
Results and Recruitment

"Thank you for your time, SCP 7000" said the psychologist.

She left the containment cell as Harold and the lieutenant left in a while. He was left alone again, and would feel bored for a while. Sometimes he'd test his abilities like casting fire from his hands.

For the next few hours he decided to 'play' with the green fire in his hands.

He waved it in the air and made small waves of fire. But as time passed, he just looked at it and cursed.

'this is childish! What am I doing with my life UGHHH!' he thought.

The fire dissipated in his hands as he dropped them to the ground.


"A primordial being?" Said 05-7.

Site-17 director and 05-7 was having a chat through the laptop. And the director had just finished reading the report file.

"Yeah, I was surprised too." Replied the director.

"Have we tracked down where he came from? What about the satellite reports from the station?"

"I've contacted the space station. They have footage of the meteor appearing in space. But it's still being sent."

05-7 nodded with satisfaction.

"Send me the video when you have it. And how's everything going with Omega-7?"

The director's expression turned stiff. Lately Abel was starting to get hard to control, and the commander was urging to disband the task force and kill Abel. Obviously to return him back to his containment.

But the board directors had denied him along with himself. Sure, he might get out of control but they had an explosive collar on his neck, so they were still in control.

"Omega-7 is doing well. Abel's just losing his patience. We're running out of options and missions for him."

"It will be fine. As long as the collar doesn't break he'd still be in under our control." He added. "Speaking of Omega-7. The council decided it would be best if we integrate SCP 7000 with it."

The director wasn't surprised, it was expected after realizing the anomaly was 'friendly' and followed orders without much of a problem at all.

"And what if it tries to escape?" He asked. "It can deactivate the explosive collar if we add it."

"Did the SCP express freedom to the outside world?"

"...No, as far as the reports say." the director replied.

"In that case it should be fine."

"I can't have the risk, I propose attaching a collar and a mask that would prevent it from speaking to avoid it using word powers, if it ever goes rogue."

05-7 was in thought, but he immediately answered.

"Very well, it's granted. I'll have the other council notified." 05-7 looked at his watched. "This should be it for now. Send me the video when it's here."

The connection on the laptop was terminated as the screen went black.

The director folded it back and hid it on one of the suitcases. He took out another one from his bag. Opened it, and a window was open, and a single bar that filled half of it had a number saying: 67%.

The director sighed.


Harold was walking in the hallways of medium containment, in his hand a folder that says "Classified, level 2 clearance." On top with a red text. He entered the observation room of the SCP and the lieutenant was there sitting, observing the lone SCP 7000 playing with his fists.

He was conjuring green fire, and somewhat seemed to imitate a dragon as two of his bony fingers were mouths and breathe a steam of fire.

"Doctor, you're early." Said the lieutenant as he noticed he just got in.

"I got some papers for you. Looks like the council really decided to integrate him to omega-7." Said Harold as he turned on the speaker button and leaned on the microphone.

He handed the folder to the lieutenant to which he just opened and read without much interest.

"Good morning, Scp-7000, you are free to leave the facility early today. But you will be escorted to the training guards."

The Lich turned his head into the window with surprise.

"Fine by me."

The Lich stood up, and saw the huge gate open roaring as always. Two guards came in, it won't be Miracles and Mordecai this time.

Harold and the lieutenant left the room and joined outside the containment cell.

"You're not Mordecai are you?" Asked the Lich.

"No.. I'm theo." Said the guard in the left.

Harold was outside the containment cell with the lieutenant behind him.

"Let's go"

They escorted The Lich into the training grounds, and they had to take an elevator, not just an ordinary ones like you see in malls. But a wide ramp.

When they arrived, it was a large space with lots of ceiling lights. The Lich saw different tactical armed personnel. Some were on the shooting range and some were talking to each other.

Harold turned to the two guards, and said.

"This will be it. You're dismissed early."

The two guards just looked at each other and left.

As they were walking in the training grounds, alot of people were looking weirdly at The Lich. He was tall and large, and some of them even readied their rifles in case he would attack.

The Lich didn't dare look at them, he just looked straight in fear of antagonizing one of them.

They stopped. They were at the end of the room and a huge burly man approached them.

The lieutenant saluted from his presence, and Harold immediately left when he arrived.

The burly man looked at The Lich, he wasn't intimidated, but he was sure interested at the SCP.

"Lieutenant, Vough." He said, "I haven't seen you lately." He smiled.

The lieutenant also smiled, his rough looking skin made lines on his cheeks.

"You know how it is. Work and work."

"Cant argue with that. At least next time pay us a visit, we'd have a drink with you."

They both laughed. The burly man's expression turned serious, and looked at SCP 7000. He examined him from top to bottom, like a cadet on his first day.

Hassu was confused, why on earth would he be here with many MTF'S, let alone a training ground. And he wasn't suppose to be allowed here either.

"I'm confused. Why am I here? I don't have access to this area." Said The Lich.

"I'll make this short for you. The foundation decided to recruit you into our military. Were called Mobile task force."

Hassu was shocked. 'And how in the world was I integrated this fast.'

"Follow me." He said, he didn't turn to see if The Lich would follow. He just walked ahead into a group of people circled together.

The lieutenant followed, and so did The Lich.

"Men, this is SCP 7000, also known as The Lich." The burly man spoke.

All the eyes of the group turned at him. This was their partner, the biggest and possibly the strongest. And maybe even the meanest, because of his looks and name.

The Lich struggled with who to look at, but eventually he looked at a man who had brown dark hair. They locked eyes, The Lich held it. And the brown haired guy looked away.

'oh sheeet... Did I just stare?! I hope he doesn't find it rude.' Hassu thought.

"From today, you all will be working together to serve the foundation, and humanity. Make sure to get along well with SCP 7000. And he doesn't bite, don't worry."

The last sentence was a joke, but obviously it didn't make anyone laugh.

They just stared at him, no words or anything. They could clearly see a red vein sticking out below his skin. And his hollow socket eyes was unnerving.

"Ah! Pleasure to meet you!" One of the MTF's stood up, he had a black hair and but azule eyes.

They were all wearing a black sleeveless attire, and they were muscled up.

"I'm Kennedy Harper. You can call me Ken or Harper." Said the black haired man as he extended his hand.

The Lich just looked at it hesitantly, his hand was bigger. But eventually he shook it.

Kennedy felt the hard grip and surface of the bones touching his skin. It was cold.

"Im Olive Gardens." He waved.

"Justin West."

There was still two people who haven't answered. They were hesitating looking at each other, but eventually Kennedy introduced them.

"That's Lawrence and Martin." He said.

The Lich didn't know what to reply so he just waved slightly and they did too.

"Alright, now that's settled." Said the burly man, "I'm your local team leader, Ernest Burgees. Let's head to the conference room."

They walked down to a hallway with many doors in the side, they would enter one that had a number '07' on front. The Lich had a little trouble entering he was taller than the door.

They all watched as he tried to fit in vain. Eventually the burly man told him to wait and soon came back with team of four people, they had jack hammers and hammers carried on their backs.

Everyone looked at them with interest, The Lich and his team was shocked. The team leader was going to make space just for The Lich to enter the room.

"Out of the way." He said.

They stepped back and watched as the four of them began destroying and hammering the near entrance. The door was spared fortunately.

And when they were done, he thanked the three guys as they disappeared into the hallway at the end of the training grounds entrance.

Everyone, including the ones who was at the shooting range and different types of Mobile Task Force team looked over. There was a rubble and dust on the hallway of conference rooms.

"What in the world, who did this?!" One of the onlookers said.

"I did. And I have permission from the council to do what's necessary to keep our teams intact."

Ernest gestured for them to enter the room, and they just followed as the spectators just watched and hushed.

Hello everyone, just a few insights here. Originally I expected the fanfic to reach 500 viewers in two months. I didn't expect 20k+ in less than a month. I also didn't expect a lot of power stones. So In return for the broken schedules I did, I will post 15 chapters next week. the schedule will change from 3 chapters day to 3 chapters In two days. School is hurting me so sometimes I might not be able to post in a day.

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