
Hassu/The Lich's fate

"So do you understand?" Ernest said as he finished reading the papers in his hand.

Kennedy raised his hand, and Ernest gestured for him to stand.

"What's our team called?" He asked.

"Team Lich. Right now we're on standby,"

Kennedy sat down, he had nothing more to say. And when Ernest asked if anyone had other questions, Justin stood up. He had blonde hair and dark eyes.

"How many teams are there? Like Team Lich."

"As of now, two. We will meet with them in two weeks. They just left yesterday for a mission." He replied.

Justin sat down. And Ernest waited for anyone to stand up. But no one did. He folded the papers and stored them in his backpack.

"Okay. That should be it, remember. You all should get acquainted, and follow the rules." He said.

"Yes, sir." Everyone responded, except for The Lich.

He just stared at everyone, he didn't know what to do and what to say.

"Ah, I completely forgot." Ernest said. "Scp 7000, stay here with me. And the rest can go. I'll have the SCP trained basic commands..." He was going to say 'and train in guns too' , but his hands were way too big and large. And he had powers too so that wasn't really much of a problem if The Lich couldn't use a gun.

Everyone left the conference room as they kicked off a pile of rubble and dust on the exit.

"Okay, let's begin."

Ernest pulled out a folder, then told him to read everyone single one.

When he was done, he was feeling rather overwhelmed. It wasn't hard to memorize some of the commands, and basic stuff.

Ernest taught him the rankings, which was easy. And when they were done. A guard came up to Ernest and told him to go with him.

"Scp 7000" said the guard, "You're free to roam the facility for today, there's a guard in the elevator waiting for you."

They walked out as the guard asked why the entrance of the room was broken. Ernest told him it was work. Their voices disappeared as The Lich was all alone in the conference room.

"What the hell. Oh well." He said.

He got out, walked through a whole MTF that looked at him with caution. Some were whispering and talking about him, others were wary.

When he arrived at the elevator, a guard was standing near the buttons where it led them to other levels.

"Only you?" The Lich asked.

"It's me, Theo. I've been told to escort you around." He replied.

"And what happened to the other guy?"

"His off duty early after we've been dismissed today. I'm the only one who's going to escort you."

The Lich nodded. They went up and finally arrived at light containment. He didn't know where to go, the gym was an option but he wanted to explore the facility.

The facility of site-17 was large, and he didn't know how long the halls of the facility would end.

"Do you know where the bar is?" The Lich asked as they were walking down a hallway to who knows where they would end up.

"It's just up front." He said. "Why? You can drink?"

"Ah no, I don't think so, I've never felt hungry and my body is dead."

"Well if you want to, we can." He said. In truth he wanted to go to the bar because someone there had caught his attention.

"Then lead the way."

Theo was thrilled, he led the way and soon they were in front of a door that said, 'Site Bar' on top.

Theo entered without trouble, but when The Lich saw the size of the entrance, he was hesitant.

"Just uh, try to duck, or squeeze yourself." Said Theo.

The Lich tried ducking, and even forcing himself by putting his other arms first inside, but it he still couldn't fit. He wasn't doing it right.

Theo tried to help by forceably pulling him in his bony hands. He gripped between his bones and pulled harder, but The Lich's face was stuck kissing the wall on top.

"Wait, wait, wait, I got an idea." Said The Lich.

"What's the idea?" Asked Theo.

Without replying, The Lich laid down and crawled all the in the entrance. He fit perfectly. The entrance of the bar was smaller compared to the entrances of other doors in the hallways.

When he entered and got up, the bar was loud and filled with so many people. Some had white coats and others were wearing tactical uniforms.

No one had noticed them yet.

"Oh hey, you fit well." Said Theo smiling.

A few MTF's were sitting near the middle of the bar, and some were going around and others bragging. Those who had lots of drinks were standing on top of a table talking about courage or bravery.

Theo invited him to the second floor where they could see the people drinking, chatting, and flirting with female operatives below through the fence. He sat down on a wide cushion at the very back end of the room. Here he could see everyone.

"So what do you want?" Theo asked.

The Lich looked at him weirdly, he was treating him as if he was a person. Normally staffs would treat him as such, and so far only Mordecai seem okay with him. Or at least that's what he thinks.

"I can't drink." The Lich replied.

"What about milk?" He said.

"Ha, ha."

"Okay look, I will be honest with you. I've been working as a security for three years, and last month, I found someone I like."

The Lich's view passed through Theo's shoulder as he sees an MTF with a scar on his face looking at him. A girl was beside him, looking down at her half water filled bottle. He looked away and back into Theo.

"So, if this is possible, I'd like to ask a favor." Theo asked.

"What favor?" The Lich replied.

Theo's head suddenly turned a little, and when The Lich noticed it he turned around and saw a waitress with short hair. She had only one arm and half of her other arm was gone. She was serving two bottle of unknown mixtures to a bunch of MTF's he doesn't know.

The Lich turned back at Theo, he was still looking.

"What are you looking at?"

"Ane. I talked with her before, once."

"Huh? And what does your favor have to do with her? You know using me for your leverage can be against the foundation rules right?"

"Yes I'm aware! I promise it won't be anything, just a man to man... If you're a man."

"I am a man." The Lich said dryly.

"Okay, great. So, I want you to push this tissue rack off the table when she comes" Theo took the tissue in the middle of the table and put it near the edge, "so when she picks it up, I'll also pick it up. Then our hands will touch each other and I'll say I got it and say sorry for your behalf."

The Lich got none of that. "Okay, you want me to push this off the edge and-"

"She's coming, talk later."