 regions having a monarch ruling over them, most likely other Elder Dragons, though I won't know since I've never left my mothers territory.

10 years later~

It's been 10 years since I've arrived into this world. Not only have I found out that monster from the Monster Hunter: World is present, but also dragons from How to Train Your Dragons is here as well. I found this out during my hunts that I often go out to do ever since I was 5 years old. At first I was reluctant to go, but my mother assured me that everything will be fine and that she will be overseeing my sister and I hunt together so that nothing will go wrong.

Flashback to when Ulf was 5~

What my sister and I decided to hunt was a group of Fire wolves that invaded our territory. Currently all 4 regions are at war against each other and often times invade each others territories. Mothers Dire Wolves patrol the borders, but sometimes a few manages to sneak their way in. This will literally be the first time I will be venturing outside the perimeter of our cave and towards our border, and to make it worse I have to hunt a pack of fire wolves.

Hilda-''Whats wrong Ulf? You scared? Don't worry, I'm sure mother will protect you from those big bad wolves ok little Ulf?''

Giving off a low growl, I pounce on my sister and tackle her onto the ground and we start wrestling. This is a very common sight to be seen in our home, a human wrestling with a dragon. Currently Hilda isn't as big as mother yet so I can still wrestle with her, only being as big as a horse, although for a 5 years old to be wrestling with a dragon as big as a horse is a sight to behold. One thing I did realize is that after drink mother milk consistently, I gained a few abilities.

Those abilities are enhanced strength, speed, dexterity, durability, hearing, sight and being able to think and process things a lot faster, for instance I could count from 0-1000 in my mind and it will only be 1 second outside. I was also given the ability to communicate with any monsters, so that's how I'm able to talk to my sister and mother, but it's more telepathically.

Skadi-''Ok children, that's enough, it's time for you two to go out and hunt. Ulf you don't have to worry too much, this shouldn't be dangerous, besides I will be there in case you need it.''

Seeing mother looking at us and telling us it's time to go, I stopped biting my sisters horns and reluctantly go towards my room to gather my stuff. As I turned my back towards my room, I felt something whip my back, turning I saw my sister look at me with a triumphant smile and ran away towards the entrance.

UIf-''I'll get you back for this!''

Skadi-''Sigh~ come now little Ulf, go get your stuff and prepare to leave, I'm sure there will be chances for you to get her back fufufu~''

Entering my room, I picked up my roughly made fur armor that I made from Dire wolves that had died. Their fur or hide is actually pretty tough and durable, so I decided to use it as basic armor. It's not really needed for resistance to cold since the cold doesn't bother me anymore.

On the shelf next to my ice bed stood a roughly shaped sword made of mothers ice that I would use to train inside the cave. Heading out I see my sister and mother waiting for me in the entrance. Seeing my sister, I wanted to pounce on her and bite her horns but held back because mother was sternly staring at me.

So I just gave up and hopped on my sisters back so we can get to our destination. Although my sister and I fight a lot, we do love each other since our bond as siblings are strong, so although we fight, we do a lot of things together and one of those things is to fly together and practice fighting together.

Soon we see a pack of 3 fire wolves running across the tundra. I looked to my sister and she looks back.

Ulf-''Wanna do what we practiced?''

Hilda-''Sure you can actually handle that? I mean we will be going pretty fast so you might miss''

Ulf-''Pfft, you worry about yourself. Lets go''

Losing all my fears from the beginning of the hunt, I hunched over and put my chest on her neck. Mother looked at us with a questioning gaze thinking what we were up to when all of a sudden Hilda when up only to dive down towards the wolves, tucking her wings into her body to make her body more aerodynamic.

The wolves hasn't seen us since we were coming at the from the back. We were moving so fast, but fortunately, I was able to keep up with the speed and position myself. I tilt a bit to the right and aimed the ice sword forward, almost like a lance. 5 seconds after the initial dive bomb and we were about to make impact.

Luckily for us, the 3 fire wolves were running in a straight line, so all I had to do was line my sword up. Not even a second later we were right behind them and my sword impale the fire wolf at the back, then the sword carried over towards the fire wolf in the middle then stopped. Instantly, the ice sword impaled 2 fire wolves, dropping them mid run. As we were about to pass the last one, my sister made icicles grow on her tail and swiped it towards the wolf that was still oblivious to his comrades passing. As the wolf was running, all of a sudden its head was separated from it's body whilst the body turned stiff and skidded on the snowy ground.

Back to present~

My first kill with my sister back when I was 5 didn't really bother me as much as I thought it would be. When I killed those wolves, I didn't really feel anything, I was only glad that we help contributed in helping protect our mothers territory...